July 27, 2024

Half of German Women Feel Unsafe in Their Own Neighbourhoods

Nearly half of Germany’s women now feel unsafe walking about their local neighbourhood, a survey has revealed, with many taking precautions such as pepper spray with them when out at night. The survey, by Emnid for Bild am Sonntag further found that 58 per cent of women believe that public places have become less safe […]

“MERKEL MUST GO”: Germany in FLAMES as furious Germans take to the streets to protest Merkel’s Muslim migrant policies

Merkel is responsible for this. Not only is she the architect of Germany’s suicidal Muslim migration policies, but she has ruthlessly cracked down on any and all expressions of legitimate dissent. It was inevitable that the opposition would take to the streets. She has left them with no other recourse. “Others held signs showing Mrs […]

Merkel’s Muslim Immigration Policy COLLAPSING

Embattled German Chancellor Angela Merkel is doubling-down on her controversial Muslim immigration policy despite a massive pushback by right-wing parties in Germany and its European Union member states, including neighboring Austria. Merkel’s stubborn stance has become the bane of her Christian Democratic Union (CDU) party. Voters have punished CDU at the ballot, dealing the party a […]

Terrifying price of Merkel’s decision: From teenage refugee’s axe attack to the Munich massacre

Terrifying price of Merkel’s decision: From teenage refugee’s axe attack on German train passengers to the Munich massacre – her grand immigration plan isn’t looking so grand these days, writes SUE REID On a baking hot Monday night, in a landscape dotted with churches and half-timbered medieval towns, a young foreign man — welcomed last […]
