July 27, 2024

It’s Not Just WaPo. More Join The Chorus Of Alarmists Blaming Trump For Hurricane Florence.

* CNN’s John Avlon agrees with The Washington Post that Trump is “complicit” in the storm. * Why? Because he’s not a global warming alarmist and opposes Obama-era climate policies. * One climate scientist touted the “irony” of a storm coming while Trump is deregulating. President Donald Trump’s critics are not only trying to implicate […]

Here we go… Junk Newspaper Blames Trump for Hurricane Florence.

Junk newspaper The Washington Post blames Trump for Hurricane Florence. Opinion: Another hurricane is about to batter our coast. Trump is complicit. https://t.co/T8X2D10Hgv — Washington Post (@washingtonpost) September 12, 2018 So President Trump stirred up the global climate in a year-and-a-half into his administration? These people are insane. This was posted by the Washington Post […]

Winning! WashPost: Trump’s Economy Boosts Blue-Collar Jobs – NY Times: ‘best economy in quite a long time’

President Donald Trump has shifted the economy so that once-disregarded blue-collar manufacturing workers are now recovering jobs faster than coastal service-sector employees, the Washington Post acknowledged Sunday. “Blue-collar jobs are growing at their fastest rate in more than 30 years, helping fuel a hiring boom in many small towns and rural areas that are strong supporters of […]

Even The Washington Post Admits ‘Trump Wins Big At Tuesday’s Primaries’

The dust has settled after primaries in four states on Tuesday; Minnesota, Wisconsin, Vermont and Connecticut – setting up competitive races for Senate, House and gubernatorial seats this November. And according to the Washington Post, Trump was a “big winner” last night. At least in Republican primary politics, Tuesday once again proved he’s the king. […]

The real truth about Roy Moore’s defeat is deeply unsettling, particularly when you realize who’s relieved he lost.

Ok, Doug Jones is now Senator-elect Jones from the state of Alabama — no surprise there. This doesn’t really mark a YUUGE win for the Democrats (less than one percent ain’t a mandate), rather it just goes to show that the hyenas tracked down and devoured an old wounded wildebeest. All day we’ll be inundated […]

Washington Post Clashes With Project Veritas – Videos

When a Washington Post reporter confronted James O’Keefe at Project Veritas headquarters in Mamaroneck, N.Y., O’Keefe suggested the Post was moving on him because he was about to release damaging videos about the publication. On Tuesday, O’Keefe delivered the first of what he says will be a series of those videos – complete with references […]

‘Conservative’ WaPo Writer: There’s a ‘Special Place in Hell’ for Kellyanne.

Alabama Republican Senate candidate Roy Moore is trying to bat off allegations that he sexually abused minors when he was in his 30s. Both President Trump and White House senior advisor Kellyanne Conway, while not explicitly endorsing Moore, are, however, warning Alabamans not to vote for his opponent, Democrat Doug Jones, who they say will […]

‘Unbiased’ WaPo Reporter Uncovered as Soros Operative to ‘Advance Progressive Agenda’

No surprises here. At a recent top-secret conference in California, Washington Post reporter Janell Ross spoke but never said anything about it to her employer, according to Fox News. That could be because the event was full of “liberal movers and shakers… including billionaire George Soros [who] outlined the future of their progressive agenda.” The […]

Exclusive — Judge Roy Moore Announces Plans to Sue Washington Post: ‘We Expect the People of Alabama to See Through This Charade’

HUNTSVILLE, Alabama — Judge Roy Moore, the GOP nominee for the United States Senate, announced Sunday evening at an event that he plans to sue the Washington Post for its series of hit pieces against him, his wife, his foundation, and his campaign. Breitbart News was granted exclusive access to the event, which was closed […]

EXCLUSIVE – Mother of Roy Moore Accuser Contradicts Key Detail of Daughter’s Sexual Misconduct Story

Birmingham, ALABAMA — The mother of Leigh Corfman, who says that Alabama Senatorial Candidate Roy Moore tried to engage in a sexual encounter with her when she was 14, has contradicted a key detail of Corfman’s story. Speaking by phone to Breitbart News on Saturday, Corfman’s mother, Nancy Wells, 71, says that her daughter did […]

JOURNALISM ALERT: Washington Post Interviews Third-Graders Who Hate Trump

Whitney Houston may have warbled that the children are our future. But they’re not great political analysts right now. The folks over at The Washington Post seem to have forgotten this particular fact, so they decided to head over to four third-grade classes around Washington D.C. to hear what the tykes have to say about […]

Trump vs. the Enemies of the People

Don Lemon. It’s true that Donald Trump cannot yet claim a major legislative accomplishment. It’s also true that he himself bears some of the blame for that: the distractions of his chaotic style have given cover to a divided and spineless GOP legislature. Nonetheless, those of us who voted for him with misgiving can still […]

Washington Post Reluctantly Admits Stock Market Gains Linked to Trump

The Washington Post became the first major liberal newspaper to admit the stock market’s rapid rise — culminating in a record close above 22,000 yesterday — actually may be related to the election of Donald Trump as president. The markets’ most recent run-up does indeed have something to do with Trump’s win in November, several […]

The Post Vs. The Times: How Competition Helped Create Fake News

The huge amounts of negative Donald Trump coverage during and after the presidential election may be more about making money than simple bias. Changes in the newspaper industry, coupled with the pressure of competition between The Washington Post and The New York Times, seems to play a major role. “Call it the Last Newspaper War, as two great survivors face off […]

Sebastian Gorka: ‘The Fake News Complex Is Collapsing’

Sunday, Dr. Sebastian Gorka, deputy assistant to the president, said on New York AM 970 radio’s “The Cats Roundtable” that the fake news media is “collapsing in on itself.”“To those supporters of the Trump administration who may have been worried by all the fake news reporting of the last 23 weeks, I can assure you, […]
