July 26, 2024

Hasbro Eliminating Close to 20 Percent of Workforce as Biden Economy Hammers Toy Sales

Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of year for toy manufacturers. But in Joe Biden’s economy, toy sales are suffering thanks to runaway inflation and other pressures, forcing one of the world’s largest toymakers to deliver lumps of coal to employees just ahead of December 25. Hasbro said this week that it

Watch Live: GOP Reps Investigate Joe Biden’s Teenage Migrant Workforce Scandal

Leon Neal/Getty Images, Tasos Katopodis/Getty Images The House Energy and Commerce Committee will hold a hearing on Tuesday morning to talk about President Joe Biden’s policy of importing hundreds of thousands of indebted foreign teenagers to take jobs that would otherwise go to better-paid young Americans. The main witness is Christi Grimm, the Inspector General at

Over 1 million young Russians left workforce as Putin focused on Ukraine conflict: report

Russia may have lost as many as 1.3 million young workers since the start of Vladimir Putin’s invasion of Ukraine, according to a new report.  The Finexpertiza consulting firm released its findings after analyzing official statistics, reporting that working citizens under the age of 35 in Russia fell by 1.33 million people between December 2021 […]

72% Of Trump Voters Say Unemployment Handouts Kills Motivation To Join The Workforce, Poll Finds

Seventy-two percent of Former President Donald Trump’s supporters and an overall majority of voters believe that the excessively generous unemployment benefits are to blame for lackluster employment growth, poll results published Thursday show. Participants of the new Hill-HarrisX poll were asked to choose the most accurate out of two statements explaining current U.S. labor market…

GOP Sen. Mike Crapo Endorses Amnesty, Foreign Workforce Bill

GOP Sen. Mike Crapo has opened the Senate’s door to a huge agricultural amnesty that would replace many American farmworkers with an international pipeline that delivers cheap, compliant foreign workers to agriculture companies plus many new voters to Democrats. The announcement from Crapo came one day after Democrats and lobbyists won just 30 GOP votes…

Senate GOP: Biden Amnesty Floods U.S. Workforce During Coronavirus Crisis

Senate Republicans are lining up to oppose President Joe Biden’s massive amnesty plan that would legalize between 11 to 22 million illegal aliens and increase legal immigration levels, all while more than 17 million Americans remain jobless. On Thursday, Sen. Bob Menendez (D-NJ) introduced Biden’s amnesty plan to Congress, seeking to hugely inflate the United…

Germany’s Effort to Integrate Refugees Into Workforce an Epic Failure

At the height of the refugee crisis that saw a million people flood into Germany, the government asked companies large and small to make an effort to hire the newcomers. The thinking was that integrating the refugees into the workforce would be the best way to begin the assimilation process. Dutifully, the German business community […]

Trump Paid Company with Majority Latino Workforce Over $400K to Make His Hats

In the last quarter of 2015, real estate tycoon Donald J. Trump spent over $400,000 on his signature red “Make America Great Again” hats. The manufacturer, Cali-Fame in Carson, Calif., has an overwhelmingly Latino workforce and had to hire 20 additional employees just to meet The Donald’s quotas, a local news affiliate reported. Numerous media outlets […]
