July 26, 2024

WATCH: Israeli Woman Hostage Fights Seven Hamas Terrorists

Dima Vazinovich / AFP / Getty Amit Soussana, 40, who was recently freed from captivity in Gaza, struggled against seven Hamas terrorists as she was dragged away from Israel on October 7, according to newly-released surveillance footage. The footage, which Soussana agreed to allow Israel’s Channel 12 to air, shows Soussana, an attorney, fighting her

FBI Director Wray Confirms Illegal Alien Terrorists Have Slipped into U.S. Through Southern Border

Nick Ut/Getty Images Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) Director Christopher Wray confirmed to lawmakers on Wednesday that illegal alien terrorists have, in fact, slipped into the United States via the nation’s southern border with Mexico. During a House Homeland Security Committee hearing, Wray seemingly acknowledged that illegal aliens on the federal government’s “Terrorist Watch List”

Hamas Terrorists Holding Orphan U.S. Toddler Among Hostages in Gaza

A three-year-old American orphan is among the hostages being held by the Palestinian Hamas terrorist group after their barbaric October 7 raid on Israel. The toddler’s parents were slaughtered by the terror group during the massacre last month that saw 1,200 civilians killed and around 200 people taken hostage including at least nine U.S. nationals.

Yemen’s Houthi Terrorists – Delisted by Biden – Shoot Down $30 Million U.S. Drone

Mohammed Hamoud/Getty The Iran-backed Houthi terrorists of Yemen shot down a $30 million U.S. MQ-9 “Reaper” drone on Wednesday, according to both American officials and Houthi spokesmen. The Houthis claimed they attacked the drone over Yemen’s territorial waters, while a U.S. defense official told CBS News it was operating over international waters. In any event, the

Bernie Sandes Backs ‘Pause’ in Gaza, but No ‘Ceasefire’ with Hamas Terrorists

Kevin Dietsch / Getty Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) departed from much of the “progressive” left on Sunday morning when he opposed a ceasefire in Israel’s war against the Palestinian terrorist group Hamas, though he supported a “pause” and criticized Israel’s bombing in Gaza. Sanders told CNN’s State of the Union that he opposed a ceasefire even

Tom Homan sounds alarm on Biden’s border leaving US vulnerable to terrorists: ‘I’ve never been more concerned’

Former Acting ICE Director Tom Homan expressed fear that the Biden administration’s border policies have left the United States vulnerable to terrorism after Hamas’ deadly assault on Israel. “I’ve never been more concerned about the safety and security of this nation than I am right now,” Homan told “FOX & Friends First” Thursday. “I’m telling […]

Pro-Transgender Mom Says Target Caved to Terrorists by Moving Pride Displays

Executives at Target blamed “threats” for their decision to hide their displays of pride products, leading to a pro-transgender mother claiming the executives have caved to “terrorists.” “I just walked into Target and right behind me here — where you see all these lovely swimsuits — that’s where the pride display used to be,” Rachelle Lefevre, a

Lucy Dee, Israeli Mom Killed by Terrorists, Saves 5 Lives by Donating Organs

Courtesy Prime Minister’s Office Lucy Dee, the 48-year-old mother of five who died Monday of wounds sustained in a Palestinian terror attack last week, donated her organs and was able to save the lives of five other people. Dee and her daughters were driving on a road in the Jordan Valley on a family trip

AP Denies Any Knowledge Gaza Office Building Was Shared with Hamas Terrorists

The Associated Press (AP) denied any knowledge that Jala Tower, the building housing its offices in Gaza, was also shared by Hamas terrorists, as claimed by the Israeli military and Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu after the office block was bombed on Saturday. AP President and CEO Gary Pruitt denied that the news organization knew…

PHOTOS: Israel Launches Air, Ground Assault on Palestinian Terrorists in Gaza

The Israel Defense Forces (IDF) launched a massive air and ground offensive on Palestinian Hamas terrorists in Gaza early Friday morning, lighting up the night sky with bombardments and explosions as attacks were carried out throughout the area. An explosion lights the sky following an Israeli air strike on Beit Lahia in the northern Gaza…

FBI: Jihadis Remain a Menace, But Domestic Terrorists from Left, Right Pose ‘Greatest’ Threat to U.S.

Domestic terrorists – such as racially motivated, anti-government, and anti-law enforcement violent extremists – may pose the “greatest” threat domestically this year and likely into 2022, a top FBI official told lawmakers Thursday. The official made those comments as she acknowledged that jihadis affiliated with al-Qaeda and the Islamic State (ISIS) remain intent on conducting…

Report: Biden Administration to Vaccinate Terrorists First, Will Offer Coronavirus Vaccine to Gitmo Detainees

AP Photo/Francisco Seco, Pool The Biden administration plans to offer coronavirus vaccines to detainees held at the U.S. military prison in GuantĂĄnamo Bay, the New York Times reported on Thursday evening. According to the report, the Pentagon will offer the coronavirus vaccine, which remains in high demand, to the terror suspects “possibly starting next week,…

FBI Warns That Terrorists With Drones Pose ‘Escalating Threat’ in U.S.

Civilian drones pose a “steadily escalating threat,” as the devices are likely to be used by terrorists, criminal groups or drug cartels to carry out attacks in the U.S., FBI Director Christopher Wray told a Senate committee. “Terrorist groups could easily export their battlefield experiences to use weaponized” drones, Wray said in written testimony for […]

AZ Dem Senate Candidate Kyrsten Sinema Smeared U.S. Soldiers As Being Terrorists In Flyers Distributed By Her Far-Left Activist Group.

Another one of the group’s flyers claimed the U.S. government was the “enemy.” Arizona Democratic Senate candidate Kyrsten Sinema smeared U.S. soldiers serving in Iraq and the Middle East in 2003 while she led a far-left activist group that passed out flyers portraying American soldiers as skeletons committing “U.S. terror.” CNN reports that Sinema’s demonization […]

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough hit for saying Trump hurts ‘dream of America’ more than 9/11 terrorists.

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” namesake Joe Scarborough was slammed on Tuesday for tweeting that “Trump is damaging the dream of America more than any terrorist attack ever could” in promoting a column he wrote one day before the 17th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people. Scarborough – who was one […]

Hayward: Al-Qaeda Group Funded by Obama Admin Supported Bin Laden, Hamas, Afghan Terrorists.

The bombshell revelation on Wednesday that the Obama administration funded an al-Qaeda group in Sudan ten years after it was designated a foreign terrorist organization merely scratched the surface of what the Islamic Relief Agency (ISRA) stands accused of. For a full account of the group that received $325,000 in U.S. taxpayer money in 2014 […]

Ramadan Rage: Islamic Terrorists Kill 352, Wound 449 in Nearly Three Weeks.

Casualties at the hands of jihadists during the holiest month for Muslims, Ramadan, have already exceeded 800 this year with 352 deaths and 449 injuries, a Breitbart News tally shows. Breitbart News’ most recent count covers deaths and injuries between May 17, when Ramadan started for most Muslim across the globe, and Sunday, May 3 (18 days). […]

FAKE NEWS: CNN Calls Palestinian Terrorists With Guns and Grenades ‘Largely Unarmed’

CNN appears to be on a mission to help Hamas destroy Israel. CNN has spent the past month actively assisting Hamas terrorists with media propaganda dissemination as the terrorists continue their attempt to overtake Israel. CNN headlines always point the finger at Israel as a culprit, and always shower Palestinian terrorists with white lies to […]

Pulse Terrorist’s Widow Acquitted: Here’s What You Need To Know.

On Friday, a jury in St. Petersburg, Florida acquitted the widow of the terrorist who massacred 49 people at a gay night club in Orlando in 2016. The widow had been charged with obstructing the FBI investigation and providing material support to a terrorist organization, but the defense succeeded in raising enough questions about her […]

“Terrorsploitation”? London Has Fallen

Scrolling the other day through Netflix’s mostly unimpressive offerings, I noticed something entitled London Has Fallen, a thriller about a terrorist attack on the British capital. I hadn’t heard of it before. I looked it up on Wikipedia. Released in early March 2016, it’s a sequel to Olympus Has Fallen (2013), which is about an […]

Palestinian Authority Paid $358 Million to Convicted Terrorists in 2017.

The PA received $712 million from the U.S. in 2016 alone. The Palestinian Authority (PA) paid over $358 million to terrorists and their families in 2017, Israeli media reports say. Israel’s Defense Ministry on Tuesday called the Palestinian leadership to put an end to cash payments to terrorists after these revelations. The Palestinian Authority (PA), […]

What We Get For the Hundreds of Millions We Give to Terrorists.

Arts, appeasement and AIDS bombs. Daniel Greenfield, a Shillman Journalism Fellow at the Freedom Center, is an investigative journalist and writer focusing on the radical left and Islamic terrorism. “We pay the Palestinians HUNDRED OF MILLIONS OF DOLLARS a year and get no appreciation or respect,” President Trump tweeted. “With the Palestinians no longer willing […]

Stop University Support For Terrorists: The Ten Worst Schools.

American campuses take marching orders from Hamas. Editor’s note: Over the past three years, the David Horowitz Freedom Center has led a campaign to expose the powerful campus group Students for Justice in Palestine as an integral part of the Hamas terror network and to challenge our universities to immediately cease providing SJP with a façade […]

GUN CONTROL FAIL: Terrorists Use BANNED Guns To Murder 235 Egyptians, Media Fails To Report

Islamic terrorists ruthlessly murdered at least 235 Egyptians at a mosque on Friday when they detonated a bomb which forced mosque-goers to run outside where the terrorists were waiting with automatic rifles. Terrorists tried to prevent people from fleeing the area by blowing up cars and using them as roadblocks, Sky News reported. Officials suspect […]

Hezbollah Terrorists Entering Germany as Refugees

Chancellor Merkel sticks to her open doors policy and offers “shelter to those who deserve it.” Chancellor Angela Merkel’s open doors policy for fighting-age men from Arab and Muslim countries is a gift that keeps on giving. An alarming number of Hezbollah terrorists are entering Germany posing as refugees, reports Israeli newspaper Jerusalem Post, citing […]

Parents of Otto Warmbier: ‘North Korea Is Not a Victim, They Are Terrorists’

Fred and Cindy Warmbier, the parents of American student Otto Warmbier, gave an interview to Fox and Friends on Tuesday in which they called the North Korean government “terrorists” for abducting, torturing, and ultimately murdering their son. “It’s been three months since Otto has died and we buried him. Our family has had time to […]

Tim Kaine Claims Not to Know ‘Enough About Antifa’ to Call Them a Terrorists – After His Antifa Son Is Arrested

Former-Hillary Clinton running mate and Virginia Democratic Senator Tim Kaine said that he does not know “enough” about Antifa, but says that it is not fair to paint them with a “broad brush”. Thursday, in a comment to the Daily Caller regarding whether or not Antifa should be labeled a terrorist organization, Sen. Kaine responded: […]

Liberal Media Realizes the Truth about Antifa: FBI Designated Them as ‘Terrorists’

The liberal media finally recognized the violence that motivates Antifa (short for “anti-fascists”) extremists. In several liberal outlets, ranging from Newsweek to Politico to the Daily Beast, liberals found out that the FBI and Department of Homeland Security (DHS) warned of impending violence by “terrorist” Antifa extremists back in 2016. In other words, the Obama […]

Antifa Terrorists Launch Chapters with Faculty Members on US Campuses

                                              Antifa in action at the Trump inauguration (Andrew Marcus) FOR OVER A YEAR conservative Americans and Trump supporters have been assaulted, spit on, beaten, cold-cocked, egged, chased, tackled and bloodied  for attending Trump rallies and conservative events. THE VIOLENCE AGAINST CONSERVATIVES HAS ESCALATED– Just last month members of a Patriot Prayer group canceled their rally but a few […]

Mayor of Venice: We’ll Send Any Terrorists ‘Straight to Allah Before They Can Do Any Damage’

The mayor of Venice vowed to send any would-be terrorists “straight to Allah” if they so much as shouted “Allahu Akbar” in the city. Mayor Luigi Brugnaro’s comments come after terror attacks rocked Barcelona and Cambrils, where 15 people were killed after a terrorist rammed a van through a crowded street in the former, and […]
