July 26, 2024

Climate Alarmists Shame COP28 into Overtime Deal to Abandon Fossil Fuels

The COP28 climate conference in Dubai seemed to be heading for an anticlimax on Tuesday, as the last scheduled day of negotiations passed without reaching the top goal of the climate movement: a worldwide agreement to phase out fossil fuels. The conferees went into “overtime,” however, and were able to hammer out a “historic” deal

New Year’s Eve beverage could go extinct due to climate change, AI company predicts

Bye-bye, bubbly? Champagne may be in short supply rather soon, according to ClimateAI, a climate resilience platform based in San Francisco. The company said the changing global climate could threaten the popular celebratory beverage. ClimateAI’s artificial intelligence-driven data has suggested that hundreds of grape varieties could be on the brink of extinction, including champagne-making grapes like pinot noir, […]

California scientist says he ‘left out the full truth’ to get climate change wildfire study published

A California scientist admitted that he “left out the full truth” about climate change, blaming it primarily on human causes, to get his study published in a prestigious science journal.  Patrick T. Brown, a lecturer at Johns Hopkins University and doctor of earth and climate sciences, admitted in an online article in The Free Press, […]

WSJ: Climate Change Alarmism Is ‘a Real Mental Disorder’

Climate alarmists’ overwrought accounts of hot summer weather are “fueling mental derangements,” writes the Wall Street Journal’s Allysia Finley in a searing op-ed Monday. It is not the weather itself, but the hyperbolic way it is reported that spreads panic, Finley insists, since in the past “heat waves were treated as a normal part of

Africa Climate Summit Demands Reparations via Global Tax on Fossil Fuels, Aviation, and Maritime Transport

LUIS TATO/AFP via Getty The first Africa Climate Summit ended Wednesday with a demand for global leaders to initiate a global carbon tax on fossil fuels, aviation and maritime transport, all while reforming financial systems that force African nations to pay more to borrow money. AP reports the call came in a declaration backed by

UK climate envoy calls rapid green transition ‘idiotic’ during meetings with John Kerry

British Energy Security and Net Zero Secretary Grant Shapps blasted calls Monday for a rapid shift from fossil fuels during meetings with U.S. Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry. Shapps’ remarks came during a U.S.-U.K. climate summit in which both President Biden and King Charles III participated on Monday morning. They were made in […]

Climate activists forcibly dragged from event with Biden energy secretary Jennifer Granholm

A group of climate activists were forcibly removed from an event Monday in eastern Michigan where Energy Secretary Jennifer Granholm spoke about the Biden administration’s green energy agenda. Security officers were seen forcing several activists to leave the event — hosted by the Detroit Free Press in Birmingham, Michigan — as others chanted anti-fossil fuel […]

Biden Promises Aid for ‘Climate Migrants’ in Weather Channel Interview

Anna Moneymaker/RINGO CHIU/AFP via Getty Images The Weather Channel is promoting the open-ended claim migrants should be allowed to enter the United States if their homelands are damaged by “extreme weather” — and President Joe Biden is eager to say yes. “Is it the responsibility of the United States to protect migrants who might be

Watch: Just Stop Oil Climate Radicals Disrupt England Rugby Final, Pour Organge Powder on Pitch

Radical climate change activists from the far-left Just Stop Oil group disrupted the England rugby final by running onto the field at Twickenham on Saturday. Play at the Gallagher Premiership rugby union final in London was forced to stop halfway through the first half of the match after two men from the Just Stop Oil ec0-zealot

Left-wing German chancellor slams ‘nutty’ climate protestors blocking streets, defacing art

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday sharply criticized climate activists as “nutty” for drastic protests such as blocking streets or gluing themselves to famous paintings in museums. “I think it’s completely nutty to somehow stick yourself to a painting or on the street,” Scholz said during a visit to an elementary school in the town […]

Biden’s latest climate action threatens US power grid, experts say

The Biden administration on Thursday released a sweeping plan to curb fossil fuel-fired power plant emissions, sparking concerns from experts about future U.S. power grid reliability. The Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) plan — which would curb nationwide power sector emissions by about 617 million metric tons through 2042 — forces electric power providers to slash […]

Sanders: We’ll ‘Have to Work with’ China, Russia ‘to Save the Planet’ on Climate

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Bernie Sanders (I-VT) argued that “there is no issue more important” than combatting climate change, stated that we will have to move away from fossil fuels, and said that “You’ve got to work with China,” and “You’re going to have to work with Russia if we’re going

John Kerry Claims the Administration’s Climate Policies Will Outlast Joe Biden

Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry thinks the Biden administration’s climate policies will outlast the president and will survive a Republican administration. Biden’s special envoy told CNN that he believes that the climate policies will outlast Biden and won’t be able to be reversed if a Republican is elected president in 2src24. Kerry argued that the

Democrats turn climate change into the next mental health crisis

House Democrats are warning that the impending climate crisis they have been predicting for years means more than rising tides, devastating storms and economic upheaval – it also means a growing mental health crisis for young Americans as they learn about and prepare to face these challenges. Rep. Mike Thompson, D-Calif., introduced a resolution that […]

Climate Cult Leaders Don’t Believe Their Own Narrative

Sharm El Sheik, The ringleaders of climate alarmism do not actually believe the narrative of CO2-as-pollution that they are marketing to the public, and it’s easy to prove, explains The New American magazine’s Alex Newman in this episode of Behind The Deep State. All you really need to know is that production in Communist China […]

Biden Administration Launches Multimillion-Dollar ‘Climate Gender Equity Fund’ to Address Inequalities

President Joe Biden announced the launch of his multimillion-dollar “Climate Gender Equity Fund” to address purported inequalities women face in climate finance at the United Nations COP 27 climate conference in Egypt on Friday. The Climate Gender Equity Fund will “leverage private sector contributions to help provide women climate leaders with technical skills, networks, and capital to

Democrat Mandela Barnes Wants ‘Clean Energy’ Economy: ‘Climate Crisis Is Already Here’

Democrat Mandela Barnes, during Friday night’s debate with Sen. Ron Johnson (R-WI), said that the “climate crisis is already here” and “impacting places all over the country and globe,” which is why he wants to work towards a “clean energy economy.” When asked about specific solutions to address climate change, he argued the “climate crisis is

Bill Gates Successfully Lobbied Joe Manchin to Pass Climate and Spending Bill

In a recent article, Bloomberg details Bill Gates’ efforts to lobby Joe Manchin over the climate and spending bill known as the “Inflation Reduction Act” even though it won’t reduce inflation according to nonpartisan experts. Gates worked hard to ensure the passage of the bill as it would further his creepy vision of a transition…

Demings: We Must ‘Acknowledge Climate Change and Take it Extremely Seriously’

U.S. Senate candidate Rep. Val Demings (D-FL) said Wednesday on MSNBC’s “All In” that Americans needed to “acknowledge climate change and take it extremely seriously” with a federal response. Demings said, “We are not going to be where we need to be until we acknowledge climate change and take it extremely seriously. It is something we…

Dems’ Climate Bill Overrules Supreme Court, Expands EPA’s Control Over Energy Industry

The Inflation Reduction Act defines “air pollutants” including carbon dioxide as “greenhouse gases.” Some experts argue this legally authorizes the EPA to regulate greenhouse gases and encourage adopting renewable energy, while others were not so sure. “There’s no definition there, it’s just sort of in a list, and it’s casually mentioned,” former Trump EPA transition team…

NYTimes Claims Western Heat Wave Caused by Climate Change Based on ‘Rapid Attribution’ Study

The New York Times claimed Wednesday that the recent heatwave in the western U.S. was caused by climate change, citing a “rapid attribution” that has not been peer-reviewed, and downplaying the uncertainty expressed by scientists about the causal link. The Times reported in an article titled “Climate Change Drove Western Heat Wave’s Extreme Records, Analysis Finds”: The extraordinary…

Gretchen Whitmer Blames Climate Change for Flooding After Many Detroit Pumps Lacked Power

Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) blamed climate change for flooding that occurred in Detroit last weekend, but dozens of pumping stations lacked power. Whitmer addressed reporters from the middle of the closed interstate, which was submerged underwater nearby. “These are hard days. Three weeks into my time as governor, we had the Polar Vortex,” a…

Kerry on Climate Refugee Protection: If ‘There Is No Ability to Live’ Somewhere, ‘You’re Very Much a Refugee’

During a town hall on CNN on Friday, Special Presidential Envoy for Climate John Kerry discussed giving people fleeing climate change refugee protection and stated that we want to try to attack the root causes of migration, but if people “can no longer grow food or there is no ability to live, then you’re very…

Sanders: Next Reconciliation Bill Will Deal with Climate Change

On Monday’s broadcast of CNN’s “AC360,” Senate Budget Committee Chairman Bernie Sanders (I-VT) said that the next piece of budget reconciliation legislation will deal with “structural problems,” such as “how we can create millions of good-paying jobs, rebuilding our crumbling infrastructure, and transforming our energy system to protect us from climate change.” Sanders stated, “[O]bviously, the…

Gretchen Whitmer Loads ‘Council on Climate Solutions’ with Donors, Utility Lobbyist, Dark Money Group Exec

Michigan Office of the Governor via AP Michigan Gov. Gretchen Whitmer (D) has packed her “Council on Climate Solutions” with campaign donors and a major utility lobbyist and dark money group executive that boosted her 2018 campaign, a review of campaign finance records revealed. Whitmer issued Executive Order 2020-182 last September to create the board,…

Boris Johnson: I’ve Had ‘Fantastic Conversations’ with Biden About Climate Change, NATO, Iran

British Prime Minister Boris Johnson said Sunday on CBS’s “Face the Nation” that he has had “fantastic conversations” about the way President Joe Biden “sees things” on climate change, NATO and Iran. Partial transcript as follows: BRENNAN: Thank you for joining us. I- I wanted to ask you a little bit of your reflection on what just…

UN Climate Envoy Bloomberg’s Private Jets Emitted More Than 500 Times The Carbon Footprint Of A Typical Car

Former New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg will return to the United Nations as a climate envoy, but his affinity for travel via private jet left a huge carbon footprint in the last four years, as reported by Fox News. Bloomberg, who has a net worth of around $55 billion, according to Forbes, took nearly…

Crenshaw: Biden’s Keystone, Paris Climate Policies Help Chinese Manufacturing, ‘They Can Keep Polluting While Our Economy Gets Hurt’

On Friday’s broadcast of “Fox News Primetime,” Rep. Dan Crenshaw (R-TX) said that President Joe Biden’s orders on the Keystone XL pipeline and Paris Climate Accords are going to increase manufacturing in China, who “can keep polluting while our economy gets hurt.” Crenshaw said, “So, listen, here’s what it comes down to, if you’re going…

Gutfeld Rips John Kerry: ‘Biden Made Him Climate Czar Because He Mistook Him For A Tree’

Fox News host Greg Gutfeld Tuesday dismissed President-elect Joe Biden’s cabinet picks and said he selected former Secretary of State John Kerry as his “climate czar because he mistook him for a tree.” “First there’s Kerry — what the morticians call a discount special,” Gutfeld said in his opening monologue on Fox News’ “The Five.”…

4 Reasons Why ‘Climate Change’ Is a Flat-Out Hoax.

First, a disclaimer: I am not a climate scientist.  In fact, I am not a scientist of any kind.  But I do have a degree in electrical engineering, which I mention only to point out that I am at least as qualified as the next non-scientist to form rational opinions about global warming claims. In obtaining my […]
