July 27, 2024

Cyberattacks, AI-human love are major challenges of artificial intelligence boom, former Google chief warns

Former Google CEO Eric Schmidt said the tech industry will face a “reckoning” over artificial intelligence, comparing the potential dangers of the technology to the risks associated with social media when the platforms were first rolled out years ago.  “What happened with social media is we, including myself, just offered social media because we had […]

Boom! Watch Trump CEA Kevin Hassett Absolutely DESTROY Barack Obama’s Lies on the Economy (VIDEO)

Barack Obama broke precedent as a former president and trashed his successor President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy. Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy. Barack Obama had the worst economic recovery in US history; Obama is […]

BOOM! President Trump Drops BOMB! Google, Facebook and Twitter Censoring of Conservatives “May Not Be Legal” (VIDEO)

It’s no secret that the Silicon Valley tech giants discriminate against conservatives and conservative content. On Tuesday President Trump warned Google about it’s biased practices against conservatives and conservative content in their search feature. Google search results for “Trump News” shows only the viewing/reporting of Fake News Media. In other words, they have it RIGGED, […]

BOOM: THE REAL RUSSIA COLLUSION CONSPIRACY! The FBI, DOJ and DNC All Sought Dirt on Trump from Former MI6 Agent Steele While He Was Being Paid By Russians!

The DNC, FBI and the DOJ all sought dirt on Presidential candidate and then President Donald J. Trump.  They were willing to work with UK MI6 Agent Christopher Steele who was also working with Russians at the same time.  This is the real Russia Collusion story. Former MI6 agent Christopher Steele was all over the […]

BOOM! President Trump: America’s Greatest Enemy Is Fake Liberal News “Promulgated by Fools!”

According to the latest FOX News poll President Donald Trump has a better rating than Presidents Obama and Reagan at the same point in their presidencies.President Trump’s approval is now at 45%. And that is with 90% negative coverage from the far left mainstream media. The liberal media hates this president and continues to spread Fake News on […]

BOOM! President Trump Stomps On “Fake News” CNN at Quebec G7 Presser (VIDEO)

BOOM! President Trump called out Fake News CNN at his Charlevoix, Quebec G7 presser Saturday. A CNN reporter asked President Trump a very pointed question on US allies and a “friendlier” Kim Jong-Un. President Trump pounced on the CNN reporter. CNN reporter: As you are heading into these G7 talks there’s a sense that America’s […]

TRUMP BOOM: Record-Low Unemployment Rate As Economy Picks Up 223,000 Jobs.

On Friday, President Trump hinted that a solid jobs report was forthcoming: Looking forward to seeing the employment numbers at 8:30 this morning. — Donald J. Trump (@realDonaldTrump) June 1, 2018 This violated a longstanding taboo against the president biasing the markets in advance of the report’s release. But Trump wasn’t wrong to be excited, […]

Boom: Federal Court Allows Texas To Enforce Governor’s Anti-Sanctuary City Law.

Last February, Texas Republican Gov. Greg Abbott declared war on sanctuary cities. The law not only bars funding to cities who refuse to comply with the new directive, but the governor’s office was looking into ways on how to remove an elected officeholder who refused to comply with the law. That would be the elected […]

BOOM! Sen. Tom Cotton Asks FBI Director Wray if Dossier Author Was Employed by Putin-Linked Oligarch – WRAY WON’T ANSWER! (VIDEO)

Last week FOX News reported that Senator Mark Warner (D-VA), the top senator on the Senate Intelligence Committee, was caught communicating with a lobbyist for Putin-linked Russian oligarch Oleg Deripaska. Senator Warner reached out to the lobbyist linked to Deripaska because he wanted to speak with Fusion GPS dossier author Christopher Steele. Senator Warner communicated […]

TRUMP BOOM: Clinton Donor And Hollywood Mogul Haim Saban Gives $1,000 Bonuses To Staff Thanks To Tax Reform.

Haim Saban, Hillary Clinton’s “favorite billionaire” who not long ago called Donald Trump a “dangerous clown,” announced Friday that Saban Capital Group will give employees $1,000 after-tax bonuses thanks to . . . Donald Trump’s tax reform. “As you may know, at the end of 2017, the Federal Government enacted the most fundamental tax reform […]

US factories closed out 2017 with a boom.

WASHINGTON (AP) — U.S. manufacturers expanded at a faster pace in December, boosted by a sharp increase in new orders. The Institute for Supply Management said Wednesday that its manufacturing index rose to 59.7 last month from 58.2 in November. Any reading above 50 points to greater factory activity. Manufacturing has been expanding for the […]

BOOM! Rep. Jim Jordan GOES NUCLEAR On Rod Rosenstein Over-Trump Hating FBI Agent Peter Strzok (VIDEO)

Congressman Jim Jordan (R-OH) absolutely grilled Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein over Trump-hating FBI agent Peter Strzok’s role in both the Hillary Clinton email investigation and Mueller-Russia probe during Wednesday’s House Judiciary Committee hearing. Video credit: Fox News Insider ï»ż Fox News Insider reports: Jordan focused in on the newly-released text messages from 2016 between agent Peter Strzok and another […]

BOOM! Trump Throttles #FakeNews Hacks: Trashes Corrupt FBI and Crooked Hillary when Asked About Gen. Flynn (VIDEO)

President Trump continues to disappoint liberal media hacks. On Monday morning liberal reporters confronted President Trump as he was leaving the White House for a speech in Utah. Reporters asked the president on his thoughts about General Michael Flynn’s decision to plead guilty in the Mueller witch hunt. Trump did not fall for the setup. […]

Boom! Trump Hits Democrats and Insurance Companies in One Awesome Tweet

On Thursday night, the Trump White House announced it is ending critical subsidies to insurers. The move was a huge blow to the Obamacare law. Trump administration to end cost-sharing reduction payments to insurance companies under Obamacare. pic.twitter.com/b8QaDkV4QV — Josh Caplan (@joshdcaplan) October 13, 2017 Health Insurance stocks, which have gone through the roof during […]

BOOM! CBS Exec FIRED After Saying Vegas Victims Don’t Deserve Sympathy Because Country Music Fans ‘Often Are Republican’

Hayley Geftman-Gold is a legal executive at CBS who said she has no sympathy for the victims in the Las Vegas shooting because “country music fans are often gun toting Republicans.” A new report by The Hollywood Reporter says the CBS executive has been fired. THR reports: CBS has parted ways with a legal executive […]

BOOM! NFL Ticket Sales Down 18% in Week Since Mass Anti-Military Anthem Protests

This had to hurt. NFL ticket sales down 18% down this week. Last Sunday over 200 NFL players knelt during the US national anthem on Gold Star Mothers Day. StubHub announced a 10% discount in NFL tickets this week. And now this
 NFL ticket sales are down 18% compared to last year at this time. The Washington Examiner […]

BOOM! Trump on NFL Player Protest: “Get That Son of a B*tch Off the Field – He’s Fired!” (VIDEO)

  President Trump lashed out at NFL players protesting the national anthem on Friday while at a campaign rally for Senator Luther Strange (R-AL). President Trump brought up the NFL players who disrespect our flag and our country by taking a knee during the National Anthem in protest. The crowd went wild after Trump said, “Wouldn’t […]

BOOM! American Manufacturing Expanded in August at Fastest Pace in Six Years

American factories accelerated in August at the fastest pace of expansion since 2011, data from the Institute for Supply Management showed Friday. The ISM purchasing manufacturers surveyed showed all six of the biggest manufacturing industries ramped up activity in August. The monthly purchasing managers index rose 2.5 points to 58.8, reflecting employment rising to its highest […]

BOOM! Wasserman Schultz’s Political Future Just Blew Up COMPLETELY

Debbie Wasserman Schultz had to step down from her post as chair of the DNC under ethical questions — so is it really any surprise that her employees were just as morally dubious? Enter Imran Awan, Wasserman Schultz’s former IT aide, who has been the subject of a federal investigation for sending hundreds of thousands […]

BOOM: Nikki Haley delivers awesome SMACKDOWN to smug CNN over Syria action

U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley is earning enthusiastic praise for her firm “iron fist in a velvet glove” approach to the thugs members of the U.N. and particularly the Security Council. After last week’s missile attack on Syria, Bolivia – (of all countries) – currently a member of the Security Council, demanded […]

BOOM: Another Obama legacy DESTROYED

“My administration is taking steps to put an end to the war on coal.” These were the words of President Donald Trump yesterday as he signed another executive order, this one dealing a death blow to the myriad of rules, powers, over-reaches and job-killing regulations of the Obama-era Environment Protection Agency. CNN began its coverage […]

BOOM: Megyn Kelly just issued the ultimate CHALLENGE to Hillary

In the wake of Monday’s debate, the fur has truly started to fly between Democrat nominee Hillary Clinton and Republican Donald Trump. And now, there’s another individual entering the fray — and it might just surprise people to see who it is. Apparently, Hillary recently did an interview with R&B singer Mary J. Blige, during which she used […]

Boom! Benghazi Hero: “I’ve Seen the Video” – Obama, Hillary Watched Attack Live, Then Lied (VIDEO)

Benghazi Hero Says “We’ve Seen Drone Video” Obama, Hillary Knew It Wasn’t a Protest and Lied– Hillary Clinton watched the attack live by drone video then went out the next day with Barack Obama and blamed a mysterious YouTube video no one had ever seen. On Thursday Benghazi hero John Tiegen set the record straight. […]

BOOM! Eric Trump Slams Hillary: She Has 730 People Working on her Campaign and She Hasn’t Beat a Single Socialist

Donald Trump‘s son Eric Trump slammed Hillary Clinton today on her inability to close the deal in the Democratic Primary. Eric noted that Donald knocked off 17 other candidates and Hillary can’t beat a single socialist. “She has 730 people working on her campaign staff. We have 70. She’s spent $180 million on her campaign […]

As Obama’s Economy Falls, White House Excuses Boom

View Enlarged Image Economy: They must be getting pretty desperate in the White House economic shop these days. When the revised GDP numbers showed a first-quarter decline of 0.7%, they started blaming the estimates themselves. On the list of excuses for President Obama’s ongoing failure to produce decent economic growth, we hadn’t heard this one: […]
