July 26, 2024

The preparation and ‘dialed in’ mentality that has turned the Knicks into the NBA’s best road team

What’s happening on and off the Garden court Sign up for Inside the Knicks, a weekly exclusive on Sports+. Isaiah Hartenstein and Josh Hart weren’t with the Knicks before this season, so the fact that the franchise has posted only one winning road record in the previous 25 years didn’t really register with two aptly […]

Woke culture, victim mentality present danger to American society, retired Navy SEAL says

People who see themselves as victims are becoming the majority in America, and that trend will have dire consequences if it goes unchecked, one retired Navy SEAL said. “This sense of victimhood is coming in and rising to the top,” Mike Sarraille told Fox News. “This woke culture trying to sort of inflict their views […]

The Muslim Authoritarian Mentality.

For thousands of years, Arabs lived in an authoritarian paternalistic culture.  There was always a headman, a chief, a dictator, or a know-it-all who had the answers or resources who had to be followed and obeyed.  This “follower mentality” had great heuristic value.  It freed the masses from the often arduous task of thinking for themselves, taking responsibility, and […]

Democrat Leadership to Force a Capital Felons Mentality on Their Membership

Abortion is illegal. And protecting, committing, funding, or participating in the act is criminal. Period. The truth of my assertion can easily be seen in America’s founding documents, for example: In the Declaration of Independence, our founders were acknowledging a “self-evident truth” wherein they stated, “All men are created equal with certain unalienable rights.”  Did […]
