July 26, 2024

Degrees Not Worth the Paper They Are Printed On: Only 36% of Americans Believe College Is Worth Expense

Only 36 percent of Americans are confident about the value of a college education, a confidence level that has declined from 57 percent in 2015. Most Americans, meanwhile, say they believe higher education in the U.S. is headed in the “wrong direction.” A mere 36 percent of adults say they have a “great deal” or “quite

Nolte: Occupy Democrats Demands New York Times ‘Step Aside’ for ‘Younger, More Coherent’ Paper

CHRIS DELMAS/AFP via Getty Images) The fallout from President Joe Biden’s disastrous debate performance continues, with the far-left Occupy Democrats lashing out at the far-left New York Times. Occupy Democrats posted on Instagram, “Maybe it’s time that the New York Times step aside for a younger, fitter, more coherent newspaper.” Ouch. So what’s going on

Rep. Anna Paulina Luna hammers the Washington Post’s ‘incredibly racist’ attack: Demands paper ‘do better’

According to Rep. Anna Paulina Luna, R-Fla, The Washington Post’s “mind-blowing” profile of her is the press’s latest attempt to attack powerful conservatives and “control” their “reach,” the freshman congresswoman claimed.  The profile on Luna was spewed with mischaracterizations and “bizarre” factual errors that were quickly revised and corrected.  “It’s awful how [The Washington Post] […]

‘Jews do not have a monopoly on persecution’ major paper complains on Holocaust Remembrance Day

A major Kentucky newspaper published an op-ed on National Holocaust Remembrance Day telling Jewish people that they “do not have a monopoly on persecution and atrocities.” Even though the January 27 memorial focuses on the monumental tragedy of six million Jews killed by Nazi Germany during the Second World War, the Courier-Journal – part of […]

Left-Wing Catholic Paper Accuses U.S. Bishops of Worshiping at ‘MAGA Church’

The far-left National Catholic Reporter, in a bizarre op-ed this week, accused the U.S. Bishops of worshiping former President Donald Trump rather than Jesus Christ. The newspaper’s editorial board declares that “Catholicism already is perceived by many — including many of our young people — as an extension of that portion of the Republican Party that…

Paper: Media Pays More Attention to Trump Tweets than Policy.

In a fascinating confession, USA Today has acknowledged that the mainstream media pay far more attention to President Trump’s tweets than they do to his policy decisions. There are relatively few mainstream news stories concerning Trump’s impact on the national economy, the stock market or the unemployment rate because in the 12 months since his […]

PAPER: Inside Hillary Clinton’s $84 Million Money-Laundering Operation.

The Democrat National Committee and Hillary Clinton’s 2016 presidential campaign were served with a FEC complaint last Monday. The complaint alleges Clinton and the DNC used state chapters as straw men to go around campaign donation limits, ultimately ‘laundering,’ the funds to her presidential campaign. Dan Backer, the general counsel behind the complaint, believes the […]

PAPER: Congress Just Handed POTUS Trump a ‘Historic Victory’ By Ending the Infamous ‘Blue Slip’

It’s not everyday you read Congress has helped President Trump forward his ‘America First,’ agenda, but thanks to Senate Judiciary Committee Chairman Chuck Grassley, Capitol Hill has handed the White House a “historic presidential victory.” CNBC reports: Late last week, Grassley decided not to honor a Senate tradition of holding up hearings for judicial nominees who aren’t cleared […]

PAPER: NSA Offered Hillary Clinton’s “Lost” Emails to FBI— Comey Turned Them Down

As Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investigation into Russian interference in the 2016 presidential election expands, one curious detail in Hillary Clinton’s email probe remains. The “lost” emails from Clinton’s private server aren’t lost — in fact — the NSA has them, but during the FBI’s investigation, Comey didn’t want to hear about it. New York […]

Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighbourhoods

Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night. The survey, by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag further found that 58 per cent of women believe that public places have become less safe […]

Transcript Shows US Worked with Palestinians on Anti-Israel UN Resolution, Egyptian Paper Claims

An Egyptian paper published what it claims are the transcripts of meetings between top US and Palestinian officials that, if true, would corroborate Israeli accusations that the Obama administration was behind last week’s UN Security Council resolution condemning Israeli settlements. At the same time, a report in an Israeli daily Tuesday night pointed to Britain […]

Request To Recount Pennsylvania Paper Ballots Rejected By Federal Judge

Jill Stein’s request to recount paper ballots in Pennsylvania’s presidential election was rejected Monday morning by a federal judge. The rejection by U.S. District Judge Paul Diamond is the latest in a series of setbacks for the Green Party presidential candidate’s recount efforts in Pennsylvania. Diamond rejected the lawsuit in part because Stein presented no evidence […]

21st Century Socialism Brings No Toilet Paper, TV, Or Long Distance Phone Service To Venezuela

In 2005, the late Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez moved quickly to remodel his nation by weaving “21st Century Socialism” into its socioeconomic fabric. Chavez was known for being an unabashed leftist, who chided the Bush administration pervasively–remember when he said the podium at the United Nations smelled of sulfur? Then-President George W. Bush addressed the […]

ALERT: Paper Exposes Secret Plan to Fly 250,000 Refugees From Muslim Nation Every Year

A report in a German paper indicated that a little-understood plan devised between the European Union and Turkey would end in Europe taking in a quarter of a million refugees direct from Turkey per year. The “understanding” was revealed when Gerald Knaus of the European Stability Initiative spoke to Welt am Sonntag (via Breitbart) about […]

Venezuela Reaches the Final Stage of Socialism: No Toilet Paper

In 1990 I went to a Cato Institute conference in what was then still the Soviet Union. We were told to bring our own toilet paper, which was in fact useful advice. Now, after only 16 years of Chavista rule, Venezuela has demonstrated that “Socialism of the 21st Century” is pretty much like socialism in […]
