July 26, 2024

‘Disease X’ Ranks Among the Highest Potential Threats for 2024 in the U.S.

The following content is sponsored by The Wellness Company. Turns out what you don’t know can hurt you. These last few years seem to spring one surprise after another. From meat factory explosions to skyrocketing inflation rates, Americans are frustrated and concerned about the direction our country is heading. As if these stressors weren’t enough

‘I Don’t Succumb to Fear’: Jewish Miss Universe Judge Received Death Threats After Debating Palestinian Activist

‘I Don’t Succumb to Fear’: Jewish Miss Universe Judge Received Death Threats After Debating Palestinian Activist Thomas Concordia/Getty Images for New York Swim Week A Miss Universe judge who is Jewish claims her life was threatened after debating a Palestinian activist during an appearance on Piers Morgan Uncensored in October. Emily Austin is a journalist

FBI, Denver police investigating threats against Colorado judges who barred Trump from state’s ballots

The Federal Bureau of Investigation and the Denver Police Department are investigating threats made against Colorado Supreme Court justices who ruled that former President Trump is prohibited from appearing on the state’s ballots in next year’s presidential election. A spokesperson for Denver police confirmed to Fox News Digital that it is “currently investigating incidents directed at Colorado […]

Former flight attendant reveals biggest threats to airplane passengers

If you thought turbulence, a bathroom mishap or getting knocked around by the food trolley blasting down the aisle was the scariest thing on a plane, think again. The biggest danger threatening travelers speeding through the sky is an unsuspecting evil that most passengers would have probably never considered. It’s the UV rays which become […]

Cornell University cancels classes Friday amid ‘extraordinary stress,’ following antisemitic threats

Cornell University has canceled classes on Friday after a student was charged with making online antisemitic threats against Jewish people on campus. Instead of classes, students and staff will enjoy a “community day,” November 3. A spokesperson at the Ivy League school said that decision to close on Friday was made “in recognition of the […]

Cornell student who allegedly made threats to Jewish center identified by authorities

The Ivy League student who allegedly made threats of a mass shooting and antisemitic violence at Cornell University has been criminally charged. Court documents show that 21-year-old Patrick Dai, a junior at Cornell has been federally charged in connection with the threats following an investigation by the Joint Terrorism Task Force. “It is concerning, of […]

‘Should be concerned’: Congress opens up on new threats posed to US labor market

WASHINGTON – Congressional lawmakers told Fox News they’re concerned about how artificial Intelligence will impact the job market, but were unsure how to approach the issue. “I don’t have answers,” Rep. Adam Smith, D-Wash., said. “There’s no question AI is an incredibly disruptive technology, and we should be closely looking at the implications of it […]

NJ-bound Delta flight forced to return to Boston airport over alleged threats

A New Jersey-bound Delta Airlines flight had to return to Boston after police received a tip that a passenger allegedly made threats against the flight. Photo by Nicolas Economou/NurPhoto via Getty Images A New Jersey-bound Delta plane was forced to return to a Boston airport Sunday after police received an anonymous tip that a passenger […]

Fauci: Threats to Me, My Family Are ‘Manifestation of How Bizarre Our Society Has Gotten’

Outgoing National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases director Dr. Anthony Fauci said Tuesday on MSNBC’s “Andrea Mitchell Reports” that the threats he and his family get were a “manifestation of how bizarre our society has gotten.” Mitchell said, “Your life has been threatened. There have been death threats against your family, your wife, your

Swalwell: Republicans ‘Condone Donald Trump’s Threats of Violence’ with Their Silence

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said Monday on SiriusXM’s “The Dean Obeidallah Show” that Republicans “through their silence” condone former President Donald Trump’s threats of violence. Obeidallah said, “In the last seven days, you had Donald Trump threaten, if he’s indicted, that we’re gonna see problems in this country like of the which, perhaps we’ve never seen

Capitol Police Establishing Field Offices To Investigate Threats Against Lawmakers

July 06, 2021 10:15 AM ET The United States Capitol Police announced Tuesday that it was establishing field offices in California and Florida to investigate threats against lawmakers. The Capitol Police said in a statement that its efforts were part of a plan to improve its security measures after the riot at the Capitol on…

Six Establishment Republicans Face Three Threats: Redistricting, Democrats, Trump

Former President Trump’s strategy to further the “American First” agenda has included taking meetings, making endorsements, and raising money. Intensifying Trump’s effort are state redistricting measures, where six of the 10 House Republicans who voted to impeach Trump are at risk of a redrawn district, hence in further danger of losing their seat in 2022. Indeed,…

Nolte: Good News! AP Reports ‘No Evidence of Any’ Inauguration ‘Threats’

Oh, man, what a relief! The far-left Associated Press (AP) is reporting there is “no evidence of any threats” for His Fraudulency Joe Biden’s inauguration” tomorrow,  and that “vetting hadn’t flagged any issues they were aware of.” Whewww!!! Cuz if you’re watching TV right now, you are all kinds of freaked out! Yes, that wonderful…

MORE DEATH THREATS: GOP Senator’s Wife Received Gruesome Beheading Video After His Vote for Kavanaugh.

Senator Cory Gardner (R-CO) and his wife Brett Kavanaugh was sworn in as the 114th Supreme Court Justice in US history Saturday evening. And the hysterical, violent leftists melted down. The Democrats, led by Dianne Feinstein and Chuck Schumer launched the most evil smear campaign against Kavanaugh we’ve seen in modern times–and they still lost. Late Saturday […]

Nolte: New York Times Upset over Threats Against Media; Ignores 500-Plus Attacks on Trump Supporters

New York Times publisher A.G. Sulzberger says he is worried about threats against journalists, even as his publication has all but ignored more than 500 attacks against President Trump and his supporters. After meeting with the president this month, Sulzberger released a five-paragraph statement about the weekend meeting: I told the president directly that I thought […]

Trump warns Iran’s Rouhani to stop the threats or suffer historic consequences.

President Trump late Sunday tweeted out to Iranian President Rouhani to never threaten the U.S. again or face historic consequences. The tweet came on the heels of Rouhani’s warning to Trump that hostile policies could lead to the “mother of all wars” with Iran. Trump called for Rouhani to stop the rhetoric or–in caps lock– […]

Curious Releases – FBI Provides “Initial” Compulsory Documents To House Oversight Amid Ongoing Impeachment Threats…

Due to the ongoing and unresolved scale of corruption within the administrative offices of the DOJ (Sessions/Rosenstein) and FBI (Wray/Bowdich), it is no longer possible to provide any benefit-of-doubt regarding their obstruction of oversight. The IG report; the manipulation (red-lining) of the draft content therein; and the subsequent DOJ/FBI willful blindness toward the remaining content; […]

Marco Rubio Urges Revision of Obama-Era School Discipline Policy that Discourages Reporting Student Threats.

Florida Republican Sen. Marco Rubio is urging the Trump administration’s Departments of Justice and Education to revise the Obama-era school discipline policy that discourages school districts from reporting threats to law enforcement in the name of social justice for minority students. Rubio writes in the wake of the Parkland, Florida, shooting rampage by former Marjory […]

THE SHADOW GOVERNMENT – More Threats of Violent Unrest by Eric Holder if Mueller Fired.

Barack Hussein Obama’s shadow government continues trying to oust the duly elected 45th president of the United States, Donald Trump, from the White House. Democrats refuse to accept that the irretrievably corrupt Democrat Hillary Clinton was flattened by Republican Trump in the election 13 months ago. In this instance, I am referring to radical thug […]

Top Imam Warned NYC Mayor De Blasio About Terror Threats: ‘He Did Nothing — Ignored!’

Top Imam Tawhidi revealed Tuesday he warned New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio that his city was a breeding ground for Islamic terrorists. According to the Imam, De Blasio ignored his ‘in person,’ and ‘online,’ warnings. News of Tawhidi’s warnings come after the Manhattan terror attack.  “About #NYC terrorist attack, I personally sent letters to Mayor De Blasio online […]

Hispanic-Owned Companies Bidding for ‘Trump Wall’ Contract Receive Death Threats

The owners of several Hispanic-owned companies bidding for contracts to build a wall or fence on the U.S. border with Mexico have been swamped with death threats, a report reveals. Owners of several construction companies in western states such as California and Arizona have reported a campaign of harassment after their names turned up in […]

New Hollywood Blacklist: Oppose Trump or Face Career Ruin, Racism, Sexism, Threats

The original Hollywood Blacklist of the 1950s was at least open and honest. There was a list, you were named, and you were informed. As immoral and indefensible as it was, those who were blacklisted at least knew where they stood. Today’s Hollywood Blacklist is quite different. Yes, your career is still threatened, but no […]

Trump Assembles a War Cabinet to Meet Foreign Threats

With the selections of General James N. “Mad Dog” Mattis as Secretary of Defense and Lt. General Michael T. Flynn as national security adviser, President-elect Donald J. Trump has indicated that he is prepared to meet foreign threats from Russia, China, and global Islam. Indeed, Flynn argues in his book, The Field of Fight, that […]

Assassination threats against Trump flood Twitter

The shock and anger over Donald Trump’s ascension to the White House has triggered a flood of calls on Twitter and other social media outlets for the president-elect to be assassinated — and authorities will investigate all threats deemed to be credible, The Post has learned. Trump met Thursday with President Obama in the Oval Office, with the […]

Despite Death Threats Donald Trump will Fly to Mexico City to Meet with President Nieto

In July 2015 top Mexican drug lord, “Joaquin “El Chapo” (Shorty) Guzman, threatened US presidential hopeful Donald Trump. Guzman took to his son’s Twitter account to threaten the popular America-first candidate. On the account, administered by Guzman’s son Ivan, the escapee reportedly wrote: ‘If you keep p****** me off I’m going to make you eat […]

Twitter Lets Death Threats Stay Online — for Weeks!

Death Threats Made Towards Republican Senators Remain on Twitter for Weeks Without Deletion Numerous death threats made towards Republican Senators on Twitter remained on the platform for weeks before being deleted, despite the platform’s consistent record of removing “problematic” opinions within a matter of hours. Two weeks ago, a user on Twitter threatened to shoot Senator Roy […]

Obama’s Threats Over Transgender Law ‘Sickest Example’ of Effort to ‘Fundamentally Transform Our Nation,’ N.C. Lt. Gov. Says

North Carolina’s Lt. Gov. Dan Forest called the Obama administration’s threat to withhold federal education funding unless the state repeals its controversial transgender bathroom law, the “sickest example” of how far Barack Obama will go to transform the nation. “To use our children and their educational futures as pawns to advance an agenda that will […]

Rising Threats – Shrinking Military

When President Obama took office, he promised to be a new type of commander-in-chief. Many now fear that’s exactly what has happened. Critics see the American military downsizing, and its influence in world affairs waning, creating a dangerous power vacuum. “Fox News Reporting: Rising Threats – Shrinking Military,” airing Friday at 10 p.m. ET, Saturday […]

Threats Persist as Obama Hosts His Final Nuclear Security Summit

In-Depth Coverage President Barack Obama will host his fourth and final nuclear security summit in Washington this week with tons of loose nuclear material still not sufficiently secured and still potentially accessible to terrorists or other individuals with malicious intentions. The White House says that while it is impossible to quantify the likelihood of a […]

Obama Defends Black Lives Matter Movement While Protesters Scream Threats Against Police

I would say the president’s timing was a little off. Defending the Black Lives Matter movement, President Barack Obama said Thursday the protests are giving voice to a problem happening only in African-American communities, adding, “We, as a society, particularly given our history, have to take this seriously.” Obama said the movement, which sprung up […]
