July 27, 2024

Shock: Jewish Home in Berlin Marked with Star of David Symbol in Grim Reminder of Germany’s Past

The front door of an apartment building in Berlin was marked with the Star of David this week amid increasing tension across Europe in the wake of the Hamas terror attacks on Israel. Harkening back to the dark days of the 1930s when the Nazis would brand Jewish businesses with the Star of David, a

TRUMP WINS AGAIN: Germany’s Central Bank Stops $400 Million Cash Delivery To Iran.

President Trump has won another victory: Germany’s central bank has terminated a $400 million cash delivery to Iran. Deutsche Bundesbank has previously worked with the Iranian-owned European-Iranian trade bank (EIH) to end-around sanctions the United States has placed on Iran. As Fox News reports, “The U.S. and the European Union previously sanctioned the EIH for […]

Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighbourhoods

Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night. The survey, by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag further found that 58 per cent of women believe that public places have become less safe […]

Germany’s Effort to Integrate Refugees Into Workforce an Epic Failure

At the height of the refugee crisis that saw a million people flood into Germany, the government asked companies large and small to make an effort to hire the newcomers. The thinking was that integrating the refugees into the workforce would be the best way to begin the assimilation process. Dutifully, the German business community […]

The Refugee Hostel: Germany’s Islamist Hell

They fled religious hatred, rape and violence in their homelands for the “safe” haven of Germany — only to encounter the same, brutal conditions in their new accommodations: the refugee hostel. Violence in refugee centers became a national topic in Germany last October, only weeks after Federal Chancellor Angela Merkel invited into Europe one million, […]


“Why should we children have to grow up in such fear?” That is the very reasonable question 16-year-old German teenager Bibi Wilhailm asks, in her 20-minute YouTube video (see below), garnering her some much-needed recognition in cyberspace. Her video had first appeared on Facebook, but was taken down for reasons that still remain unclear. But […]
