July 26, 2024

Moody’s Chief Economist: ‘2023 Is Going to Be a Pretty Tough Year’ Unemployment Will Rise and It’ll Take Time to See Impacts of Fed Actions

On Wednesday’s broadcast of Bloomberg TV’s “Balance of Power,” Moody’s Analytics Chief Economist Mark Zandi predicted that 2src23 “is going to be a pretty tough year” because we won’t “see the full effects of what the Fed’s done for well into” the year and “we’re going to see job growth slow, may see some declines, unemployment’s

Obama’s Top Economist: Unemployment Benefits, Not Lack Of Childcare, Could Be Harming Recovery

Harvard University economist Jason Furman suggested in a new study that the American Rescue Plan’s expansion of unemployment benefits could be harming the United States’ post-pandemic economic recovery. Furman’s study argues that a lack of childcare options for working parents of young children is not causing the country’s poor jobs numbers. Instead, he writes in…

72% Of Trump Voters Say Unemployment Handouts Kills Motivation To Join The Workforce, Poll Finds

Seventy-two percent of Former President Donald Trump’s supporters and an overall majority of voters believe that the excessively generous unemployment benefits are to blame for lackluster employment growth, poll results published Thursday show. Participants of the new Hill-HarrisX poll were asked to choose the most accurate out of two statements explaining current U.S. labor market…

Foundry Groups: Inability to Find Workers ‘Has Reached Crisis Level,’ Urge End to Extended Unemployment

The American Foundry Society (AFS) and the Foundry Association of Michigan (FAM) sent a letter to Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) Thursday urging her to end extended unemployment benefits. In a letter obtained by Breitbart News, the two groups said the “number one issue” facing the metalcasting industry is “the inability to find workers” and said…

Alabama Becomes Latest State To End $300 Unemployment Bonus

Alabama will soon cease participating in the federal government’s unemployment insurance program that grants out-of-work Americans an extra $300 per week, the state’s governor said. Republican Gov. Kay Ivey announced that the state would withdraw from the coronavirus relief program by June 19, 2021, arguing that the $300 in additional weekly payments was incentivizing people…

U.S. Economy Added 916,000 Jobs in March, Unemployment Fell to 6.0%

The U.S. economy added 916,000  jobs in March and the unemployment rate ticked down to 6.0 percent, the Labor Department said in its monthly labor assessment Friday, smashing expectations. Most analysts had predicted Friday’s report would show between 439,000 and one million new positions added to payrolls in March. The median forecast was for 658,000 and…

US Unemployment Hits 49-Year Low.

The U.S. economy added 134,000 jobs in September, falling under experts’ expectations by 46,000, according to Friday’s jobs numbers from the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The unemployment rate fell 0.2 points to 3.7 percent, matching the lowest rate since 1969. Economists expected the rate to drop slightly to 3.8 percent, according to The Wall Street […]

201,000 Jobs Added in August, Unemployment Rate Remains at 3.9%

Total nonfarm payroll employment grew by 201,000 in August, an increase from last month’s downwardly revised reading of 147,000, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. The national unemployment rate remained at 3.9%. Private service-providing industries gained 178,000 jobs, led by professional and business services and education and health services, which both added 53,000 jobs. […]

Unemployment Near Lowest Level in 50 Years – Hourly Earnings Up 2.7%

The unemployment rate continued to drop in July to around its lowest level in 50 years. Wages continue to rise under President Trump. CNBC reported: Payroll growth turned sluggish in July after two robust months, though the unemployment rate edged lower and the overall jobs picture continued to look solid, according to Labor Department numbers […]

Hispanic Unemployment Rate Reaches Record Low Two Months in a Row.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reported Friday the Hispanic unemployment rate sunk to a record low in the month of July — marking two consecutive months where this figure hit all-time lows. The Hispanic unemployment rate dropped from a previous record of 4.6 to 4.5 percent in July. President Donald Trump has made job creation for […]

Lowest Ever Hispanic Unemployment Ignored By Univision, Telemundo.

On the morning of July 6, the U.S. Department of Labor’s Bureau of Labor Statistics announced that Hispanic unemployment in the United States had reached its lowest level, 4.6%, in the 45 years since the agency first started keeping records on the statistic, back in 1973. One would think such a historic achievement would be […]

Hispanic Unemployment Reaches Record Low, Media Praise Labor Force Rate.

The June jobs report has a lot of rosy details in it. For instance, Hispanic unemployment is at a new low, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. In June, the unemployment rate for Hispanics and Latinos, aged 16 and up, was 4.6%, down from its May level of 4.9%. Before June’s record, the lowest […]

Fed raises interest rates again as unemployment nears record lows.

The Federal Reserve on Wednesday raised interest rates 0.25 points as the bank aims to prevent a tight labor market from driving inflation to unsustainable levels. The central bank raised the federal funds rate to a 1.75–2 percent target range, the second increase under Fed Chairman Jerome Powell. The Fed was widely expected to raise […]

Nancy Pelosi downplays record-low unemployment, booming economy. But here are the facts.

House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) downplayed the booming economy. But the facts prove her wrong. (Alex Wong/Getty Images) No matter where the facts lead, House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi (D-Calif.) refuses to praise President Donald Trump for any of his accomplishments, especially economic victories, which largely benefit most Americans. The California Democrat’s staunch anti-Trump […]

TRUMP BOOM: Record-Low Unemployment Rate As Economy Picks Up 223,000 Jobs.

On Friday, President Trump hinted that a solid jobs report was forthcoming: Looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 1, 2018 This violated a longstanding taboo against the president biasing the markets in advance of the report’s release. But Trump wasn’t wrong to be excited, […]

Black, Hispanic unemployment rates hit record lows in April.

The unemployment rate for black workers hit the lowest on record in April, according to the latest jobs figures released by the Bureau of Labor Statistics Friday. The unemployment rate for black workers dropped to 6.6 percent, beating the previous record low of 6.8 percent set in December. The jobless rate for Hispanics fell to […]

Unemployment Rate Drops to 3.9 Percent–The Lowest on Record Since December 2000.

U.S. employers stepped up hiring modestly in April, and the unemployment rate fell to 3.9 percent, evidence of the economy’s resilience amid the recent stock market chaos and anxieties about a possible trade war. Job growth amounted to a decent 164,000 last month, up from an upwardly revised 135,000 in March. The unemployment rate fell […]

Numerous states — both red and blue — are experiencing record-low unemployment.

Fourteen states have reached record-low unemployment rates in the past 12 months. (Joe Raedle/Getty Images) States with a wide variety of political and economic profiles have hit record-low unemployment rates over the last year, according to the Bureau of Labor Statistics. Fourteen states have set records for low unemployment over the last year, including eight that set […]

The US economy created 103,000 jobs in March; Unemployment rate remains at 4.1 percent.

President Trump has focused heavily on tariffs, which worries some employers. (AP Photo / Susan Walsh) The US economy created 103,000 jobs in March, the Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday. The unemployment rate remained at 4.1 percent and wage growth rose slightly by 2.7 percent from March 2017. There is now a job […]

By the Way, Black Unemployment Just Hit the Lowest Level Ever Recorded.

The final official jobs report of 2017 was released today, and it mostly contained positive news.  CNN’s article about its findings mentions both the progress made in December, and also across the entire calendar year.  Most of the crucial data trends have been pointing in the right direction, and the cumulative job growth is nothing […]

Black unemployment rate falls to record low.

The Bureau of Labor Statistics reports 6.8 percent unemployment rate for black workers in December, the lowest in the 45 years the data has been tracked. Unemployment overall was 4.1 percent. Unemployment among black workers is at its lowest since at least the early 1970s, when the government began tracking the data. The black unemployment […]

Trump Jobs Numbers Out: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 2.2 Million New Jobs Since Election, More Americans Working than Ever!

President Trump’s Economy is Simply “On Fire”. Job numbers released today through the end of November show an increase of 2.2 million jobs since last years election and an unemployment rate of 4.1 percent. After the same period under Obama, (4.8) million jobs were lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 9.9 percent! President Trump’s economic results could […]

President Trump’s Economy: Unemployment at 17 year Low, 1.4 Million New Jobs, More Americans Working than Ever Before

The mainstream media won’t tell you but the economy is simply “On Fire”. Job numbers released this week through the end of October show an increase of 1.4 million jobs and an unemployment rate of 4.1%.  After same period under Obama, (4.8) million jobs were lost and unemployment skyrocketed to 10%! The main stream media (MSM) and Democrat Party […]

Fun with numbers: The real story behind the unemployment report

On the surface, the January jobs numbers appear to be “not bad.” There were 151,000 jobs created and the official unemployment rate dropped below 5%. But the story inside the numbers is really, really awful. The Bureau of Labor Statistics calculates job creation and loss using two different measurements; the Current Population Survey, and “Establishment” data […]

Unemployment Rate Reported at 5 Percent — but Here’s the Other Key Number Left Out of Many Reports

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. hiring roared back in October after two weak months, with employers adding a robust 271,000 jobs, the most since December. The unemployment rate dipped to a fresh seven-year low of 5 percent. The burst of hiring across a range of industries came as companies shrugged off slower overseas growth and a […]
