July 27, 2024

TWITTER SUSPENDS BENGHAZI HERO After Criticism of President Obama!

Barack Obama stepped out of shadows on Friday nd reminded Americans of many economic, domestic and foreign policy failures. President Obama lectured President Trump, accused him of racism, and attempted to take credit for President Trump’s economic miracle. But Barack Obama’s worst lie was his remarks on Benghazi. Barack Obama: “The politics of division and […]

Benghazi Survivor Refuses To Stand Down As Obama Attacks Benghazi ‘Wild Conspiracy’ Theorists.

Obama accused the GOP of meddling in conspiracy theories while giving a much-anticipated political speech at the University of Illinois Friday. Obama scoffed at some of the GOP’s agenda items in his speech, critiquing the Republican-control Congresses. “This Congress has championed the unwinding of campaign finance laws to give billionaires outside influence over our politics, systematically […]

Obama Takes Jab at Trump: “I Did Not Have Scandals as President”…(Benghazi, IRS Targeting, Spygate, Fast and Furious…)

Former President Barack Obama of Spygate fame took a swipe at President Trump in a Wednesday speech. Obama bragged to an audience that he “did not have scandals” as president. Newsweek reported: President Barack Obama took a light swing at his successor during a tech conference in Las Vegas on Wednesday. His eight years in […]

Exclusive — Rep. Paul Gosar: Obama’s Fast and Furious, Benghazi, IRS Scandals All Connected to DOJ, FBI Corruption in Trump Probe.

Rep. Paul Gosar (R-AZ), a leading conservative member of the House Committee on Oversight and Government Reform, told Breitbart News Daily on Wednesday that he believes that there is an interconnectivity between various high-profile Barack Obama-era scandals and the latest revelations about corruption at the Department of Justice and FBI. Gosar was asked during the […]

WORST PRESIDENT EVER: Obama’s Many Lies about the Benghazi Terrorist Attack

Almost no one in the US had ever heard the name Benghazi before September 11, 2012. After that date Benghazi was infamous for the place where four Americans, including US Ambassador Chris Stevens, were murdered by radical Islamic terrorists. As noted previously, the Libyan nightmare was the result of a war that President Obama and Hillary […]

BREAKING: All Communication Between Obama And Hillary During BENGHAZI Have Gone MISSING!

I have no idea if this is factual, but it sure looks that way. Larry Kawa, a researcher with Judicial Watch, filed a FOIA seeking “all communications between then Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the White House from and including September 11, 2012, through and including September 18, 2012.” The State Department is now […]

The TRUTH about Benghazi, Ambassador Stevens, and the Clinton-Obama TEAM as revealed by Wikileaks

Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Then some of the shoulder-fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one […]

WiKiLeaks: Leaked Email Reveals Hillary Clinton’s Benghazi Cover-Up, FEDERAL CRIMES!

More Wikileaks emails reveal that Hillary Clinton is the criminal we all know her to be. Email #9722 show that the Hillary Clinton campaign specifically used the Associated Press as well as the State Department to get rid of the emails that were subpoenaed in order to further the cover up of her failed leadership […]

State Dept Docs: Obama Took Six Hours to Respond to Benghazi

President Obama did not personally respond to Benghazi on the night of the attack until more than six hours after the White House convened an emergency conference call, according to little-noticed State Department records reviewed by Breitbart News. Obama’s six-hour absence, during which the United States military did not have presidential orders to enter Libyan […]

Boom! Benghazi Hero: “I’ve Seen the Video” – Obama, Hillary Watched Attack Live, Then Lied (VIDEO)

Benghazi Hero Says “We’ve Seen Drone Video” Obama, Hillary Knew It Wasn’t a Protest and Lied– Hillary Clinton watched the attack live by drone video then went out the next day with Barack Obama and blamed a mysterious YouTube video no one had ever seen. On Thursday Benghazi hero John Tiegen set the record straight. […]

JUST IN: Benghazi emails RECOVERED…

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton has maintained she’d ever so graciously handed over “all” of her work-related emails, even as it was revealed she wiped her server using, not a cloth, but the electronic equivalent of bleach. Because, no doubt, she had nothing whatsoever to hide. Of course, even as she continues to hold fast […]

Benghazi Victims’ Lawyer: Hillary Clinton Is ‘Totally Exposed’

TEL AVIV — In the newly filed lawsuit on behalf the families of the Benghazi attack victims, Hillary Clinton does not have diplomatic immunity and she is “totally exposed” to legal ramifications, according to the lawyer for the news-making case. Larry Klayman, founder of Freedom Watch USA, had the lawsuit served to Clinton last week […]

WATCH: Parents of Benghazi Victims Sue Clinton for Wrongful Death, Defamation

The parents of two of the four Benghazi victims have sued Hillary Clinton, arguing that her recklessness caused the deaths of their sons, and that she later defamed them in statements to the media. Directly contradicting the claims of several relatives of the victims of the Benghazi terrorist attacks, Clinton has repeatedly denied in interviews that she […]

WATCH: Widow of Benghazi Hero Tyrone Woods Offers Brutal Assessment of Clinton’s Immediate Response to Benghazi

The widow of Tyrone Woods is now speaking out against the U.S. government’s response to the terror attack in Benghazi that killed her husband and three other Americans. Dorothy Narvaez-Woods, speaking to conservative radio show host Hugh Hewitt on Thursday, said the “fundamental difference” between her late husband and then-Secretary of State Hillary Clinton is […]

Benghazi Widow Wonders If Hillary Never Mentioned YouTube Video to Her Because There Was a Navy SEAL Behind Her

Several of the family members of the men who died defending their comrades in Benghazi, Libya have insisted that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton blamed the “spontaneous” ambush on an offensive YouTube video that mocked Muslims. Patricia Smith, the mother of Sean Smith, called Clinton a liar at the Republican National Convention last month for […]


If you have not read the House Select Committee on Benghazi’s report, I encourage you to do so.  I know we are all pressed for time and reading a 700-page report may not be feasible, so if your time is limited I recommend you read “Terrorist Attacks on U.S. Facilities in Benghazi” which can be […]

Obstruction, Lies and Dishonor: Hillary’s Benghazi Legacy

“If you guys don’t get out here, we’re all going to f—-ing die.” These first words of truth, spoken frantically by a Diplomatic Security Agent in Benghazi while under attack, are quoted for all to read as the first sentence of the House Select Committee’s comprehensive report Part I, “Terrorist Attack on U.S. Facilities in […]

WATCH: Benghazi Widow Responds to Hillary’s ‘Move On’ Comments

As you know, Hillary Clinton audaciously said that it’s time to “move on” from the investigation into what transpired the night of September 11, 2012 in Benghazi, Libya. Of course, she was directing her comments toward the House Select Committee on Benghazi, but her insensitive words hit family members like Dr. Dorothy Woods, the widow […]

WATCH: Hillary Lied Under Oath=> Said She Checked in on Benghazi Survivors – But Called JUST ONE of 35 Survivors

In October 2015 Hillary Clinton testified before Congress. Hillary told the Benghazi committee she checked in on the government personnel who were injured during the terrorist attacks in Benghazi. Hillary told the committee, “I talked to the survivors when they came back to the United States.”   Now we know that this was another Hillary […]

Benghazi Report: Obama Administration Failed to Protect Americans in Benghazi – VIDEO

The House Select Committee on Benghazi released it long-awaited report on the 2012 terrorist attack Tuesday morning, detailing an array of administration deceptions, miscues and blunders. Among the bombshells to come out in the 800-page document is the conclusion that the Americans were saved by Gaddafi’s “Libyan Military Intelligence” — not a “quasi-governmental militia” as previous reports had […]

Hillary’s ‘Serious Lack of Competence’ Cost Lives At Benghazi

Former CIA officer D. W. Wilber noted in The Hill Monday that former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton’s actions leading up to the Benghazi attack, and the Obama administration’s foreign policy in Libya as a whole were “lunacy on a grand scale”: “Additional security was denied even though intelligence reports clearly indicated the presence in […]

Dems and Benghazi

The Democrats on the Benghazi committee show how little they cared about the facts and the death of four Americans and how partisan they are when they mentioned Trump 23 times in their report. Who actually politicized the deaths? Maybe they paid such little attention that they didn’t realize that Trump wasn’t President or Secretary […]

Shorter Hillary: It’s Time For These Republicans and Lyin’ Benghazi Families to ‘Move On’

Okay, perhaps that’s an uncharitably strident headline, but let’s face it: “It’s time to move on” has been the de facto Democratic Party slogan on Benghazi from the moment the attack took place. They understood the potential political ramifications of a deadly terrorist attack — including the assassination of a sitting US ambassador — on […]

House Benghazi Report Confirms ‘Spontaneous Video Protest’ Story Was Deliberate Political Disinformation

The House Benghazi report makes it completely clear that no one peddling the “spontaneous video protest” theory of the attack ever believed it, not for a single hour. It was a piece of deliberate disinformation concocted in Washington for political purposes, as critics of President Barack Obama and Secretary of State Hillary Clinton have long […]

Response to the Democrats’ Benghazi Report

The Democratic members of the Select Committee on Benghazi, Elijah Cummings (MD), Adam Smith (WA), Adam Schiff (CA), Linda Sanchez (CA) and Tammy Duckworth (D-IL), issued their own report on their findings in investigating the terrorist attacks at the Benghazi, Libya consulate on September 11, 2012 and the deaths of four Americans, including the U.S. […]

GOP releases final Benghazi report: reveals DESPICABLE secret

In some respects, this report is a letdown, because it reveals what we’ve all known from the very beginning. It is disturbing. Disappointing. Disheartening. But also cold, heartless and yes, despicable. Despicable because while Americans were dying and crying out for help in Benghazi on that fateful night, our “leaders” were crafting a lie, but […]

Benghazi Committee Releases Final Report: 22 Biggest Revelations…

The U.S. House Select Committee on Benghazi released its final report on Tuesday morning, comprising some 800 pages of investigations and conclusions that suggest former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and the Obama administration were derelict in their duty to protect American diplomats from the most significant terror attack on the U.S. since Sep. 11, […]


The Citizens’ Commission On Benghazi report has been released to Bear Witness Central for publishing today, 6/28/16.  The Commission will unveil the report and have its press conference at the National Press Club tomorrow in Washington DC.  The full report can be read below. In summary, the Obama administration deliberately withheld urgently-requested security for the […]

Committee Report: Secretary of Defense Panetta Ordered Military Assets For Benghazi, They Never Moved

The much anticipated Benghazi Select Committee report released early Tuesday morning reveals former Secretary of Defense Leon Panetta order military assets to be deployed to Benghazi, but they never arrived. Two unarmed drones, showing a live feed of the attack, did. Military assets sat for hours while Americans were under attack and while President Obama’s […]

DEVASTATING: GOP Benghazi Report Concludes Obama, Hillary Did NOTHING to Save US Lives – Then Lied Continuously

House Republicans will release their final report on the Benghazi attacks Tuesday morning. The report concludes what we already knew. Barack Obama and Hillary Clinton DID NOTHING to save US lives in Benghazi on September 11, 2012. They spent precious time instead during the attack concocting a lie they would tell the American public about […]
