July 26, 2024

Marlow: Dems Want to Wear Trump Out, Get Him Away from Issues Like Economy, Border, Crime

On Friday’s edition of the “Tomi Lahren Is Fearless” podcast, New York Times bestselling Breaking Biden author and Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow argued that Democrats want to try to wear down 2src24 Republican presidential candidate former President Donald Trump with the criminal charges against him and Trump can’t play into that goal by sacrificing his message on

Axelrod: Biden Is Self-Congratulating, Not ‘Advocating for People in a Tough Economy Because of the Inflation’

On Tuesday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC36src,” CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama adviser David Axelrod stated that while democracy issues are important, “if you’re sitting around the kitchen table talking about democracy and the future of democracy, it’s [probably] because you don’t have to worry about the cost of the food on your table.”

Another Blow Out: American Economy Created 275,000 Jobs In February

Employers in the United States added 275,srcsrcsrc workers to their payrolls in February, the Department of Labor said Friday. The unemployment rate increased to 3.9 percent, up from 3.7 percent in the prior month. Economists had forecast payrolls would grow by 2srcsrc,srcsrcsrc and the unemployment rate would be unchanged at 3.7 percent. The top of

Explosive Jobs Growth: U.S. Economy Created 353,000 Jobs In January

Employers in the United States 353,srcsrcsrc workers to their payrolls, the Department of Labor said Friday. The unemployment rate held steady at 3.7 percent in the prior month. The previous two months were revised upward. The November figure was revised up by 9,srcsrcsrc to 182,srcsrcsrc. The December number was revised up by a stunning 117,srcsrcsrc

Hasbro Eliminating Close to 20 Percent of Workforce as Biden Economy Hammers Toy Sales

Christmas is supposed to be the most wonderful time of year for toy manufacturers. But in Joe Biden’s economy, toy sales are suffering thanks to runaway inflation and other pressures, forcing one of the world’s largest toymakers to deliver lumps of coal to employees just ahead of December 25. Hasbro said this week that it

Axelrod: Biden’s Approval on Economy ‘Bad, Especially Relative to What He’s Achieved’ Due to Politics, Unease Largely ‘Driven by Inflation’ 

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC36src,” CNN Senior Political Commentator and former Obama Adviser David Axelrod stated that President Joe Biden’s “economic approval numbers are actually quite bad, especially relative to what he’s achieved” because of political polarization and a “sense of unease” that is largely “driven by inflation” and also due to a “hangover”

Sen. Cruz: Biden ‘Willing to Tank the Economy’ with Debt Ceiling Stalemate

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) said on this week’s broadcast of “Fox News Sunday” that President Joe Biden was “willing to tank the economy” over the debt ceiling debate. Cruz said, “It is really unfortunate to see how Joe Biden is approaching this job. It is all politics all the time and he consistency goes to

Uncharted territory: The Biden-Jeffries relationship comes into focus with the global economy on the line

Hakeem Jeffries’ first true test as minority leader will be ensuring House Democrats stay aligned in backing Joe Biden’s position against bargaining on raising the debt limit. | Drew Angerer/Getty Images When President Joe Biden sits down with the top congressional leaders on Tuesday, he will see some familiar faces: Mitch McConnell, Chuck Schumer, and

Poll: 75% of Americans Think Economy Is Getting Worse

Americans’ confidence in President Joe Biden’s economy is declining, with 75 percent believing economic conditions are getting worse, according to the latest Gallup survey. While 75 percent of Americans say the economy is worsening, only 19 percent say things are improving, and five percent say the economy is stagnant. GALLUP: Right now, do you think that economic

Unions Vow Total Shutdown of French Economy as Macron Move to Increase Retirement Age

PARIS (AP) – Roads blocked, oil refineries disrupted, planes grounded and trains halted – unions are threatening to shut down France’s economy this week in what they hope is their toughest riposte yet to President Emmanuel Macron’s plan to raise the retirement age. The first actions are expected Monday, as truckers are being urged to

China’s Lawmakers Prepare to Address Woeful Economy, Freezing Single Women’s Eggs

The Chinese government’s annual “two sessions” — simultaneous meetings of the National People’s Congress (NPC) and the Chinese People’s Political Consultative Conference (CPPCC) — are scheduled to begin on Saturday, March 4. This year’s sessions will likely be preoccupied with the dismal Chinese economy, the accelerating demographic crisis, and the rotation of government officials that occurs every

Carney on ‘Kudlow’: Slide Toward Recession Happening Across the Economy

“What we’re seeing is this slide towards recession happening across the economy,” Breitbart Economics Editor John Carney said in an interview Wednesday on Larry Kudlow’s eponymously named Fox Business show. Carney explained that the latest economic data—from the crashing Empire State manufacturing survey to the disappointing holiday retail sales numbers and the weaker-than-expected producer price

Old Man Joe Biden Now Ready To Scuttle America’s Maritime Economy

“Instead of restricting speed to 10 knots or 11.5 miles per hour, how about restricting someone over 80 years old becoming president, Tweeter Roger Mushmoore wrote. (Fox News) Mon Dieu!  This is the Merry Christmas U.S. President Joe Biden sent today to millions of hardworking Americans, fishers who depend on the Atlantic Ocean to make […]

New Orleans’ Democrat Mayor Claims Economy Flights Not Safe for Black Women

The Democrat mayor of New Orleans, Louisiana, said this week economy flights are not safe for black women. In addition, LaToya Cantrell has said she would not repay money spent on a first-class trip from Washington Dulles Airport to Switzerland over the summer, Meaww reported Sunday. “My travel accommodations are a matter of safety, not

Democrat Mandela Barnes Wants ‘Clean Energy’ Economy: ‘Climate Crisis Is Already Here’

Democrat Mandela Barnes, during Friday night’s debate with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), said that the “climate crisis is already here” and “impacting places all over the country and globe,” which is why he wants to work towards a “clean energy economy.” When asked about specific solutions to address climate change, he argued the “climate crisis is

Audio: Rep. Elissa Slotkin says anti-abortion sentiment is bad for Michigan’s economy

Next Video Obama stumps for Wisconsin Dems ahead of midterms Browse Videos Watch Video North Carolina candidate ‘disappointed’ in lack of Dem Party support Watch Video Biden, Obama, Trump hold dueling midterm election rallies in Pennsylvania Watch Video Nancy Pelosi makes first public statement since husband’s attack Watch Video Ad: ‘Anyone,’ Senate Majority PAC Watch

Poll: Half of Voters Say Economy, Inflation Top Issue Going into Midterms

Half of U.S. voters say the economy or inflation is their number one issue heading into the November 8 midterm elections, according to a recent ABC/Ipsos poll. The poll shows that 28 percent of registered voters say the economy is their single most important issue for determining their ballot, while 22 percent say inflation is.…

Warren: ‘Very Worried’ Fed Will ‘Tip this Economy into a Recession’

Senator Elizabeth Warren (D-MA) said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that she is “very worried” that the Federal Reserve will “tip this economy into a recession.” During a keynote speech Friday in Jackson Hole, Wyoming, Powell said, “While higher interest rates, slower growth and softer labor market conditions will bring down inflation, they…

Economists: Inflation Can’t Be Reined In Without Tanking The Economy

Nearly three quarters of business economists believe that the Federal Reserve will not be able to bring inflation back to its target of 2% in the next two years without inducing a recession, according to a poll by the National Association for Business Economics (NABE) released Monday.Roughly 19% of respondents believed that the U.S. was…

Fed ‘hurting the situation’ on economy, Sanders says

Sen. Bernie Sanders leaves the U.S. Capitol. | Alex Wong/Getty Images The Federal Reserve is “hurting” the United States’ economic situation as the country prepares for a possible recession, Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-Vt.) said Sunday. “I think they’re hurting the situation. It is wrong to be saying that the way we’re going to deal with…

Mullin: Biden’s Ignoring the Experts on the Economy after Talking up Experts During COVID

During an interview with Newsmax TV on Wednesday, Rep. and U.S. Senate candidate Markwayne Mullin (R-OK) reacted to the Biden administration denying that a recession is looming by pointing out that the Biden administration repeatedly claimed they listened to experts on coronavirus, “but yet they don’t listen to experts when it comes to the economy.”…

Businesses Make More Cuts In August, Signaling An Increasingly Weakening Economy

Preliminary data from S&P’s Purchasing Managers’ Index, a prominent measure of business activity, indicates that U.S. businesses are cutting activity at the highest rate in more than two years.The Flash US PMI Composite Output Index, which represents a preliminary ‘flash’ of expected business activity in August 2022 across a composite of both manufacturing and services,…

U.S. Economy Added 916,000 Jobs in March, Unemployment Fell to 6.0%

The U.S. economy added 916,000  jobs in March and the unemployment rate ticked down to 6.0 percent, the Labor Department said in its monthly labor assessment Friday, smashing expectations. Most analysts had predicted Friday’s report would show between 439,000 and one million new positions added to payrolls in March. The median forecast was for 658,000 and…

Crenshaw: Biden’s Keystone, Paris Climate Policies Help Chinese Manufacturing, ‘They Can Keep Polluting While Our Economy Gets Hurt’

On Friday’s broadcast of “Fox News Primetime,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said that President Joe Biden’s orders on the Keystone XL pipeline and Paris Climate Accords are going to increase manufacturing in China, who “can keep polluting while our economy gets hurt.” Crenshaw said, “So, listen, here’s what it comes down to, if you’re going…

Our Elites Couldn’t ‘Reset’ a Wall Outlet, Let Alone the Global Economy

The Great Reset sounds sinister, but it’s less Marxist conspiracy than dreary board game for the wealthy and powerful.In this screengrab, Klaus Schwab speaks as part of SWITCH GREEN during day 1 of the Greentech Festival at Kraftwerk Mitte aired on September 16, 2020 in Berlin, Germany. (Photo by Getty Images/Getty Images for Greentech Festival)No…

The U.S. is the Only Improving Economy in the World Right Now, Finance Chiefs Say.

The United States has a huge advantage in the still-escalating global trade fights: it is the only major economy to score an ‘improving’ score in CNBC’s latest survey of corporate executives. The U.S. economy is viewed as “improving,” according to the latest quarterly CNBC Global CFO Council survey. China, which had been viewed as improving earlier […]

Pence to Obama: Economy Booming Because Trump Administration Rolling Back Failed Obama Policies.

Vice President Mike Pence had a message for former President Barack Obama at the Values Voter Summit Saturday: the American economy is booming because the Trump administration is rolling back Obama administration policies. “It’s been two years of promises made and promises kept, and we’re just getting started,” Pence told the conference audience in Washington, […]

Media Ignores Trump’s Economy.

It’s surprising that a White House incapable of organizing a two-car funeral – if you believe the mainstream liberal media – is presiding over the most robust economy the U.S. has had in years. One could almost say it makes America great again. Strange, isn’t it? The Obama administration boy and girl geniuses were managing […]

Boom! Watch Trump CEA Kevin Hassett Absolutely DESTROY Barack Obama’s Lies on the Economy (VIDEO)

Barack Obama broke precedent as a former president and trashed his successor President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy. Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy. Barack Obama had the worst economic recovery in US history; Obama is […]

CNN Poll: Overwhelming Majority of Americans Rate the US Economy Positively, And Yet…

A new CNN poll contains a significant data point that ought to be very good news for President Trump and the Republican Party.  Under their stewardship, the US economy is thriving.  Americans recognize the progress and are increasingly inclined to credit the GOP for it.  In the new survey, fully 69 percent of respondents rate […]
