July 26, 2024

WATCH: Antisemitic Riot at Berkeley City Council Meeting on Holocaust; Mayor Condemns

An antisemitic riot broke out Tuesday evening at a meeting of the city council of Berkeley, California, that was to have discussed plans for observing Holocaust Remembrance Day in April. The Jewish Community Relations Council posted video of the ruckus on X (formerly Twitter), noting the anti-Jewish language and actions of the mob. WATCH: Yesterday

Worldwide Vaccine Holocaust CONFIRMED as wave of studies reveal devastating rise in All-Cause Mortality (ACM)

Worldwide Vaccine Holocaust CONFIRMED as wave of studies reveal devastating rise in All-Cause Mortality (ACM)

Holocaust Survivor: Israel Must ‘Get Rid of’ Hamas to Prevent Genocide of Jews

Holocaust survivor Saul Dreier, 98, said Friday that Israel had to “get rid of Hamas,” or else there could be a repeat of the attempted genocide of Jews by the Nazis in the 20th century. “Never again‼️ Never again‼️ Never again‼️” Saul Dreier survived concentration camps under the Nazi Regime. He joins @MrJonnyDaniels to discuss

Artwork believed stolen during Holocaust returned after 17-year fight with Ohio college

Artwork believed to be stolen during the Holocaust from a Jewish art collector and entertainer have been rightly returned to the Nazi victim’s heirs after a 17-year battle with Oberlin College. The Nazis first stole the drawing, “Girl With Black Hair,” by Austrian Expressionist Egon Schiele, from Fritz GrĂźnbaum, a prominent Jewish art collector and […]

NYC Mayor Eric Adams Compares Holocaust Survivor to ‘Plantation’ Owner

Associated Press New York City Mayor Eric Adams compared an 84-year-old woman who escaped the Holocaust to a “plantation” owner after she complained about rising rents at a town hall meeting in the Washington Heights neighborhood Wednesday. Jeanie Dubnau was born in Belgium after her parents fled Nazi Germany. She is well known in New

Hungary Demands Biden Admin Apologise for ‘False’ Story About Holocaust Memorial Vandalism

Hungary Demands Biden Admin Apologise for ‘False’ Story About Holocaust Memorial Vandalism Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images The Hungarian government has demanded an apology from the Joe Biden administration for spreading a “false” story about a Holocaust memorial being vandalised. Speaking at what was described as a ‘High-Level Side Event on Globalizing Efforts to Combat Antisemitism’

‘Jews do not have a monopoly on persecution’ major paper complains on Holocaust Remembrance Day

A major Kentucky newspaper published an op-ed on National Holocaust Remembrance Day telling Jewish people that they “do not have a monopoly on persecution and atrocities.” Even though the January 27 memorial focuses on the monumental tragedy of six million Jews killed by Nazi Germany during the Second World War, the Courier-Journal – part of […]

Feds Say Romance Scammer Named Peaches Left Holocaust Survivor Broke

They met on a dating app. He was an eightysomething Holocaust survivor from New York City looking for romance. She was a much younger Florida woman who prosecutors say was looking for an easy mark.According to a federal indictment, Peaches “Alice” Stergo found one. Over the course of four years, she allegedly convinced the victim

Trump Dined at Mar-a-Lago with White Nationalist, Holocaust Denier Nick Fuentes Alongside Kanye West

UPDATE: After the publication of this article, Trump’s campaign provided Breitbart News with this statement from President Trump: “Kanye West very much wanted to visit Mar-a-Lago. Our dinner meeting was intended to be Kanye and me only, but he arrived with a guest whom I had never met and knew nothing about.” Kanye West released screenshots of

Flyer Purporting to Announce Rep. Gosar Fundraiser with Racist Holocaust Denier Sparks Uproar

An alleged announcement of a fundraiser for Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ) with a person with a history of antisemitic and white nationalist comments has caused an uproar across the political spectrum. The document, with the appearance of a campaign flyer from Gosar’s reelection campaign, shows an image of the congressman and a man named Nick…

Pakistan PM Imran Khan Equates ‘Abusing’ Mohammed to Holocaust Denial

People who cast insults against Islam’s prophet Mohammed should be treated the same way as those who deny the Holocaust, Pakistan Prime Minister Imran Khan said Saturday. He added that claiming “freedom of speech” is no protection against hurting the feelings of observant Muslims. Speaking after a week of violent protests in Pakistan by a radical Islamist party…

Washington Post: Denying Election Results Is like Denying Holocaust

In a Washington Post editorial published Wednesday, authors Deborah E. Lipstadt and Norman Eisen argue for the radical comparison of challenging recent election results with denying that a Nazi Holocaust, the “best-documented genocide in the world,” ever occurred.  The essay, titled “Denying the Holocaust threatens democracy. So does denying the election results,” makes several comparisons…

FLASHBACK: Liberal Media Predicted Trump Would Kill Millions, Instigate Nuclear Holocaust in Korea.

Tuesday’s historic summit between Donald Trump and Kim Jong Un was a major step forward for peace on the Korean peninsula. Although the possibility of future conflict or tensions breaking out between the U.S. and North Korea has by no means been completely eliminated, the denuclearization and de-escalation agreement that both parties reached marks important […]

WATCH: An Entire Nation Stands Still For Two Minutes To Honor Holocaust Victims.

On Thursday, on Yom HaShaoah, Holocaust Remembrance Day, the entire nation of Israel stood still for two minutes to honor the six million Jews killed by the Nazis in World War II. One million Jewish children were slaughtered by the Nazis in their attempt to wipe out the Jewish people; the official State of Israel […]

Trump on Holocaust day: Americans have ‘moral obligation’ to fight anti-Semitism.

US President Donald Trump speaks at the Yad Vashem Holocaust Museum in Jerusalem on May 23, 2017. (Isaac Harari/Flash90) US president proclaims: ‘We must ensure that the history of the Holocaust remains forever relevant and that no people suffer these tragedies ever again’. Americans have “a moral obligation to combat anti-Semitism, confront hate, and prevent […]

‘The Zookeeper’s Wife’ Captures Horrors of Holocaust Without Being Overly Graphic

The Zabiniskis were two of many silent heroes who risked their lives to save Jews during the Holocaust. Turning their zoo into a sanctuary, Antonina and her husband Jan secretly rescued hundreds of Jewish people from the Warsaw Ghetto and sheltered them in their home. In those several years in the shadows, all but two managed to escape […]

Elie Weisel, Nobel Peace Prize laureate and renowned Holocaust survivor, dies at 87

“We must always take sides. Neutrality helps the oppressor, never the victim. Silence encourages the tormentor, never the tormented.” Elie Weisel Have we learned nothing? It is with great sadness that I report on the passing of Elie Weisel, the conscience, the witness, Nobel Laureate Holocaust survivor, American Romanian-born Jewish writer, professor, political activist. If […]

Haunting Memories of the Holocaust in Poland

Is it beautiful to see Jews on the streets of Krakow again, where so many died? Or is it just a giant cemetery? So many Jews know what it is to have lost family members in the Holocaust. As the entire community upholds the memory of the six million victims, as well as hundreds of […]

PM lambastes modern anti-Semitism as Israel remembers Holocaust

Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu used his speech at the start of Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day to hit out Wednesday at Islamist extremists and Europeans for continuing to incite against Jews and question the Jewish state’s right to exist, which he said was tantamount to anti-Semitism. The Yad Vashem museum in Jerusalem hosted the ceremony that […]


When former Arkansas Governor Mike Huckabee raised the specter of the Holocaust in his evaluation of President Obama’s Iran deal, he touched a raw nerve because Huckabee got it right: The Holocaust taught us that evil is not satiated after it consumes Jews. A deal that is catastrophic for Israel is also catastrophic for the […]

[WATCH] Holocaust Message: World is ‘Delusional’ in Face of Iranian Nuclear Threat

The world is ignoring the looming threats of evil and tyranny and the hard-learned lessons of the Holocaust, Netanyahu warned on Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day.   Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, speaking on the eve of Israel’s Holocaust Remembrance Day on Wednesday night at Yad Vashem Holocaust History Museum in Jerusalem, said that the West has […]

Franklin Graham Warns Holocaust Might Be Repeated With Influx of Muslims in US and Europe Who Hate Christians and Jews

Jews from all over the world place small placards in front of the main railway building at the former Nazi death camp of Birkenau (Auschwitz II) in Oswiecim, southern Poland, May 2, 2011. Thousands of mainly Jewish people participated in the 17th annual “March of the Living,” a Holocaust commemoration. The Rev. Franklin Graham warned […]
