July 26, 2024

Former CEO Wayne LaPierre Ordered to Repay over $4 Million to NRA

On Friday, a Manhattan jury found former NRA CEO Wayne LaPierre liable for corruption, and he was ordered to repay the gun rights organization over four million dollars. FOX News reported a jury found that LaPierre “for three decades misspent millions of dollars of the group’s money on luxury personal purchases.” AFP noted that the jury found

‘Bosch’ Spinoff Ordered By Prime Video Will Center On RenĂ©e Ballard Character

Prime Video has given a 10-episode series order to an untitled Bosch spinoff series centered around bestselling author Michael Connelly‘s character RenĂ©e Ballard. The series will follow the LAPD’s Cold Case Division, which Ballard is part of. Ballard is based on actual Los Angeles Police Department Det. Mitzi Roberts. The Ballard series is one of […]

Milley alleges Trump ordered troops withdrawn from Afghanistan, Somalia

Next Video Days before election, Bannon told others Trump would declare victory Browse Videos Watch Video Audio: On vulnerable Dems, Rep. Spanberger says she’s an ‘eternal optimist’ Watch Video White House touts falling gas prices Watch Video Biden vows to codify abortion rights if Dems increase majorities Watch Video Australia reverses decision to recognize West…

Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp Says Secretary Of State Has Not Ordered Signature Audit

Republican Georgia Gov. Brian Kemp said Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger has not yet ordered a signature audit, saying by law Raffensperger is the only one in the state who can order it. Kemp was interviewed on Fox News and asked about a signature audit, to which he put the blame on Raffensperger, saying…

STUNNING => Susan Rice Ordered NSC Officials To ‘STAND DOWN’ Amid Russian Hacking Fears.

Left-leaning Mother Jones reported Friday that President Barack Obama’s National Security Advisor, Susan Rice, ordered officials to ‘stand down’ as Russia allegedly attempted to meddle in the 2016 presidential election. Daily Caller via Mother Jones reports: NSC officials were reportedly alarmed by Russia’s attempts to meddle in the 2016 presidential election, including the hacking of Democratic National […]

Report: John Kerry Contacted Palestinians, Ordered Them To Not Work With Trump.

Former Secretary of State and presidential candidate John Kerry is allegedly working hard to insult the Trump administration to Palestinian leaders, according to a recent report from Hebrew Daily in Israel. Maariv, a local Israeli outlet, reported that Kerry has been using an intermediary named Hussein Agha to relay derisive, anti-Trump messages to the leaders of […]

BREAKING: A Judge Just Ordered Trump To Keep DACA.

A federal judge in California ordered the Trump administration to maintain the Deferred Action for Childhood Arrivals (DACA) program late Tuesday, an Obama-era amnesty policy that extends legal status to 700,000 illegal aliens who arrived in the U.S. as children. The ruling could ensures DACA’s security as President Donald Trump attempts to reach an immigration […]

Reports: Jared Kushner Ordered the Call That Sunk Michael Flynn.

Reports in multiple outlets Friday claim White House Advisor and presidential son-in-law Jared Kushner is responsible for directing then-candidate for National Security Advisor Micheal Flynn to make the phone call about which he later lied to the FBI. Bloomberg News cites “[t]wo former officials with the Trump transition team” claiming that Flynn was acting on […]

President Trump explains why he ordered military strike on Syria in video statement

President Donald Trump released a video statement Thursday explaining the reasoning behind the  tomahawk missile attack against Syria. “On Tuesday, the Syrian dictator Bashar al-Assad, launched a horrible chemical weapons attack on innocent civilians,” Trump began. “Using a deadly nerve agent, Assad choked out the lives of helpless men, women, and children. It was a […]

Sen. Rand Paul calls on Rice to testify after reports of unmasking, asks if she was ordered by Obama

Sen. Rand Paul, R-Ky., said Monday that President Obama’s former national security adviser Susan Rice should testify on newly released reports that she sought to “unmask” the names of President Trump’s transition officials caught up in surveillance, The Hill reported. Paul was referring to the reports that said the names of those associated with Trump […]

Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighbourhoods

Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night. The survey, by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag further found that 58 per cent of women believe that public places have become less safe […]

Breaking: Reddit Users Break HUGE Clinton Email Story – Proving Hillary ORDERED Emails to Be Stripped

Breaking: REDDIT — USERS BLOW HILLARY’S EMAIL SCANDAL WIDE OPEN!— This tweet was posted earlier
 “Paul Combetta ASKED TO STRIP OR REPLACE VIP’s EMAIL ADDRESS” SMOKING GUN: “BleachBit” Paul Combetta ASKED TO STRIP OR REPLACE VIP’s EMAIL ADDRESS! https://t.co/nz13MqzWth #MAGA pic.twitter.com/qQII96JI76 — Katica (@GOPPollAnalyst) September 19, 2016 This exchange took place on Reddit and involves […]

Committee Report: Secretary of Defense Panetta Ordered Military Assets For Benghazi, They Never Moved

The much anticipated Benghazi Select Committee report released early Tuesday morning reveals former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta order military assets to be deployed to Benghazi, but they never arrived. Two unarmed drones, showing a live feed of the attack, did. Military assets sat for hours while Americans were under attack and while President Obama’s […]

Obama Admin Just Ordered All Public Schools To Let Transgender Students Use Whatever Bathroom They Want

In a stunning overreach of executive authority, the Obama administration issued a decree Friday to all public schools ordering them to let transgender students use whatever bathroom they want to use. If schools do not comply, the administration made clear that they might face lawsuits or see essential funding withdrawn. The administration’s policies embracing the self-determined “gender identity” […]

DHS Employee: The Obama Administration Ordered Us To ‘Scrub’ Intelligence Of Muslims With Terror Ties

So, in the era of fighting radical Islamic terrorism, the Obama administration reportedly told workers at the Department of Homeland Security to scrub the records of Muslims with terror ties; information that’s been collected for years, according to Philip Haney. Haney broke his silence on the matter last week in The Hill, where he said that […]

Border Patrol Agents Are Being Ordered To Stand Down By Obama Administration

Trey Gowdy and the House Judiciary Committee held a hearing Thursday about the Obama administration’s inability to secure the southern border. TREY GOWDY: Secretary [Jeh] Johnson testified before the appropriations committee: “The message we are sending to people crossing the border is you will be sent home.” Either that message has not been communicated or […]


Not only did the Obama administration scrub counter-terror programs of jihad and Islam, now we find out that his administration scrubbed the records of Muslim terrorists. If the enemedia was not aligned with the jihad force, this would be front page news across the nation. Who gave the order to scrub the records of Muslims […]

Border Patrol Ordered The Release Of Illegal Alien Now Accused Of Murder, Attempted Rape

Sheriff’s deputies in Lake County, Ohio were reportedly told by federal immigration authorities on July 7 to release an illegal alien who on Monday murdered a 60-year-old woman, attempted to rape a teenage girl, and tried to kill another woman. Juan Emmanual Razo, 35, is being held on $10 million bond in the murder of […]
