July 26, 2024

Allum Bokhari: Google ‘Admits They’re Moving Towards Censorship’

Breitbart News Senior Tech reporter Allum Bokhari appeared on One America News Network recently to discuss the latest Breitbart exclusive Google “The Good Censor” document leak with host Jack Posobiec. In an interview with One America News Network host Jack Posobiec, Breitbart News Senior Tech reporter Allum Bokhari discussed the recent exclusive Breitbart leak of […]

NETWORK OF GARBAGE: CNN Attacks Kanye Using Dead Mom, Mental Health, Wife’s Ex-Lover.

Every day is a new low for CNN. The far-left network has launched a smear campaign against rapper Kanye West over his support for President Donald Trump, using racial slurs to attack him and suggesting that he is mentally ill. The attack started on Tuesday when CNN host Don Lemon led a panel that mocked […]

MSM Decries the Use of the Word ‘Mob’ to Describe Left-Wing Protesters.

Activists protest on the steps and at bronze doors of the Supreme Court after the confirmation vote of Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh, on Capitol Hill, Saturday, Oct. 6, 2018 in Washington. (AP Photo/Alex Brandon) The optics of angry Democrat mobs banging on the doors of the Supreme Court, chasing Republicans out of restaurants, and […]

Nolte: CNN Says Mobs Have ‘Constitutional Right’ To Chase Republicans Out of Restaurants.

The far-left CNN spent much of Tuesday defending mob action against Republicans as a “Constitutional right” and as fearless acts of free speech. On her low-rated afternoon show, CNN’s Brooke Baldwin mocked both of her guests as they described the left-wing activists who chased Sen. Ted Cruz (R-TX) and his wife out of a DC […]

Shapiro’s Fox News Show Beats CNN, MSNBC, HLN Combined.

Daily Wire Editor-in-Chief Ben Shapiro’s Fox News show beat CNN, MSNBC, and HLN combined in total viewers on Sunday during the network’s third installment of the show. The October 7 episode of “Ben Shapiro’s Election Special” also took the top spot in the coveted 25-54 age demographic during cable news prime time hours with 329,000 […]

The Mainstream Media Fraud.

The conjoined Democratic Party and mainstream media’s despicable character assassination of Judge Brett Kavanaugh combined with the two-year single-minded determination to destroy the Trump presidency by any means possible has irretrievably awakened a preponderance of the citizenry.  In a recent poll, 70% of all Americans and 90% of Republicans have lost faith in the self-styled mainstream media.  They […]

Report: Here Are All The Times CNN Associated Kavanaugh With ‘Rape’ Over 18 Days.

A new study by a conservative media watchdog found that CNN anchors associated Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh with “rape” 191 times over just 18 days. The Media Research Center found that over a period of 18 days, from September 16 through October 3, CNN’s on-air anchors managed to associate Kavanaugh with the uncorroborated allegations […]

Trump Lawyer Warns New York Times of Tax Story ‘Defamation,’ ‘Substantial Liability’

The lawyer who won a multi-million dollar libel settlement for Melania Trump is now warning The New York Times about a story suggesting her husband, President Donald Trump, may have committed tax fraud. On Tuesday, the Times published a story, “Trump Engaged in Suspect Tax Schemes as He Reaped Riches from His Father,” in which […]

Media scrutinizes Kavanaugh but gives Ted Cruz challenger a pass.

Beto O’Roarke, the Democrat candidate for Senate in Texas (l); and embattled Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh (r). (AP/Reuters) Rest assured that if there’s a rumor that, in third grade, young Brett Kavanaugh yanked on the ponytails of the girl in the second row (war on women!), The New York Times, NBC News and phalanxes […]

WATCH: CNN Founder Ted Turner Bashes CNN

CNN founder Ted Turner criticized the network he started during an interview that is set to air on Sunday, saying that it is not balanced and is too political. Appearing on “CBS Sunday Morning” with host Ted Koppel, Turner indicated that while he does not watch CNN much anymore and does not want to criticize, […]

How Low Can They Go? USA Today: Kavanaugh Should ‘Stay Off Basketball Courts When Kids Are Around’

USA Today is getting slammed after a sports columnist for the paper published an article suggesting that Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh should “stay off basketball courts” when children are around and not coach girls’ basketball because he was accused of sexual assault. From @usatodaysports: "The U.S. Senate may yet confirm Kavanaugh to the Supreme […]

Facebook Continues Censorship of ‘Warriors for Christ’ Page, Pastor Says.

Pastor Rich Penkoski, who runs the Facebook page “Warriors for Christ” has voiced his concerns with Facebook officials about the consistent removal of his live videos. Pastor Penkoski says Facebook is censoring his live videos for being critical of same-sex marriage, but the social media says it doesn’t know why his videos are expiring. Penkoski told The […]

Media Ignores Trump’s Economy.

It’s surprising that a White House incapable of organizing a two-car funeral – if you believe the mainstream liberal media – is presiding over the most robust economy the U.S. has had in years. One could almost say it makes America great again. Strange, isn’t it? The Obama administration boy and girl geniuses were managing […]

5 Times Google Manipulated Search, YouTube, and News Results.

Following recent reports that Google employees plotted to alter search results but didn’t take action, Breitbart News thought it best to recap some of the times that Google actually manipulated search results. Breitbart News reporter Allum Bokhari reported recently that following the introduction of President Trump’s temporary travel ban, Google employees plotted to alter search […]

We Obtained Text Messages And Emails Between Mueller Team And The Press — And It’s Embarrassing For CNN.

EXCLUSIVE: Released Text Messages And Emails Show Mueller Team’s Cozy Relationship With Press Released messages document how Mueller’s spokesman took dozens of meetings with reporters over three months in 2017. Reporters from nearly every major media outlet have been jockeying for influence and favoritism within the special counsel’s office. One awkward exchange illustrates a reporter […]

This Is CNN: Fake News Chris Cillizza Lies About Trump ‘Telling FBI to Ignore’ Kavanaugh Misconduct Allegation.

CNN’s Chris Cillizza lied about President Trump “telling the FBI to ignore an allegation of sexual” misconduct against Supreme Court nominee Brett Kavanaugh. Cillizza, who has already proven himself to be one of the most flagrantly dishonest staffers at the far-left CNN, tweeted out his lie Tuesday in response to a comment Trump made about […]

Coulter: If Kavanaugh Nomination Goes Down, Then the Media Is ‘Running the Country’

Tucker: never seen D.C. ‘crazier’ than it is right now. Conservative commentator and author Ann Coulter said on “Tucker Carlson Tonight” that Democrats are using allegations of sexual assault against Judge Brett Kavanaugh “purely for delay.” Palo Alto University Professor Christine Blasey Ford recently came forward and accused Kavanaugh of attempted rape at a Bethesda, […]

Let’s Blame Every Death on President Trump.

Fake News is a term popularized by President Donald Trump to characterize the mainstream media. Not all journalists, as the President notes, but the major American media outlets such as CNN, NBC, and the New York Times. While the media objects to such a characterization, they do little to dispel the their new found reputation. […]

CRASH: CNN Ratings Down 41 Percent From Last Year – Now Trails Nickelodeon In Basic Cable.

CNN is in a virtual free-fall in cable news ratings. The far left network has seen over 40 percent of its ratings in prime-time basic cable vanish over the last year and even trails Nickelodeon at this point. Their decision to run to the left of MSNBC, combined with a line-up of flippant Trump-hating hosts […]

Flashback: 5 Times Google Displayed Political Bias.

Following Breitbart News’ recent reporting of a leaked Google “TGIF” meeting in which Google executives and employees displayed a left-leaning political bias, Breitbart has decided to recap some of our previous reporting on Google’s bias. Breitbart News has reported on Google’s anti-Trump bias for some time now. The leaked internal video from Google’s all-hands meeting […]

Wire: ‘Public Perception’ Turning Against Tech Giant.

Leaked video shows Google execs troubled by Trump election San Francisco (AFP) – Far-right news website Breitbart on Wednesday posted a leaked video showing Google executives sharing with employees how troubled they were by the election of US President Donald Trump. The leak of the hour-long video from a TGIF (Thank God It’s Friday) town […]

Fact Check: Trump is Right About Puerto Rico, Critics Manipulating Hurricane Maria Death ‘Estimates’

Democrats and the media have been pounding President Donald Trump over the past few days, as Hurricane Florence nears the Carolinas, over his alleged insensitivity to deaths in Puerto Rico last year from Hurricane Maria. On Thursday morning, President Trump pushed back on Twitter, alleging that Democrats had inflated the death toll “in order to make […]

It’s Not Just WaPo. More Join The Chorus Of Alarmists Blaming Trump For Hurricane Florence.

* CNN’s John Avlon agrees with The Washington Post that Trump is “complicit” in the storm. * Why? Because he’s not a global warming alarmist and opposes Obama-era climate policies. * One climate scientist touted the “irony” of a storm coming while Trump is deregulating. President Donald Trump’s critics are not only trying to implicate […]

Nothing To See Here: Networks Silent On Attempted Stabbing of GOP Candidate By Anti-Trump Attacker.

Well, the congressional race in California’s 15thcongressional district took a violent turn; someone tried to stab the Republican candidate, who successfully defended himself. Leah wrote about this earlier this morning. The race is between incumbent Democrat Eric Swalwell and Rudy Peters. Peters survived the attack, using a campaign sign to thwart is assaulter. Farzad Fazeli […]

MEDIA BUZZ: Florence still at sea and already Trump is being hit for response.

As the media blast out dire warnings about the destructive power of Hurricane Florence, they are also beginning a familiar ritual involving President Trump. That is, the charge that he’s not very good at handling these things. The storm hasn’t even made landfall, and once again we’re hearing that Trump is lousy at emergency management […]

Tech Giants Are Obviously Biased.

It’s truly incredible at this point that anyone could deny the tech giants are discriminating against conservatives to an almost comical extent. Yet, may on the left still do. Of course, they do this while simultaneously demanding that tech companies actually do ban speech, which is always defined (by them) as “hate speech.” A very […]

Here we go… Junk Newspaper Blames Trump for Hurricane Florence.

Junk newspaper The Washington Post blames Trump for Hurricane Florence. Opinion: Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit. https://t.co/T8X2D10Hgv — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 12, 2018 So President Trump stirred up the global climate in a year-and-a-half into his administration? These people are insane. This was posted by the Washington Post […]

MSNBC’s Joe Scarborough hit for saying Trump hurts ‘dream of America’ more than 9/11 terrorists.

MSNBC’s “Morning Joe” namesake Joe Scarborough was slammed on Tuesday for tweeting that “Trump is damaging the dream of America more than any terrorist attack ever could” in promoting a column he wrote one day before the 17th anniversary of the Sept. 11, 2001, attacks, which killed nearly 3,000 people. Scarborough – who was one […]

TWITTER SUSPENDS BENGHAZI HERO After Criticism of President Obama!

Barack Obama stepped out of shadows on Friday nd reminded Americans of many economic, domestic and foreign policy failures. President Obama lectured President Trump, accused him of racism, and attempted to take credit for President Trump’s economic miracle. But Barack Obama’s worst lie was his remarks on Benghazi. Barack Obama: “The politics of division and […]

Trump: Even Lincoln Was Targeted By ‘Fake News’

During his rally in Billings, Montana, Thursday night, President Trump took his usual swings at the “fake news media.” He had a new argument this time, though, one that included the 16th president. “You know when Abraham Lincoln made that Gettysburg Address speech, the great speech, you know he was ridiculed?” Trump told the crowd. […]
