July 26, 2024

Left-wing media try to cover up Joe’s obvious mental decline, DHS boss Alejandro Mayorkas pretends Biden’s shown ‘leadership’ and more

Diary of disturbing disinformation and dangerous delusions This charge: “An insidious trend in right-wing media . . . [is] to take highly misleading and selectively edited videos . . . to cast doubt on President Biden’s fitness.” — MSNBC’s Nicole Wallace, Monday We say: Biden apologists like Wallace sure know how to take their cues […]

Dem Rep. Goldman: There’s Been Antisemitism on Right, Now We’ve Seen Latent Left-Wing Antisemitism Going Public

On Friday’s broadcast of CNN’s “The Lead,” Rep. Dan Goldman (D-NY) stated that there has been antisemitism among the far right, and “What we have seen over the last six weeks is a latent antisemitism bubbling over into the public sphere that’s coming from the far fringe left.” Goldman said, “Well, we’ve known there’s been

Nolte: Embattled, Left-Wing CNN Surrenders and Will Stream on Max

CNN, a far-left propaganda outlet that spreads conspiracy theories and political violence, will soon be available on the streaming service HBOMax. This is a huge, huge deal that tells you just how much trouble CNNLOL and Warner Bros. Discovery (WBD) are in
 See if you can locate the fantasy part
 “Warner Bros. Discovery Inc. is planning

Left-wing Hollywood Elite Sell Cheap to Avoid L.A.’s ‘Mansion Tax’

Members of the Hollywood elite are among those who have contrived to avoid the new “mansion tax” passed last year by Los Angeles voters — including some of the biggest names in Democratic Party fundraising circles. Measure ULA went into effect on April 1, and ostensibly exists to raise money for low-income housing. But many

Left-wing German chancellor slams ‘nutty’ climate protestors blocking streets, defacing art

German Chancellor Olaf Scholz on Monday sharply criticized climate activists as “nutty” for drastic protests such as blocking streets or gluing themselves to famous paintings in museums. “I think it’s completely nutty to somehow stick yourself to a painting or on the street,” Scholz said during a visit to an elementary school in the town […]

Former Brexit leader Nigel Farage slams ‘left-wing agenda’ trying to erase youth support for the monarchy

In a historic event, King Charles III was officially crowned king during Saturday’s coronation, just eight months after his mother Queen Elizabeth II passed away. With the new monarch, however, has come some discussion about the future of the institution. Former Brexit Party Leader Nigel Farage argued on “Cavuto Live,” Saturday, that the coronation likely […]

‘I Hire For Diversity’: Pentagon Nominees Blocked By GOP Senator Are Pushing Left-Wing Initiatives To Reshape Military

Several of the military officers whose promotions are held up due to a senator’s fight with the Pentagon have supported left-wing cultural stances and diversity initiatives, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of social media posts, Pentagon materials and public footage. Republican Alabama Sen. Tommy Tuberville has single-handedly blocked numerous officers’ confirmations in

Left-wing UK lawmaker suspended after claiming Jews can’t experience racism

A left-wing U.K. lawmaker has been suspended after arguing in a public letter that Jewish people cannot be the victims of “racism.” Diane Abbott, was suspended as a Labour Party whip on Sunday after widespread backlash. She released a statement on Twitter apologizing for her remarks on Sunday and expressing her wish to “disassociate myself […]

Watch: Left-Wing Activists Smash Windows, Are Arrested at UC Davis Charlie Kirk Event

Left-wing and LGBTQ activists at UC Davis were arrested after vandalizing university property on Tuesday during an event featuring Turning Point USA founder Charlie Kirk. The incident came just hours after UC Davis chancellor Gary S. May declared Kirk a “proponent of hate” and encouraged students to “neutralize and negate” TPUSA’s influence on campus. Protestors carrying

Left-Wing Janet Protasiewicz Projected Winner of Wisconsin Supreme Court Race

Democrat Janet Protasiewicz has secured a seat on the Wisconsin Supreme Court over Republican Daniel Kelly, NBC News projected on Tuesday night. The news outlet projected the Milwaukee County circuit court judge’s victory roughly an hour after polls closed, calling the race with 60 percent of the votes counted. By 1000 p.m. ET, Protasiewicz was leading former Wisconsin

Chicago Mayor’s Race Sees Left-Wing Lightfoot Out, but Left-Wing Brandon Johnson Still in the Running

Many Chicagoans were celebrating Tuesday when failed Chicago Mayor Lori Lightfoot was turned out of the mayor’s office by Windy City voters in round one of the city’s elections. But round two will feature progressive Democrat Brandon Johnson, a left-winger who is still in the running and who really isn’t much of a step up

Left-Wing Salon: Biden Was ‘Biggest Negative’ for Democrats in Midterms, Would Be ‘Disaster’ in 2024

The time has come to “move on” from President Joe Biden, according to a recent Salon piece that argues the president served as a “drag” on Democrats during last week’s midterm election and that Democrats won in the midterm elections “despite Biden, not because of him,” adding that a 2024 presidential run by Biden would

Left-Wing Catholic Paper Accuses U.S. Bishops of Worshiping at ‘MAGA Church’

The far-left National Catholic Reporter, in a bizarre op-ed this week, accused the U.S. Bishops of worshiping former President Donald Trump rather than Jesus Christ. The newspaper’s editorial board declares that “Catholicism already is perceived by many — including many of our young people — as an extension of that portion of the Republican Party that…

Chuck Grassley Calls Out Kamala Harris, Antifa, Left-Wing Domestic Violence of Summer

Senate Judiciary Committee Ranking Member Chuck Grassley (R-IA) on Tuesday during a Senate hearing called out left-wing domestic violence over the summer amid an apparent attempt by Chairman Dick Durbin (D-IL) to use the January 6th Capitol breach to tie the political right to domestic extremism. Grassley said he agreed that the violence at the Capitol on January…

CNN, NBC Paid Left-wing Capitol Rioter $35,000 Each for Footage of Violence

CNN and NBC each paid left-wing filmmaker John Sullivan $35,000 for his footage of violence during the Capitol riot, according to court documents filed by his attorneys. The radical agitator got paid.đŸ”»https://t.co/QthYSK2izC — Kyle Becker (@kylenabecker) February 17, 2021 Politico reported Tuesday that a federal magistrate judge allowed Sullivan to keep his Twitter and Facebook…

Watch: Left-Wing Activists Vandalize, Protest Outside Josh Hawley’s Home

A group of left-wing activists with the organization “ShutDown DC” vandalized and protested outside the home of Sen. Josh Hawley (R-MO), while his wife and newborn child were home alone, to demand he drop his objection to the electoral college vote on January 6. In a statement on Monday evening, Sen. Hawley said protestors with…

MSM Decries the Use of the Word ‘Mob’ to Describe Left-Wing Protesters.

Activists protest on the steps and at bronze doors of the Supreme Court after the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, on Capitol Hill, Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018 in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) The optics of angry Democrat mobs banging on the doors of the Supreme Court, chasing Republicans out of restaurants, and […]

Tucker Carlson: It’s one left-wing riot after another, but leftist leaders have decided the problem is YOU – VIDEO

The crack political team over at The Washington Post has uncovered a brand new species of fake news they think you need to know about: Imaginary left-wing mobs. In a piece posted this week, The Post explained that in order to win the midterm elections, those Republicans have “cast the Trump resistance movement as an […]

WALSH: Democrats Who Won’t Condemn Left-Wing Violence Don’t Have The Temperament For Office.

Somewhat lost in the Kavanaugh news this weekend was another violent Antifa outburst. Of course there is no need to qualify with the word “violent” when discussing Antifa, as violence is the group’s whole point and its only method of communication. This time, masked thugs shut down an intersection, blocked traffic, and physically threatened motorists […]

Left-Wing Media Defend MS-13 Gangs: ‘American Problem,’ Hurting Other Immigrants.

Left-wing media outlets Vox and ProPublica are defending the MS-13 gang with the release of a video and links to its reporting on the L.A.-based El Salvadorian gang. “We need to separate fact from fiction about MS-13,” the text accompanying the video posted on YouTube said. The video draws on ProPublica’s Hannah Dreier’s stories about […]

Trump-bashing left-wing populist wins country’s historic presidential election.

MEXICO CITY –  In an election many Mexicans hope will be a turning point for a country beset by decades of corruption, violence and enduring poverty, voters turned to a left-wing populist some supporters refer to as a “messiah.” A savior from the two major parties that have failed to deliver on promises of reform, […]

EXCLUSIVE: Facebook, Amazon, Google And Twitter All Work With Left-Wing SPLC.

 The Southern Poverty Law Center helps Facebook, Amazon, Google and Twitter determine what organizations are “hate groups”.  Amazon gave the SPLC the most direct authority while pretending to remain unbiased. The SPLC has been plagued by inaccuracies. Four of the world’s biggest tech platforms have working partnerships with a left-wing nonprofit that has a track record […]

The Daily Daily Caller Podcast: Left-Wing Dem’s Stunning Hypocrisy.

Liberal Hero Of The #Resistance Outed As A Violent Pervert On today’s episode of The Daily Daily Caller Podcast, we discuss the downfall of liberal #Resistance hero and now disgraced former New York Attorney General Eric Schneiderman. Is there anyone out there who believes the revelations of allegations of physical and sexual abuse were not […]

The Regrettable Marriage of the NFL and Left-Wing Identity Politics

What we are witnessing in the media narrative around the NFL protests is the prevailing modus operandi of contemporary leftists seeking to introduce their identity politics into all aspects of American life, even where those politics are unwelcome for most Americans. In fact, we actually saw the left orchestrate something quite similar just a few […]

Revealed: How These Left-Wing Activists Want To End The Trump Presidency

Leading anti-Trump activists backed by major leftist donors are actively working with one task in mind: undermining the credibility of America’s leaders and creating a “political crisis” that forces President Donald Trump and Vice President Mike Pence from office. Presentations from the group’s training conferences this weekend reveal the activists plan to impede the “ability […]

Conservative versus left-wing tax protests.

A conservative tax protest is a protest that taxes are too high, too onerous or illegal. A left-wing tax protest is a demand for more taxes on someone else. Or, in this case, a baseless accusation that someone else isn’t paying enough taxes. It’s hard to think of a better way to summarize the fundamental […]

The Destruction of the West by Left-wing Globalists.

Ultra-liberal Sweden is becoming a shell of its former self because liberalism has turned this once peaceful country into a chaotic, multicultural cesspool of violence and unrest. Swedes have always taken pride in their open-mindedness, believing their good intentions and big hearts would overcome a collision of cultures when it comes to immigration without assimilation. […]

Here Are All The Left-Wing Violent Protests Over The Past Several Years

The left has a bad habit of allowing their protests to descend into rioting and violence, particularly over the last several years. Whether it’s a police shooting or just being angry about the democratic election of President Donald Trump, destructive riots seem to have become the status quo for the left’s “demonstrations.” Here are all the leftist violent […]

Masters of the Universe Decree: We Decide What’s ‘Fake News’-Facebook Enlists Left-Wing ‘Fact Checkers’ as Thought Police

Facebook has announced it will introduce warning labels on stories they deem to be “fake news,” with the help of partisan “fact checking” organisations such as Snopes and PolitiFact. Stories deemed to be false will now be “flagged” by Facebook, with an accompanying red label claiming the story is “disputed by 3rd Party Fact-Checkers.” Users will […]

10 Ways the CIA’s ‘Russian Hacking’ Story is Left-Wing ‘Fake News’

On Monday, Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell (R-KY) pledged to support a congressional investigation into whether Russian hacking affected the 2016 election. Republicans have nothing to fear from such an investigation, because they won the election fair and square. No, Russia is not the friend that President Barack Obama and former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton […]
