July 27, 2024

DeSantis: Every Republican Running for President Should Pledge U.S. Cannot Accept Gaza Refugees

Governor Ron DeSantis (R-FL), a 2024 presidential candidate, said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he believed every Republican candidate should pledge not to “accept people from Gaza into this country as refugees.” Partial transcript as follows: DESANTIS: We cannot accept people from Gaza into this country as refugees. I am not going to

House Republicans push unity ‘pledge’ to guarantee a speaker

Rep. Mike Flood (R-Neb.) has spearheaded a two-paragraph pledge to vote “yea” on the floor for whoever wins the House Republican conference’s backing in the initial secret-ballot election scheduled for Tuesday. | Francis Chung/POLITIcO A majority of the House Republicans vying for the speakership signed a pledge Saturday aimed at saving the GOP’s next pick

If you are running for president, pledge to protect female athletes like me

NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! Like dominoes, one by one, American institutions have fallen captive to woke activists seeking to abolish sex-based protections. Women are left in the dust as the NCAA, the government, the media, Hollywood, education, and more, place women on the back burner. The American people have had enough […]

Pinkerton: Robert F. Kennedy Jr. Takes on the Uniparty with a Pledge to Put Americans First

Dysfunction and Disjunction Joe Biden, 46th president, is a weak Democratic incumbent. Five decades ago, Jimmy Carter, 39th president, was a weak Democratic incumbent. And now, both will be remembered for having been challenged for renomination by a Kennedy. The similarities between Biden and Carter are striking. In fact, beginning on April 10, 2021, this

Congressional leaders pledge to avert rail strike, negotiate year-end spending deal

Congressional leaders and top appropriators could meet as soon as Wednesday about the so-called omnibus spending package, which would boost federal agency budgets for the current fiscal year. | Andrew Harnik/AP Photo Congressional leaders left a meeting with President Joe Biden on Tuesday resolving to both quickly avert a national railroad strike in the coming

EXCLUSIVE: Top Biden EPA Nominee May Have ‘Violated’ Key Ethics Pledge, Watchdogs Say

Joseph Goffman, a top Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) nominee, could have violated a key federal ethics pledge after using his government role to grant favors to former university colleagues, watchdogs say. Goffman corresponded with former colleagues at Harvard University using his government email, according to federal records, potentially violating his ethics pledge. “Considering his several…

TRUMP BREAKS NATO: Leaders Pledge ‘Unwavering Commitment’ To Boost Defense Spending

Leaders of member nations that belong to the North Atlantic Treaty Organization (NATO) pledged their “unwavering commitment” to increasing their defense funding of the organization after President Donald Trump slammed the group for treating the United States unfairly. The commitment from European leaders came after Trump publicly embarrassed NATO Secretary-General Jens Stoltenberg during a meeting […]

Obama Invites 18.7 Million Immigrants to Avoid Oath of Allegiance, Pledge to Defend America

It’s not only illegal aliens who are escaping enforcement of the nation’s immigration laws. Under the Obama administration’s expansive interpretation of executive authority,  legal immigrants seeking citizenship through the nation’s Naturalization process are now exempt from a key part of the Oath of Allegiance. Immigrants seeking to become citizens no longer have to pledge to […]

More Than Half a Million Pledge to #BoycottTarget

Last week, Target Corp. announced that it will continue to allow transgender customers and employees to use the bathrooms and fitting rooms of their preference, regardless of their biological sex. A statement released on Target’s corporate website Tuesday came amid a nationwide legal dispute over whether transgender people should receive special protection under the country’s […]

392,000 Signers Pledge to Boycott Retailer Target Over Transgender Bathroom Decision

More than 392,000 people have signed an online pledge to boycott Target after the retail giant said that transgender employees and customers could use the bathroom that corresponds with their gender identity, irrespective of their biological sex. “This means a man can simply say he ‘feels like a woman today’ and enter the women’s restroom…even […]

Trump Floats 3rd Party Again: Says RNC Pledge Voided

HANAHAN, South Carolina — 2016 GOP presidential frontrunner Donald J. Trump tells reporters here that his pledge to support the eventual GOP nominee is now void because the Republican National Committee, along with local and state GOP factions, is stacking debate audiences with donor class officials. “The RNC is in default,” Trump said at the […]

Bernie Sanders Signs Global Warming Pledge — Created By A Billionaire Hedge Fund Manager

It’s not necessarily news that Sen. Bernie Sanders signed onto a green energy pledge the day before the New Hampshire primaries, but more interesting is that the puppet master behind this pledge is none other than a billionaire former hedge fund manager who’s in America’s (and Bernie’s very vocally) maligned “one percent.” Tom Steyer is the billion-dollar laden […]

The Deal Is Off! Paul Ryan Is About To Break His Immigration Pledge

House Speaker Paul Ryan is poised to break an explicit pledge not to touch immigration as speaker Friday, when he’s expected to allow a catch-all spending bill to the floor that includes a contentious expansion of the H-2b visa program. Ryan made the pledge in October in a bid to reassure members of the House Freedom […]


In the wake of another Islamic terrorist attack on American soil under this President, Obama is presiding over a change to the Oath of citizenship which will allow new citizens to cite religious belief as justification for refusing to defend the United States. Modifications to the Oath of Citizenship mean that newly-naturalized Americans will no […]
