July 26, 2024

Muslim Mob Stones Three Christians to Death in Kenya.

An Islamist mob stoned three Christians to death in western Kenya this week in apparent retaliation for the recent killing of three suspected al Shabaab militants. An eyewitness said that the killing happened at a construction site where one of the Christian victims, Fredrick Mukanda Bahati, was building a house along with two assistants. The […]

BREAKING: Judge Drops All Charges Against 3 ‘Extremist Muslims’ Found At New Mexico Compound.

District Judge Emilio Chavez dismissed all charges against three of the five “extremist Muslims” connected to the New Mexico compound on Wednesday, claiming that prosecutors did not move fast enough in the case according to the state’s laws. “Child abuse charges against Lucas Morton, Subhannah Wahhaj and Hujrah Wahhaj were dropped because prosecutors missed the […]

More Muslim Candidates for Political Office.

According to an Associated Press report issued in July this year, close to 100 Muslims filed to run for federal or state offices in the current election cycle, and nearly half made it through to the primaries.  Meanwhile, numerous other Muslim candidates are campaigning for seats on local planning commissions, school boards, library committees, and other positions of influence at […]

ISIS Member and Obama ‘Refugee’ Arrested in California on Murder Charges.

Fundamental transformation. One of Obama’s poor little helpless ‘refugees’ from Iraq, Omar Ameen, 45, a member of ISIS was arrested in California on murder charges. Omar Ameen was arrested on Wednesday by the FBI in California where he applied for refugee status; he is now facing extradition. Ameen is wanted for a 2014 murder of […]

Rashida Tlaib Is Set to Become the First Muslim Woman in Congress.

Former Michigan state representative Rashida Tlaib, a progressive Democrat, won her state’s primary in its 13th Congressional District Tuesday, leading her to likely become the first Muslim woman — and the first Palestinian-American — to hold national office. Tlaib ran for a House seat formerly held by Representative John Conyers, who resigned in December in […]

‘Ultimate Form Of Civilization Jihad’ Planned For This Michigan City

With wounds still fresh from a divisive plan to build a massive mosque in a residential area of Sterling Heights, Michigan, a group of Pakistanis are moving forward with plans for another project, and this one involves the conversion of a church into a house of Islamic worship. The group held an “open house” last […]

‘National Disgrace’ – UK Home Office Rejects Syrian Christians, Refugee Intake 100 Percent Muslim.

The British government has admitted that no Christians were taken among the Syrian refugees flown into Britain recently, with the Home Office rejected the handful of non-Muslims selected for resettlement by the United Nations. Despite the persecution of Christians at the hands of Islamic extremists in Syria having been declared genocide by the U.S., the […]

BREAKING: HUGE WIN – Supreme Court Upholds Trump’s Travel Ban.

In a 5-4 decision Tuesday morning, the Supreme Court upheld President Trump’s travel ban – which he issued through an executive order last year. The ban bars individuals from Venezuela, Libya, Syria, Iran, Yemen, Somalia and North Korea from traveling to the United States. SUPREME COURT UPHOLDS TRUMP TRAVEL BAN. Wow! — Donald J. Trump […]

The New York Times Interviews Muslim Americans Practicing Their Second Amendment Rights.

The New York Times recently interviewed gun-owning Muslim Americans in a piece that evokes strong feelings. It is empowering because the story shows the importance of having the Second Amendment. Yet, it is frustrating because it highlights the bigotry and prejudice many Muslim Americans have to face on a daily basis. Still though, the article […]

The Muslim Authoritarian Mentality.

For thousands of years, Arabs lived in an authoritarian paternalistic culture.  There was always a headman, a chief, a dictator, or a know-it-all who had the answers or resources who had to be followed and obeyed.  This “follower mentality” had great heuristic value.  It freed the masses from the often arduous task of thinking for themselves, taking responsibility, and […]

Austria’s Government Plans to Shutdown Seven Mosques and Expel 60 Turkish-Funded Imams.

The conservative Austrian government announced plans this week to shutter seven mosques and expel 60 Turkish-funded radical imams. The Turkish government blasted the move as an act of Islamophobia. The Daily Mail reported: Austria said it could expel up to 60 Turkish-funded imams and their families and would shut down seven mosques as part of […]

Ramadan Rage: Islamic Terrorists Kill 352, Wound 449 in Nearly Three Weeks.

Casualties at the hands of jihadists during the holiest month for Muslims, Ramadan, have already exceeded 800 this year with 352 deaths and 449 injuries, a Breitbart News tally shows. Breitbart News’ most recent count covers deaths and injuries between May 17, when Ramadan started for most Muslim across the globe, and Sunday, May 3 (18 days). […]

Trump to host Ramadan ‘iftar’ dinner at White House on Wednesday.

President Trump will host a White House iftar dinner this week in recognition of the conclusion of a month of fasting for Muslims during Ramadan. Trump did not hold the dinner last year, which is a White House tradition. This photo illustrates an iftar celebration. (Rawpixel/Getty Images) President Donald Trump will host an iftar dinner […]
