July 26, 2024

Pollak: Secret Republican Vote to Restore Earmarks Is a Betrayal of the Voters

The House Republican Conference vote on Wednesday to restore earmarks was a betrayal of the voters, and undermined one of the remaining legacies of the Tea Party. The vote was close, 102-84, but that is no consolation, especially as it was by secret ballot, preventing voters from holding their representatives accountable. If Republicans do not…

The Great Progressive Betrayal

People line up outside a food pantry in Brooklyn, New York, on Nov. 12. (Michael Nagle via Getty Images) Much of the post-election hand-wringing about Democrats driving typically liberal voters into the hands of a Trump-led Republican Party has focused on where that effect was most pronounced: Hispanics in Florida and Texas. But that shouldn’t […]

Cubans Respond to Obama’s Final Betrayal: He ‘Screwed All Cubans’

So how are Cubans responding to President Barack Obama’s last-second decision to end a decades-long immigration policy providing an easy path to citizenship for Cuban refugees fleeing the island’s oppressive communist regime? Not well. The soon to be former President Obama announced this week that effective immediately he has ended the 1995 policy granting Cubans who had fled to […]

Obama and Israel, from 2008 to 2016: A Story of Betrayal and Reversal

In June 2008, presidential candidate Barack Obama gave a stirring speech to AIPAC, making strong commitments to the Jewish people and Israel. In December 2016, President Obama’s Secretary of State John Kerry delivered an important policy speech that directly contradicted some of candidate Obama’s words. The contrast is striking, unnerving, and downright hypocritical. To be […]

Netanyahu SMASHES Obama For Betrayal Of Israel At UN

After Israel-hating Barack Obama had the United States abstain rather than vote against a United Nations Security Council adopting a resolution condemning Israeli settlement construction, a furious Benjamin Netanyahu, the Israeli Prime minister whom Obama has treated with contempt for his entire tenure in the White House, issued a scathing denunciation of the current president: […]

Spy Scandals, Globalism and the Betrayal of America

Our top educators like to think that worthwhile social movements only come from the left, such as Occupy Wall Street and Black Lives Matter. But the movement backing Donald J. Trump for president rejects most of what the left is preaching. These people see America losing its greatness, unique identity and national sovereignty. Hillary Clinton […]


The Citizens’ Commission On Benghazi report has been released to Bear Witness Central for publishing today, 6/28/16.  The Commission will unveil the report and have its press conference at the National Press Club tomorrow in Washington DC.  The full report can be read below. In summary, the Obama administration deliberately withheld urgently-requested security for the […]

Trump Targets Obama and Clinton Betrayal of Israel

Donald Trump’s foreign policy speech has created expectations that he will match Marco Rubio’s pledge to stand by the commitments made by President Bush to Israel’s Prime Minister Ariel Sharon in Bush’s letter dated 14 April 2004. Rubio made his unequivocal pledge on 3 December 2015 at the Republican Jewish Coalition Presidential Forum during his […]

Budget BETRAYAL: GOP’s Path to Victory … for Hillary

At close to midnight Monday, Republican leadership in Congress – outgoing House Speaker John Boehner and Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell – dropped a bomb on members of their respective chambers: a budget bill secretly negotiated with the Obama White House. Without consulting GOP representatives elected on a promise of stopping the Obama agenda, the […]

Netanyahu Just Revealed the Truth Bomb He Dropped on Obama After His Betrayal

Israeli Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu has not held back in voicing his grave concerns with the nuclear agreement reached with Iran, which was announced by the Obama administration Tuesday. Even as the structure of the agreement was taking place, Netanyahu saw it as a threat to the security of Israel and the region. In an […]

The Betrayal Papers: Part V – Who is Barack Hussein Obama? – THE VIDEO

The Betrayal Papers Movie: Part V – Who is Barack Hussein Obama? As the House of Representatives prepare to vote again this week in an attempt to pass the TPA Fast Track language… and given Obama’s associations with domestic terrorists, ACORN, shadowy Middle-Eastern financiers, Muslim-Brotherhood-linked groups, communists, Black Liberation Theology, forgery, fraud and his vow […]
