July 27, 2024

Senators Demand Answers from DHS Chief Mayorkas Over Backdoor ‘Mass Amnesty’ Scheme for Illegal Aliens

Senators Demand Answers from DHS Chief Mayorkas Over Backdoor ‘Mass Amnesty’ Scheme for Illegal Aliens Alejandro Cegarra/Bloomberg/STEFANI REYNOLDS/AFP via Getty Images Senate Republicans are demanding answers from Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas over what they are calling a backdoor “mass amnesty” scheme for hundreds of thousands of illegal aliens. Federal data published this week

Associated Press Under Fire as Senators, Lawyers Question Legal Liability After Moreno Attack Piece

The Associated Press (AP) is feeling the pressure as an organization after the newswire service published an attack piece on Ohio Senate candidate Bernie Moreno. The heavy scrutiny follows the article’s publication on Thursday evening, and since then, key elements of it have collapsed. Now, several U.S. senators, attorneys, and other high-profile conservatives are publicly

Senators Lobby for More Immigration Despite Objections from GOP Voters

The group of Republican senators lobbying for more legal immigration to the United States is increasingly among the party’s fringe, a survey released Friday revealed. Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) as well as Sens. James Lankford (R-OK), John Thune (R-SD), and Mitt Romney (R-UT) are currently negotiating a deal with Senate Democrats to increase legal immigration

GOP senators introduce stand-alone bill to aid Israel without more funding to Ukraine

GOP Sens. Roger Marshall, Ted Cruz, JD Vance and Mike Lee introduced a stand-alone bill to funnel aid to Israel without tying it to Ukraine aid on Thursday. The bill, called the Israel Supplemental Appropriations Act, is an alternative to President Biden’s $106 billion emergency supplemental bill he requested from Congress last week. The Israel […]

GOP Senators Push Biden to Revoke Visas of Pro-Hamas Foreigners: ‘Put the Security of American Citizens First’

Michael Nigro/Pacific Press/LightRocket via Getty Images A group of Republican Senators is pleading with President Joe Biden to revoke the visas of those foreign nationals in the United States who back Hamas, the terrorist group that controls Gaza and has launched attacks on Israel. On Thursday, Sens. Marsha Blackburn (R-TN) and Marco Rubio (R-FL) issued […]

Senators seek to stop shutdowns forever, after McCarthy’s spending stumbles

As the government shutdown deadline edges closer, a bipartisan idea is gaining new traction on both sides of a Capitol: taking shutdowns off the table entirely. Senators and House members began circulating a letter on Friday pushing legislation that would automatically fund the government past spending deadlines like Sept. 3src. It’s a longshot, but if

Pressure Builds on Biden to Freeze $6 Billion in Iranian Cash as Democrat Senators Join Push

Pressure has been building against the Biden administration from Democrats with calls to freeze the $6 billion that will be released to Iran for a prisoner exchange. Moderate Democrats Sens. Jon Tester (MT) and Joe Manchin (WV) both said on Tuesday that the funds need to be frozen in the wake of the horrific terrorist

Republican Senators bash Biden’s $6B Iran deal in push to support Israel

At least 700 people killed, thousands others injured in Hamas terrorist attacks on Israel  Biden admin should admit appeasement policy toward Iran is ‘abject failure’: Ortagus Former State Department spokesperson Morgan Ortagus discusses the Gaza-Israel conflict, Israeli-Americans being held hostage and the Biden administration’s foreign policy in the Middle East. Senate Republicans are turning up […]

Senators Demand White House Fly Pro-Life Flag to Honor Respect Life Month

Senators Demand White House Fly Pro-Life Flag to Honor Respect Life Month prolifeflag/Instagram Republican lawmakers are demanding the Biden administration fly the pro-life flag on the White House lawn during October’s Respect Life Month. A letter signed by Sen. Pete Ricketts (R-NE), Sen. Cindy Hyde-Smith (R-MS), and Sen. Kevin Cramer (R-ND) challenges President Joe Biden

‘Barbie’ or ‘Oppenheimer’? We asked senators which movie they’re seeing.

For Sen. Elizabeth Warren (D-Mass.), it’s a no-brainer. She’s a “Barbie” girl in a Capitol Hill world. | Warner Bros. Pictures via AP It was only a matter of time before the “Barbenheimer” discourse wound its way through the halls of Congress and into the political corners of the twitterverse. The phenomenon started as a

Male GOP Senators Ignore Women, Vote for Abortion Ban in South Carolina

Twenty-seven male South Carolina legislators passed a ban on abortions after six weeks Tuesday, over the objections of all five women in the state Senate—including three Republicans.The ban, which bars abortion before most people know they are pregnant, will now go to the desk of Gov. Henry McMaster (R), who is expected to sign it.

Watch Live: DHS Chief Mayorkas Faces Down GOP Senators

President Joe Biden’s pro-migration border chief will certainly face softball questions from Democratic Senators on Tuesday morning — and likely a flurry of uncoordinated, unfocused questions from cautious GOP Senators during the two-hour event. In prior hearings, GOP Senators have been eager to demonstrate theatrical opposition against Alejandro Mayorkas’ determined welcome for at least 4

8 Senators Urge Pentagon to ‘Take a Hard Look’ at Sending Ukraine F-16s: Could Be ‘Game Changer’

A bipartisan group of senators called on the Pentagon on Tuesday to “take a hard look” at sending advanced U.S. fighter jets to Ukraine to aid the country in its war with Russia. The group of eight senators, led by Sen. Mark Kelly (D-AZ), wrote in a letter to Department of Defense Secretary Lloyd Austin

Ruben Gallego: Democrat Senators ‘Have Encouraged Me to Run’ Against Sinema

Representative Ruben Gallego (D-AZ) told CBS News on Wednesday that some Democratic senators are privately telling him to run against Sen. Kyrsten Sinema (I-AZ), who left the Democratic Party and became an independent last week. Reporter Robert Costa asked, “Are some major names in the Senate or the House privately telling you you better run?”

GOP senators tune out House conservatives’ impeachment calls

Kevin McCarthy called on Alejandro Mayorkas to resign or face possible impeachment during a trip to the border last month. | Mariam Zuhaib/AP Photo House conservatives want their party to go big on impeachment next year. Across the Capitol, Senate Republicans on their would-be jury are not ready to convict. While House GOP leaders feel

Trump who? GOP senators rave over a potential Tim Scott presidential run.

Sen. Tim Scott has carved out a unique lane in the GOP, well-liked by mainstream leaders but never publicly at odds with Trump world, even when he’s offered halted criticism of the former president. | Scott Olson/Getty Images Joni Ernst is “very excited” about a potential Tim Scott presidential run. John Cornyn would “advise him

Senators float audit of Rick Scott’s NRSC

Kevin McLaughlin, the executive director of the NRSC during the 2src2src election cycle under then-Chairman Todd Young (R-Ind.), said in response: “This is what children do when they are caught with their hand in the cookie jar. They lash out. Obviously this is crazy and we welcome a full audit.” The back and forth is

Republican Senators Threaten To Sink Bipartisan Infrastructure Plan After Biden’s Ultimatum

Republican senators are threatening to sink a recently negotiated bipartisan infrastructure compromise after President Joe Biden said that its adoption was conditioned on the passage of a complementary bill containing top Democratic priorities. Multiple senators who took part in bipartisan negotiations during the bill’s creation have already said that they may now withhold their support,…

Psaki Walks Back Biden’s Call-Out Of Democratic Senators, Says He Wasn’t Criticizing Them

White House press secretary Jen Psaki appeared to walk back President Joe Biden’s swipe at two Democratic senators for allegedly “voting more with” his “Republican friends.” Biden, during remarks Tuesday commemorating the centennial of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre in Oklahoma, highlighted the “right to vote” and urged Congress to act on this issue. Biden…

Arizona’s Democratic Senators Want More Homeland Security Personnel On The Southern Border

Arizona’s Democratic senators called on President Joe Biden’s administration to increase the number of Homeland Security personnel on the southern border to better respond to increasing number of migrants. In a letter Wednesday, Sens. Kyrsten Sinema and Mark Kelly also requested that the White House reimburse Arizona for its deploying of approximately 500 National Guard members…

Filmmaker Billy Ray Wants ‘Political Eradication’ of GOP Senators Who Acquitted Trump

Hollywood director and screenwriter Billy Ray is calling for the “political eradication” of the Republican senators who voted to acquit former president Donald Trump, saying that they must be voted out of office, “hounded” into retirement, or convicted. Ray, who co-wrote the screenplay for The Hunger Games and directed the Showtime miniseries The Comey Rule,…

McCaskill: Many Republican Senators Will Vote to Convict Trump

Former Sen. Claire McCaskill (D-MO) predicted Monday on MSNBC that many Republican Senators will vote to convict President Donald Trump after the House managers present their impeachment case, but the final tally will fall short of the 17 needed. McCaskill said, “What Liz Cheney has done is remarkable. She has stood up with courage and said,…

Durbin Says Senators ‘Have To Follow Their Own Conscience’ On Trump Impeachment

Democratic Illinois Sen. Dick Durbin told CNN anchor Jake Tapper Sunday that Senate members “have to follow their own conscience” on President Donald Trump’s impeachment. Durbin told Tapper on CNN’s “State of The Union” that he doesn’t know how members of his own caucus will vote to convict Trump. “I don’t know the answer to…

Biden Says ’Several’ GOP Senators Have Privately Congratulated Him On His Win

December 04, 2020 11:11 AM ET President-elect Joe Biden said Thursday night that “more than several” Republican senators have privately offered their congratulations for his electoral victory. Speaking with CNN’s Jake Tapper, Biden said that much of the Republican leadership would publicly acknowledge his victory once the Electoral College certifies the results on Dec. 14.…

MORE DEATH THREATS: GOP Senator’s Wife Received Gruesome Beheading Video After His Vote for Kavanaugh.

Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) and his wife Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Supreme Court Justice in US history Saturday evening. And the hysterical, violent leftists melted down. The Democrats, led by Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer launched the most evil smear campaign against Kavanaugh we’ve seen in modern times–and they still lost. Late Saturday […]

Grassley Demands All Communications Between Dr. Ford’s Legal Team And Senators, Alleged Witnesses, And Other Accusers.

Senate Judiciary Chairman Chuck Grassley sent a letter to Dr. Ford’s legal team late Thursday night asking for all of their communications with specific Democratic senators, the alleged witnesses to her getting assaulted, as well as the other alleged victims. Grassley specifically asked for all direct or indirect communications between Ford or her legal team […]

BREAKING: Capitol Police Just Arrested a Democratic Congressional Staffer in the Doxxing of GOP Senators.

Capitol Police on Wednesday evening arrested a Democratic congressional staffer who allegedly doxxed a handful of Republican senators and then posted their personal information online. Jackson Cosko, 27, was charged with making public restricted personal information, witness tampering, threats in interstate communication, unauthorized access of a government computer, identity theft, second-degree burglary and unlawful entry, […]

These Senators Took Money from Iran Lobby Before Vote on Obama’s Nuke Deal — Iran Threatens to Out Bribed Officials.

Last week President Trump withdrew from the sham Iranian nuclear deal. President Trump knew the deal with the Iranian mullahs was not working. This was despite former Secretary of State John Kerry working against the Trump administration to salvage the weak deal with the Iranian regime. Of course, the Iranian regime is very upset with President Trump’s decision. […]

In Immigration Debate, Senators Must Put Americans and Their Dreams First.

The just-paused Schumer Shutdown of the federal government brought to mind one of the most surprising headlines I’ve ever read. Last September, Senate Minority Leader Chuck Schumer, D-N.Y., joined with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi, D-Calif., to pen a CNN.com op-ed headlined “Dreamers Are as American as Apple Pie.” If that pie came into the […]

GOP senators call for new “criminal investigation” leading to Hillary, and it’s bad.

Back last year — sounds funny saying that, but last December — I shared with y’all my thoughts about why the Democrats were all of a sudden clamoring about President Trump firing Robert Mueller. I postulated that the left, as always, were all on the same sheet of music, to include their liberal progressive media […]
