July 26, 2024

‘I Know You’re Not Crazy’: Pennsylvania State Trooper Accused of Having Ex-Girlfriend Involuntarily Committed

Pennsylvania State Trooper Ronald Davis has been arrested for allegedly forcing his ex-girlfriend into a mental health program and is facing false imprisonment charges. Davis, who is married with children, is accused of forcibly detaining his ex-girlfriend and having her committed to a mental health treatment program based on unfounded claims, the New York Post

The Crimes Committed By Illegals This Month You Probably Didn’t Hear About.

The liberal media has been too busy breathlessly reporting on the Trump administration’s “Zero Tolerance” policy to give attention to the heinous crimes committed by people who shouldn’t be in this country in the first place. Now of course these crimes go ignored or underreported because they don’t fit the liberal agenda, and they also […]

Trump Declares Victory After NATO Meeting: Says Members Committed to Pay More

President Donald J. Trump appeared to have met his key objectives for the Brussels NATO summit Thursday, revealing that alliance members would “substantially” increase their commitments, and much faster than previously planned. The comments came at a surprise press conference called after an emergency session of NATO ally leaders Thursday morning. The meeting had begun […]

11 Animalistic Crimes Committed Against Americans by MS-13 Gang.

When President Trump recently referred to MS-13 gang members as “animals,” the mainstream media, left-wing pundits, and Democrats were outraged by the statement. House Speaker Nancy Pelosi slammed Trump’s attack on MS-13 gang members, saying, “Does he not believe in the spark of divinity, the dignity and worth of every person?” Multiple media pundits, including […]

Trump: Comey And McCabe ‘Committed Many Crimes’

President Donald Trump took stark aim at former FBI director and deputy director Andrew McCabe in a Monday morning tweet. Comey drafted the Crooked Hillary exoneration long before he talked to her (lied in Congress to Senator G), then based his decisions on her poll numbers. Disgruntled, he, McCabe, and the others, committed many crimes! […]

White House: Military Committed to Eradicating Islamic State Before Leaving Syria.

White House press secretary Sarah Sanders clarified the administration’s position on withdrawing American troops from Syria after President Donald Trump urged the military to bring the troops home. “The military mission to eradicate ISIS [the Islamic State] in Syria is coming to a rapid end, with ISIS being almost completely destroyed,” Sanders wrote in a […]

Illegals Who Escaped Oakland ICE Raid Have Already Committed More Crimes.

Oakland Mayor Libby Schaaf’s decision to alert the Bay Area last month that Immigration and Customs Enforcement was on its way to conduct a raid already appears to have had dangerous consequences. Three of the illegal immigrants who heeded Schaaf’s warning and fled the area before ICE showed up have already committed new crimes, according […]

Trump Releases New Ad: Democrats ‘Complicit in Every Murder Committed by Illegal Immigrants’

Democrats are “complicit” in illegal immigrant violent crime and murder so long as they continue blocking funding for a border wall along the U.S.-Mexico border and hold up negotiations on pro-American immigration reforms, President Trump’s new campaign ad states. The ad was released a day after Senate Democrats voted to shut down the federal government […]

Trump TV Ad: White House Committed to ‘Cut Taxes this Year for Hard-Working Americans’

Job Creators Network is praising a new White House TV ad celebrating President Donald Trump’s accomplishments on behalf of the American people and the administration’s stated “commitment to cut taxes this year.” “Since President Trump took office in January, he has been dedicated to putting America first and growing our economy,” Job Creators Network President […]

Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighbourhoods

Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night. The survey, by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag further found that 58 per cent of women believe that public places have become less safe […]

EMAILS: Clinton Allies ‘Believe The Obama Forces’ Committed Voter Fraud In ’08

Two attorneys with close ties to the Clinton family believe then-Sen. Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign “flooded” the caucuses with “ineligible voters,” according to leaked emails. Emails hacked from Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager John Podesta cites two attorneys and “old friends of the Clintons,” James Lyons and Michael Driver, tasked with “caucus protection, election protection […]

ANOTHER CRAP SANDWICH => Committed Anti-Trump Leftists to Moderate Presidential Debates

Let’s face it. There is no pushback against the leftist onslaught in America today. The Republican Party is weak, ineffective and a failed organization. Once again committed leftist reporters will moderate ALL of the presidential debates. NOT ONE is Trump friendly. The Examiner reported: The Commission on Presidential Debates announced the moderators of the three […]

House Republicans Request Investigation Into Whether Clinton Committed Perjury Before Congress

House Republicans are calling on the U.S. Attorney for the District of Columbia to launch an investigation into whether Hillary Clinton lied to Congress. Reps. Jason Chaffetz (R-Utah), chairman of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, and Bob Goodlatte (R-Va.), chairman of the House Judiciary Committee, formally requested the probe Monday, claiming in […]

These FIVE people committed same crime as Hillary; but look what happened to THEM

Yesterday, we shared a piece from the Young Conservatives noting that, less than a year ago, Bryan Nishimura pleaded guilty to — and was charged for — “unauthorized removal and retention of classified materials without malicious intent.” Of course, in Hillary Clinton’s case, the FBI declared the same lack of malicious intent as reason to […]

FBI Proves Clinton Committed Perjury Before Congress

Secretary of State Hillary Clinton testified under oath before the House Select Committee on Benghazi last October that she had turned over “all my work related emails” from her private email server to the State Department. But on Tuesday, FBI director James Comey revealed that the agency had found “several thousand” work-related emails Clinton had […]

Top Twenty Sexual Crimes Committed at Target Stores

The Target department store chain has made itself infamous for announcing that it will allow transgender people to choose whatever bathroom they want to use at any given time, even though the chain already has many problems with sexual assaults in its stores. Here are the top twenty sex crime reports from Target’s stores across […]

Former US Attorney: Hillary Committed ‘Both Misdemeanors And Felonies’ With Email Server

According to former U.S. Attorney Joseph E. diGenova, Hillary Clinton as secretary of state “violated classified information laws — both misdemeanors and felonies.” As the Boston Herald reports, diGenova said, “The FBI is conducting a serious, criminal investigation. This is not a security review.” (RELATED: Hillary Will Be Indicted, Says Former US Attorney) “There is no […]

Getting Defensive: Rubio Hits Rand For Being a ‘Committed Isolationist’

Fox Business’ debate moderators knew that tonight’s economic discussion, while mostly focused on domestic spending and taxes, would not be complete without addressing America’s global security concerns. That shift in topic gave way for Marco Rubio and Rand Paul to have an explosive exchange over defense spending. I know that Rand is a “committed isolationist,” Rubio pointedly said to […]

When Committed Christians Are Compared to ISIS

It’s scary enough when peace-loving Jesus followers are compared to ISIS. What’s even scarier is that many people believe the comparison is accurate. Have they completely lost touch with reality? It’s one thing to have passionate and deep differences on issues like abortion and redefining marriage. It’s another thing to use inflammatory rhetoric that it […]

Ted Cruz: Planned Parenthood Officials Committed ‘Multiple Felonies,’ Worthy of ’10-Year Jail Time’

Republican 2016 U.S. presidential candidate U.S. Senator Ted Cruz addresses attendees at the RedState Gathering in Atlanta, Georgia, August 8, 2015. Republican presidential candidate and Texas Sen. Ted Cruz argued on Tuesday that the recent series of undercover videos produced by the Center for Medical Progress explicitly show Planned Parenthood officials committing multiple federal felonies, […]
