July 27, 2024

Jake Sullivan Refuses to Rule Out Strikes Inside Iran

National Security Advisor Jake Sullivan said Sunday on CNN’s “State of the Union” that the United States will take additional action after earlier airstrikes targeting Iran-backed militant groups, but he would not specify where including ruling out Iran. Sullivan said, “The president ordered strikes in Iraq and Syria in response to the tragic death of three

Cotton: ‘Serious Reservations’ About Iraq, Syria Strikes Being a Strategic Success

Friday on FNC’s “Special Report,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) expressed his doubt about the efficacy of the U.S. strikes in Iraq and Syria earlier in the day. Cotton told host Bret Baier he had “serious reservations” about the strategic success of the missions. “Well, first off, I want to express my admiration for our brave

Johnson strikes his first bipartisan deal — a $1.7T funding accord

Senate Majority Leader Chuck Schumer (D-N.Y.) and House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) at the Capitol in December. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Congressional leaders have clinched a deal on overall budget totals that could pave the way for a broader government funding compromise in the coming weeks — further enraging Speaker Mike Johnson’s right flank. The long-stalled

Pinkerton: The Anti-Trump Media Disinformation Industrial Complex Strikes Again

On December 7, our friends at The New York Times gave us this  headline: “Russia’s Latest Disinformation Tactic Exploits American Celebrities.”  According to the article, the Russians have tricked up videos from Elijah Wood, Priscilla Presley, Mike Tyson, and other D-listers, making it seem that they are delivering pro-Kremlin propaganda points.  How, exactly, have the

PHOTOS: Lightning Strikes Over Gaza as Israel Attacks Hamas

Lightning flashed across the skies over Gaza as Israel targeted Hamas terrorist sites on Monday evening. Israel carried out multiple airstrikes as it continued to respond to the massive terror attack Saturday by the Palestinian group, which is armed and funded by Iran. A plume of smoke rises in the sky of Gaza City during

Drew Barrymore dropped as host of National Book Awards after bringing talk show back amid SAG strikes

The National Book Foundation announced on social media that they were dropping Drew Barrymore as host of their upcoming awards ceremony amid the talk show’s fall from grace after her announcement to resume “‘The Drew Barrymore Show” despite ongoing strikes in Hollywood. In a post on X Tuesday, the Foundation announced their decision to rescind […]

Warner Bros. Delays ‘Dune: Part Two’ to 2024 in Hope of Hollywood Strikes Ending Before Press Tour

Aug. 24 (UPI) — Warner Bros. announced Thursday that Dune: Part Two would be postponed until 2024. The official social media account now lists the release date as March 15. Dune: Part Two was previously scheduled for release Nov. 3, two years following the release of the first part. The two-part movie adapts Frank Herbert’s

Ford: 600 Michigan Workers Temporarily Laid Off as UAW Strikes Ramp Up

A large batch of Ford workers at the Michigan Assembly Plant in Wayne have been temporarily laid off as the company endures the United Auto Workers (UAW) strike. The company said Friday the number of workers was approximately 600, WWMT reported Friday. The workers affected are from the body construction department and the south sub-assembly

Federal Court Strikes Down Alabama GOP Redistricting Maps 

A federal court on Tuesday struck down redistricting maps signed into law by Alabama Gov. Kay Ivey (R) in July after the maps failed to create a second majority-black congressional district. The ruling comes after a contentious court battle over Alabama’s redrawn congressional maps. The three-judge panel, composed of Clinton-appointed Judge Stanley Marcus and Trump-appointed

4.9 magnitude earthquake strikes Haiti leaving 3 dead, several others injured

An earthquake with a preliminary magnitude of 4.9 struck southern Haiti early Tuesday, killing at least three people and injuring several others, authorities said. The quake struck before dawn near the southern coastal city of Jeremie at a depth of six miles, according to the U.S. Geological Survey. “I thought the whole house was going […]

Federal judge strikes down Minnesota law banning 18-20-year-olds from obtaining gun permits

A federal judge on Friday struck down a Minnesota law that prohibits adults age 18-20 from obtaining permits to carry handguns in public.  Assisted by gun-rights advocacy groups, three individuals who were under 21 challenged a 2003 state law that enacted an age requirement to apply for a permit to carry a pistol. They argued […]

Markey: Popularity of Packing Court Will Increase When It Strikes Down ‘Historic, Progressive Laws’

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “All In,” Sen. Ed Markey (D-MA), who has introduced legislation to add four Supreme Court seats, predicted that there will be “a public cry for a change in the numbers of the Supreme Court so that they cannot continue their undermining, their destruction of historic, progressive laws that have been…

California Judge Strikes Down Trump Administration Rules That Would Limit Visas To Skilled Workers

U.S. District Judge Jeffrey White struck down two Trump administration rules Tuesday that would have reduced the number of visas issued to skilled foreign workers each year. The Trump administration announced new changes to the H-1B visa program in October, which included new salary requirements on companies that hire foreign skilled workers and limited speciality…

James O’Keefe Strikes Again: Open Communists in GAO Admits to Slow-Walking President’s Agenda.

Natarajan Subramanian: “We have a bunch of just communists, like no prefix, and that’s basically me. We have some folks who are Trotskyists or Leninists.” James O’Keefe and Project Veritas released the third installment in their undercover video series unmasking the Washington DC Deep State. The first report in this series featured Stuart Karaffa, a member […]

US Drone Strikes Kill Afghan ISIS Leader.

U.S. drone strikes killed an Afghan Islamic State (ISIS) leader and 10 other fighters Saturday night. Abu Sayeed Orakzai was the fourth ISIS leader in Afghanistan killed since July 2017, according to the provincial governor of Nangarhar, NBC News reported Sunday. The airstrikes were launched near the Afghanistan-Pakistan border, according to Agence France-Presse, Fox News reported. Orakzai led Islamic […]

Socialist star Ocasio-Cortez strikes out: All endorsed candidates lose Tuesday primaries.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez’s record on Tuesday night for her chosen primary candidates was as bare as a Venezuelan supermarket shelf. The socialist pulled off a stunning victory last month in New York, and is now attempting to parlay that win into helping other leftists win Democratic primaries. We’ve got about ONE WEEK LEFT until a whole […]

Strzok Strikes Out

​“I have the utmost respect for Congress’s oversight role, but I truly believe that today’s hearing is just another victory notch in Putin’s belt and another milestone in our enemies’ campaign to tear America apart. As someone who loves this country and cherishes its ideals, it is profoundly painful to watch and even worse to […]

Israel strikes dozens of Iranian targets in Syria.

Iran targets Israel from Syria, Israel responds Israel struck 50 Iranian targets in Syria after 20 rockets were fired towards Israel’s front defensive line in the Golan Heights early Thursday morning by the Iranian Revolutionary Guard Corp’s Quds Force, the IDF announced. The targets all belonged to IRGC’s Quds Force and included intelligence sites, logistics […]

Syria accuses Israel of new strikes while IDF orders bomb shelters opened.

An Israeli air force F-15 fighter jet flies during an exhibition as part of the graduation ceremony of air force pilots at Hatzerim air base in southern Israel. (photo credit: AMIR COHEN/REUTERS) The army also said it raised preparedness of “troops for an attack” and deployed air defenses in the north of the country. Israeli […]

Trump, allies praise Syria strikes as Moscow seethes.

A Syrian soldier inspects the wreckage of a building described as part of the Scientific Studies and Research Centre (SSRC) compound in the Barzeh district north of Damascus, during a press tour organised by the Syrian government after US-led strikes (AFP Photo/LOUAI BESHARA) Washington (United States) (AFP) – US President Donald Trump and his British […]

Klukowski: President Trump’s Syria Strikes Are Constitutional.

While experts can debate whether striking Syria is good policy, the legal reality should not be open to debate: President Donald Trump’s strikes against Syria were fully authorized by the U.S. Constitution. Article I, Section 8, Clause 11 of the Constitution says that only Congress has the power “to declare War.” However, Article II, Section […]

US, Britain and France launch joint strikes on Syria’s chemical weapons arsenal.

US President Donald Trump announced late Friday that a joint US-British-French operation had been launched on Syria, targeting the “criminal” regime of Bashar Assad for his alleged use of chemical weapons against civilians and to deter him from doing it again. Loud explosions lit up the skies over the Syrian capital as Trump announced the […]

U.S. strikes on Syria, launched in concert with British, French allies, are “now underway.”

President Donald Trump says the United States has “launched precision strikes” on targets associated with Syrian chemical weapons program. Trump spoke from the White House Friday night. He says a “combined operation” with France and the United Kingdom is underway. Trump says that last Saturday, Syrian President Bashar Assad deployed chemical weapons in what was […]

CHINA STRIKES BACK: Fights Trump’s Tariffs With Tariffs On 120 American Products.

Weeks ago, President Trump announced new tariffs on steel and aluminum, supposedly in an effort to jog the American economy. At the time, he also announced that trade wars were “good, and easy to win.” His economic rivals reminded him that this had not proven true at any point in American history. His economic rivals […]

FRANKENSTEIN STRIKES: More Companies Announce Bonuses, Wage Increases and Expansion, Thanks to Tax Reform.

If this destructive misery continues apace, I’m not sure there will be a single American still alive by the end of the holiday season.  You’ve heard the terrible news about Boeing, Fifth Third Comcast, Wells Fargo, AT&T — all of which are celebrating passage of the tax reform bill by some combination of paying out […]

BREAKING: O’Keefe Strikes Again – Bombshell Video Takes Down New York Times

In a video announcement released on September 18th, Project Veritas founder and guerrilla journalist James O’Keefe warned his organization was currently operating one of the biggest ever investigations into the mainstream media’s ‘holy grail,’ promising media people will likely lose their jobs over the imminent exposĂ©. As previously reported, James O’Keefe released part one of […]


You’d have to live under a rock not to feel the growing tension across the globe as various powers shift and align, and the drumbeats of war speed their cadence. To be honest, it’s scary. On the one hand, we have Kim Jong-un in North Korea threatening nuclear Armageddon and firing hundreds of artillery pieces […]

Five Lessons to Be Learned from the U.S. Strikes Against Assad.

Less than 72 hours after Bashar al-Assad used chemical weapons in Syria, America responded by targeting the air base used for the gas attacks. The primary motive for the strikes doubtless is to restore America’s moral leadership. The level of disharmony at the international level and the United Nations makes America the only power that […]

Poll: Majority of Americans approve of Trump’s air strikes in Syria.

A majority of Americans think President Donald Trump did the right thing by launching air strikes against the Syrian military and targeting President Bashar al-Assad’s regime for the government’s most recent use of chemical weapons on it’s own people, a new poll shows. According to a recent CBS News survey,  57 percent of Americans approve of Trump’s […]

China’s Xi Told Trump Strikes On Syria ‘Necessary When People Are Killing Children’

Chinese President Xi Jinping offered a degree of support for the U.S. missile strikes on Syria Thursday evening, according to Secretary of State Rex Tillerson. The Trump administration ordered the bombing of a Syrian airbase and indicated Syrian President Bashar al-Assad should be removed from power, in response to a chemical weapons attack the Pentagon […]
