July 26, 2024

Meghan Markle Dismisses ‘False and Frankly Ridiculous’ Coronation Claims

Welcome to this week’s edition of Royalist, The Daily Beast’s newsletter for all things royal and Royal Family. Subscribe here to get it in your inbox every Sunday.Meghan was raising concerns about ‘unconscious bias’Meghan Markle has confirmed that she took part in correspondence “two years ago” about “conversations from four years ago,” after a bombshell

Tennessee House speaker pushes back on ‘false narrative,’ racism accusations after expulsion of two Dems

After two Black Democratic state lawmakers were expelled for joining anti-gun demonstrations last week, protests again engulfed the Tennessee Capitol Thursday.   Democratic State Rep. Gloria Johnson survived her expulsion vote but has since accused Republicans of racism, arguing she only remained in her position because she’s White.  Tennessee Speaker of the House Cameron Sexton, […]

Hungary Demands Biden Admin Apologise for ‘False’ Story About Holocaust Memorial Vandalism

Hungary Demands Biden Admin Apologise for ‘False’ Story About Holocaust Memorial Vandalism Michael M. Santiago/Getty Images The Hungarian government has demanded an apology from the Joe Biden administration for spreading a “false” story about a Holocaust memorial being vandalised. Speaking at what was described as a ‘High-Level Side Event on Globalizing Efforts to Combat Antisemitism’

Report: Federal Agents Have ‘Sufficient Evidence’ to Charge Hunter Biden with Tax Crimes, False Gun Statement

AP Photo/Susan Walsh Federal agents reportedly have “sufficient evidence” to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and making false statements regarding a gun purchase. The decision of whether Hunter will ultimately be charged is up to Trump-appointed United States Attorney David Weiss, individuals with knowledge of the probe told the Washington Post in a Thursday report. Weiss

Trump Haters Duped by False DOJ Media Spin over Seized Passports

Trump haters immediately fell for the Department of Justice’s media spin over Donald Trump’s seized passports before the former president’s team proved it false. On Monday, former President Trump claimed on his social media site TruthSocial that the FBI “stole” his passports during the raid on his home that shook the political world last week.…

Eight Anti-Trump Narratives The Media Finally Had To Admit Were False All Along

Less than a year after former President Donald Trump left office, it turns out a lot of the narratives pushed by corporate media and politicians have turned out to be exactly what Trump said they were: “fake news.” Here are some of the biggest anti-Trump theories, debunked. Trump ordered protesters to be tear-gassed for a…

Fact Check: Joe Biden Repeats False Claim of Vaccine ‘Turnaround’

CLAIM: Vaccination levels, particularly among seniors, are “a dramatic turnaround from where we were in January.” VERDICT: MOSTLY FALSE. If there is any “turnaround,” it is negative — and the Biden administration shares the blame. President Joe Biden addressed the nation Tuesday to describe his administration’s plans to encourage people who haven’t yet received the coronavirus…

Trump Says CNN Reports Of Rep. Gaetz Request For Meeting Are ‘Completely False’

Former President Donald Trump released a statement refuting a report that alleged Florida Congressman Matt Gaetz had requested a meeting at his Mar-a-Lago resort in Palm Beach. The statement was in response to a CNN report on Monday evening that alleged the former president denied to schedule a meeting with Gaetz amidst allegations of sex…

Deshaun Watson’s Lawyer Blasts Sex Abuse Lawsuits as False, Blackmail

The lawyer representing Houston Texans quarterback Deshaun Watson says that the sexual abuse lawsuits filed against the player are filled with false allegations and amount to nothing more than blackmail. In a statement released on Tuesday, attorney Rusty Hardin said that the player understands and celebrates women who are brave enough to come forward about…

Kasich: GOP Leadership ‘Fostered Lies and Misinformation’ for ‘False Prophet’ Trump

Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” he holds the Republican leadership responsible for fostering “foster lies and misinformation” that enabled President Donald Trump, who Kasich called a “false prophet.” Kasich said, “The situation is that the Republican leadership has really gone along in fostering these lies, these conspiracies. You…

Kavanaugh Stands Firm: I Will Defend My Integrity Against These Completely False Allegations.

Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh is standing firm after a previously unnamed woman publicly stepped forward Sunday with sexual assault allegations from three decades ago. “This is a completely false allegation. I have never done anything like what the accuser describes—to her or to anyone,” Kavanaugh released in a statement Monday. “Because this never happened, […]

Confirmed: DOJ Used Materially False Information To Secure Wiretaps On Trump Associate

Newly released documents confirm House and Senate investigators’ claims that the Department of Justice and FBI used materially false and misleading information to secure wiretaps on Carter Page, a former volunteer foreign policy advisor to President Trump. The highly redacted documents released in response to Freedom of Information Act requests show how the FBI was […]

OLEG DERIPASKA OP-ED: The Ever-Changing ‘Russia Narrative’ Is False Public Manipulation.

In the comedy movie “Wag the Dog,” a fictitious U.S. president is on the cusp of losing an election over a real scandal. So a political spin doctor and Hollywood producer hired by his campaign instead distract the public by manufacturing “the appearance of a war” with Albania. The spin doctor explains: “It’s not a […]

Hawaii releases timeline of what transpired after false ballistic missile warning.

Hawaii Gov. David Ige, who has apologized for the “pain and confusion” caused by the mishap, said it was a state employee “pushed the wrong button” to send out a false alert during a shift change. (AP Photo/Caleb Jones) Hawaiian officials say tests for their state’s alert system are suspended until all concerns about its […]

Hawaii officials say ‘false alarm’ on alert about inbound ballistic missile.

Hawaii officials said Saturday that a mobile alert saying a ballistic missile was headed for the state was a “false alarm” after people received the alert detailing an imminent threat. Sen. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) issued a tweet saying that “there is no incoming missile to Hawaii,” saying she had confirmed with officials the alert was […]

New pressure on Comey to return to Capitol Hill, as White House accuses him of ‘false testimony’

Watch the latest video at video.foxnews.com The White House on Monday accused James Comey of giving “false testimony” and suggested the Justice Department look at whether he perjured himself, as Republican lawmakers stepped up pressure on the former FBI director to clarify apparent discrepancies in his public statements to Congress. “Since the director’s firing, we’ve […]

Poll: 50 Percent of Voters Think Clinton Gave False Information about Health

The latest Morning Consult poll reveals widespread concern among voters about Hillary Clinton’s health, with a quarter of voters saying the issue will make them less likely to vote for her. The survey, which was taken after the secretary of state was seen being helped into a van after a medical episode, reveals that 79 percent of […]

Blasting “False Economy,” Trump Takes on the Federal Reserve

Taking aim at the Federal Reserve’s politically motivated manipulation of the U.S. economy, GOP presidential candidate Donald Trump blasted the controversial central bank’s artificially low interest rates. He also denounced the “very false economy” propped up by Fed monetary gimmicks. Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton, though, hit back immediately, saying Trump should not malign or even […]

Muslim Attacks Belgium Police Officers with MACHETE, Shouting “Allahu Akbar” – VIDEO

These jihad knife attacks are almost daily now. Watch for media-scrub (i.e. “mental illness”): “BREAKING NEWS: Two Belgium police officers attacked outside station with machete,” By Dion Dassanayake, The Express, Sat, Aug 6, 2016: TWO BELGIUM police officers have been attacked outside a station today by a person wielding a machete and shouting “Allahu Akbar”. […]

White House’s False Narrative and Manipulation of the Media on the Iranian Agreement

President Barack Obama’s Deputy National Security Adviser (and foreign policy alter-ego) Ben Rhodes has been the subject of intense criticism since May 5, 2016 when the New York Times Magazine profiled him. The writer of the article, David Samuels, highlighted his inexperience, arrogance, and lies. Rhodes referred to the American foreign-policy establishment as the Blob. […]

Donald Trump Rejects ‘False Song of Globalism’ in Nationalist ‘America First’ Foreign Policy Speech

GOP frontrunner Donald Trump delivered an “America First” nationalist-themed foreign policy speech while criticizing President Obama and Hillary Clinton. “My foreign policy will always put the interest of the American people and America security above all else,” Trump told the audience at the Mayflower hotel in Washington, D.C.  “That will be the foundation of every single decision I will […]

‘False Statements’ – The FBI Investigation Into Hillary Has Entered A New Phase

The FBI has expanded its investigation of Hillary Clinton’s private email server and is now looking into whether “materially false” statements were given to federal agents, Fox News is reporting. Sources familiar with the investigation told Fox News that agents are focusing on U.S. Code 18, Section 1001 which governs “materially false” statements made in writing, […]

Hospitals Are the Latest Victims Of ObamaCare’s False Promises

Broken Promises: President Obama recently claimed that ObamaCare is working even better than anticipated. That would be a tough sell to all those hospitals that thought the law would help them make ends meet. In the Supreme Court’s ObamaCare ruling in 2012, which upheld the individual mandate, the justices also ruled that ObamaCare couldn’t force […]
