July 26, 2024

Breitbart Business Digest: Debate Showed Biden Still Trapped in His Old Economic Lies

Biden Lives in a World of Economic Lies President Biden demonstrated again last night that he is completely untethered from the truth about the American economy and unprepared to discuss the nation’s economic challenges. All the public opinion surveys show that inflation is the top issue for voters, so it was natural that the CNN

Nolte: Joe Biden Lies to Another Grieving Gold Star Mom About Losing His Son in Iraq

His Fraudulency Joe Biden spoke to grieving Gold Star parents Tuesday and used the solemn occasion to repeat the lie about losing a son in Iraq. Shawn and Oneida Oliver-Sanders, the freshly grieving parents of 24-year-old Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, who died in Jordan during an Iran-backed drone attack in January, spoke to Biden Tuesday

COVID-19 vaccine data administrator reveals deaths related to bad batch of Pfizer shots

Within four years since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “plandemic” was launched in China, people are coming out to prove that the pandemic was indeed a deceptive plan to pave the way for tyrannical measures authorities promoted as “public health” mandates – masks, lockdowns and of course, the vaccine. A COVID-19 vaccine database administrator in New […]

Laura Ingraham torches woke ‘Transformers’: ‘Shoving’ pronouns down kids’ ‘throats’ with ‘corrosive lies’

During Friday’s edition of “The Ingraham Angle,” host Laura Ingraham spotlighted the children’s show “Transformers: EarthSpark” for its decision to roll out non-binary characters that go by they/them and she/they pronouns.  “As a parent, you often ask yourself, What do my kids need? A loving family, a roof over their heads, a life grounded in […]

Israeli ambassador to UN condemns Tlaib’s ‘antisemitic lies’ after calling Israel ‘apartheid state’

Permanent Representative of Israel to the United Nations Gilad Erdan condemned what he called “antisemitic lies” from Rep. Rashida Tlaib, D-Mich., after the Michigan Democrat called Israel an “apartheid state” on social media. “Tlaib’s ignorance and hatred toward the Jewish people and the State of Israel know no bounds,” Erdan told Fox News Digital. Erdan’s […]

One House Republican’s unique anti-Santos pitch: Block him from profiting off his lies

While the measure by Rep. Anthony D’Esposito (pictured) doesn’t name George Santos directly, a Republican with direct knowledge of the move says it was triggered by the scandal-plagued New Yorker. | Francis Chung/POLITICO The first House Republican to call for Rep. George Santos’ resignation is now taking it a step further, introducing a bill that

Biden Lies at California Rally: Trump Called People Like Paul Pelosi Attacker ‘Patriots’

OCEANSIDE, California — President Joe Biden told a crowd Thursday evening that former President Donald Trump had used the term “patriots” to refer to people like the man who attacked Paul Pelosi, husband of Speaker of the House Nancy Pelosi (D-CA). Paul Pelosi was attacked last week in his home by a disturbed Canadian illegal alien

‘You, Sir, Owe Me an Apology’: Mike Lee Calls Out Evan McMullin’s January 6 Lies

Sen. Mike Lee (R-UT) during a Monday debate called out Evan McMullin’s lies about January 6. McMullin, a Utah independent Senate candidate, said Lee was a traitor to the Constitution. Lee, indignant at McMullin’s bold claim, said, “You know that’s not true. You, sir, owe me an apology.” He continued: In the days leading up…

Kasich: GOP Leadership ‘Fostered Lies and Misinformation’ for ‘False Prophet’ Trump

Former Gov. John Kasich (R-OH) said Thursday on CNN’s “Cuomo Prime Time” he holds the Republican leadership responsible for fostering “foster lies and misinformation” that enabled President Donald Trump, who Kasich called a “false prophet.” Kasich said, “The situation is that the Republican leadership has really gone along in fostering these lies, these conspiracies. You…

Shep Smith: I Don’t Know How Former Fox News Colleagues Who ‘Propagated the Lies’ Sleep at Night

CNBC anchor Shepard Smith, also a former Fox News personality, accused some of his former Fox News colleagues of spreading “disinformation” in an interview with CNN anchor Christiane Amanpour. Discussing his role as a straight news anchor on Fox News, Smith said, “If you feel like the Fox viewers were getting mis- or disinformation, I was…

Clinton Labor Secretary Wants A ‘Truth And Reconciliation Commission’ To ‘Erase Trump’s Lies’

Former Clinton Administration Secretary of Labor called for a “Truth and Reconciliation Commission” that would “erase Trump’s lies.” “When this nightmare is over, we need a Truth and Reconciliation Commission,” Robert Reich tweeted Saturday. (RELATED: Clinton Labor Secretary: Republicans In Congress Think Trump Is A Lunatic And Will IMPEACH Him) “It would erase Trump’s lies,…

Body Language Expert Catches Dr. Christine Ford in Several Lies, Insists: “Something’s Wrong Mentally” (VIDEO)

The body language expert analyzed Dr. Christine Blasey Ford testifying to her allegations that Judge Kavanaugh sexually abused her 36 years ago.  The overall analysis is that “Something’s Wrong Mentally” with Dr. Ford. The video below is riveting and can probably be summed up in a section where the body language expert described Dr. Ford’s […]

This Is CNN: Fake News Chris Cillizza Lies About Trump ‘Telling FBI to Ignore’ Kavanaugh Misconduct Allegation.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza lied about President Trump “telling the FBI to ignore an allegation of sexual” misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Cillizza, who has already proven himself to be one of the most flagrantly dishonest staffers at the far-left CNN, tweeted out his lie Tuesday in response to a comment Trump made about […]

Boom! Watch Trump CEA Kevin Hassett Absolutely DESTROY Barack Obama’s Lies on the Economy (VIDEO)

Barack Obama broke precedent as a former president and trashed his successor President Trump–calling him out by name, then took credit for the booming economy. Obama gave a speech at the University of Illinois Friday and arrogantly took credit for Trump’s booming economy. Barack Obama had the worst economic recovery in US history; Obama is […]

Here are the SIX BIGGEST DEEP STATE LIES from the FISA Memo to Spy on Republican Candidate Donald Trump and His Campaign.

The FISA memo used by the FBI to obtain a warrant to spy on President Trump was released last week. Although heavily redacted, the biggest lie in the FISA application is what was not shared. We now know that the Steele Dosier was materially the sole support for the FISA application the FBI used to […]

Lies of the Soros-Backed Immigration Lobby.

Why Americans should worry about their dishonest agenda. The George Soros-backed American Immigration Council is the latest group hell-bent on “resisting” commonsense immigration enforcement in the U.S. Several in this group are, themselves, practicing immigration attorneys who should know the truth about the dangers of open borders policies for communities across the U.S.  However, key […]

Fake News Takes Down Another Good Man: Dr. Ronny Jackson Resigns as White House Doctor After Liberal Lies.

Democrat Senator Jon Tester led the charge last week spreading false rumors against Trump VA pick Admiral Ronny Jackson. Tester played point man to smear and slander Admiral Jackson with false allegations of inappropriate behavior. Admiral Jackson withdrew his nomination after the false allegations were released and shared widely by the liberal mainstream media. The […]

In his interview with Bret Baier, James Comey’s lies and evasions were stunning.

Most politicians are oleaginous to a certain degree.  Perhaps they have to be; their principal job is to raise money to be elected and once in office to stay in office.  But James Comey just revealed himself to be our  Zoltan Karpathy of My Fair Lady infamy: “Oozing charm from every pore, he oiled his way around the floor.” The […]

Illegal Immigration: Lies, Damned Lies, and Statistics.

The quote in the title has been attributed to Mark Twain, Benjamin Disraeli, and others, but its true source remains unknown.  Let’s call it an anonymous source, which these days forms the basis of numerous stories in the New York Times or Washington Post.  At least the unsourced quote is from many years ago and not particularly relevant now, […]

Stephen Colbert ‘apologizes’ to Trump, calls out CNN for ‘lies’

Stephen Colbert has been known to throw punches President Trump’s way with nightly monologues and headline skits that criticize the president and his administration. However, Thursday night the “Late Show” host did something he hasn’t done before: apologize. While discussing the popular “Roseanne” revival, which returned this week after a 20-year hiatus, Colbert stopped to admire the […]

Immigration Anarchists’ Lies Debunked

So much of what has come to pass for “common knowledge” is actually an example of how the principle of “The Big Lie” can alter the public’s understanding of critical issues. Immigration has proven to be particularly vulnerable to this tactic. Under that principle, officials intentionally concoct falsehoods and repeat them at every possible opportunity […]

BREAKING: House Intel Committee Votes Unanimously to Release Dem Spin Memo – Schiff Spreads More Lies (VIDEO)

On Monday, suspected leaker Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) announced the House Intel Committee voted unanimously to release the Democrat spin memo. The Democrats penned a 10-page memo in response to Nunes’ damning 4-page FISA memo which was released Friday. Suspected leaker Adam Schiff was happy to announce the House Intel Committee voted unanimously to release […]

The Unpleasant Truth About Africa And Haiti Trumps Liberal Lies And Hypocrisy.

We live in an era of perpetual outrage because outrage distracts people from focusing on more important issues (like the fact that American workers’ real wages have been stagnant for decades thanks to deindustrialization and illegal immigration policies favored by globalists). Because some elites benefit by keeping the public distracted, the liberal media constantly bombards […]

Trump tweets explosive White House tell-all ‘full of lies’

An explosive White House tell-all hit the bookshelves Friday as President Trump ramped up his attacks on the author’s credibility, saying overnight that Michael Wolff’s account is “full of lies.” Trump, in a late Thursday tweet, said he “authorized Zero access to White House (actually turned him down many times),” adding that he never spoke […]

Trump: ‘No More’ Aid to Pakistan, ‘They Have Given Us Nothing but Lies and Deceit’

President Donald Trump lashed out at Pakistan on Twitter just a few minutes past 7:00 a.m. Eastern time on New Year’s Day, expressing frustration at Islamabad’s inadequate efforts against terrorism and implying that U.S. foreign aid will be terminated as a result. The United States has foolishly given Pakistan more than 33 billion dollars in aid […]

From Russia to Hillary: Bribes, Extortion, Uranium and Lies

Hillary is demanding to know the truth about Trump and Russia. The truth is that every accusation about Russian ties that Hillary and her associates have hurled at President Trump is really true of the Clintons. In ’14, Hillary Clinton made headlines by comparing Russia’s Vladimir Putin to Hitler. But if the Russian strongman really […]

Jimmy Kimmel Lies about Trump, Guns, and the Mentally Ill

There is a delicious sense of irony in gun-control advocate Jimmy Kimmel beefing up his armed security after falsely claiming on his late-night talk show after the Las Vegas massacre that President Trump had made it easier for the mentally ill to get guns. Guns are okay to protect the liberal elites, but not for […]

President Trump Goes There => Blasts Liar John McCain over His Obamacare Deceit and Lies

Never Trump Senator Susan Collins (R-ME) said Monday that she will be voting against the most recent Obamacare repeal legislation, effectively killing the Graham-Cassidy bill. Republicans John McCain, Ted Cruz, Rand Paul joined Susan Collins to kill Obamacare reform. Republicans will now have to wait until next year to repeal and replace Obamacare. The GOP […]

Kaepernickitis Is Rooted in Lies

Foolish athletes (and their like-minded playmates) should direct their political and social ire elsewhere. Instead, they’ve joined their Hollywood cohorts as mouthpieces for the Democratic Party. Take Colin Kaepernick. His failed efforts at protesting during the National Anthem were predicated upon a lie. After his initial protest in the 2016 preseason, NFL Media reported: “I am […]

Nolte: CNN’s Top 6 Hypocrisies and Lies in Defense of NFL Crybabies

If nothing else, the uproar over these spoiled NFL millionaires who work only 16 days a year but still feel the need to spit on the American flag and anthem, has proven once again that our national media is infected with a lethal dose of Groupthink. Within the MSM, no one has shown the courage […]
