July 27, 2024

FAA Investigating After Southwest Airlines Boeing 737 Descent Triggers Alert

Southwest Airlines is being investigated by the Federal Aviation Administration (FAA) after a Boeing 737 from the carrier triggered a low-altitude alert as it readied to land Wednesday at Oklahoma City. An automated warning went off from the Minimum Safe Altitude Warning system at 12:05 a.m., prompting an air traffic controller to tell the flight

Report: CBP on Alert After 10 IEDS Found at U.S.-Mexico Border

Federal authorities are on alert after the discovery of ten IEDs and weapons at the Arizona-Mexico border. The discovery came after authorities from both sides of the border responded to the area for a reported gunbattle. The incident appears to have been a clash in Sonora near a gap in the border fence that has

Florida woman awoken by doorbell alert set off by bear, video shows

A bear set off a Florida woman’s video doorbell alert in the middle of the night earlier this month, after it put its face right up to the camera, footage shows.  Elizabeth Martin told FOX 35 that she’s aware of the family of bears who roam her property at night, but said the animals have […]

Jewish institutions on high alert, increase security in US following Hamas attacks

Jewish institutions in the U.S. are on high alert and increasing security measures following the Saturday’s attack on Israel by Hamas militants. In a statement to Fox News Digital, the Jewish Federations of North America, which represents over 350 Jewish institutions in the U.S., said that while there are no known “credible threats” to the […]

Massive Emergency Alert Test to Sound Alarms on all U.S. Cellphones, TVs, Radios

A massive emergency alert test will reportedly sound alarms on all U.S. cellphones, television sets, and radios in October, in the wake of the deadly wildfires on the Hawaiian island of Maui. On October 4, every cellphone, TV, and radio in the United States will blast a warning tone of an emergency alert, in order to ensure

US on ‘heightened alert,’ increasing scrutiny of airspace after downing ‘unidentified object’ over Lake Huron

The Defense Department (DOD) on Sunday attributed the increase in the detection – and shoot-downs – of unidentified flying objects to increased scrutiny of U.S. airspace and enhancing its radar systems.  Melissa Dalton, assistant defense secretary of Homeland Defense, and Gen. Glen VanHerck, head of U.S. North Command, held a press conference Sunday evening, hours […]

Saudi Arabia, US On High Alert After Warning Of Imminent Iranian Attack; US Prepared To Respond​

With oil prices set to soar after the midterms as the SPR drain ends and markets no longer have desperate democrats to help fulfill their immediate energy needs, moments ago the WSJ unveiled another potential oil price powder keg, so to speak, when it reported that according to Saudi and U.S. officials, Saudi Arabia has […]

Washington Senate Race Put on ‘Upset Alert’ as Republican Smiley Polls Within Margin of Error

Washington’s Senate race between 30-year incumbent Sen. Patty Murray (D-WA) and Republican Tiffany Smiley has been placed on “upset alert” by the University of Virginia Center for Politics. Larry Sabato’s Crystal Ball, the Center’s political prognosticating publication, also switched the race from “Safe Democratic” to “Likely Democratic.” The move in favor of Smiley also comes…

Hawaii officials say ‘false alarm’ on alert about inbound ballistic missile.

Hawaii officials said Saturday that a mobile alert saying a ballistic missile was headed for the state was a “false alarm” after people received the alert detailing an imminent threat. Sen. Tulsi Gabbard (D-Hawaii) issued a tweet saying that “there is no incoming missile to Hawaii,” saying she had confirmed with officials the alert was […]

JOURNALISM ALERT: Washington Post Interviews Third-Graders Who Hate Trump

Whitney Houston may have warbled that the children are our future. But they’re not great political analysts right now. The folks over at The Washington Post seem to have forgotten this particular fact, so they decided to head over to four third-grade classes around Washington D.C. to hear what the tykes have to say about […]

ALERT: Intelligence Agency Caught McMaster Briefing Soros on White House Takeover

National Security Advisor H.R. McMaster is an active operative of globalist billionaire George Soros, according to three separate domestic and foreign intelligence sources. McMaster is a foreign intelligence agent for the multi-national combine controlled by Soros, which explains why he’s constantly running interference to President Trump’s agenda. “I have confirmed from sources from inside the […]


In the history of America, next to Roe vs. Wade, the Affordable Care Act (aka Obamacare) has created a far-reaching crisis against the unalienable right to life of every individual American including the unborn. Based on Malthusian ideology[1], it has laid the groundwork for the assault on both sides of the life spectrum. Only through […]

ALERT: Two days before Thanksgiving, DHS issues NEW terror warning about…

As Americans across the nation travel to be with family and/or welcome the arrival of family members for the Thanksgiving holiday, the Department of Homeland security has issued a fresh terror warning to local police. Via Fox News: Fox News chief intelligence correspondent Catherine Herridge reported this afternoon on a new DHS terror warning to […]

ALERT – Weiner Thought Hillary Was Going To MURDER Him, Left THIS ‘Clue’ For FBI

Hillary Clinton has had the worst week of her entire campaign with the FBI’s letter to Congress stating that they would reopen their investigation into her email server. Then, because Anthony Weiner could not stop sexting, his stupidity is now helping put Clinton behind bars. Recently, when conducting an investigation to Anthony Weiner’s alleged sexting […]

ALERT: FBI Asst. Dir. Publicly Calls Out Hillary, Endorses Trump

James Kallstrom, the former assistant director of the FBI, made history this week when he became the first person to have held that post to officially endorse a presidential candidate. Kallstrom first came to prominence as the head of the FBI’s investigation into the 1996 crash of TWA Flight 800. In an interview on Fox […]


The 2016 Florida Primary is tomorrow, August 30th. Read this article before voting! The campaign has been intense in many races. Thank you for sharing our voter guides! They are making a difference in the races and the media is talking about them: Anti-Common Core Group Rates Primary Candidates on Commitment to Abolishing Common Core by […]


The Citizens’ Commission On Benghazi report has been released to Bear Witness Central for publishing today, 6/28/16.  The Commission will unveil the report and have its press conference at the National Press Club tomorrow in Washington DC.  The full report can be read below. In summary, the Obama administration deliberately withheld urgently-requested security for the […]


On Monday, AFA notified families of President Obama’s directive for local school districts to implement his radical agenda that allows boys to use girl’s restrooms and locker rooms. This proposal endangers our children and undermines parental rights. By allowing kids access to facilities of the opposite sex we are fostering a confusing and unhealthy environment […]

Pay Gap Alert: Clinton Foundation Male Execs Earn 38% More Than Women

Male executives at The Bill, Hillary and Chelsea Clinton Foundation earn 38 percent more than women executives, according to a Daily Caller News Foundation review of the foundation’s latest Internal Revenue Service tax filings. The foundation’s 2013 IRS form 990 reveals that nearly three times as many men as women occupy the executive suites at […]

ALERT: Paper Exposes Secret Plan to Fly 250,000 Refugees From Muslim Nation Every Year

A report in a German paper indicated that a little-understood plan devised between the European Union and Turkey would end in Europe taking in a quarter of a million refugees direct from Turkey per year. The “understanding” was revealed when Gerald Knaus of the European Stability Initiative spoke to Welt am Sonntag (via Breitbart) about […]

ACTION ALERT: Nationwide Protest of Planned Parenthood

On Saturday, April 23, 2016, #ProtestPP is hitting the ground with the first annual nationwide protest at Planned Parenthood facilities, building on the momentum created at the coast-to-coast protests held last year. This nationwide protest will take place in future years on the 4th Saturday of April. Join a Protest—Or Host Your Own! Click to […]


Two Second Amendment cases are pending before the Supreme Court which may limit the second amendment to apply strictly to the right of states to maintain a uniformed armed militia and they could preclude the right of individual citizens to bear arms. Ken Klukowski is a lawyer who argues cases before the Supreme Court including […]

ALERT: The Reason This 1 Group Of People is Leaving Europe is Very Alarming

While liberal Democrats have been arguing about how to make the one percent pay more of their hard-earned money to the government, European millionaires are choosing to flee their countries due to religious tensions. Former Florida Rep. Allen West explained that radical Islamists have been causing the very wealthy to flee their European home countries. And according […]

BREAKING: Country On High Alert After Nuclear Officer Found Dead, Security Pass Stolen

As a British expert called the ability of terrorists to grab nuclear material ” a new and emerging threat,” Belgium was on alert Saturday for nuclear-related terrorist actions. A security guard who worked at a Belgian nuclear plant was shot dead and his security pass was also stolen, the French language Derniere Heure (DH) newspaper […]

ALERT: Look Who Was Spotted at White House IMMEDIATELY After Obama’s SCOTUS Pick

On Wednesday morning in the Rose Garden of the White House, President Barack Obama announced that he would be nominating federal Judge Merrick Garland to fill the Supreme Court vacancy left by the passing of Justice Antonin Scalia. Even setting aside the election year complications of this nomination to the highest court, conservatives would be […]

ACTION ALERT Urge Your Senators to Support Muslim Brotherhood Bill

Last week, we sent out an email asking you to contact your Senators and Representatives in support of S.2230 and H.R. 3892, Senate and House bills stating that Congress believes the Muslim Brotherhood meets the criteria of a Foreign Terrorist Organization under section 219 of the Immigration and Nationality Act (8 U.S.C. 1189). H.R. 3892, […]


URGE K-12  COMMITTEES TO SUPPORT SB 1018 AND COMPANION HB 899 Bottom line: We had an awesome team in Tallahassee last week. We met with 63 legislators and delivered packages to all 160 legislators, urging them to co-sponsor and support these curriculum companion bills. The packages included examples of specific objectionable books containing pornography, political […]


WONDER WHY MOST GUN ATTACKS OCCUR IN GUN FREE ZONES? Bad guys don’t follow gun laws. Seconds count to protect yourself and others from terror attacks or assaults. SB 68 Campus Carry:  By Senator Greg Evers Permits concealed licensees to carry on campus. SB 300 Open Carry: By Senator Don Gaetz Permits concealed licensees to […]


Florida Citizens Alliance has been working diligently on both a comprehensive bill to restore local K-12 education control and a focused curriculum bill to fix the loopholes in SB 864, passed in 2014 as FS 1006.283. We are very pleased to report that Senator Alan Hays and Representative Ray Pilon are championing companion bills to […]

ACTION ALERT: Demand Congress Stop Funding Refugee Resettlement With Our Tax Dollars

In the wake of the horrific terror attacks in San Bernardino and Paris, the FBI said it lacks the funds to stay ahead of the escalating terror threats right here in America.  So why would we want to divert any of our tax dollars, which should be directed to reinforcing our nation’s security and intelligence […]
