July 27, 2024

‘A Moral Low’: Netanyahu Slams Biden Decision to Sanction Religious IDF Unit

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu slammed the Biden administration’s reported decision Saturday to slap sanctions on a unit of the Israel Defense Forces (IDF) for alleged human rights abuses against Palestinians in the past. The sanctions, first reported by Axios reporter Barak Ravid, would apply to the Netzach Yehudah (“Power of Judea”) unit, which enlists

Marlow on ‘Kudlow’: Democrats Got Bailed Out by the Supreme Court Decision

Breitbart Editor-in-Chief and New York Times bestselling Breaking Biden author Alex Marlow said Monday on Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow” that Democrats got bailed out by the Supreme Court unanimously overturning a Colorado Supreme Court ruling that disqualified former President Donald Trump from the ballot. Anchor Larry Kudlow said, “Alex let me play this on unification

Trump slams NY judge’s fraud ruling, says appeals court ‘must reverse un-American decision’

Former President Donald Trump blasted a Manhattan judge’s ruling against him as “horrible” and “un-American” in a rambling social media post after he was found liable for fraud, resulting in the revocation of his New York business licenses. “The widespread attack against me, my family, and my supporters has devolved to new, un-American depths, at […]

House Armed Services Chair Demands Answers on Biden Decision to Cancel Space Command Move to Alabama

House Armed Services Committee Chairman Mike Rogers (R-AL) is demanding that Air Force leaders provide answers on President Joe Biden’s decision to cancel the Space Command headquarters’ planned move to Alabama in what Republicans — and some Democrats — call a political decision. “I am demanding that Secretary Kendall and General Dickinson sit for transcribed

Adrian Amos’ Jets decision came with Aaron Rodgers recommendation

Aaron Rodgers’ recruitment efforts with the Jets are not limited to players who will help the offense move the ball. Safety Adrian Amos revealed that Rodgers — his fellow co-captain with the Packers — called him to recommend considering the Jets in free agency and then again to welcome him aboard after Amos’ visit to […]

Catholic Parents Sue State Officials For Dismissing Supreme Court Decision Granting Religious Schools Tuition Funding

A Catholic high school and two parents filed a lawsuit against Maine Department of Education Commissioner Pender Makin on Wednesday, arguing that the state is discriminating against religious families trying to apply for the state tuition program.  St. Dominic Academy is unable to access the state funding for the 2023-2024 school year due to the

‘Your Administration Shut It Down’: Hawley Confronts Biden Official Over Admin’s Decision To Block Mineral Mining

Republican Missouri Sen. Josh Hawley confronted a Biden official during a hearing Thursday over the administration’s decision to block mineral mining. Jaelith Hall-Rivera, the deputy chief of state and private forestry at the U.S. Department of Agriculture, was testifying before the Senate Committee on Energy and Natural Resources when Hawley began questioning her about the

George Mason students protest decision to host Youngkin as commencement speaker

George Mason University students on Tuesday protested the institution’s decision to select Virginia Republican Governor Glenn Youngkin as the 2023 commencement speaker.  Aproximately 100 of the 36,000 students enrolled at the university gathered on campus Tuesday to demand Youngkin be replaced as commencement speaker for the ceremony in May. George Mason University president Greg Washington […]

Tommy Fury defeats Jake Paul by split decision in thrilling boxing match

Tommy Fury handed Jake Paul his first career boxing loss winning by split decision after eight rounds in Saudi Arabia.  Judges scored the fight 75-74 Paul, 76-73 Fury, 76-73 Fury.  Fury, who remains undefeated at 9-0 with four career knockouts, was the first true boxer that Paul has faced to this point.  Paul, who is […]

Pelosi says decision on political future will be impacted by attack on her husband

Next Video Trump says he will make ‘a very big announcement’ on Nov. 15 Browse Videos Watch Video J.D. Vance promises to ‘fight for the people of Ohio’ in victory speech Watch Video ‘When you wake up, we will be in the majority’ : McCarthy promises GOP takeover Watch Video Wisconsin Senate race not called

Cheri Bustos says Jan. 6 influenced her decision to retire

Next Video The strategy behind McCarthy’s vague 2023 agenda Browse Videos Watch Video Abrams and Kemp clash over inflation in debate Watch Video Libertarian Marc Victor drops out of Arizona Senate race, endorses Blake Masters Watch Video Kari Lake mocks Paul Pelosi attack on the trail Watch Video Gayle Smith on the U.S. leading women’s…

Schumer 2.0: How a surprise same-sex marriage decision explains the Senate leader

“On this one issue I have to give him credit for playing it in a non-political way,” said Sen. Susan Collins (R-Maine), who’s clashed with Schumer repeatedly after his attempts to defeat her in 2020. “He listened closely to our analysis, and didn’t want to play politics with it.” After two cycles atop Democrats’ campaign…

Supreme Court Patent Decision May Foreshadow Trouble for Fannie and Freddie Shareholders

Shareholders of Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac challenging the U.S. government’s claim on the mortgage giants’ profits were jolted yesterday by a Supreme Court decision that appears to foreshadow a loss on one of their arguments in a case currently before the court. The Supreme Court ruled on Monday that administrative judges who hear patent disputes were…

Poll: Majority of Georgia Voters Oppose MLB Decision to Pull All-Star Game from Atlanta

The majority of Georgia voters oppose Major League Baseball’s (MLB) decision to pull the All-Star Game from Atlanta. A majority (53.5 percent) of voters in Georgia oppose the MLB’s decision to move the All-Star Game out of Atlanta in response to the voter integrity bill signed into law by Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp (R) last month. The…

‘Pretentious Virtue Signalling’: Greg Gutfeld Mocks Decision By MLB To Move All Star Game Over Georgia Voting Law

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld dismissed a decision by Major League Baseball (MLB) to move the All Star Game from Atlanta over Georgia’s new election law as “pretentious virtue signalling.” “It is awesome watching Major League Baseball pull this pretentious virtue signalling when all major league baseball platforms for the All Star Game, fans can…

US Considering Boycott On 2022 Beijing Olympics, Hasn’t Made ‘Final Decision’

February 25, 2021 6:58 PM ET The United States is considering a boycott on the 2022 Olympics in Beijing, China, but has not come to a “final decision,” White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki confirmed Thursday. Psaki addressed the issue at a White House press conference Thursday, saying there were no updates on where the…

‘Why Should Non-Citizens Be Treated Better?’: Texas AG Blasts Biden Decision To Vaccinate Illegals

February 07, 2021 3:23 PM ET Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton on Sunday blasted a decision by the Biden administration to allow illegal migrants access to the coronavirus vaccine. “[It’s] concerning to me because I certainly know a lot of people, people that are in higher-risk categories who have not gotten the vaccine yet and…

‘Today’s Decision Helps Us Get Expeditiously to the US Supreme Court’ – Trump Legal Team Releases Statement on Pennsylvania Ruling

Trump’s legal team responded to Judge Matthew Brann’s decision to dismiss their lawsuit seeking to block Pennsylvania from certifying its election results. As reported earlier tonight, US District Judge of the United States District Court for the Middle District of Pennsylvania Matthew Brann on Saturday dismissed a Trump campaign lawsuit seeking to block Pennsylvania from […]

Report: Facebook CEO Mark Zuckerberg Personally Made Decision to Ban Alex Jones.

When an ordinary account gets banned on Facebook, it’s possible that no human was ever involved in the decision. Not so for Alex Jones and Infowars. According to the New York Times, the order to ban the radio host came from the very top. Citing sources from inside Facebook, The New York Times reported on the […]

Judicial Watch: Newly Uncovered Strzok Email Suggests Decision Not to Prosecute Hillary Clinton Made in April 2016.

On Thursday, conservative watchdog group Judicial Watch obtained 16 new FBI documents relating to the Clinton-Lynch tarmac meeting. In the latest batch of newly uncovered docs is an email from Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok suggesting the decision to exonerate Hillary Clinton from her criminal email investigation was made in April of 2016. As previously reported, […]

YUGE: Mueller Reaches Indictment Decision On Trump, Report Says.

On Wednesday, a new report revealed that Special Counsel Robert Mueller has reportedly informed the legal team representing President Donald Trump that they cannot indict the president, according to a lawyer for the president. “All they get to do is write a report,” Trump attorney Rudy Giuliani told CNN. “They can’t indict. At least they […]

Comey: I Made a Controversial Email Investigation Decision to Protect Hillary’s Legitimacy as President.

Matt touched on this earlier, but this disclosure from fired FBI Director James Comey really highlights the extent to which key decisions he made over the course of the Clinton email investigation were made through a politicized, non-law-enforcement-centric, prism.  Ironically, by making this admission, which he blithely skates past, Comey effectively confirms a core complaint […]

Trump Puts Off Syria Strike Decision, Will Consult with Allies.

WASHINGTON (AP) — US President Donald Trump on Thursday put off a final decision on possible military strikes against Syria after tweeting earlier that they could happen “very soon or not so soon at all.” The White House said he would consult further with allies. US Defense Secretary Jim Mattis warned such an attack carried […]

U.S. Navy Destroyer Heads Towards Syria as Trump Vows ‘Major Decision’

A U.S. Navy destroyer reportedly entered waters near Syria shortly after President Donald Trump promised to make a “major decision” Monday on whether to order airstrikes against Bashar al-Assad. The Associated Press reports that the USS Donald Cook is now closing in on Syrian shores, armed with the same Tomahawk cruise missiles the U.S. used on a […]

Report: Russians Spent Millions to Influence Obama Admin’s Uranium One Decision.

FBI undercover informant Douglas Campbell has provided written testimony to Congress that Russian government authorities paid an American lobbying firm millions of dollars to influence the Obama administration and Hillary Clinton towards enacting favorable policies, including approving a Russian bid to buy stakes in Uranium One. The Hill has acquired a copy of Campbell’s testimony, […]

This Is Why A Liberal Law Professor Thinks Trump’s DACA Decision Is A Win For The Constitution

Law Professor: Don’t Bash Trump Over DACA; What He Did Was ‘Paramount’ For Our System Of Government There’s a lot of hysteria going on after the Trump administration decided on a gradual phasing out of the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals program. The program, which was created by executive order under Barack Obama, allows illegal […]

POLLAK: Trump’s DACA Decision is the Right Move, the Right Way

President Donald Trump has reportedly decided to end the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program — effective six months from Tuesday, when he will formally announce his decision. Trump’s decision has, predictably, outraged amnesty activists, and frightened the establishment wing of the Republican Party. But it has also raised alarms among conservatives, who fear […]

Trump Makes the Right Decision on Afghanistan… and Pakistan

Immediately after Donald Trump’s Afghanistan speech, Lindsey Graham — not always the president’s biggest fan — praised the address and noted Trump was smart to leave the actual  direction of day-to-day conduct of warfare to those trained to do it: the generals. He contrasted Donald with Obama, whom Graham called a “bad general.” True enough, […]

Statement In Support Of President Donald Trump’s Decision to Withdraw From The Paris Climate Agreement

The Directors of Bear Witness Central would like to thank President Donald J Trump for having the courage to withdraw from the Paris Climate Agreement. Even though President Trump received and continues to receive undeserved attacks from the climate hoax global planners, all Americans who truly understand the clear and present danger behind the Paris […]

BREAKING: House makes decision on INVESTIGATING Flynn…

In the aftermath of Michael Flynn’s resignation as the president’s National Security Adviser, many speculated that a House Oversight Committee investigation might follow. However, news is breaking that the House Oversight Committee will not open an investigation. From The Hill: House Oversight Committee Chairman Jason Chaffetz(R-Utah) said Tuesday that his panel won’t investigate the circumstances that led […]
