July 26, 2024

‘Alarming’ rise in migrant child labor under Biden, up 88% since 2019: GOP senator

The Biden administration is overseeing an “alarming” rise in exploitative child labor nationwide — a trend spurred by the ongoing migrant crisis at the southern border, according to Sen. Bill Cassidy. In a pair of letters to officials at the Departments of Labor and Health and Human Services (HHS), Cassidy (R-La.) pointed to reports of […]

Worldwide Vaccine Holocaust CONFIRMED as wave of studies reveal devastating rise in All-Cause Mortality (ACM)

Worldwide Vaccine Holocaust CONFIRMED as wave of studies reveal devastating rise in All-Cause Mortality (ACM)

NY Times: Yeah, OK, Wages Do Rise When Migration Falls

Vermont families are earning higher wages because migrants are not going to the northern state, says a New York Times article. The lack of migrants pressures local CEOs to raise their existing workers’ output — and so the CEOs are raising productivity with new machines, training, and worksite reforms, the newspaper reported. “At Burlington Bagel

Review: ‘Gotham: The Fall and Rise of New York’ Shows Us How to Save a City

Urban decline is not inevitable or irreversible. It is the result of bad policies, and it can be reversed with good ones. That’s the message of writer-director Matthew Taylor’s new documentary, Gotham: The Fall and Rise of New York. And it’s a message needed now more than ever, as American cities descend once again into

WATCH: ‘Tranq’ Drug Taking Heavy Toll in Philadelphia as Addictions Rise

The “tranq” drug is taking a costly toll in Philadelphia, and video footage posted Thursday shows those caught in its grip. The Kensington area is apparently filled with people slumped over and passed out, the New York Post reported Saturday, citing video footage shared by TikTok user urbanvisuals2.0. In the clip, individuals are being recorded

Sports Betting Resulting in Sharp Rise in Gambling Addictions and Financial Distress, Especially for Young Men

Sports betting is now fully legal in 36 states, and betting on your favorite team is easier than ever with apps on phones and computers. But the rise in sportsbooks corresponds with a sharp rise in gambling addiction and the financial distress that follows. Governments an enamored by the rise in sports books because it

New Zealand cyclone death toll up to 8, expected to rise

The death toll from Cyclone Gabrielle in New Zealand rose to eight on Friday, Prime Minister Chris Hipkins said and he warned that the number was expected to increase as emergency crews make contact with hundreds of cut-off communities. The cyclone, which hit New Zealand on the uppermost region of the North Island on Sunday […]

Moody’s Chief Economist: ‘2023 Is Going to Be a Pretty Tough Year’ Unemployment Will Rise and It’ll Take Time to See Impacts of Fed Actions

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg TV’s “Balance of Power,” Moody’s Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi predicted that 2src23 “is going to be a pretty tough year” because we won’t “see the full effects of what the Fed’s done for well into” the year and “we’re going to see job growth slow, may see some declines, unemployment’s

Clyburn: Questioning 2020 Election Akin to the Rise of Fascism in 1930s Germany, Italy

House Majority Whip James Clyburn (D-SC) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” claimed those skeptical of how the 2src2src election was conducted were aligning themselves with a movement he likened to the rise of fascism in Europe in the 193srcs. Partial transcript as follows: BREAM: Congressman, you’ve repeatedly made comments about Hitler

Car Burglaries Rise 753% in San Francisco as City Reopens

The reopening of San Francisco, California, means restaurants and hotels are back in business, but criminals have also stepped up their activities, burglarizing cars at a 753 percent higher rate in June over last month. The fallout of the crime wave is reaching beyond the city as criminals find quieter streets to sort through stolen…

Rep. Andy Barr Calls Out Nike at Hearing on China’s Uyghur Slave Labor: ‘Woke, Corporate Hypocrisy’ on the Rise

A representative from Nike declined an invitation to testify Thursday at a House Foreign Affairs Committee hearing that discussed China’s human rights abuses of its minority Muslim Uyghur population and American corporations that could be manufacturing products made with Uyghur slave labor in Xinjiang Province, according to committee members. Rep. Andy Barr (R-KY) slammed Nike’s…

Police: Allegations Of Cuomo Aide May Rise ‘To The Level Of A Crime’

An alleged incident involving Democratic New York Gov. Andrew Cuomo and a female aide may have risen “to the level of a crime,” the Albany Police Department said Thursday. Albany Police spokesman Steve Smith told the New York Times Thursday that the department had reached out to the alleged victim’s representative but has not received…

Religious Persecution on the Rise Worldwide

It is both a moral imperative and a wise strategy for the U.S. to encourage global religious freedom.To many American Christians, religious liberty appears ever more precarious. While social antagonism is rising, however, the constitutional guarantee to live a life of faith appears strong. The greatest political challenge is the increasing partisan divide, as the…

Are the people ready to rise?

In many if not most households across the country, the election imbroglio is obviously the chief topic of discussion, splitting many families into warring camps, uniting others in solidarity with President Trump.  Fortunately, in our own household, my wife and I are in perfect agreement on practically all points of controversy. We know beyond the shadow […]

Dr. Scot Atlas Tells Citizens To ‘Rise Up’ In Face Of Further Lockdowns In Michigan

November 16, 2020 7:51 PM ET Dr. Scott Atlas urged people to “rise up” Sunday against new lockdown measures announced by Democratic Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer. Atlas, an adviser to President Donald Trump regarding the pandemic, urged the public to resist lockdown measures on the news that Whitmer had announced a fresh lockdown for her…

As Obamacare Premiums Continue to Rise, Time to Look at Real Health Care Solutions.

Obamacare has wreaked havoc on America’s individual and small group health insurance markets. For the last four years, while lavish taxpayer subsidies insulated low-income people from soaring premiums and deductibles, millions of middle-class Americans in the individual Affordable Care Act coverage markets felt both blasts. At the same time, they lost their old plans and […]

Study: School Shootings Are Not On The Rise, Incidents Involving Students Declining Since 1990s.

The shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida has triggered a new call for gun control. On February 14, Nikolas Cruz shot and killed 17 people. It’s tragic. It shouldn’t happen. And it shouldn’t have happened; state, federal, and local officials had multiple opportunities to stop Cruz from committing this shooting. Yet, […]

GREAT AGAIN: USA Growth Forecasts on Rise…

U.S. Growth Forecasts Are on the Rise Don’t look now, but U.S. growth forecasts are moving higher. That’s helping to support U.S. stocks. Projections for U.S. economic growth from two Federal Reserve banks have risen in recent weeks. The Federal Reserve Bank of New York on Friday forecast that gross domestic product will rise 3.8% […]

The Associated Press Is Ignoring The Rise In Anti-White Hate Crimes

AP Doesn’t Mention Rise In Hate Crimes Against Whites The Associated Press wrote an entire story about the FBI’s 2016 hate crime statistics without mentioning the alarming rise in anti-white hate crimes. According to the FBI’s data, hate crimes motivated by anti-white bias are the fastest growing category of hate crimes. In 2016, there were […]

Thanks to McCain, Obamacare premiums to rise 15%, 63 counties to lose coverage in 2018

Obamacare, which could have been killed off last summer, were it not for the saving vote of Sen. John McCain of Arizona, is continuing its living-death death spiral and taking its unwilling consumers down for the ride. Insurance premiums under Obama’s Affordable Care Act are set to jump 15% in 2018 according to projections from the Congressional […]

US revised second-quarter GDP up 3.0% vs 2.7% rise expected

Q2 GDP (revised) up 3.0% vs. 2.8% est. from CNBC. The U.S. economy grew faster than initially thought in the second quarter, notching its quickest pace in more than two years, and there are signs that the momentum was sustained at the start of the third quarter. Gross domestic product increased at a 3.0 percent […]

Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighbourhoods

Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night. The survey, by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag further found that 58 per cent of women believe that public places have become less safe […]

Obama: Rise of ISIS caught me by surprise

It didn’t catch me by surprise — I began warning and writing about in in 2011. So why should the President of the United States be surprised? My info is all open source — didnt BHO have access to the best intel in the world? Why such a big, terrible lie? “ISIS rise surprised Obama, […]

John Bolton: Hillary Clinton’s ‘Fatal Mistake’ Was Not Seeing Arab Spring Was Really ‘Rise of Radical Islam’

On Thursday’s Breitbart News Daily, former U.N. ambassador and AEI Senior Fellow John Bolton said California’s attempt to claw back enlistment bonuses from thousands of National Guard members was “outrageous.” “If the government made a mistake in paying these bonuses, then I think that’s the government’s mistake, and the rest of us will have to […]

Obamacare Premiums to Rise Almost 25 Percent

Some lovely news on a Monday afternoon. The damage done by Obamacare is about to get 25 percent worse. New government data released on Monday shows that customers under the silver plan, the most popular plan under the Affordable Care Act, are going to suffer financially. The benchmark silver plan — upon which federal subsidies are […]

Trump Highlights Huge Role of Obama and Hillary in Rise of ISIS

Echoing past statements on the subject, Republican Party presidential candidate Donald Trump called President Obama and Democrat candidate Hillary Clinton the “founders” of the Islamic State, or ISIS, in Thursday speeches. The Obama administration and the Clinton camp immediately fired back. But while “co-founders” might have been a better term — they did not act […]


Has Britain avoided a ‘European superstate’? France and Germany ‘draw up plans to morph EU countries into one with control over members’ armies and economies’ France and Germany reported to have drawn up ‘superstate plan’ It would mean members give up armies and economic power to the EU Report ‘leaked’ in Poland where it has […]

JUST IN: This is the poll that explains Trump’s continued rise

A personal favorite moment during the Trump campaign was after his victories on the second Super Tuesday. During his victory speech he confessed “It’s, like, incredible, you explain it to me, because I can’t. My numbers went up. I don’t understand it. Nobody understands it.” For members of the mainstream media it may be a mystery, […]


Ted Cruz speaks about the rise of the grassroots and the effects on slowing the Obama Administration Published Feb 27, 2014

BERNIE SANDERS finally admits everyone’s taxes must rise to pay for his spending

Bernie Sanders has been peddling the fantasy that by soaking Wall Street and other mega-rich people with high taxes, a bonanza of freebies – free college, free health care, etc. – can be available for all. Pure covetous class envy worthy of the crudest communist revolutionary. I have to give former Clinton White House official […]
