July 27, 2024

Donald Trump: ‘We Will Make The Trump Tax Cuts Permanent And Cut Taxes’ for Small Businesses, Families

Former President Donald Trump vowed to “make the Trump tax cuts permanent” during a speech at Turning Point Action’s “People’s Convention” on Saturday. During his speech at the convention in Detroit, Michigan, the former president added that if elected president in November, his administration would also “cut taxes even more for working families and small

Breitbart Business Digest: A Tax Day Reminder That Elections Matter

Tax Day Cometh
 We made it, fam! It’s another Tax Day. For some, April 15 is a day that can fill an American citizen with pride. It shouldn’t. Your money is almost certainly getting squandered by the federal government in ways both well known and mysterious. (If you need examples, see Breitbart.com literally any day

Hunter Biden’s Attorneys to Seek Dismissal of Tax Case as ‘Politically Motivated’

A U.S. judge on Wednesday will be asked to dismiss the criminal case accusing Hunter Biden of evading $1.4 million in taxes. Attorneys for the president’s son will argue prosecutors bowed to political pressure from Republican lawmakers investigating his father. Nine charges, including three felonies: allegedly failing to file taxes, evading an assessment, and filing

Report: Gov. Ron DeSantis Provided $90K in Tax Relief to a Chinese Subsidiary in Florida Despite Denials

Republican presidential candidate Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis (R) was the subject of yet another report unflattering to his record on China this week, this time for reportedly providing $90,000 in tax relief to the subsidiary of a Chinese-headquartered solar panel manufacturer with a factory in Jacksonville, Florida. The Washington Examiner reported Thursday that the DeSantis administration provided

Motorcycle Gunmen Kidnap 150+ Villagers in Nigeria over Unpaid ‘Tax’

Upwards of 150 people have been abducted by gunmen in Nigeria’s northwest, local residents said, pointing to dozens of armed men on motorcycles who stormed villages in Zamfara state for the punitive raid. The BBC reports the residents were kidnapped after the villages failed to pay a “tax” imposed on them by the gunmen, witnesses said.

Africa Climate Summit Demands Reparations via Global Tax on Fossil Fuels, Aviation, and Maritime Transport

LUIS TATO/AFP via Getty The first Africa Climate Summit ended Wednesday with a demand for global leaders to initiate a global carbon tax on fossil fuels, aviation and maritime transport, all while reforming financial systems that force African nations to pay more to borrow money. AP reports the call came in a declaration backed by

Hunter Biden criminal tax case assigned to Trump-appointed judge in Delaware

A Trump-appointed judge will preside over Hunter Biden’s federal criminal tax case in Delaware, the Justice Department announced Wednesday. U.S. District Court Judge Maryellen Noreika will preside over the case as the first son enters into a plea deal on two misdemeanor federal tax charges. Former President Trump appointed Noreika to her position in 2017. […]

A group of GOP centrists threatens hardline tactics on tax bill

Rep. Nick LaLota (R-N.Y.) has helped lead a group of roughly 1src members as they’ve backchanneled with GOP tax-writers, pushing for a long-elusive deal on expanding state and local tax relief. | Francis Chung/POLITICO A group of House Republican centrists is taking a page from their hardliner colleagues, demanding critical changes to their party’s signature

Left-wing Hollywood Elite Sell Cheap to Avoid L.A.’s ‘Mansion Tax’

Members of the Hollywood elite are among those who have contrived to avoid the new “mansion tax” passed last year by Los Angeles voters — including some of the biggest names in Democratic Party fundraising circles. Measure ULA went into effect on April 1, and ostensibly exists to raise money for low-income housing. But many

London’s Green Emissions Tax Will Result in France-Style Revolt, Protesters Warn

Protesters in London have warned that Sadiq Khan’s green emissions tax on cars will likely result in a France-style revolt. Numerous Londoners involved in protesting Sadiq Khan’s Ultra Low Emission Zone (ULEZ) expansion plan have warned that the glorified green tax will likely result in widespread unrest similar to that seen in France earlier this year.

Comer: Biden Wants to Go After Legal Gun Owners and Add IRS Agents when Hunter Broke Gun, Tax Laws

On Monday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Jesse Watters Primetime,” House Oversight Committee Chairman Rep. James Comer (R-KY) stated that it is galling to listen to President Joe Biden talk about the need to hire more IRS agents to go after tax cheats, reform the criminal justice system to make it more fair, or

IRS Commissioner: DOJ Responsible for Whistleblower Purge from Hunter Biden Tax Probe 

Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images, Tom Williams/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Images, Breitbart News edit IRS Commissioner Daniel Werfel told Congress the Justice Department (DOJ) made the decision to purge an IRS whistleblower from the DOJ’s probe into Hunter Biden, according to a letter sent to House Ways and Means Committee Chair Jason Smith (R-MO). Werfel’s letter on May 17 responded to

Conservatives to Time Tax Cuts For Maximum Benefit in 2024 General Election: Report

Conservatives to Time Tax Cuts For Maximum Benefit in 2024 General Election: Report Getty Images The UK government is planning to time badly-needed-now tax cuts and wage rises to give the maximum feeling of uplift at the next general election, which it is claimed will take place next Autumn. While the government has until January

Georgia lawmakers reach agreement on state budget including property tax breaks

Georgia lawmakers have reached a final agreement on amendments to this year’s state budget, setting the stage for final House and Senate votes on the spending plan Monday. House Bill 18 raises spending by $2.4 billion after Republican Gov. Brian Kemp raised projected revenue. It includes $950 million for property tax rebates to homeowners and […]

Report: Federal Agents Have ‘Sufficient Evidence’ to Charge Hunter Biden with Tax Crimes, False Gun Statement

AP Photo/Susan Walsh Federal agents reportedly have “sufficient evidence” to charge Hunter Biden with tax crimes and making false statements regarding a gun purchase. The decision of whether Hunter will ultimately be charged is up to Trump-appointed United States Attorney David Weiss, individuals with knowledge of the probe told the Washington Post in a Thursday report. Weiss

Donald Trump: Potential Tax and Gun Charges Against Hunter Biden Are a ‘Charade’

Former President Donald Trump spoke about the reports that federal law enforcement has enough evidence to charge President Joe Biden’s son Hunter with tax and gun violations during a Save America rally in Nevada on Saturday, calling those speculated charges a “charade” to avoid bringing major charges against Hunter. Trump’s remarks came after the Washington Post reported on…

‘People Hit The Hardest Are The Poor’: Newt Gingrich Says American’s Will Notice Biden’s ‘Hidden Tax’

Former House Speaker Newt Gingrich said Sunday that Americans will notice what he called President Joe Biden’s “hidden tax” and predicted the country is “on the edge of a massive inflation.” “So every person who hears us today, when you go out to fill your gas tank and you notice that you’re getting less gasoline…

White House Misleadingly Using Former Trump Adviser Gary Cohn to Sell Joe Biden Tax Hike

AP Photo/Evan Vucci President Joe Biden’s White House continues citing an old Gary Cohn interview out of context to suggest President Donald Trump’s former economic adviser is supporting Biden’s proposed $2.5 trillion spending deal. “This Week: 200 Economists, Gary Cohn, Republican Kathy Maness, and the American People Agreed: The American Jobs Plan Is Both Sensible…

Over 100 Lawmakers Call for 2020 Tax Filing Deadline Extension

Over 100 House members have signed a bipartisan letter asking the IRS on Tuesday to delay the April 15 tax filing date. “Millions of stressed-out taxpayers, businesses and preparers would appreciate an extension of the deadline to file their 2020 tax returns,” members of Congress said in a letter addressed to IRS Commissioner Charles Rettig…

Kamala Harris: ‘Joe Biden and I Are About to Work to Get Rid of that Tax Cut’

Sen. Kamala Harris (D-CA) spoke to Hispanic Americans at a campaign stop in McAllen, Texas, on Friday, telling them that she and former Vice President Joe Biden’s “first order of business” is to get rid of President Trump’s tax cuts. “I promise you this — as a first order of business, Joe Biden and I…

Armageddon: Meanwhile, A Major US Company Has Announced a Massive New Investment, Crediting Tax Reform.

With the Kavanaugh confirmation drama emerging as an all-consuming political story over the last two weeks, it  may be somewhat inevitable that many voters don’t hear much about significant economic developments.  With Republicans holding a consistent lead over Democrats on the issues of job creation and the economy — and with President Trump and his […]

Trump Lawyer Warns New York Times of Tax Story ‘Defamation,’ ‘Substantial Liability’

The lawyer who won a multi-million dollar libel settlement for Melania Trump is now warning The New York Times about a story suggesting her husband, President Donald Trump, may have committed tax fraud. On Tuesday, the Times published a story, “Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches from His Father,” in which […]

Rep. Jim Renacci: Trump’s tax cuts worked — don’t let the DC establishment take them away.

U.S. President Donald Trump applauds as he departs after giving remarks on tax cuts for American workers during an event in the White House Rose Garden in Washington, U.S., April 12, 2018. REUTERS/Kevin Lamarque – HP1EE4C1FZ0CG I’ve spent this last month in Ohio, hearing from American workers, families, and businesses about the effects of the […]

Trump’s Welfare Ban for Immigrants Would Be $57.4B Tax Cut for Americans.

President Trump’s ban on allowing welfare-dependent legal immigrants to resettle permanently in the United States would likely save American taxpayers about $1,600 a year per immigrant. As Breitbart News reported, the Trump administration is set to roll out a plan in the next month that bars foreign nationals who need government welfare in order to […]

Republicans Roll Out Tax Cuts 2.0

Republicans in the House of Representatives unveiled the plan for the second round of tax cuts on Tuesday, the core of which would make tax cuts for individuals permanent. Days before lawmakers head home for five weeks of summer campaigning before the Nov. 6 congressional elections, House Ways and Means Committee Chairman Kevin Brady rolled […]

What the latest jobs numbers tell us — The Trump tax cuts are working for America.

There was good economic news Friday when the Labor Department announced that the U.S. economy added 213,000 jobs in June – more than the increase of about 200,000 that economists had forecast. Contrary to media reports about “stagnant” wages, the jobs report showed that average hourly earnings increased by 0.2 percent in June, for a […]

NJ Governor Pitches 2,400% Tax Increase On Firearms

New Jersey’s Democratic Governor Phil Murphy is floating a plan to increase taxes on buying and selling guns by up to 2,400%, according to guns.com. Murphy estimates that the state will take in an additional $2 million in revenue from the tax, which would include raising handgun purchase permits from $2 to $50, and firearms […]

Flashback: Hillary Predicted Trump’s Tax Plan Would Destroy Millions of Jobs. It’s Doing Precisely the Opposite.

At the final 2016 presidential debate, Hillary Clinton cited “independent experts” (namely, this guy, whose predictions about President Trump’s impact on the economy have been proven laughably wrong thus far) in asserting that Trump’s tax plan would cost the US millions of jobs and risked plunging the economy into another major downturn — the latter […]

Happy Tax Day: 80 Percent Of Americans Will Be Getting A Cut Thanks To Trump Tax Bill.

Today is Tax Day. It’s the day where the Internal Revenue Service takes their yearly pound of flesh to the government. And for 80 percent of Americans, they’ll be getting relief thanks to President Trump and the Republican Congress passing the most extensive tax reform since the Reagan administration (via NTK Network): ï»ż That estimate […]

Georgia Lawmakers Erase Tax Break for Delta After It Cut Ties with NRA.

Georgia lawmakers voted Thursday to do away with a tax break for Delta Air Lines after it joined in a political boycott, severing ties with the NRA. The tax break consisted of a $50 million jet fuel tax exemption. Fox New quoted Georgia Lt. Gov. Casey Cagle, saying, “Businesses have every legal right to make their own […]
