July 26, 2024

British Border Police Accused of Abusing October 7 Massacre Survivors

A survivor of the horrific Hamas massacre at the Supernova music festival on October 7 told the Jerusalem Post on Tuesday that U.K. Border Force officers harassed and abused him and his brother, a fellow survivor, when they flew into the Manchester airport on Sunday. Neria and Daniel Sharabi, 22 and 23 years old, respectively

Shocking: United Airlines Pilot Removed After Supporting Oct 7 Terrorist Massacre, Kidnappings

A United Airlines pilot was “removed from service” after being caught expressing support for the Hamas terror group’s October 7 massacre in Israel — the deadliest against Jewish people since the Nazi Holocaust — which saw the torture, rape, execution, immolation, and abduction of hundreds of Israelis, mostly civilians. On the day of the massacre

Archeologists exhume remains to identify victims of 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre

Archeologists have exhumed the remains of one person and plan to exhume a second set as the search for victims of the 1921 Tulsa Race Massacre resumes in a Tulsa cemetery. The remains are among 22 sets found during the current search in Oaklawn Cemetery, but are the only ones found in simple, wooden caskets […]

Gunman Identified in Mall Massacre in Allen, Texas

The gunman who murdered eight people and wounded seven others at a shopping mall in Allen, Texas, was identified Sunday as a 33-year-old former security guard named Mauricio Garcia whose social media accounts suggested an interest in neo-Nazi ideology.Garcia, whose family lives in nearby Dallas, was killed by a police officer responding to the carnage

Authorities Find New Mass Grave Following Cartel Bar Massacre Investigation in Mexico

An ongoing investigation into a mass shooting at a local bar in central Mexico led authorities to a clandestine mass grave where authorities found more than 5src bags of human remains. So far, authorities in the city of Irapuato, Guanajuato, have found a total of 53 bags containing human remains. The search continues. The current

Joe Biden Neglects D-Day; Tweets About Tulsa Race Massacre

President Joe Biden tweeted a video Sunday of his meeting last week with survivors of the Tulsa Race Massacre, but did not mention that June 6 was also the anniversary of D-Day, the U.S-led invasion of Normandy in the Second World War. Biden, who appeared to confuse D-Day with Pearl Harbor Day last year on…

Iran: U.S. ‘Terrorist Regime’ Responsible for Afghanistan School Massacre

Iran’s Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC), a designated terrorist organization, issued a statement on Monday describing the bombing attack on a girls’ school in Kabul, Afghanistan, as part of a “plot by Americans” to bring “terrorism, war, and insecurity to Afghanistan.” Saturday’s bombing in Kabul targeted young girls emerging from a school with multiple explosive…

BOMBSHELL: Parkland Shooter Asked For Help Before Massacre, Was Denied

A newly released report has revealed that the 19-year-old gunman who shot up Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School in February asked for help months before he went on the rampage, but the school district failed to act on his request. The report was released on Friday after Broward Circuit Judge Elizabeth Scherer ordered Broward County […]

Toronto Police Conceal Jihadist Threat Before Danforth Massacre

On at least one occasion, twelve days before 29-year-old Faisal Hussain killed two innocent girls and imprinted 14 others with a lifelong appreciation of true Islam, Toronto police braced for an impending terror attack, but instead of issuing credible warnings, chose to leave the public in the dark about the severity of the ongoing threat. […]

Here’s everything we know about the Waffle House massacre in Tennessee.

A mass killing at a Waffle House in Tennessee Sunday left four people dead and at least another 7 injured. (Jason Davis/Getty Images) Four people were murdered and at least seven others were injured when a gunman opened fire inside a Tennessee Waffle House early Sunday morning, according to the Tennessean. Here’s everything we know: […]


“Everything [Nikolas Cruz] spewed was consistent with the Trump agenda,” said Dean Obeidallah on Monday’s episode of The Thom Hartmann Program, describing the alleged mass murderer of the Valentine’s Day school shooting in Florida as politically aligned with President Donald Trump. Partial transcript below: OBEIDALLAH: Online, [Nikolas Cruz] had spewed anti-Semitic comments. He used the […]

BREAKING: Arrest Made In Connection With Las Vegas Massacre.

“Haig did not have a license to manufacture armor-piercing ammunition…” The man who sold ammunition to Las Vegas gunman Stephen Paddock was arrested on Friday on charges of manufacturing and selling armor-piercing bullets without having the proper licensing, in violation of federal law. Federal agents searched Douglas Haig’s home in Arizona on October 19 after […]

A Dozen Times Good Guys With Guns Stopped A Massacre

A man armed with a rifle walked into the First Baptist Church of Southerland Springs, Texas, Nov. 5 and killed 26 congregants, fleeing in an SUV after exchanging shots with a church neighbor. The neighbor, retired NRA instructor Stephen Willeford, and Johnnie Langendorff have been named heroes after the tragedy. Willeford shot the gunman and […]

The Media Doesn’t Want to Talk about the 26th Victim of the Texas Church Massacre

Crosses for members of the Holcombe family are part of a makeshift memorial for the victims of the church shooting at Sutherland Springs Baptist Church placed along the highway in Sutherland Springs, Texas. (AP Photo/Eric Gay) Media outlets across the country are apparently having difficulty counting. They can’t seem to get the number of victims […]

Leftists Despicably Use Vegas Massacre For Agenda

It has always bugged me how fake news media helps Leftists portray themselves morally superior, more caring and compassionate than the rest of us. The dirty little secret is Leftists are cold and calculating only caring about implementing their socialist/progressive, anti-God and anti-American agenda. In plain words, Leftists do not give a rat’s derriere about […]

Las Vegas shooting: At least 50 dead, more than 200 injured in massacre

A gunman turned a Las Vegas concert into a killing field Sunday night, murdering at least 50 people and injuring more than 200 others in the deadliest mass shooting in modern United States history. The suspect, who was killed, was identified as 64-year-old Stephen Paddock, a local resident. Authorities also said they were “confident” Paddock’s […]


FORT LAUDERDALE, Fla. (AP) — The Iraq war veteran accused of killing five travelers and wounding six others at a busy international airport in Florida appears to have traveled there specifically to carry out the attack, authorities said Saturday, but they don’t know yet why he chose his target and have not yet ruled out […]

Catholic School Threatened With Massacre of All Non-Muslim Students

A Catholic high school in Britain is on high alert after officials discovered posts on several social media sites threatening to kill all those students who weren’t followers of Islam – murders that were vowed in the name of Allah. But what’s even more shocking is the response one parent received from the school when […]

Terrifying price of Merkel’s decision: From teenage refugee’s axe attack to the Munich massacre

Terrifying price of Merkel’s decision: From teenage refugee’s axe attack on German train passengers to the Munich massacre – her grand immigration plan isn’t looking so grand these days, writes SUE REID On a baking hot Monday night, in a landscape dotted with churches and half-timbered medieval towns, a young foreign man — welcomed last […]

Obama AGAIN sees no jihad or Islam in Nice jihad massacre

A “horrific terrorist attack” from an enemy he refuses to identify. And “we have offered any assistance that they may need to investigate this attack.” Did Pearl Harbor need to be “investigated”? Did the Battle of the Bulge need to be “investigated”? This is war. But Obama continues to pretend that it’s a series of […]

Report: ‘Black Power Political Organization’ Takes Credit For Dallas Massacre

A group called the Black Power Political Organization is apparently taking credit for the Dallas police massacre that has left five officers dead and seven wounded, according to the UK paper The Mirror: “More Will Be Assassinated In The Coming Days! Do You Like The Work Of Our Assassins? Get Your Own Sniper” read a […]

BREAKING: This group claims responsibility for Dallas police massacre

We still have much to learn about the four snipers behind last night’s massacre of Dallas police that killed five officers and wounded seven others. While President Obama and many on the left have rushed to blame guns in their usual fashion, at least one of the snipers revealed in no uncertain terms that his motive […]

What Obama is HIDING about Orlando massacre is unconscionable…

Never before have we had a president who demonstrates so transparently his view that influencing the media narrative is a central part of his job description. And it makes sense for someone who puts the furthering of his ideological agenda above all else, including the well-being of this republic and its citizens. What better way to […]

NRA Hits Hillary Clinton in Powerful Ad after Orlando ISIS Massacre: “Stop Talking!” Your Words Expose Your Ignorance (VIDEO)

Last weekend Islamist extremist Omar Mateen slaughtered 49 innocents at a gay club in Orlando. The Democrat party’s response to the massacre was to punish ordinary Americans and push for the immediate ban AR-15s, a gun that WAS NOT used by the terrorist during the attack. The NRA released a video attacking the Democrat party […]

Video=> TRUMP Destroys Obama, Hillary After Orlando Islamist Massacre: “It’s Almost Like They Gave Up on ISIS”

Donald Trump DESTROYED Hillary Clinton and Barack Obama’s incoherent security positions that have failed to keep America safe after the Orlando Islamist massacre last weekend. TRUMP Takes on Hillary and Obama for failing the nation after 49 innocents were slaughtered by an Islamist in Florida. Islamist killer Omar Mateen slaughtered 49 innocents at a gay […]

GUN SALES Surge Among GAYS, LESBIANS After #Pulse Club Massacre (Video)

GUN SALES are surging among gays and lesbians since the bloody Islamist massacre at Pulse nightclub in Orlando. The “Pink Pistols gay gun rights group encourages LGBT members to bear arms. The group has seen membership soar since the bloody Islamist attack. KDVR reported: Gun sales are surging in the wake of Sunday’s deadly mass […]

Massacre in Orlando: 86th Instance of Islamist Terror in US Since 9/11

86. Orlando Nightclub Massacre In the early morning of June 12, Omar Mateen attacked the Pulse nightclub in Orlando with multiple firearms, killing 49 and injuring more than 50 before police stormed the building and killed Mateen. According to the FBI, Mateen talked to a 911 operator three times to announce his allegiance to ISIS […]

BREAKING: After Gay Club Massacre – Phoenix LGBT Officially ENDORSES TRUMP (Updated)

Late Sunday night Islamic extremist Omar Mateen murdered 49 people at the “Pulse” gay nightclub in Orlando, Florida. Mateen, of Fort Pierce, Florida, was interviewed by the FBI in 2013 and 2014 after he told coworkers he had ties to Islamic extremists. But Mateen was not found to be a threat, the FBI said, so he […]

Obama Makes 2nd Statement on #Pulse Club Massacre=> Still Won’t Say Radical Islam, Pushes Gun Control (VIDEO)

Troubled President Obama tried for a second time today to discuss the #Pulse Club Massacre with reporters this morning. He is still trying to distance the killer from his Islamic faith. “One of the biggest challenges we are going to have is this…perversion of Islam.” https://twitter.com/FoxNews/status/742385512271335424?ref_src=twsrc^tfw This poor man is so uncomfortable and out of […]

Belgian vice PM admits: Muslims celebrated in the streets after Brussels jihad massacre, media ignored them

Young, old, mothers, fathers, brothers, sisters, wives, husbands slaughtered in cold blood, and still the media, political and cultural elites are covering for these savages. It’s time for a revolution against the enemedia, the jihadis and their handler/apologists. Muslims celebrated Brussels, just as they celebrated 9/11. And 15 years later, the West is as subdued […]
