July 27, 2024

Outgoing Silicon Valley lawmaker says big tech needs immigration reform

House Energy and Commerce Committee Health Subcommittee Chair Anna Eshoo (D-Calif.) listens to Health and Human Services Secretary Alex Azar as he testifies about the the FY2src in the Rayburn House Office Building on Capitol Hill on Feb. 26, 2src2src in Washington. | Chip Somodevilla/Getty Images Outgoing California Rep. Anna Eshoo’s biggest tech regret isn’t

Congress has power to reform Supreme Court, Sen. Whitehouse says

“In terms of administering how the internal ethics of the judicial branch are done — heck, the judicial conference which does that is a creation of Congress,” Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse (D-R.I.) said. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Congress “absolutely can” reform Supreme Court ethics rules, Sen. Sheldon Whitehouse said, despite some arguments that Congressional interference would be

Virginia leftist prosecutors face reelection challenges amid criminal justice reform controversy

Three northern Virginia prosecutors who took office four years ago as progressive reformers are facing primary challenges in next month’s elections. Virginia’s June 20 Democratic Primary could shed light on whether suburban voters still embrace the criminal justice reforms that carried them into office. The challengers in the races in Arlington, Fairfax and Loudoun counties […]

Ohio GOP’s constitutional amendment reform bid clears legislative committees

A proposal by Republicans in Ohio’s Statehouse that would raise the vote threshold required to amend the state constitution has advanced through both House and Senate committees. The plan coincides with a proposed abortion rights amendment, likely aimed at thwarting any potential it has to pass. While Democrats accuse the Ohio GOP of “legislative whiplash,” […]

France Burns: Macron Signs Pension Reform into Law as Paris Riots

French President Emmanuel Macron has signed his pension reform bill into law after riots once again broke out on the streets of Paris. Controversial pension reforms drawn up by the French government have finally been signed into law by President Emmanuel Macron, despite riots breaking out in Paris and beyond on Thursday and Friday. Protesters

Israel’s Consul General in New York, Where Judges Are Elected, Resigns to Protest Netanyahu’s Judicial Reform

Ambassador Asaf Zamir, Israel’s Consul General to New York, resigned Sunday in protest at the Israeli government’s ongoing judicial reforms, following the firing of Minister of Defense Yoav Gallant earlier that day. Prime Minister Benjamin Netanayhu fired Gallant after the latter gave an unauthorized speech calling for his own government to stop the judicial reforms.

Biden Lectures Netanyahu on Judicial Reform –Packing Commission

President Joe Biden has warned Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu against pursuing judicial reform — after his own administration considered a radical proposal to pack the Supreme Court with liberal justices. The Times of Israel reports that Biden “raised his concerns with the judicial overhaul being advanced by Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu’s government during a

Child shooting deaths in New York reignite debate over criminal justice reform plan

An 11-year-old was shot and killed on Jan. 16 while buying a gallon of milk in Syracuse, N.Y. Brexialee Torres-Ortiz, the Blodgett Middle School class president, was caught in the crossfire of a suspected gang-related shooting in a disturbing trend that the city’s mayor called “senseless” and “brutal.” In 2022, nearly 150 shooting victims younger […]

Politico: Bail Reform Hurt Democrats in New York During the Midterms

Politico on Sunday explained that the “bail reform” championed by Democrats across the county hurt their party — especially in New York — during the 2022 midterm elections. “Republicans across the country campaigned on crime. Nowhere did it resonate more than in New York,” Politico’s Anna Gronewold wrote. Across the country, over the past few years

Republican Lee Zeldin May Declare a ‘Crime’ Emergency to Fix Bail Reform if Elected New York Governor

Rep. Lee Zeldin (R-NY), who is running as the Republican nominee in New York’s gubernatorial race, told the New York Post that he might declare a state of “emergency” on crime to take care of the state’s bail-reform laws if he is elected as governor. “One of the items … I would be consulting with counsel on

Governor Vetoes Funding For Texas Legislature After Showdown Over Voting Reform

Republican Texas Gov. Greg Abbott vetoed funding for the state’s Legislature Friday after Democrats walked out at the last minute to oppose the GOP’s new voting reform law. ”Funding should not be provided for those who quit their job early, leaving their state with unfinished business and exposing taxpayers to higher costs for an additional…

Adam Townsend: ‘They’re Attacking Breitbart’ Because It ‘Refuses to Comply’ with ‘Thought Reform’

Leftists in government, news media, and other fields disparage Breitbart News for refusal to comply with coordinated manufacturing of consent across the public, investor Adam Townsend said during a Wednesday livestream with Breitbart News Editor-in-Chief Alex Marlow, author of Breaking the News: Exposing the Establishment Media’s Hidden Deals and Secret Corruption. Townsend highlighted the New York…

Texas Democrats Fail To Stop Election Reform Bill From Advancing, But Weakened Measures Significantly

Republicans in the Texas House passed a sweeping election reform bill early Friday, but not before reaching an agreement with Democrats that weakened provisions they deemed the most problematic. Senate Bill 7, which passed 81-64 around 3 a.m. local time, was initially delayed by Democrats after they deployed procedural delays and hours of questions toward…

Doctors Disappointed After Joe Biden Rescinds Trump Reform to Boost Access to Opioid Addiction Help

President Joe Biden has reversed a life-saving drug reform made by the Trump administration, two doctors wrote in an op-ed published by the Wall Street Journal on February 8. A bipartisan group of legislators is now urging Biden to revive Trump’s life-saving reform. Drs. Brian Barnett, a psychiatrist, and Jeremy Weleff, a resident in psychiatry in Ohio,…

Trump Has Accomplished Progressive Goals Such As Reducing Drug Pricing, Paid Parental Leave For Workers And Criminal Justice Reform

President Donald Trump championed a series of progressive causes during his time in office, signing executive orders and bills that targeted drug pricing, paid parental leave for workers and criminal justice reform. Trump secured up to 12 weeks of paid parental leave for some federal workers when he signed the Defense Authorization Act Dec. 20,…

Armageddon: Meanwhile, A Major US Company Has Announced a Massive New Investment, Crediting Tax Reform.

With the Kavanaugh confirmation drama emerging as an all-consuming political story over the last two weeks, it  may be somewhat inevitable that many voters don’t hear much about significant economic developments.  With Republicans holding a consistent lead over Democrats on the issues of job creation and the economy — and with President Trump and his […]

President Trump Promises To ‘Fight Like Hell’ To Reform Veterans Affairs Department.

President Trump on Tuesday assured attendees at the Veterans of Foreign Wars of the United States National Convention that he would “fight like hell” to pass legislation to help veterans returning from war. In his fiery speech in Kansas City, Missouri, Trump pledged big reforms are coming to the Department of Veteran Affairs. Trump also […]

Betsy DeVos: Dept. Of Ed To Review Obama-Era School Discipline Reform Policy.

Secretary of Education Betsy DeVos told CBS’s “60 Minutes” Sunday Night that the Obama-era school discipline reform policy is now under review. “We are studying that rule. We need to ensure that all students have an opportunity to learn in a safe and nurturing environment. And all students means all students,” DeVos told host Lesley […]

TRUMP BOOM: Clinton Donor And Hollywood Mogul Haim Saban Gives $1,000 Bonuses To Staff Thanks To Tax Reform.

Haim Saban, Hillary Clinton’s “favorite billionaire” who not long ago called Donald Trump a “dangerous clown,” announced Friday that Saban Capital Group will give employees $1,000 after-tax bonuses thanks to . . . Donald Trump’s tax reform. “As you may know, at the end of 2017, the Federal Government enacted the most fundamental tax reform […]

List of Tax Reform Good News.

300 companies announce tax reform bonuses, raises, or 401(k) hikes Norquist:“Every two weeks from February to November Americans will be reminded that one party cut their taxes and raised their pay. And the other tried to stop it.” At least 300 companies have announced tax reform bonuses, pay raises, or 401(k) hikes, according to a […]

Americans Discover The Truth About GOP Tax Reform. Here’s How They’re Responding.

“… support for the law has grown significantly over the past month …” Support for the GOP’s recently passed tax reform bill is surging now that many Americans have discovered that they are going to get a tax cut. Since the bill passed, support for it has grown among Republicans and Democrats while the number […]

Analysis Finds 1 Million Americans So Far Getting Pay Raise From Tax Reform.

One million Americans are getting pay increases because of the tax reform package signed into law in December. “More than one million hardworking Americans have already received a ‘Trump Bonus’ or ‘Trump Pay Raise’ as a result of the historic tax reform package that President Donald J. Trump signed into law just before Christmas,” @PressSec […]

Winning: More Than 100 U.S. Companies Giving Employees Trump Tax Reform Bonuses.

More than 100 U.S. companies are giving their employees up to $2,000 in bonuses after President Trump’s tax reform package became law. The conservative taxpayer advocacy group Americans for Tax Reform (ATR) compiled a list of companies that gave their employees a little extra cash after the tax cut legislation passed, whether it be through […]

Here’s a List of Companies Giving Worker Bonuses After Tax Reform.

President Donald Trump signed The Tax Cuts and Jobs Act Friday morning from the Oval Office, officially delivering on his promise to give Americans a tax cut just in time for Christmas. But big corporations, which just saw a slash in their rate from 35 to 21 percent, didn’t wait until today to deliver results […]

FRANKENSTEIN STRIKES: More Companies Announce Bonuses, Wage Increases and Expansion, Thanks to Tax Reform.

If this destructive misery continues apace, I’m not sure there will be a single American still alive by the end of the holiday season.  You’ve heard the terrible news about Boeing, Fifth Third Comcast, Wells Fargo, AT&T — all of which are celebrating passage of the tax reform bill by some combination of paying out […]

BREAKING: Senate Passes Sweeping Tax Reform, Trump Poised to Sign Historic Bill Into Law.

It’s (nearly) over.  By a 51-48, strictly along party lines, the US Senate has passed a GOP-backed tax reform package that will cut taxes for more than 80 percent of all Americans (raising taxes on a tiny, disproportionately wealthy fraction), benefit small businesses, and make America’s extraordinarily high corporate tax rate — both statutory and […]

Senate debates tax reform bill after House passage, but last-minute hiccups arise.

House approves tax reform bill, as Trump eyes major legislative win The House on Tuesday approved a massive tax overhaul that would usher in steep rate cuts for American companies, double the deduction millions of families claim on their annual returns and make a host of other changes as part of the biggest rewrite of […]

Analysis: With Final Passage Likely, Tax Reform Delivers Conservative Policy Victories and Dishonest Liberal Hysteria.

In short, it’s happening.  Congress’ bicameral conference committee unveiled a compromise tax reform bill on Friday, with votes in each chamber expected this week.  The procedural rules forbid any further amendments, changes or “tweaks” to the now-finalized legislation; the next and last legislative step is a pair of up-or-down votes on an identical bill in […]

How Much Will Tax Reform Really Affect the American Family?

Liberals and most media publications have been quick to jump on the new tax reform plan, criticizing it for being bad for the middle class, or putting pressure on the American family. But what effects will the new tax plan really have on the American family? Are there going to be major changes, or have […]

Trump’s Final Tax Reform Pitch.

President Donald Trump made his final push for tax reform Wednesday afternoon from the White House surrounded by middle class families. “As a candidate, I promised we would pass a massive tax cut for the everyday, working American families who are the backbone and the heartbeat of our country. Now we’re just days away from […]
