July 26, 2024


Putin Won’t Stop Attacking Ukraine and Testing Europe Until he’s Stopped by Force

The war in Ukraine continues despite a lack of media interest. Russian forces have made repeated assaults along the Donbas front and attempted an offensive towards Kharkiv. Perhaps Putin wanted some kind of victory, no matter how insignificant, before the Victory Parade in Moscow on May 9th. But it has cost Russia dearly, with the […]

Former President Donald J. Trump won a huge landslide and unprecedented victory on the Iowa Caucuses. No one has ever won more than 50% and carried 98 of the 99 counties in Iowa. The one county that Trump lost was by one vote. These were the results of the Caucuses that took place on January 15, […]



Dr. Kevin Roberts went to the belly of the beast to give globalist elites a clear message: Americans will not tolerate a woke agenda that strips them of self-governance and liberty.    

Where’s the funding coming from to remove Trump from state ballots?

Finally, we still haven’t answered the initial query – who is funding John Anthony Castro’s legal challenges to the candidacy of Donald J. Trump? Got any ideas? John Anthony Castro, of whom almost nobody has previously heard, has made it his mission to challenge Trump’s name appearing on the ballot in 17 states. According to […]

2024 Brings in A Fighting Chance Brigade To Rescue America

Hang on America, Stay the Course, Hold onto Hope and join up with the Fighting Chance Brigade! Like legions of others hanging on by the barest thread, trying to struggle by in the cold and dark, we ardently believe that Canada Free Press has a fighting chance to make it through this winter. Knowing at […]

Beef Company CEO Stands Up to Big Pharma: “I’ll Shut Down the Company Before We…”

In an explosive act of defiance against Big Pharma, Jason Nelson, CEO of Whole Cows, has made a sensational declaration that he would rather shut down his company than allow gene-therapied cattle to enter the food supply through their products. Amidst quiet whispers of Big Pharma working in tandem with various state governments to inject […]

Lt. Col. Daniel Davis Warns of Nuclear War: U.S. Has ‘No Plan’ in Ukraine, This Is Not a ‘Video Game’

AP Photo/Michael Sohn   Providing new tanks to Ukraine won’t change the reality on the ground of the current conflict with Russia, according to retired Army Lt. Col. Daniel L. Davis, who claimed the United States has “no plan” or strategy and warned of the real-world danger of invoking NATO’s “mutual defense” clause, which would […]


Numerous Spies in the United States Have Worked for Cuba and Other Enemy Nations Victor Manuel Rocha was born on October 23, 1950, in Colombia. He served 40 years in the Department of State, the White House’s National Security Council, and as an Advisor to the Pentagon’s Southern Command in Doral, Florida. On December 4, 2023, […]

Worldwide Vaccine Holocaust CONFIRMED as wave of studies reveal devastating rise in All-Cause Mortality (ACM)

Worldwide Vaccine Holocaust CONFIRMED as wave of studies reveal devastating rise in All-Cause Mortality (ACM)

SRP24 founder Steve Slepcevic issues urgent warning

Strategic Response Partners (SRP24) founder Steve Slepcevic issues urgent warning – Wealthy ELITES preparing to hole up in heavily-stocked BUNKERS Disaster management and recovery planning. Auto-generated summary and highlights from video:   Steve Slepcevich, managing partner of SRP24.com, discusses his company’s disaster management services, including planning, logistics, and recovery efforts for critical infrastructure such as […]

COVID-19 vaccine data administrator reveals deaths related to bad batch of Pfizer shots

Within four years since the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) “plandemic” was launched in China, people are coming out to prove that the pandemic was indeed a deceptive plan to pave the way for tyrannical measures authorities promoted as “public health” mandates – masks, lockdowns and of course, the vaccine. A COVID-19 vaccine database administrator in New […]


Spike Protein Syndrome STILL in FULL EFFECT 2 years later – yet most of the injected masses have no clue what’s happening to them – NaturalNews.com Not one single person injected with the Wuhan coronavirus (COVID-19) vaccine can figure out what is happening to their body, brain, and overall functioning, and neither can their doctors. […]

Communism and Christmas

War against Christmas is nothing new, certainly evident today in the form of religious discrimination, hostility. Repressive forces have always had the same goal – Secularize and then eliminate Christmas and Christian symbols, celebrations, speech ORLANDO, FL – This Christmas season when the Biden administration is desperately trying to control Americans by denying their religious […]

Have Yourself a Tucker Carlson-Style Merry Little Christmas

Bless You, Tucker Carlson for driving home an uplifting, all important message with your words: “Want to be happy? Care only about the opinions of people who love you.” In our increasingly tossed-up world, Tucker’s words are Words of Wisdom; ones that arrived early during this year’s annual Christmas Season. “Remain cheerful, positive and clear-headed […]

Spain’s Unity at Stake: The Turbulent Path of Catalan Independence and Current Protests

Exploring the Ramifications of SĂĄnchez’s Controversial Amnesty Proposal In recent weeks, Spain has witnessed a resurgence of national debate and public outcry. Tens of thousands have taken to the streets across the country, united in their opposition to acting Prime Minister Pedro SĂĄnchez’s proposed amnesty for Catalan separatists. This current turmoil is not just a […]

It’s Not About Israel, We are the Target

May God bless America and keep us safe When you look at an individual tile of a mosaic you see one solid color. But when you zoom out, you see the whole picture. In this age of rapidly developing sensational news stories we try to understand each one, and it becomes overwhelming. Could this be […]

Who Is Imam Mohamed Magid?

is the imam and the spiritual leader at the All Dulles Area Muslim Society in Sterling, Virginia. He is also an operative of the Muslim Brotherhood. All Dulles Area Muslim Society (ADAMS) is one of the largest mosques in America, located in Sterling, Virginia and serves 5,000 Muslim families. ADAMS offers a wide variety of […]


Just a year ago, it was unfathomable to me that I would be writing this email. It’s a bit long, but I would ask you to read it in its entirety. I spent a lot of time writing it and did my best to make every word count. I write it with great sadness and […]

Communists Behind “Free Palestine” Movement

  A “National March on Washington” to “Free Palestine” and “End all U.S. aid to Israel!” is scheduled for November 4 and is sponsored by several openly communist groups, including the ANSWER Coalition and the Party for Socialism & Liberation. Other sponsors include: Palestinian Youth Movement American Muslim Association The People’s Forum National Students for […]

FINALLY! Jim Jordan Made BIGGEST Announcement Of 2023

FINALLY! Jim Jordan Made BIGGEST Announcement Of 2023

Israel’s wisdom and persistence after declaring war on the evil of Hamas

We must stand with Israel’s commitment to end the evil of Hamas forever Following the heinous murderous attacks by Hamas against Israeli civilians on Oct. 7, Israel declared war for the first time in half a century. The last Israeli war declaration came when Egypt conducted a sneak attack on Israel on Yom Kippur in […]

Subpoena Update: James Comer Captures Nearly All Hunter Biden’s Bank Records 

Al Drago/Bloomberg via Getty Images Nearly all of Hunter Biden’s bank records subpoenaed by House Oversight Committee Chair James Comer (R-KY) are in the hands of the committee, Comer said Friday. The near conclusion of the subpoena process signals the committee’s next step of requesting the Bidens appear before the committee under oath. Comer subpoenaed the personal and business […]

The Bidens’ Influence Peddling Timeline

Since taking the gavel in January, the Committee on Oversight and Accountability has accelerated its investigation of the Biden family’s domestic and international business practices to determine whether the Biden family has been targeted by foreign actors, President Biden is compromised, and our national security is threatened. Records obtained through the Committee’s subpoenas to date reveal […]


On July 6, 2022, a bomb detonated on a 5-acre plot of farmland in Elberton, Georgia. The explosion destroyed a large monument that had stood on the property for over 40 years. Known as “The Georgia Guidestones”, it was four monolithic slabs of granite, weighing over 230,000 pounds, that contained a set of rules for […]

FBI received ‘criminal information’ from over 40 confidential sources on Joe Biden, Hunter, James: Grassley

Grassley alleges that the FBI and DOJ sought to shut down investigations into the Bidens The FBI maintained more than 40 confidential human sources on various criminal matters related to the Biden family, including Joe Biden, dating back to his time as vice president, according to information obtained by Sen. Chuck Grassley, R-Iowa. The confidential […]

US Rushes Advance THAAD Missile Defense to Mideast.

Editorial:  It is very important to send all needed military aid to our best ally in the Middle East Israel. But more importantly is to end the Obama/Biden regime appeasement policy with Iran and to cease any humanitarian funds to the Gaza Strip which are stolen by Hamas. Hamas terrorists must be told release all […]

100 Syrians, 50 Iranians Cross Biden’s Open Border in October, Says Source

Randy Clark/Breitbart Texas EAGLE PASS, Texas — According to a source within CBP, the influx of Special Interest Migrants across the U.S./Mexico border continues early in the NEW fiscal year as nearly 100 Syrian and 50 Iranian nationals have been apprehended by the Border Patrol since the beginning of October. The source says the influx […]

GOP Senators Push Biden to Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Foreigners: ‘Put the Security of American Citizens First’

Michael Nigro/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images A group of Republican Senators is pleading with President Joe Biden to revoke the visas of those foreign nationals in the United States who back Hamas, the terrorist group that controls Gaza and has launched attacks on Israel. On Thursday, Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued […]

Breaking Biden’ Author: Five Takeaways from Joe’s Duplicitous Oval Office Address About Ukraine

Jonathan Ernst – Pool/Getty Images Joe Biden gave a rare Oval Office address Thursday night that began with a clear condemnation of Hamas terror, but quickly shifted focus to cynical politicking and narrative setting, even while Americans are still being held hostage. Here are a few essential takeaways: 1. The Address Was About Ukraine, Not […]
