July 26, 2024

Thousands Attend Trump’s First Rally Since Assassination Attempt

A massive crowd of supporters gathered in Grand Rapids, Michigan, early Saturday morning to attend former President Donald Trump’s first rally since surviving an assassination attempt one week ago. Videos taken over six hours before Trump is set to take the stage show thousands of people eagerly waiting in line, OANN’s Daniel Baldwin reported: It’s

Hotel Prices Soar into the Thousands for Monday Solar Eclipse Viewing

Hotel prices are shooting up to extreme highs as Americans flock to projected hotspots to view the upcoming solar eclipse on Monday. Susan Hochman of New York City has been planning to travel to see the event for years, telling CBS News she is about to shell out $650 for just one night in a

First pictures of Israel-Hamas cease-fire after war rages and thousands dead after Oct. 7 attack

People stand amid the rubble of a building hit during an Israeli strike before the start of a four-day truce in the battles between Israel and Hamas terrorists, on Nov. 24, 2023. AFP via Getty Images Israeli soldiers react from a military vehicle while driving by Israel’s border after leaving Gaza during the temporary truce […]

Nolte: OH Dem Sherrod Brown’s Campaign Spent Thousands on Luxury Dining, Hotels

Bill Clark/CQ-Roll Call, Inc via Getty Sen. Sherrod Brown (D-OH) is in a tough reelection campaign and is still spending thousands on luxury dining and hotels. During the just-completed financial third quarter, Brown’s reelection campaign raised $5.8 million and spent more than $12,000 on luxury restaurants and more than $4,000 at fancy hotels — two

Thousands of Armenians flee Nagorno-Karabakh as Azerbaijan reclaims separatist region

Thousands of Armenians streamed out of Nagorno-Karabakh after the Azerbaijani military reclaimed full control of the breakaway region while Turkish President Recep Tayyip Erdogan visited Azerbaijan Monday in a show of support to its ally. The Azerbaijani military routed Armenian forces in a 24-hour blitz last week, forcing the separatist authorities to agree to lay […]

France deploys thousands of police officers amid riots, hundreds arrested

Officials in France are deploying 45,000 police officers and armored vehicles as a fourth night of riots approaches stemming from a fatal police involved shooting of a teenager during a traffic stop. The unrest has hit many cities in France including Paris, Marseille, Lyon, Toulouse, Strasbourg and Lille. Nahel M., a 17-year-old was shot and […]

8+ Dead, Thousands Evacuated in Devastating Flooding in Italy

Torrential downpours in northern Italy triggered widespread flooding that has left at least eight people dead and thousands of people displaced, officials said Wednesday.Some of the worst hit areas in the Emilia-Romagna region were drenched by half their average annual rainfall in under two days, with towns and roads submerged beneath dangerous floodwaters. Authorities had

Why Are Thousands of Military-Age Chinese Men suddenly “Migrating” Across Our Southern Border?

Vast numbers of Chinese citizens are illegally crossing our border with Mexico. The U.S. Border Patrol is able to apprehend some of them, but thanks to the Biden administration once they are processed most of them are given “notices to appear” and are then freely released into our communities. That means that they are running […]

El Salvador Debuts ‘Mega Prison’ for Thousands of Suspected Gang Members

El Salvador on Friday moved the first 2,000 inmates to the new Center for the Confinement of Terrorism (CECOT), a 40,000-bed “mega prison” larger than all 20 of the country’s existing prisons combined. Over 64,000 suspects have been arrested in President Nayib Bukele’s crackdown on gang violence. Bukele posted photos and video of the prison

White House Claims ‘Border is Not Open’ as Thousands of Migrants Cross into the United States

The White House argued Monday that the southern border is not open despite thousands of migrants crossing into the United States in recent days. “It would be wrong to think that the border is open. It’s not open, and I just want to be very, very clear about that,” White House press secretary Karine Jean-Pierre

Tens of Thousands of Americans May Have This Deadly Disease—and Not Even Know It

The patient, Hector Campos, came into the emergency department with shortness of breath, erratic fever, and swollen, itchy ears. His wife explained that Campos had tested negative for COVID-19. “What do you think this might be?” Campos asked the chief of emergency medicine, Ethan Choi, who was similarly befuddled by the man’s symptoms.Scary, right? But

Hundreds of thousands of votes still being counted in key Senate states

The Senate comes down to two key swing states — and maybe a runoff Democrat John Fetterman flipped Pennsylvania early Wednesday morning, giving his party 48 seats, while Sen. Ron Johnson (R-Wis.) secured reelection late Wednesday morning. That gives Democrats 48 seats and Republicans 49 — meaning whichever party wins two of the three outstanding

Joe Biden Pardons Thousands Convicted of Federal Marijuana Possession

President Joe Biden announced Thursday his decision to pardon some federal marijuana offenses as part of his effort to satisfy criminal justice and drug policy activists. “As I often said during my campaign for President, no one should be in jail just for using or possessing marijuana,” Biden said in a statement released by the

Delingpole: Thousands Converge on London for Anti-Lockdown Rally. Ignored Again by MSM

Thousands of anti-lockdown protesters converged in Central London on Saturday. Yet again, all too predictably, it was largely ignored by the mainstream media. The aim of the latest march, one of the anonymous organisers told me beforehand, was to broaden the protest’s appeal. “We’ve even got double-vaccinated people turning up to support us,” he said.…

WATCH: Thousands Upon Thousands Rally Against Lockdown, Vax Passes in London

This is the event that the BBC and the rest of the legacy media tried to airbrush out of history: thousands upon thousands of people marching through central London in protest over lockdown and the imminent threat of vaccine passports. It was by some margin the biggest rally held so far in the UK against…

Multiple Anti-Trump Lawmakers Spend Thousands in Campaign Cash on Security Services

Multiple anti-Trump lawmakers are spending campaign donations on various security services, amounts that have soared over the past several months since the election, according to their Federal Election Commission (FEC) filings. According to the FEC filings, seven lawmakers have spent tens of thousands on private security companies. Punchbowl News reported some high-profile Democrats and a…

Photos: Thousands of Protesters Storm Capitol Hill to Protest the 2020 Election

ROBERTO SCHMIDT/AFP via Getty Images 6 Jan 2021354 Protesters stormed Capitol Hill Wednesday to protest the results of the 2020 presidential election and the Joint Session of Congress to certify the electoral results. Photographers captured the pandemonium in the House and Senate chambers as protesters swarmed into the building and clashed with Capitol Hill police.Photos: […]

Hurricane Florence leaves hundreds of thousands without power.

Hurricane Florence made landfall Friday morning, darkening the sky — and many of the homes — in the Carolinas. About 485,143 people were without power in North Carolina as Florence made its way inward, according to the North Carolina Department of Safety. The highest concentrations of power outages were in Beaufort, Bladen, Brunswick, Carteret, Columbus, […]

SHOCKING! Protests Escalate in IRAN – THOUSANDS of Protesters BEAT POLICE in Street.

The country of Iran has been hit by a collapse in currency, economic mismanagement by the brutal regime, and impending U.S. sanctions. In the past week several shopkeepers joined the economic protests in the street. This is the latest round of protests in Iran. There was a mass uprising in January followed by another economic […]

SEKULOW: We Have Uncovered Thousands of Docs Showing Pay-to-Play Between Hillary State Department and Clinton Foundation.

An attorney for Trump, Jay Sekulow announced Wednesday the American Center for Law and Justice uncovered thousands of documents showing Clinton Foundation pay-to-play with Hillary’s State Department through a FOIA lawsuit. We have uncovered a ‘favor factory’ the ACLJ reported on Wednesday. There was no firewall between the State Department and the Clinton Foundation as […]

Thousands of Gaza Hamas Thugs Attack Israel for $100 a Day

They attack for $100 a day. And Israeli soldiers fight them for $13 a day. Hamas supporters in Gaza held the world’s first peaceful protest with hand grenades, pipe bombs, cleavers and guns. Ten explosive devices were peacefully detonated. There were outbursts of peaceful gunfire and over a dozen kites carrying firebombs were sent into […]

Thousands Rally for Gun Rights at Minnesota State Capitol.

Approximately 2,000 people rallied for gun rights Saturday at the steps of the Minnesota State Capitol. Many of those in attendance were carrying handguns or rifles. American flags and Gadsden flags were carried by many attendees as well. The Star Tribune reports the rally was an organized push-back against ongoing gun control campaigns launched in […]

Palestinian Arabs Burn Pictures Of Trump As Tens Of Thousands Try To Invade Israel’s Gaza Border; 12 Dead.

On Friday morning, just before the holiday of Passover, Palestinian Arabs swarmed the border between the Gaza Strip – entirely run by the Hamas terrorist government – and Israel, attempting to breach the barrier and overrun Israeli soldiers. According to The Daily Mail, “tens of thousands of Palestinians…gathered at five locations along the fenced 40-mile […]

BREAKING: Thousands of New Strzok-Page Text Messages Reference “SECRET SOCIETY” Within DOJ and FBI WORKING AGAINST TRUMP

According to Attorney General Jeff Sessions, 50,000 text messages were exchanged between Peter Strzok and his mistress Lisa Page. These 50,000 text messages do not include the ‘missing’ texts. Rep. John Ratcliffe (R-TX) said after reviewing the new text messages he believes there may have been a “secret society” of folks within the DOJ and […]

CIA Releases Hundreds of Thousands of Osama Bin Laden Files

The CIA has released hundreds of thousands of documents that were recovered at Osama bin Laden’s compound in Pakistan after the raid in which the terrorist leader was killed. The documents make clear that: 1) Bin Laden was still actively leading al-Qaeda when he was taken out; 2) Iran and al-Qaeda have been working together […]

Eligible to Vote: Obama Administration Allowed Thousands of DACA Recipients to Receive Green Cards, Leading to Citizenship

According to information released Friday by Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, the Obama administration not only gave protection to millions of illegal immigrants through DACA, but also allowed DACA recipients to obtain green cards. “Preliminary data provided by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services in response to recent inquiries from the House and Senate Judiciary […]

Thousands Of Venezuelans Protest Socialist Government’s Extreme Corruption Scandal. Security Forces Respond With Tear Gas, Water Tanks.

For five days straight, thousands of Venezuelans have taken to the streets to protest government corruption in the face of a dire economic crisis. The country’s tired, poor, huddled masses clashed with officers in riot gear Saturday in a desperate attempt to challenge Hugo Chavez’s despotic successor, President Nicholas Maduro. Cries of “Liberty, Liberty!” rang […]


White House Petition Created To Arrest George Soros A White House Petition has been created to Issue an International Arrest Warrant for George Soros. The Petition was created a couple of weeks ago and has already received over 5,500 signatures. While this is a lot of signatures it is still well short of the 100,000 needed […]

Kelly: Risk Of ‘Thousands’ Of Islamic Terrorists Entering Homeland

Homeland Security Secretary John Kelly warned of “thousands” of Islamic terrorists having access to travel documents – presumably stolen and/or counterfeit passports – which they could use to enter the United States via Western Europe. In testimony before the House Homeland Security Committee on Tuesday, Kelly explained his risk assessment: VideoTrump Travel Ban Thwarts Terrorist […]

Trump: “Do you believe it? The Obama Administration agreed to take thousands of illegal immigrants from Australia. Why?

Trump ‘Fumes’ At Obama Refugee Deal With Australia, Hangs Up On PM President Donald Trump fumed over a refugee deal Obama made with Australia while on a phone call with the prime minster Saturday, calling it a terrible deal and accusing the leader of trying to export the “next Boston bombers” before abruptly ending the […]
