July 27, 2024

Kim Kardashian Hits New Low, Sells ‘Faux Nipple’ Bras so Women Can ‘Always Looks Cold’ Despite Global Warming

Kim Kardashian is on some next-level trolling with her clothing brand introducing a faux-nipple bra — so women can “always look cold” — and somehow ties her sales pitch to global warming hysteria. “The earth’s temperature is getting hotter and hotter. The sea levels are rising. The ice sheets are shrinking. And I’m not a

ChatGTP confession: Global warming? Not much since 2016

ChatGPT proves A.I. more dangerous than we think New York attorney and writer Alexander Zubatov weighs in on how A.I. is rapidly changing society and says he’s concerned about A.I. being used as a weapon against dissent on ‘The Ingraham Angle.’  The popular artificial intelligence bot ChatGPT was forced to admit that global warming has […]

MSNBC’s Joy Reid: ‘No Doubt’ Global Warming Causing Beast Storms

MSNBC anchor Joy Reid said Wednesday on her show “The ReidOut” that global warming is feeding beast storms like Hurricane Ian. Reid said, “There is a lot that has changed about the earth that has made these things worse, right? These things are thriving because the water is getting warmer. We stopped calling it global warming

California Leads Nation In Poverty But Governor Jerry Brown Launching State Satellite To Monitor Global Warming.

Yesterday, we noted that California now leads the nation in poverty. Where is Governor Jerry Brown placing his priorities? On fighting global warming, naturally. Like many progressives, the far left governor is obsessed with climate change and is planning to launch a satellite to monitor the situation. The Daily Caller has the story: GOV. BROWN […]

Liberals Found A New Reason To Worry About North Korean Peace Deal — Global Warming.

REPORT: Peace On The Korean Peninsula Could Cause More Global Warming. A new article highlights concerns from experts that the potential denuclearization of North Korea could exacerbate man-made global warming, largely from coal exports to new markets in Asia. Easing sanctions would allow North Korea to export coal and provide electricity to its oppressed population, […]

Global Warming: The Evolution of a Hoax.

Only forty-some years ago, “climate science” suddenly turned from advancing a theory of global cooling to one of global warming.  A 123-page paper by Christopher Booker, published by the Global Warming Policy Foundation (GWPF), explains this sudden change in terms of a “groupthink” belief system formulated and perpetuated by a few strong personalities.  Through key positions, and with sympathetic […]

NYC Mayor De Blasio Sues Oil Companies for Global Warming – The Week After NYC Records All-Time Record Cold

New York City commie Mayor Bill de Blasio sued the five major oil companies for global warming today. De Blasio says the city will be seeking billions in the lawsuit to recoup money spent by the city for resiliency efforts related to climate change. New York City just came off its coldest holiday season in […]

AL GORE: Global Warming Means Bitter Cold — Duh.

For the last dozen years or more, the Left has been doing some fancy footwork over “global warming. First, it turned out that the Earth wasn’t really warming — the temperature rise stopped for more than a decade. So global warmists said it was just a “pause.” (They’d later say they “found” the rise — […]

TROLL IN CHIEF: Trump Pokes Fun At Global Warming Critics, Tells People To Bundle Up.

President Donald Trump poked some fun at his climate change critics while warning New Years revelers to bundle up amid record low temperatures across the eastern seaboard in a Thursday tweet. In the East, it could be the COLDEST New Year’s Eve on record. Perhaps we could use a little bit of that good old […]

Global Warming: Fake News from the Start.

President Donald Trump announced the U.S. withdrawal from the Paris Agreement on climate change because it is a bad deal for America. He could have made the decision simply because the science is false, but most of the public have been brainwashed into believing it is correct and wouldn’t understand the reason.  Canadian Prime Minister […]

Delingpole: Now 400 Scientific Papers in 2017 Say ‘Global Warming’ Is a Myth

When I reported earlier this year on the 58 scientific papers published in 2017 that say global warming is a myth the greenies’ heads exploded. Since then, that figure has risen to 400 scientific papers. Can you imagine the misery and consternation and horror this is going to cause in the corrupt, rancid, rent-seeking world of […]

5 Reasons It’s Dumb To Panic Over Global Warming

“In 2015, President Barack Obama created the Clean Power Plan to slow climate disruption. It was the first action ever taken by the US government to cut carbon pollution from existing power plants. And this week, with the stroke of a pen, President Trump directed the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to take steps to end […]

Trump: We Will Cancel ‘Global Warming Payments’ To The UN

Republican presidential nominee Donald Trump told supporters at a Florida campaign rally he would “cancel billions in global warming payments to the United Nations” if he won the election. “We will also cancel billions in global warming payments to the United Nations, and use that money to support America’s vital environmental infrastructure and natural resources,” […]

Europe Deals With Terrorism, While The U.S. Heads To Canada For Global Warming Chat

While Europe is still reeling from a brutal terrorist attack at the hands of ISIS, U.S. Special Envoy on Climate Change, Dr. Jonathan Pershing, is traveling to Canada today to discuss how both countries can move forward together on the issue of global warming, according to the State Department: Dr. Jonathan Pershing will travel April […]

Obama Admin Vows To Sign UN Global Warming Deal Without Senate Approval

The Obama administration has vowed to sign a United Nations global warming deal in April despite intense opposition from the Senate and a Supreme Court ruling derailing the government’s green regulatory scheme. “We’re going to go ahead and sign the agreement this year,” Todd Stern, the U.S.’s climate envoy told reporters Tuesday, brushing aside questions […]

The Supreme Court Just Delivered A Crippling Blow To Obama’s Global Warming Agenda

The U.S. Supreme Court just delivered a major blow to President Barack Obama’s global warming agenda by halting the implementation of a key Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) regulation on carbon dioxide emissions. The court won’t allow the EPA to implement its so-called Clean Power Plan (CPP), which aims to reduce carbon dioxide emissions from power […]

Bernie Sanders Signs Global Warming Pledge — Created By A Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager

It’s not necessarily news that Sen. Bernie Sanders signed onto a green energy pledge the day before the New Hampshire primaries, but more interesting is that the puppet master behind this pledge is none other than a billionaire former hedge fund manager who’s in America’s (and Bernie’s very vocally) maligned “one percent.” Tom Steyer is the billion-dollar laden […]

Obama Set To Unleash Thousands Of New Global Warming Regs In 2016

The Obama administration is set to propose thousands of new energy regulations targeted at global warming in 2016, according to a Politico report Monday. The new regulations are likely to help implement Obama’s Clean Power Plan (CPP) and include everything from Department of Energy efficiency measures to Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) rules on pipeline safety and fuel […]

The Link Between Global Warming and Terrorists

Since the Islamist terrorist attacks in Paris on November 13, leading progressives, inspired by the coincidence of the attacks occurring in the host city for an upcoming climate change conference, have tried to exploit the anguish caused by terrorism to promote their global governance agenda.  In a classic instance of never letting a crisis go […]

Trump: Obama ‘Worried About Global Warming’ While Terrorists ‘Want To Blow Up Our Country’

  Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump criticized President Obama for being “worried about global warming” while terrorists “want to blow up our country” on Thursday’s “Hannity” on the Fox News Channel. Trump said, [relevant remarks begin around 2:50] “Well, perhaps he’s incompetent. We have a president that doesn’t know what he’s doing. I think perhaps […]

As Obama Attends UN Talks, Congress Undoes His Global Warming Agenda

As President Barack Obama meets with world leaders at Paris’ United Nations summit, House lawmakers passed legislation to undo a key part of the president’s global warming agenda Tuesday. House lawmakers passed resolutions to repeal the Environmental Protection Agency’s so-called Clean Power Plan. House passage of the anti-EPA resolutions comes just two weeks after the […]

Obama At Climate Summit: Reject Terrorism By Saving The Planet From Global Warming

In his inaugural speech at the COP21 climate change summit in Paris, President Obama acknowledged the terrorist attacks that occurred in the city earlier this month, but warned his fellow leaders not to be distracted from focusing on the looming threat of global warming. “What greater rejection of those who would tear down our world […]

Democrats’ ISIS Strategy Is To Fight Global Warming – VIDEO

Vermont Sen. Bernie Sanders still believes global warming is the greatest threat to America’s national security, rehashing the stance taken by Democratic politicians in recent years that carbon dioxide emissions are more dangerous than terrorists. “If we are going to see an increase in drought, in flood, and extreme weather disturbances as a result of […]

Good News: Obama’s GLOBAL WARMING Campaign To Cost $45 Billion A Year In Regulatory Costs

When the United Nation’s conference on global warming begins in Paris come December, American Action Forum has a friendly reminder: we already regulate greenhouse gases and the Obama administration’s regulatory cost in fighting so-called climate change could cost us $45 billion annually: …[R]egulators have already imposed $26 billion in annual costs to limit GHGs and […]

Russia’s Putin Says GLOBAL WARMING Is ‘A Fraud’

Russian President Vladimir Putin believes global warming is a “fraud” — a plot to keep Russia from using its vast oil and natural gas reserves. Putin believes “there is no global warming, that this is a fraud to restrain the industrial development of several countries, including Russia,” Stanislav Belkovsky, a political analyst and Putin critic, […]

“Explosive Papal Intervention”: Pope Calls for International Government to Avoid Environmental Cataclysm from Global Warming

Pope Francis will this week call for changes in lifestyles and energy consumption to avert the “unprecedented destruction of the ecosystem” before the end of this century, according to a leaked draft of a papal encyclical. In a document released by an Italian magazine on Monday, the pontiff will warn that failure to act would […]

As ISIS Marches, Obama To Cite Global Warming As National Security Threat During Coast Guard Commencement

In case you missed it over the weekend, the Islamic State took over another Iraqi city. This time it was Ramadi, a city in which Americans died to capture in the first place years ago and comes after the fall of Mosul. The next major city on the conquer list for ISIS is Baghdad, not […]
