July 26, 2024

Turkey’s Erdogan Gears Up for Another Incursion into Syria and Iraq

Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan appears to be preparing for another military incursion into the border regions of Syria and Iraq to fight the PKK, a violent Marxist Kurdish separatist group seen by Erdogan’s government as the primary threat to Turkey’s security. Erdogan said after a cabinet meeting last week that he was preparing a

Cotton: ‘Serious Reservations’ About Iraq, Syria Strikes Being a Strategic Success

Friday on FNC’s “Special Report,” Sen. Tom Cotton (R-AR) expressed his doubt about the efficacy of the U.S. strikes in Iraq and Syria earlier in the day. Cotton told host Bret Baier he had “serious reservations” about the strategic success of the missions. “Well, first off, I want to express my admiration for our brave

Nolte: Joe Biden Lies to Another Grieving Gold Star Mom About Losing His Son in Iraq

His Fraudulency Joe Biden spoke to grieving Gold Star parents Tuesday and used the solemn occasion to repeat the lie about losing a son in Iraq. Shawn and Oneida Oliver-Sanders, the freshly grieving parents of 24-year-old Specialist Kennedy Ladon Sanders, who died in Jordan during an Iran-backed drone attack in January, spoke to Biden Tuesday

‘Peace of Mind’: Iraq War Army Veteran Received Free Car Filled With School Supplies

Brandon Conger, a Purple Heart recipient and father of five, received a brand new, payment-free 2023 Buick Enclave, thanks to the efforts of Military Warriors Support Foundation, Wells Fargo, and Curnow Automotive Group. The 14-year, now-retired Army veteran from Kansas City, Missouri, will be riding in style and will not have to fret too much about

Senate Dems confident they can repeal Iraq war authorizations — despite absences

Sen. Tim Kaine (D-Va.), who co-sponsored the bill to repeal authorizations for the use of military force against Iraq’s government, was still confident Tuesday that the measure would pass. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Senate absences have complicated an otherwise straightforward vote to kill two decades-old Iraq war authorizations. Advocates still predict it will clear the chamber

How Iraq war powers repeal turned into an unlikely bipartisan win

Sen. Todd Young (R-Ind.) said he’d want to ensure any revisions to the 2srcsrc1 war powers measure clarify there will be no gap in existing legal authorities to conduct necessary operations overseas. | J. Scott Applewhite/AP Photo Four years after they first linked arms — forging an unlikely alliance to claw back war powers in

Brain Freeze: Joe Biden Refers to Ongoing War in Iraq Because ‘That’s Where My Son Died’

President Joe Biden misspoke during a speech in Florida on Tuesday, speaking about the ongoing “war in Iraq” and also claimed it was where his son died. “Inflation is a worldwide problem right now because of a war in Iraq and the impact on oil and what Russia’s doing, excuse me, the war in Ukraine,”…

Kurds Warn Islamic State ‘Back with a Vengeance’ in Iraq

Kurdish Gen. Sirwan Barzani warned in an April 6 interview updated Monday that the Islamic State is “coming back with a vengeance” in Iraq, and while ISIS is currently focused on guerrilla fighting and terrorist attacks on civilians, it aspires to “make a powerful comeback” and once again control territory as a caliphate. “There’s still…

U.S. Redeploying Troops from Iraq to Afghanistan Following Islamic State Defeat.

The United States has begun to diminish its military presence in Iraq in response to Baghdad’s declaration of victory over the Islamic State, a move that marks a shifting of priorities as America redeploys the forces and equipment to Afghanistan. Saad al-Hadithi, a spokesman for the Iraqi government, told the Associated Press (AP), “The battle […]

After ISIS Defeat, Christians in Iraq Proudly Celebrate Christmas.

ISIS has been defeated on the ground in Iraq, according to Iraqi and U.S.. military officials. After years of barbarism and slaughter of Christians in the region, their reign of terror and genocide is over and a new hope resides in the streets. In Baghdad Iraqi Christians are proudly displaying a 30-foot tall Christmas tree […]

Less Than 1 Year After Trump Took Office, Iraq Declares Victory Over ISIS.

For a major chunk of the past administration, Barack Obama struggled with trying to defeat the Islamic State group in Iraq and Syria. In less than one year after Donald Trump has taken office, the nation of Iraq has declared victory over the terrorist group. According to The Washington Post, Iraqi Prime Minister Haider al-Abadi […]

Terror Threat: Venezuela Has Been Selling Official Passports to Anyone Willing To Pay…In Iraq.

According to a new investigative report from CNN, the Venezuelan government has been issuing official passports to any individual willing to pay for one in Iraq, even if they have ties to terrorism. A whistleblower working for the Venezuelan Ambassador to Iraq alleges workers in the embassy have been making millions of dollars off of […]

FLASHBACK: Obama Suspended Iraq Refugee Program for Six Months Over Terrorism Fears in 2011

TEL AVIV – Amid the furor over President Donald Trump’s executive order temporarily halting refugees while the government can revamp its flawed screening process, it may be instructive to recall that President Obama in 2011 reportedly quietly suspended the Iraq refugee program for six months over terrorism fears. In 2013, ABC News first revealed that […]

First of Murdered Dallas Cops Identified was US Marine and Iraq War Veteran

The first identified police officer, Brent Thompson, was a US Marine who fought in Iraq and Afghanistan. Thompson died while protecting protesters who were cursing and threatening police. Military.com reported: He was a newly married grandfather, a former U.S. Marine and a veteran cop who had gone to Iraq and Afghanistan to help train local […]

Obama’s Legacy: 3rd Mass ISIS Attack in Days Leaves 143 DEAD in Iraq #Ramadan

This is Obama’s legacy. His frenzied withdrawal from Iraq (proclaiming his betrayal as some fictional victory) created the perfect storm, a vacuum for  jihadists to grow and thrive. Obama’s ‘JV’ team is global and they are on the march, leaving mass murder and mayhem in their wake. All of Europe, Africa, the Middle East are […]

IRAQ: 126 Killed In ISIS Suicide Bombing

On Saturday evening, Islamist terrorists launched a suicide car bomb attack in the heart of Baghdad, killing 126 people, including 25 children. ISIS claimed responsibility for the attack. Explosions tore through a several building complexes in the predominantly Shiite district of Karrada while locals gathered around restaurants to break the Ramadan fast while watching EuroCup games. A thriving […]

ISIS massacres 16 Real Madrid fans at supporters club in Iraq

At least 14 people are dead after a group of Isis militants armed with machine guns attacked the headquarters of a Real Madrid supporters club. Men holding AK-47s stormed the supporters building in Samarra, 125km north of Baghdad, Iraq and opened fire on a group of around 50 people who had gathered to watch a game. […]

The First US Marine Was Just Killed By ISIS Terrorists in Iraq

As the battle against ISIS rages on in Iraq and Syria, the first U.S. Marine has been killed by the jihadists. The Marine Corps Times reported on what happened: A U.S. servicemember was killed at a northern Iraqi base after it came under rocket attack, a U.S. military official told USA TODAY on Saturday. Two rockets […]

George W. Bush’s Decision to Invade Iraq Was Correct

Surely, to all but Donald Trump’s ardent supporters – which, sadly, probably is all of them – there can be no doubt, after Saturday’s Republican debate, that except on the sole issue of immigration, Trump is a Democrat.  Space and the need to stay on point preclude listing all of the Democratic talking points Trump […]


The document indicates that “Far from being an army of irrational, bloodthirsty fanatics, IS [Isis] is a deeply calculating political organization with an extremely complex, well-planned infrastructure behind it.” Lt Gen Graeme Lamb, former head of UK special forces, said the playbook carried a warning for current military strategy. A leaked internal Islamic State manual […]

China To Join Russian Military In Syria While Iraq Strikes Intel Deal With Moscow, Tehran

Last Thursday, we asked if China was set to join Russia and Iran in support of the Assad regime in Syria. Our interest was piqued when the pro-Assad Al-Masdar (citing an unnamed SAA “senior officer”), said Chinese “personnel and aerial assets” are set to arrive within weeks. To the uninitiated, this may seem to have […]

A message to President Obama: Iran Involvement Killed 500 US Troops In Iraq And Afghanistan

Intelligence estimates place the number of U.S. troops killed as a result of Iranian support for militants in Iraq at approximately 500, though the amount, many suspect, is much higher. Iranian involvement behind the scenes dates back to President George W. Bush’s decision to ship thousands of troops to Iraq, Military Times reports. The idea […]

Fall of Ramadi Raises Questions About Obama’s Strategy to Defeat ISIS in Iraq

The seizure of the city of Ramadi by the Islamic State (or ISIS) on Sunday was a major setback for the Iraqi government and for the Obama administration. Although U.S. officials downplayed the significance of the defeat, saying that Ramadi was not “strategic” in a military sense, Ramadi is a very important political symbol because […]

The war against ISIS in Iraq just took a dark turn

The Islamic State terrorist group just claimed a big victory in Iraq with the seizing of Ramadi, the provincial capital of Iraq’s largest region. And Baghdad’s actions before and after the setback are raising red flags about the strategy to fight ISIS. Reuters described the loss of Ramadi, about 75 miles from Baghdad, as the […]

Media Blame Republicans, Ignore Hillary’s Troop Withdrawal as ISIS Takes Over Iraq

AP Photo On Monday, ISIS consolidated its takeover of the major Iraqi city of Ramadi, pushing thousands of terrified Iraqis from the city in anticipation of the rape and murder sure to follow. According to Fox News:  Some 8,000 people have fled the embattled streets of Ramadi as thousands of ISIS fighters seized the key […]

Isis militants slaughter more than 300 Yazidi captives in northern Iraq after thousands were taken captive from villages

Hundreds of Yazidi prisoners have been killed near Mosul in northern Iraq Yazidi Progress Party condemned the ‘heinous criminal acts’ by extremists About 40,000 were captured when Isis attacked Yazidi villages last summer   More than 300 Yazidi prisoners have been slaughtered by Islamic State militants near Mosul in Iraq. According to the Yazidi Progress Party, […]
