July 26, 2024

Explosive Jobs Growth: U.S. Economy Created 353,000 Jobs In January

Employers in the United States 353,srcsrcsrc workers to their payrolls, the Department of Labor said Friday. The unemployment rate held steady at 3.7 percent in the prior month. The previous two months were revised upward. The November figure was revised up by 9,srcsrcsrc to 182,srcsrcsrc. The December number was revised up by a stunning 117,srcsrcsrc

Anne Hathaway’s ‘Eileen’ Is Dark, Explosive, and Has One Helluva Ending

Eileen’s first image is through a car windshield as the vehicle’s interior fills with smoke. Consider that haze a multifaceted metaphor—for pent-up desire, lethal suffocation, and liberating concealment—as well as a potential case of the Chekhov gun principle.That said, a real firearm also plays a part in William Oldroyd’s adaptation of Otessa Moshfegh’s book of

BREAKING: Several Explosive Devices Mailed To Military Installations In Washington D.C. Area.

In Austin, Texas, a string of bombings kept a city on edge. Two people were killed, with five people injured. The perpetrator, Mark Anthony Conditt, killed himself by exploding a device in his car after pulling into a ditch; police had identified him as a suspect and closed in on him. We don’t know his […]

Austin bombing suspect kills self with explosive as police close in: report.

Police in Austin, Texas, were preparing to stage a media briefing early Wednesday about an officer-involved shooting, amid local media reports that the Austin bombing suspect had killed himself with an explosive device. BREAKING: Sources have confirmed with @fox7austin that the #AustinBombings suspect is dead. MTF on #GoodDayAustin — JacquelineSarkissian (@JSarkissianFOX7) March 21, 2018 The […]

Bongino on Dossier Probe: “This is the MOST EXPLOSIVE SCANDAL – And It’s Getting Ready to Burst!” (VIDEO)

In today’s society, there’s an obvious double standard for those who are conservative. Dan Bongino, a former secret service agent and current Fox News contributor, stated via Twitter that, “If George W. Bush had been in office when a bogus counterintelligence investigation was opened up on the Obama campaign team, the media, and liberals, would […]

Trump tweets explosive White House tell-all ‘full of lies’

An explosive White House tell-all hit the bookshelves Friday as President Trump ramped up his attacks on the author’s credibility, saying overnight that Michael Wolff’s account is “full of lies.” Trump, in a late Thursday tweet, said he “authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times),” adding that he never spoke […]

7 Explosive Uranium One Facts Mainstream Media Have Already Confirmed

Hillary Clinton claimed on Monday that the Uranium One scandal engulfing herself and the Obama administration has all been “debunked.” “It’s the same baloney they’ve been peddling for years, and there’s been no credible evidence by anyone,” said Clinton. At issue: why Hillary Clinton’s State Department approved the transfer of 20 percent of all U.S. uranium to […]

[WATCH] Another EXPLOSIVE video from James O’Keefe blows lid wide open on media bias

For conservatives and supporters of President Trump, the media’s bias against him isn’t exactly a secret. Although organizations like MSNBC have always been known for their liberal slant, the era of Trump has corrupted formally reputable news outlets like CNN and the New York Times, as well. While saying that CNN and the New York […]

In Full: Dr. Sebastian Gorka’s Explosive White House Resignation Letter

Dr. Sebastian Gorka, who since January has served as deputy assistant to President Donald Trump, resigned from the White House administration on Friday evening, saying, “it is clear to me that forces that do not support the MAGA promise are – for now – ascendant within the White House.” Breitbart News has now obtained a […]

BREAKING: Yikes: Wikileaks founder drops EXPLOSIVE new claim about Hillary and ISIS – VIDEO

Julian Assange’s string of October Surprises have now evolved into November Surprises, with no end in sight. Among his explosive Wikileaks revelations were that Hillary Clinton stated in an email that she believed Saudi Arabia and Qatar to be funding ISIS. That alone is shocking, considering they’re allies of the U.S. for economic reasons. But that’s […]

BREAKING: New explosive video: Hillary DIRECTLY implicated…

James O’Keefe’s Project Veritas is out with its third installment of the series investigating just how crooked the Hillary Clinton campaign is, and it’s bound to send liberals into a panic. In the first video of the series, O’Keefe shows who’s really behind the violence at Donald Trump rallies that we’ve been hearing about: and […]

The Most Explosive WikiLeaks Clinton Revelations (So Far)

Here is a rundown of some of the biggest bombshells dropped by WikiLeaks’ disclosure of Hillary Clinton’s speeches and emails, and why each is so important. 1. Clinton dreams of a world with “open trade and open borders”: Every American should understand that Democrats, and plenty of Republicans, are fighting an all-out war against national sovereignty. Sure, […]

BREAKING: Explosive Device Detonated At Cafe In Southern Germany. 11 Victims Injured. Attacker Killed In Blast.

Late Sunday, 11 people were injured in an explosion that blasted through a cafe in the Bavarian city of Ansbach, near Nuremberg, Germany. Police believe that the explosion was deliberate. Initially, local authorities publicly speculated that a gas cylinder may have caused the explosion, but investigators have recently confirmed that a human-operated device was responsible. The […]

Explosive Video Claims Google Is Manipulating Search Results To Favor Hillary Clinton

Earlier this week, we reported on accusations that Google is in cahoots with the Clinton campaign. Now, an explosive video from SourceFed claims that the company – which holds a virtual monopoly on search – is actively altering search recommendations in favour of the presumptive Democratic nominee. In the video, SourceFed shows that searches for “Hillary […]

Another Explosive Clinton Email that Could Bring Her Down

While most of the attention on Hillary Clinton’s emails dealt with a document that included instructions from Clinton to tamper with the headings of a possibly classified subject, another, even more explosive email is big news in Sudan and could potentially lead to criminal charges. The email in question is from Sid Blumenthal, close Clinton […]

Book Claims Hillary Clinton Had Explosive Oval Office Meeting With Obama Over Email Scandal: ‘Call Off Your F***ing Dogs, Barack!’

A new book by Edward Klein claims Hillary Clinton exploded at President Barack Obama during an Oval Office meeting over her emails, telling him to “call off your f**king dogs,” the New York Post reported.                                         […]

“Explosive Papal Intervention”: Pope Calls for International Government to Avoid Environmental Cataclysm from Global Warming

Pope Francis will this week call for changes in lifestyles and energy consumption to avert the “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem” before the end of this century, according to a leaked draft of a papal encyclical. In a document released by an Italian magazine on Monday, the pontiff will warn that failure to act would […]

Explosive! Imam calls for Geller’s death under Sharia – warns America ‘you will live under it one day’

Insults and threats flew during a gripping exchange Wednesday on Fox News’ “Hannity” when radical Imam Anjem Choudary confronted Pamela Geller, organizer of Sunday’s Muhammad cartoon contest, and called for her death. “She should be put before Sharia court and tried,” Choudary said. “And of course she would face capital punishment.” Choudary’s incendiary comments came […]
