July 26, 2024

Pompeo to meet with Kim Jong Un on Sunday, State Department announces.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo will meet with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un in Pyongyang on Sunday as part of his trip to Asia beginning later this week, the State Department announced Tuesday. Pompeo also will visit Japan, South Korea and China as part of his trip, State Department spokeswoman Heather Nauert announced. It […]

Kim Jong Un Sends Trump ‘Warm’ Letter.

On Monday, White House Press Secretary Sarah Huckabee Sanders revealed that North Korean leader Kim Jong Un had sent President Trump a “warm, positive” letter requesting a follow up to their summit in Singapore in June. “The primary purpose of the letter was to schedule another meeting with the president, which we are open to […]

BREAKING: Trump Tells Mike Pompeo to Cancel His Trip to North Korea.

President Trump directed Secretary of State Mike Pompeo to cancel his upcoming trip to North Korea Friday, citing stalled progress with denuclearization and the current U.S. trading relationship with China. …Additionally, because of our much tougher Trading stance with China, I do not believe they are helping with the process of denuclearization as they once […]

Haley Slams Russia for Violating North Korea Sanctions.

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley directs comments to the Russian delegation at the conclusion of a U.N. Security Council meeting to discuss the recent ballistic missile launch by North Korea at U.N. headquarters in New York on July 5, 2017. (Reuters/Mike Segar) The U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations criticized Moscow on Aug. […]

What now? Pompeo exits North Korea emptyhanded, leaving US with three options — all of them bad.

Secretary of State Mike Pompeo seemingly failed to gain a single concession from North Korea after meetings Friday and Saturday in the communist nation’s capital of Pyongyang to discuss America’s demand that the North get rid its nuclear weapons. In fact, it seems both sides can’t even agree on what was discussed or how the […]

Pompeo To Give Kim Jong Un Elton John ‘Rocket Man’ CD

On Thursday, U.S. Secretary of State Mike Pompeo left for North Korea bearing an unusual gift for North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un from President Trump: an Elton John CD with his song “Rocket Man.” As Korean media reports, a Washington diplomatic source in Washington said, “The ‘Rocket Man’ CD was the subject of discussion […]

FLASHBACK: Liberal Media Predicted Trump Would Kill Millions, Instigate Nuclear Holocaust in Korea.

Tuesday’s historic summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un was a major step forward for peace on the Korean peninsula. Although the possibility of future conflict or tensions breaking out between the U.S. and North Korea has by no means been completely eliminated, the denuclearization and de-escalation agreement that both parties reached marks important […]

Nolte: Don’t Buy Establishment Media’s Sudden Concern for ‘Human Rights’ in North Korea.

The establishment media have one guiding principle when it comes to dictators and human rights: If the dictator makes Republicans look bad (or Democrats look good), the media do not give a damn about human rights. North Korea is not only the most recent example, it is one of the most striking. Oh, sure, the […]

Trump Trolls Obama: It Didn’t Take $150 Billion To Do North Korean Deal

In an interview with ABC News’ George Stephanopoulos, President Donald Trump took a swipe at former President Barack Obama, suggesting that he was able to secure a deal with a rogue nuclear nation without dropping pallets full of cash on Tehran tarmacs. Many of the same media figures who’ve scoffed at Trump’s attempt to ink […]

Nancy Pelosi Trashes Trump over North Korea Summit; Called Iran Deal ‘Diplomatic Masterpiece’

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-CA) trashed President Donald Trump’s diplomatic efforts Tuesday at a summit with North Korea’s Kimg Jong-un in Singapore, claiming he had conceded too much to the regime. The would-be Speaker of the House also complained that Trump had insulted American allies and sidelined the experts at the State Department. Pelosi’s […]

Enough! CNN’s Jim Acosta Screams Out Most Inappropriate Question at Most Inappropriate Time at Trump-Kim Summit… Disgusting!

At the most historic point during this most historic day, Jim Acosta from CNN showed his true colors with the most disgusting question at the most inappropriate time. He should never be allowed into a presidential or White House presser ever again. President Trump today was enjoying one of the most significant and historical moments […]

Bernie Sanders Praises Trump After Summit With Kim Jong Un.

Independent Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders praised President Donald Trump after a historic summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un, in a statement released Tuesday. The meeting between Trump and Kim was “a positive step” towards peace, Sanders said hours after Trump and Kim signed a “comprehensive” agreement promising North Korea better relations and security guarantees. In return, North […]

Here’s the Video Trump Played For Kim Showing What North Korea’s Future Could Look Like.

As part of his effort to get dictator Kim Jong Un to agree to denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula, President Trump showed him a video that presented all the possibilities for North Korea’s future if sanctions come off. In addition to the benefits economic development and innovative technologies would bring to the Hermit Kingdom, Trump […]

Trump To Hannity: Yes, Kim And I Talked About The Differences Between My Administration And Obama’s

President Donald Trump told Fox News’ Sean Hannity on Monday that he believes the process of the denculearization of North Korea will begin “virtually immediately.” Asked if the topic of the differences between his administration and the previous administration came up, Trump said yes. One key difference, he made clear, was his willingness to use […]

Full Text: Document Signed by President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un at Singapore Summit.

The following is the full text of the document signed by President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Tuesday in Singapore, as retrieved from a photograph of the document as Trump held it up for the cameras, and cross-checked against a copy of the text as provided by the White House to reporters. Joint […]

Here’s What Trump-Kim Jong Un Agreed Upon At Summit.

President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un took steps toward decreasing tensions on the Korean peninsula, in a joint statement signed by the two leaders Tuesday. The text of the agreement was seen by reporters before its official release by the White House after Trump held it up during a joint signing […]

Denuclearization: President Trump and Kim Jong Un End Historic Summit With Signing Ceremony.

After a one-on-one meeting and an expanded bilateral working session with senior aides from the United States and North Korea in Singapore Monday, President Donald Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un officially established a new relationship under a joint agreement of the eventual denuclearization of the regime. “President Trump and Chairman Kim Jong Un conducted […]

Trump, Kim shake hands to open momentous summit.

SINGAPORE (AP) — With a handshake, President Donald Trump and North Korea’s Kim Jong Un kicked off a momentous summit Tuesday, creating an indelible image of two unorthodox leaders as they began a conversation that could determine historic peace or raise the specter of a growing nuclear threat. In the first meeting of a sitting […]

Everything You Need To Know About Trump’s Summit With Kim Jong-Un.

President Donald Trump will meet North Korean leader Kim Jong-un Tuesday morning, Singapore time, on the island of Sentosa. Trump arrived in Singapore Sunday and spent approximately two days preparing for the summit while lower-level delegations of Americans met North Korean officials for talks preceding the meeting between the two world leaders. The White House […]

Trump, Kim to meet privately in historic summit in Singapore.

Trump to meet Kim Jong Un for one-on-one at historic summit President Donald Trump and North Korean dictator Kim Jong Un are planning to meet one-on-one during Tuesday’s historic summit in Singapore. A U.S. official, who was not authorized to speak but was familiar with the summit plans, said Trump is set to meet with […]

Trump, Kim arrive for US-N. Korea summit.

Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump meet on Tuesday for an unprecedented summit in an attempt to address the last festering legacy of the Cold War. Singapore (AFP) – North Korean leader Kim Jong Un and Donald Trump arrived in Singapore Sunday for an unprecedented summit, with Pyongyang’s nuclear arsenal at the top of the […]

Trump hopes to normalize relations with North Korea.

President Trump said Thursday he hopes to normalize relations between the United States and North Korea, but noted such a development would happen at the end of the ongoing push to denuclearize the isolated nation. “Normalizing relations is something that I would expect to do, I would hope to do, when everything’s complete,” Trump said during a […]

White House Releases Picture Of President Trump Accepting Letter From Kim Jong-Un.

President Trump wouldn’t reveal what was in the “very nice letter” from Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Friday, but the White House did release a picture of the president holding the letter. “@POTUS @realDonaldTrump is presented with a letter from North Korean Leader Kim Jung Un, Friday, June 1, 2018, by North Korean envoy Kim […]

Trump says Singapore summit with Kim is back on after meeting North Korean official.

President Trump said Friday that a high-stakes summit between him and Kim Jong Un is back on for June 12, following a lengthy meeting with a top North Korean official in the Oval Office. “We’ll be meeting on June 12 in Singapore,” the president told reporters after the North Korean emissary left the White House. […]

Top North Korean official visits Trump at White House.

A close confidant of North Korean leader Kim Jong Un met with President Trump at the White House on Friday, the latest sign the two nations’ historic nuclear summit is getting back on track. The official, Kim Yong Chol, is the highest-ranking North Korean representative to visit the White House in 18 years. He has been […]

Trump cancels Singapore summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un.

President Donald Trump has canceled his historic summit in Singapore with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un next month. The meeting, which would have marked the first face-to-face encounter between a sitting U.S. president and a North Korean leader, was set for June 12. “You talk about your nuclear capabilities, but ours are so massive […]

Trump: Kim summit ‘may not work out’ in June.

President Trump on Tuesday said his planned summit with North Korean leader Kim Jong Un may not take place in June, raising further doubt about whether the historic meeting will occur. “If it doesn’t happen, maybe it will happen later,” Trump told reporters in the Oval Office. “You never know about deals … I’ve made a lot […]

Liberals Found A New Reason To Worry About North Korean Peace Deal — Global Warming.

REPORT: Peace On The Korean Peninsula Could Cause More Global Warming. A new article highlights concerns from experts that the potential denuclearization of North Korea could exacerbate man-made global warming, largely from coal exports to new markets in Asia. Easing sanctions would allow North Korea to export coal and provide electricity to its oppressed population, […]

North Korea threatens to cancel US summit.

SEOUL, South Korea (AP) — North Korea on Wednesday canceled a high-level meeting with South Korea and threatened to scrap a historic summit next month between U.S. President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong Un over military exercises between Seoul and Washington that Pyongyang has long claimed are invasion rehearsals. The surprise declaration, […]

Report: North Korea To Dismantle Nuclear Site; International Journalists Invited.

Multiple news outlets are reporting that North Korea’s Punggye-ri nuclear test ground will be dismantled using explosives sometime between May 23-25. This follows a joint statement signed in late April by Kim Jong-Un and South Korean President Moon Jae-in in which the leaders agreed to “complete denuclearization.” A North Korean state media press release (translated […]
