July 27, 2024

Biden reportedly raged over New York Times’ coverage of Gaza hospital explosion

During a White House meeting, President Biden reportedly blasted The New York Times’ controversial coverage of an explosion near a Gaza Strip hospital.   A report from Semafor alleged that Biden met with Wall Street executives in the White House’s Roosevelt Room last week and discussed the paper along with its claim that Israel was […]

ChatGPT AI accused of liberal bias after refusing to write Hunter Biden New York Post coverage

The generative artificial intelligence service ChatGPT refused to write a story about Hunter Biden in the style of The New York Post but obliged the user request when asked to do the same in the style of CNN. The striking difference in responses from the chatbot developed by OpenAI was first highlighted by The New […]

Elon Musk Calls Out ‘Corporate Journalism’ Over Coverage of His ‘Twitter Files’

Tesla CEO Elon Musk smiles as he addresses guests at the Offshore Northern Seas 2022 (ONS) meeting in Stavanger, Norway, on Aug. 29, 2022. (Carina Johansen/NTB/AFP via Getty Images) Elon Musk has criticized mainstream media outlets over their coverage of the so-called “Twitter Files.” “Why is corporate journalism rushing to defend the state instead of […]

Hamas Terror Group Honors Al-Jazeera for ‘High Professionalism’ in Anti-Israel Coverage

The Palestinian Islamic terror group Hamas presented an award on Wednesday to Al-Jazeera, the Qatar-based network known for its anti-Israel news coverage, claiming the network possessed “high professionalism” for defending Palestinian positions during the recent conflict between Israel and Hamas that saw over 4,000 rockets indiscriminately fired by the Gaza terror group at Israeli population…


Trump on Tibbetts Coverage: MSM Lost Interest When They Found Out Illegal Alien Charged with Murder.

President Donald Trump on Friday evening accused the mainstream media of not covering Mollie Tibbetts’s murder “the way it should be covered” as soon as the media found out that an illegal alien was charged with her murder. Speaking at a fundraising dinner for the Ohio Republican Party, Trump said the mainstream media “didn’t want […]

President Trump Is Correct — Study Shows 90% Of Administration Media Coverage Is Negative.

President Donald J. Trump unloaded today on the mainstream media for contributing to the dilapidated state of trust in America’s institutions and his administration, saying that 90% of the coverage was negative, which has put the lives of many at risk. When the media – driven insane by their Trump Derangement Syndrome – reveals internal […]

On illegals’ kids issue, where were the protests and wall-to-wall coverage when Obama did the same thing?

So the left is busy protesting President Trump’s zero-tolerance stance on illegal immigration, which up until recently has included the separation of kids from parents, as illegally entering parents (or human traffickers posing as parents) are prosecuted. Where were the organized protests of hundreds of thousands in 2013 and 2014 when Obama did the same […]

Trump lashes out at ‘unfair’ and ‘vicious’ Melania coverage.

President Trump on Wednesday lashed out at recent media coverage of first lady Melania Trump, calling speculation surrounding her whereabouts in the weeks following a kidney surgery “unfair” and “vicious.” “The Fake News Media has been so unfair, and vicious, to my wife and our great First Lady, Melania,” Trump tweeted. “During her recovery from surgery they […]

CNN, MSNBC Forego Terror Attack Coverage To Report On Trump’s Love Of Diet Coke, TV — Seriously.

Authorities apprehended a terrorist suspect Monday after he orchestrated an explosion in downtown Manhattan, but CNN and MSNBC decided to pivot from the breaking news to cover a much more pressing story: President Donald Trump’s TV habits and love of Diet Coke. Initial reports indicate that the explosion is a probable terror attack, but as […]

The Difference in the Mainstream Media’s Coverage of Moore Scandal vs. Menendez Corruption Trial

Mainstream Media Cover Moore Scandal 40 Times More Than Menendez Corruption Trial Media bias continues to be on full display, this time regarding the networks’ coverage of the scandal surrounding Alabama Senate candidate Roy Moore compared to how much focus was given to Sen. Bob Menendez’s corruption trial. Over a four-day period from November 9 […]

Universal Coverage? My Fourth Health Care Plan Just Died Thanks to Obamacare

Cue the funeral bagpipes. My fourth health insurance plan is dead. Two weeks ago, my husband and I received yet another cancellation notice for our private, individual health insurance coverage. It’s our fourth Obamacare-induced obituary in four years. Our first death notice, from Anthem Blue Cross and Blue Shield, arrived in the fall of 2013. […]

FACT CHECK: Did Trump Roll Back Birth Control Coverage For ‘62.4 MILLION Women’?

Pro-choice activist group NARAL claimed that the Trump Administration “just issued a rule rolling back birth control coverage for 62.4 MILLION women” in a Friday tweet. “Now your employer can refuse to cover it [birth control] for any reason they see fit,” an image attached to the tweet also claimed. Verdict: False NARAL’s claim that […]

Thanks to McCain, Obamacare premiums to rise 15%, 63 counties to lose coverage in 2018

Obamacare, which could have been killed off last summer, were it not for the saving vote of Sen. John McCain of Arizona, is continuing its living-death death spiral and taking its unwilling consumers down for the ride. Insurance premiums under Obama’s Affordable Care Act are set to jump 15% in 2018 according to projections from the Congressional […]

Donald Trump Has A New Plan For Combatting The Negative Coverage About Him — And He Just Tweeted It

The president tweeted a link to a New York Post story on Thursday alongside, “The failing @nytimes has disgraced the media world. Gotten me wrong for two solid years. Change libel laws?” The failing @nytimes has disgraced the media world. Gotten me wrong for two solid years. Change libel laws? https://t.co/QIqLgvYLLi — Donald J. Trump […]

Networks Devote Three Times More Coverage To Alt Right Event Than Four Years Of March For Life

NBC and CBS devoted more coverage Tuesday morning to a white nationalist conference this past conference then they have given to the March for Life in the past four years, an analysis from the Media Research Center reveals. The National Policy Institute conference in Washington Saturday drew a crowd of between 200 and 300 people, […]

State Dept. And White House Coordinated To ‘Crush’ Clinton Email Coverage

The State Department and White House coordinated to shield Sec. of State John Kerry from being asked last March about Hillary Clinton’s emails in an interview on CBS News’ “Face the Nation,” newly released emails show. “Think we can get this done so [Kerry] is not asked about email,” Jennifer Palmieri, then the White House’s […]

Muslim Attacks Belgium Police Officers with MACHETE, Shouting “Allahu Akbar” – VIDEO

These jihad knife attacks are almost daily now. Watch for media-scrub (i.e. “mental illness”): “BREAKING NEWS: Two Belgium police officers attacked outside station with machete,” By Dion Dassanayake, The Express, Sat, Aug 6, 2016: TWO BELGIUM police officers have been attacked outside a station today by a person wielding a machete and shouting “Allahu Akbar”. […]

Shocking Report: Media Give Gorilla Death 6 Times More Coverage Than ISIS Beheadings of Christians

A new study by the indefatigable Media Research Center (MRC) has revealed that mainstream media devoted some six times as much air time to covering the recent death of Harambe the gorilla than they did to the gruesome Islamic State decapitation of 21 Coptic Christians on a Libyan beach last year. On Saturday, May 28, security […]

Pro-Sanctuary City Coverage Dominates Telemundo – WATCH

It’s a pretty safe bet that you’ll never see much of the pro-law enforcement side of any news story on NBC’s Spanish-language sister network, Telemundo. That was the case again this week, as the network once again failed to fairly cover anti-sanctuary city views, just as officials in San Francisco were debating their sanctuary city […]


Mark Levin SLAMS dishonest media coverage of Iowa Caucuses – VIDEO

Mark Levin opened his show today discussing the dishonest media coverage from last night’s Iowa Caucuses which Ted Cruz won. Levin points out the media is playing up Rubio getting 3rd place as though Iowa was a victory for Rubio. But he says it wasn’t. Rubio came in 3rd just like the polls showed beforehand. […]

‘It’s Just Stunning’: Rush Limbaugh Shares His ‘Eye-Opening’ Experience Watching Media Coverage of San Bernardino Shooting

Conservative radio host Rush Limbaugh accused the left and media “doing everything they can to protect” their “agenda” in the aftermath of the deadly mass shooting in San Bernardino, California, on Wednesday.   “I’m telling you, the only thing that explains the Democrat Party on this and the only thing that explains the left and […]



More than 20 percent of the people who signed up for Obamacare plans on state and federal exchanges for 2015 have since dropped their coverage. Earlier this year, the Obama administration reported that 12.7 million had signed up for insurance on the exchanges. Roughly 22 percent of those individuals have since dropped coverage for various […]
