July 27, 2024

Trump Lawyer Warns New York Times of Tax Story ‘Defamation,’ ‘Substantial Liability’

The lawyer who won a multi-million dollar libel settlement for Melania Trump is now warning The New York Times about a story suggesting her husband, President Donald Trump, may have committed tax fraud. On Tuesday, the Times published a story, “Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches from His Father,” in which […]

Winning! WashPost: Trump’s Economy Boosts Blue-Collar Jobs – NY Times: ‘best economy in quite a long time’

President Donald Trump has shifted the economy so that once-disregarded blue-collar manufacturing workers are now recovering jobs faster than coastal service-sector employees, the Washington Post acknowledged Sunday. “Blue-collar jobs are growing at their fastest rate in more than 30 years, helping fuel a hiring boom in many small towns and rural areas that are strong supporters of […]

NYT Publishes Op-Ed From Anonymous ‘Senior Trump Admin Official’ Claiming to be Saboteur Inside White House.

Who is this ‘resister’ working as a ‘senior’ staffer for the Trump administration? On Wednesday, The New York Times published an op-ed from an anonymous senior Trump administration official bragging about being a saboteur inside the White House. The New York Times prefaced the op-ed by labeling the author as a “senior official in the […]

More Liberal Insanity: NY Times Endorses Unhinged Candidate Who Wants to Jail ICE Officers.

NY AG candidate Zephyr Rain Teachout New York AG candidate Zephyr Teachout, a law professor at Fordham University in NY, promised to not only abolish ICE if elected, but to prosecute ICE agents for their criminality as well. Zephyr Teachout told supporters in an online ad, “As Attorney General I will continue to speak out […]

President Trump LASHES OUT At New York Times For Report On White House Counsel’s Mueller Connections.

Trump likened the Mueller probe to “McCarthyism.” President Donald Trump lashed out at The New York Times for a Saturday report indicating that White House Counsel Don McGahn has cooperated “extensively” with Special Counsel Robert Mueller‘s investigation, calling the scoop a “fake story,” and claiming that members of the media have called the president’s office […]

Twitter Suspends Candace Owens — Then Says It Was ‘An Error’ After Backlash.

Twitter suspended conservative commentator Candace Owens on Sunday for imitating New York Times editorial board member Sarah Jeong’s anti-white tweets, but restored Owens’ account access following a backlash on social media. Owens, the communications director for conservative activist group Turning Points USA, on Saturday sent out a pair of tweets quoting Jeong’s anti-white statements — […]

Six things that the New York Times probably didn’t think about when hiring and defending Sarah Jeong.

I haven’t been able to find any indication of what Sarah Jeong’s middle name is, or even if she has one. But it is clear that as far as the New York Times is concerned, it ought to be Pandora. As Clarice Feldman pointed out, the best thing about her is that the New York Times […]

New York Times defends double standard in hiring writer with a history of explicit, hateful racism directed at whites.

See also: Let’s all thank Sarah Jeong for showing us what liberals think of white people The New York Times has provoked a firestorm with its hiring of Sarah Jeong as a member of its editorial board, despite apparently having checked her social media history and found explicitly hateful anti-white tweets in abundance.  Following criticism of […]

Nolte: New York Times Upset over Threats Against Media; Ignores 500-Plus Attacks on Trump Supporters

New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger says he is worried about threats against journalists, even as his publication has all but ignored more than 500 attacks against President Trump and his supporters. After meeting with the president this month, Sulzberger released a five-paragraph statement about the weekend meeting: I told the president directly that I thought […]

Media continue attacking Trump despite his week of accomplishments and strong economic growth.

If Ronald Reagan was the “Teflon president,” Donald Trump must be the Incredible Hulk president. The more the left and the media attack him, the stronger he gets. 1. This past week was a great example. It began with CNN worrying that fears of Russian collusion had seeped into the “bloodstream” of American politics after […]

Leakers to NYT Confirm FBI Ran Spy Operation Against Trump Campaign.

Leakers to the New York Times confirmed in a story published on Wednesday that the FBI had run a spy operation on the Trump campaign that involved government informants, secret subpoenas, and possible wiretaps. The story comes ahead of the release of the pending Department of Justice inspector general report on the FBI’s actions during […]

The Left’s Chilling Refusal to Stop Flirting With Marxist Ideas.

The New York Times just can’t stop talking about communism. Recently the Times ran an editorial headlined  “Happy Birthday, Karl Marx. You Were Right!” The piece, written by Jason Barker, a professor in South Korea, is about what one would expect from a defense of communism. As one Federalist writer noted, it was “beyond parody.” […]

Not A Drill: New York Times Admits Trump Was Right About Refugee Violence In Europe.

About a year ago, The New York Times and many other liberal outlets criticized Trump for pointing out the fact that crime is out of control in Sweden thanks in large part to the decision to let in hundreds of thousands of unvetted migrants. It was a baffling move to pretend that the violence in […]

The New York Times Criticized Trump For Pointing Out Violence In Sweden. A Year Later It’s Reporting On It.

NYT Gets Around To Reporting On Sweden’s Immigrant Crime Problem, Leaves Out A Few Key Details The New York Times reported Sunday on the increasing problem of immigrant gangs in Sweden The NYT criticized President Donald Trump for commenting on the problem over a year ago The NYT took great pains not to mention where […]

2017 Might Have Been Worst Year in U.S. History for Media Bias.

A cornerstone of a truly free society is the presence of a vigilant news media, one that is willing to hold powerful government officials accountable when they abuse their offices for their own personal gain or the advancement of corrupt special interests. A sign a society is on the path to tyranny is when the […]

The New York Times Doesn’t Give ‘Truth a Voice’

Image via Shutterstock, the New York Times office. The New York Times has a new campaign in which it claims to give voice to truth through nonbiased, independent journalism, but the campaign itself counters this claim. Look at this latest ad in which the Times declares, “We hold power to account without fear or favor.” […]

Failing NYT? Carlos Slim Sells Half Of His Stake.

The New York Times’ Biggest Single Investor Is Selling Over Half His Shares Mexican billionaire and outspoken critic of President Donald Trump, Carlos Slim, is reportedly selling over half of his shares in The New York Times. Slim will be left with only an 8 percent stake in the paper, down from 17 percent. The […]

How Much Does the ‘New York Times’ Hate Donald Trump?

(AP Photo/ Evan Vucci) At this point in the first Trump administration, the Left’s derangement at the election of an NOKD outsider is already well into the red zone. Exhibit A: At one point during the online streaming of the game last month, two white announcers for a Forest City radio station, KIOW, began riffing on the […]

NYT Columnist: Franken Must Go

But not so fast – she uses partisan reasoning to turf one of her own. The New York Times uber-left and ultra-feminist columnist Michelle Goldberg is calling for Democratic Senator Al Franken to resign over his actions toward a female radio host and former model. Back in 2006 while Franken was still doing comedy and had not […]

NY Times Pushes Case for No Tax Cuts At All

Not everyone is crazy about the current tax reform proposals before Congress. Some want more pro-growth measures. Others want it benefits geared more toward middle- and low-income people. But a piece in the New York Times argues Congress should not pursue tax cuts at all. If anything, the piece calls for even higher taxes 

[WATCH] Another EXPLOSIVE video from James O’Keefe blows lid wide open on media bias

For conservatives and supporters of President Trump, the media’s bias against him isn’t exactly a secret. Although organizations like MSNBC have always been known for their liberal slant, the era of Trump has corrupted formally reputable news outlets like CNN and the New York Times, as well. While saying that CNN and the New York […]

The New York Times Embraces Fake Science, Fake Engineering, and Fake Economics

The Oct. 16, 2017 New York Times devotes most of a full page to an editorial promoting “5 Climate Truths Mr. Trump Doesn’t Get.” They even have graphs to supposedly illustrate their five truths. As someone who has studied climate change and renewable energy I immediately understood that their editorial was very simplistic and does […]

BREAKING: O’Keefe Strikes Again – Bombshell Video Takes Down New York Times

In a video announcement released on September 18th, Project Veritas founder and guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe warned his organization was currently operating one of the biggest ever investigations into the mainstream media’s ‘holy grail,’ promising media people will likely lose their jobs over the imminent exposĂ©. As previously reported, James O’Keefe released part one of […]

NY Times Published 31 Articles on Why Socialism is Good

The New York Times has gone all-in on explaining why socialism was good for those who lived under its thumb. The two most notorious pieces, at least on social media, were the following: Aug. 12: Why Women Had Better Sex Under Socialism Sept. 25: How Did Women Fare in China’s Communist Revolution? However, the New […]

Trump vs. the Enemies of the People

Don Lemon. It’s true that Donald Trump cannot yet claim a major legislative accomplishment. It’s also true that he himself bears some of the blame for that: the distractions of his chaotic style have given cover to a divided and spineless GOP legislature. Nonetheless, those of us who voted for him with misgiving can still […]

The New York Times Continues Its Tradition of Whitewashing Communism

It seems communism is back in vogue at The New York Times. A sad but common issue in the modern West is that progressives have created a fanciful and distorted picture of socialism to make it seem like an intriguing alternative to American-style capitalism. Ikea socialism—with Sweden as the model—is an utterly distorted, but at […]

The Post Vs. The Times: How Competition Helped Create Fake News

The huge amounts of negative Donald Trump coverage during and after the presidential election may be more about making money than simple bias. Changes in the newspaper industry, coupled with the pressure of competition between The Washington Post and The New York Times, seems to play a major role. “Call it the Last Newspaper War, as two great survivors face off […]

New York Times Reporter Says White Women On Sidewalks Are Racist

Reporter Greg Howard accuses white women on sidewalks of being racist in a New York Times essay titled “Was That Racist.” You see, Howard is convinced “almost all” white women refuse to move out of his way when he walks toward them on the sidewalk, forcing him “off the sidewalk completely.” The reason for this likely […]

BREAKING: Leaks to New York Times Allowed ISIS Caliph al-Baghdadi to ESCAPE

Obama holdovers, no doubt. He still has people in the U.S. government working to continue his policies of destroying America. President Trump: purge, baby, purge. Top general says LEAKS to the New York Times are the reason ISIS leader al-Baghdadi escaped US forces and is likely still alive General Tony Thomas has blamed leakers for […]

The Russian Collusion Story: The Acme of Fake News

Richard Fernandez is one of the most brilliant authors on the Internet. This week he wrote: Conventional wisdom posits the chief challenges facing the post-Cold War World are Global Warming and the decline of international institutions. But maybe that assurance is a species of Fake News. Suppose the most pressing problems in the next decade […]
