July 27, 2024

Migrant bites security guard trying to break up fight with his wife in latest Randall’s Island shelter violence: sources

A migrant viciously attacked and bit a security guard who intervened in a fight between the man and his wife inside the Randall’s Island shelter on Monday, sources said. The 24-year-old aggressor, Oscar Adrian Al Ordonez, was arguing with his wife around 6:45 a.m. Monday within the tent city that houses asylum seekers when the […]

Israeli Arab Leader to Palestinians: Stop Violence, Work Together for a State

Mansour Abbas, a Muslim Arab political leader who is also an Israeli citizen, issued a message Friday to the various Palestinian factions, urging them to abandon violence and to work together to push for a Palestinian state through political means. Abbas, 49, leads the United Arab List (Ra’am) party in the Knesset, and was part

IDF: Media Blindly Believing Hamas Propaganda on Hospital Explosion Is Causing Violence

During an interview with CNN on Tuesday, IDF Spokesman Jonathan Conricus stated that the IDF will release proof that the explosion at a hospital in Gaza was caused by a Palestinian Islamic Jihad rocket, not an Israeli strike and that while he’s happy to release evidence to back up their claims, he wishes media outlets

Millions in eastern Congo in need of urgent care as humanitarian crisis, sexual violence worsen, UN says

The humanitarian situation in conflict-wracked eastern Congo has deteriorated alarmingly in the past 18 months with 8 million people in urgent need of assistance and women and girls subjected to sexual violence on a massive scale — just in three provinces, a senior U.N. official said Tuesday. Edem Wosornu, the U.N. humanitarian office’s operations director […]

McCabe: Palin Encouraging ‘Political Violence’ over Trump Arrest

CNN analyst and former FBI chief Andrew McCabe said Friday on “Inside Politics” that former Gov. Sarah Palin’s (R-AK) comments on civil war over the arrest of former President Donald Trump were encouraging “political violence.” Anchor Dana Bash asked, “As somebody who was in the FBI and law enforcement for a very long time, how

‘TRANTIFA:’ Experts warn of ‘increasing trend’ of extremism and violence from far-left transgender activists

From shootings to riots, Antifa and feminist experts warn that radical transgender activists are growing increasingly violent and extreme, with some using the term “Trantifa” to describe the phenomenon. While Antifa is the far-left “anti-fascist” militant movement often associated with black clothing, face-masks and violent protest, the new term “Trantifa” has been “coined on social […]

United Nations calls for halt to Sudan violence after three aid workers and dozens of others are killed

The United Nations’ World Food Program ceased operations in Sudan this weekend after three aid workers were killed during violent clashes between the country’s army and a powerful paramilitary group.  Volker Perthes, the Special Representative of the UN Secretary-General for Sudan, reiterated on Sunday that international aid workers are “not a target,” condemning the slaying […]

Maher: Violence in CA, Memphis Goes Beyond Race and Focusing Solely on Race Keeps from Solving the Problem

On Friday’s broadcast of HBO’s “Real Time,” host Bill Maher stated that there has become a bizarre ritual where we wait to find out the race of perpetrators “like we’re waiting for the Oscar nominations, because that’s somehow, to a lot of people, the most important thing” and doing this keeps from solving bigger issues

Nigerians Lament Slow Vote Count, Voting Machine Failures, Election Day Violence

Nigerian voters on Monday complained about slow vote counts, voting machine malfunctions, and violence at some polling places as the outcome of Saturday’s presidential election remained in doubt. As of Monday afternoon, results were still pending from about two-thirds of Nigeria’s 36 states. An early call was made in Lagos, ostensibly a stronghold for ruling-party

Pelosi: Some people voted because political violence has ‘gone too far’

House Speaker Nancy Pelosi said Sunday she knew of some individuals inspired to vote last week because of political violence, including the brutal attack on her husband. “We’ve been so comforted by the outpouring of so many prayers and good wishes, and even people saying, ‘I wasn’t going to vote, but now I’m going to

Swalwell: Republicans ‘Condone Donald Trump’s Threats of Violence’ with Their Silence

Representative Eric Swalwell (D-CA) said Monday on SiriusXM’s “The Dean Obeidallah Show” that Republicans “through their silence” condone former President Donald Trump’s threats of violence. Obeidallah said, “In the last seven days, you had Donald Trump threaten, if he’s indicted, that we’re gonna see problems in this country like of the which, perhaps we’ve never seen

Armed Men Attempt to Rob News Crew While Interviewing Oakland’s Director of Violence Prevention

Just hours after Oakland, California, Police Chief LeRonne Armstrong held a news conference on Monday to slam city officials for cutting the police budget as crimes surge in the municipality, a news crew interviewing the director of the Department of Violence Prevention were the victims of a robbery attempt in broad daylight. Two armed men…

Ocasio-Cortez Warns Against ‘Hysteria’ Over Rising Violence, Reiterates Her Proposal To Defund Police

Democratic New York Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez called public’s concerns over an ongoing increase in violent crimes “hysteria” and repeated her proposal to defund the police during a Saturday Zoom call. “We are seeing these headlines about percentage increases. Now, I want to say that any amount of harm is unacceptable and too much, but I…

Biden’s Strategy For Combating Surge In Crime Focuses Largely On Combating ‘Gun Violence’

President Joe Biden announced his administration’s strategy for addressing “the surge in gun violence” Wednesday as violent crime increases in cities across the country. The administration has been quick to blame gun violence for this increase in crime and the administration has largely focused on other issues – like the COVID-19 pandemic – since Biden…

Report: Sweden Top in Europe for Deadly Gun Violence

A report from the Crime Prevention Council, BrĂ„, has revealed that Sweden continues to see an increase in deadly shootings and now has the highest level in Europe. According to BrĂ„, Sweden was at the bottom of 22 other European countries when it came to fatal gun violence in the early 2000s. But since 2013, the…

Poll: Only 15.5 Percent of Democrats Blame Hamas for Current Violence in Israel

Only 15.5 percent of Democrats blame Hamas for the current Middle East violence, according to the Trafalgar Group. Nearly 38 percent of Democrats believe Israel is to blame for the current violence, while 34.4 percent do not know. pic.twitter.com/Z15NYZRT3d — Wendell HusebĂž (@WendellHusebo) May 19, 2021 It appears President Joe Biden has sided with the…

CNN Host W. Kamau Bell Downplays Antifa Violence: ‘People Get Hurt, Property Gets Damaged’

Elijah Nouvelage/Getty Images Antifa violence accounts for millions in property damage and during a segment of his CNN show United Shades of America, standup comedian and CNN host W. Kamau Bell downplayed the radical left-wing group’s anarchic criminality. Bell dismissed the violent tactics routinely used by the radical organization and concluded that sometimes “people get hurt, property…

CNN Admits Crime Wave, Highlights Violence in Democrat-Run Cities

CNN admits a crime wave which was evident in 2020 is continuing in 2021 in Democrat-run cities like Chicago, Los Angeles, New York City, and others. According to CNN, Chicago “homicides are up 33 percent in the first three months of the year compared to 2020.” Homicides in NYC were “jumped by nearly 14 percent…

Report: Team Biden Weighs Declaring Gun Violence a Public Health Emergency

President Joe Biden’s administration is weighing the idea of declaring gun violence as a public health emergency, in order to take dramatic executive action to tackle gun rights. Biden officials and gun control activists discussed the idea, according to the New York Times, as well as other executive actions that could tackle gun rights nationwide.…

Chuck Grassley Calls Out Kamala Harris, Antifa, Left-Wing Domestic Violence of Summer

Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Tuesday during a Senate hearing called out left-wing domestic violence over the summer amid an apparent attempt by Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) to use the January 6th Capitol breach to tie the political right to domestic extremism. Grassley said he agreed that the violence at the Capitol on January…

CNN, NBC Paid Left-wing Capitol Rioter $35,000 Each for Footage of Violence

CNN and NBC each paid left-wing filmmaker John Sullivan $35,000 for his footage of violence during the Capitol riot, according to court documents filed by his attorneys. The radical agitator got paid.đŸ”»https://t.co/QthYSK2izC — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) February 17, 2021 Politico reported Tuesday that a federal magistrate judge allowed Sullivan to keep his Twitter and Facebook…

Maxine Waters: I Have Never Glorified or Encouraged Violence Against Republicans

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Velshi” denied she glorified or encouraged violence against Republicans. In a video clip, waters said, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up, and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you…

Maxine Waters: I Have Never Glorified or Encouraged Violence Against Republicans

Representative Maxine Waters (D-CA) said Sunday on MSNBC’s “Velshi” denied she glorified or encouraged violence against Republicans. In a video clip, waters said, “Let’s make sure we show up wherever we have to show up, and if you see anybody from that Cabinet in a restaurant, in a department store, at a gasoline station, you […]

MSNBC’s Jason Johnson Predicts Wave of Violence After Trump Leaves Office

MSNBC political analyst Jason Johnson predicted Friday on “Deadline” that violence over Donald Trump losing the White House would increase. Johnson said, “This is just the beginning of how this is going to be. Senator Tuberville he abandoned Texas Tech. He leaves everything but not Trump-ism. He abandoned three different colleges but he’s not abandoning Trump-ism. You still have Proud…

WALSH: Democrats Who Won’t Condemn Left-Wing Violence Don’t Have The Temperament For Office.

Somewhat lost in the Kavanaugh news this weekend was another violent Antifa outburst. Of course there is no need to qualify with the word “violent” when discussing Antifa, as violence is the group’s whole point and its only method of communication. This time, masked thugs shut down an intersection, blocked traffic, and physically threatened motorists […]

Violence Against Right Escalates as Media Amp up Hate-Rhetoric Against Trump.

Incidents of violence and threats against the political right have escalated as the establishment media amp up its hate rhetoric against President Trump and his supporters. The morning after Meet the Press moderator Chuck Todd compared media critics to racist segregationists and singled out Fox News as one of America’s biggest problems, a man in […]

It’s time to hold Democrats responsible for Chicago’s violence.

Most Americans are appalled to read that 63 people were shot in Chicago over the weekend, with 10 fatalities.  The numbers are huge, downright massacre-level.  News coverage says Chicago’s hospital and emergency rooms are now crowd scenes.  Here in California, we are appalled at the death toll among firemen and other public workers in California’s massive wildfires, brought […]

Rap Sheet: ***190*** Acts of Media-Approved Violence and Harassment Against Trump Supporters.

When not calling Trump supporters “Nazis” as a means to dehumanize us, the establishment media like to whine about the lack of civility in American politics, even as they cover up, ignore, downplay, or straight-up approve of the wave of violence and public harassment we are seeing against supporters of President Trump. It is open […]

The Left’s Drumbeat of Hysteria Is Leading Toward Violence Against Conservatives.

Because of the ever-descending moral and intellectual state of the mainstream news media, there has been no outcry against the leftists who call President Donald Trump and all Americans who support him Nazis. Indeed, members of the media now regularly do so. Without that outcry, this labeling will only increase; and this steadily increasing drumbeat […]

Hamas Violence is “The Great Return March” to Overtake Israel.

American big-media has been spreading the fake news story that the Hamas violence at the Israeli border is about the American Embassy. Turns out, this is false. Straight from the source, we learn that this is not what the riots are about. What the Palestinians want is to overtake Israel. Hamas has a Facebook page […]
