September 19, 2024

WikiLeaks founder Assange may be near the end of his long fight to stay out of the US

WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange’s fight to avoid facing spying charges in the United States may be nearing an end following a protracted legal saga in the UK that included seven years of self-exile inside a foreign embassy and five years in prison. Assange faces what could be his final court hearing in London next week as […]

FLASHBACK => WIKILEAKS: Google-Alphabet Chair Eric Schmidt Offered to “Fund, Advise, Recruit” for Hillary.

Google openly supported Barack Obama in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections. Google CEO Eric Schmidt and other Google top executives and engineers visited the Obama white house 430 times. Researchers as SourceFed found that Google was actively altering search recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Google also offered to fund advise and recruit […]

TOTAL LOSERS: DNC Suing Trump Campaign, Russia, And Wikileaks For Colluding To Win 2016 Election.

They still can’t get over it. They can’t. The talking heads for the Democratic Party say let’s move on from 2016, but Hillary Clinton, her inner circle, and the Democratic National Committee keep bringing us back there. In the process, they reopen the wounds of 2016, the internal campaign strife, the rift with the progressive […]


We were presented with the one-on-one interview between Sean Hannity and WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange. In the first segment that Hannity showed, Assange stated that Russia was not involved in providing WikiLeaks with the hacked emails from the DNC or John Podesta, and neither was a state party. Assange, who is confined to the Ecuadorean […]

Tucker Blasts Holes In The ‘WikiLeaks Rigged The Election For Trump’ Argument [VIDEO]

Tucker Carlson questioned why WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange would lie about his sources during a Tuesday morning interview on “Fox & Friends.” The Fox News host noted that in past interviews, Assange claimed that he had “not even been contacted… by anybody in the United States” about whether or not Russia provided WikiLeaks with documents […]

At Least 5 TIMES Wikileaks Has Denied Russia Was their Source for Leaked DNC Emails – But Liberal Media Won’t Report It

Wikileaks keeps telling the world Russia was not their source for the leaked DNC emails— —The liberal mainstream media keeps ignoring them. It doesn’t jive with their crazy Putin conspiracy. So they won’t report it. In early November Wikileaks founder Julian Assange categorically denied that the troves of US Democratic Party and Clinton work and […]

UK Diplomat: I’ve Met the DNC Wikileaks Leaker and the Person Is an Insider – Not Russian

In early November Wikileaks founder Julian Assange told reporter John Pilger in an exclusive interview that it wasn’t Russia who hacked into the DNC and Clinton staff emails. Assange went on to say he “felt sorry” for Hillary Clinton. Today former UK ambassador to Uzbekistan Craig Murray, who is a close associate of Julian Assange, […]

The Intercept: A Clinton Fan Manufactured Fake News That MSNBC Personalities Spread to Discredit WikiLeaks Docs

Glenn Greenwald writes at the Intercept: THE PHRASE “FAKE NEWS” has exploded in usage since the election, but the term is similar to other malleable political labels such as “terrorism” and “hate speech”; because the phrase lacks any clear definition, it is essentially useless except as an instrument of propaganda and censorship. The most important fact […]

WikiLeaks: Email Shows Bill Clinton Had 2016 Race All Figured Out

( – This past February, a New York Times reporter contacted the Hillary Clinton campaign to see how Hillary, Bill and other Democrats “regard Trump as a potential election opponent.” The email exchange is particularly interesting in light of Tuesday’s election results. Reporter Patrick Healy told the Clinton campaign, “I wanted to run some points […]

WikiLeaks CONFIRMS Hillary Sold Weapons to ISIS… Then Drops Another BOMBSHELL!

Julian Assange, the founder of WikiLeaks, is a controversial character. But there’s no denying the emails he has picked up from inside the Democrat Party are real, and he’s willing to expose Hillary Clinton. Now, he’s announcing that Hillary Clinton and her State Department were actively arming Islamic jihadists, which includes the Islamic State (ISIS) […]

New WikiLeaks revelation: yet ANOTHER reason Hillary should be behind bars

If Hillary Clinton was a Republican, the mainstream media would be taking all of the juicy tidbits flying out of WikiLeaks and beating her over the head with them until she tapped out and quit. Unfortunately, that standard doesn’t apply to liberal Democrats who get a free pass from the press, which is likely the […]

BREAKING: Yikes: Wikileaks founder drops EXPLOSIVE new claim about Hillary and ISIS – VIDEO

Julian Assange’s string of October Surprises have now evolved into November Surprises, with no end in sight. Among his explosive Wikileaks revelations were that Hillary Clinton stated in an email that she believed Saudi Arabia and Qatar to be funding ISIS. That alone is shocking, considering they’re allies of the U.S. for economic reasons. But that’s […]

WIKILEAKS: Hillary Took Algeria Off Terror Watch List After Donation to Clinton Foundation

A new Wikileaks document reveals Hillary took Algeria off the US terror watch list after they made a hefty donation to the Clinton Foundation’s Haiti relief project. How is that legal? The Clinton camp was discussing Joe Scarborough’s discussion on the Algerian donations to the Clinton Foundation. The Clinton advisors defended the move in the […]

IT’S RIGGED=> Podesta DOJ Pal Peter Kadzik Is Heading Hillary Email Probe – Mentioned 20 Times by Wikileaks

IT’S RIGGED— In a letter to Congressional leaders earlier today the DOJ writes that it “will continue to work closely with the FBI and together, dedicate all necessary resources and take appropriate steps as expeditiously as possible” in the investigation of the over 650,000 emails found on Anthony Weiner’s home computer. The letter was signed […]

WIKILEAKS: Here’s How The Clinton’s Free Private Jet Scam Works

Ira Magaziner, the CEO of the Clinton Health Access Initiative, asked former President Bill Clinton to thank Morocco’s King Mohammed VI for “offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia.” “CHAI would like to request that President Clinton call Sheik Mohammed to thank him for offering his plane to the conference in Ethiopia,” Magaziner gushed […]

WikiLeaks Email: Robby Mook ‘Is Close’ To Democratic Operative Who Oversaw Agitators At Trump Rallies

Hillary Clinton’s campaign manager, Robby Mook, “is close” to Robert Creamer, the high-ranking Democratic party operative who was caught on tape discussing organizing violent protests at Donald Trump rallies. “Just wanted to pass along this note I sent to Bob Creamer, who as you may know is consulting for the DNC and is close to […]

WIKILEAKS on PHASE 3: “When All Information Is Out – Hillary Is Done”

WIKILEAKS PHASE 3   Wikileaks published this warning to the Clinton campaign on Sunday night: Via News Alert: When all information is out – Hillary is done. The only way she can get out of this mess is by winning this election and pardoning herself. — Top WikiLeaks (@TopWikiLeaks) October 31, 2016 Wikileaks announced Phase […]

The TRUTH about Benghazi, Ambassador Stevens, and the Clinton-Obama TEAM as revealed by Wikileaks

Amb. Stevens was sent to Benghazi post haste in order to retrieve US made stinger missiles supplied to Ansar al Sharia without Congressional oversight or permission. Then some of the shoulder-fired missiles ended up in Afghanistan used against our own military. It was July 25th, 2012 when a Chinook helicopter was taken down by one […]

WikiLeaks: More Evidence Obama Knew and Lied About Hillary’s Email Server

‘We need to clean this up,’ Clinton aide says, Obama ‘has emails from her — they do not say’ A March 2015 email chain released by WikiLeaks Tuesday is further proof that President Obama lied to the American people when he said he found out about Hillary Clinton’s private email server from news reports. […]

WikiLeaks Report: Obama Admin Discriminated Against Arab Christians for Top Jobs

In a bombshell email from September 2008, advisers to Barack Obama’s presidential campaign consciously decided to choose Arab Muslims over Arab Christians in suggesting top staff positions should Obama win the White House. The email was released by WikiLeaks in its latest series, “The Podesta Emails.” Former New York Solicitor General Preeta D. Bansal sent the […]

WikiLeaks: Huma Abedin Admits Clinton’s ‘Still Not Perfect In Her Head’ at Start of Campaign

After footage surfaced of Hillary Clinton struggling to walk and nearly collapsing at the 9/11 memorial service, her health has become a serious concern for voters. Now, new emails released from WikiLeaks showing her top aide Huma Abedin making cryptic comments about Clinton’s head might sow even more seeds of doubt about the Democratic nominee’s fitness to be president. […]

WikiLeaks: Email Suggests Obama Knew About Clinton’s Private Server

A 2015 email exchange between top Clinton aides released by WikiLeaks Thursday appears to confirm that President Obama knew full well that Hillary Clinton was using a private server and email address as secretary of state — despite his claims to the contrary. In an email with the subject line “Obama Says He Didn’t Know Hillary Clinton […]

WikiLeaks Exposes Hillary’s Hypocritical Gender Pay Gap

In April, we found out that the Clinton Foundation pays its female employees 38 percent less than its male employees. This past week, WikiLeaks has provided some numbers to put that disparity into perspective. In the following exchange, uncovered from a hack into Clinton campaign chair John Podesta’s emails, Hillary Clinton’s staff were concerned about a “huge” […]

BREAKING: Wikileaks director DEAD

Let’s get this out of the way immediately – no, not Julian Assange. He appears to be (for the moment) alive and well in the Ecuadorian Embassy in London and still able to send messages despite having his internet service being cut off. Yesterday he posted this, apparently from his own account. Gavin Macfadyen, beloved […]

Wikileaks: Soros-Linked Voting Machines Now Used in 16 States Rigged 2004 Venezuela Elections

Smartmatic, a UK based company, is a George Soros linked company that has provided voting technology in 16 states including battleground zones like Arizona, Colorado, Florida, Michigan, Nevada, Pennsylvania and Virginia. The company was formed in 2000 and a Chavez campaign adviser was placed on the board as well. The chairman of Smartmatic is Lord […]

WIKILEAKS: Hillary Got $12 Million for Clinton Charity As Quid Pro Quo For Morocco Meeting

Former Secretary of State Hillary Clinton arranged a $12 million donation from Moroccan King Mohammed VI to her family’s charity in 2014 in return for the Clinton Global Initiative hosting its international meeting in the North African Muslim nation, according to an email made public Thursday by Wikileaks. The Moroccan monarch’s funds went to the […]

EXPOSED: How Hillary tried to SILENCE Wikileaks… look what we found

As Julian Assange continues to dump damning information on the Hillary campaign through Wikileaks, the man has found himself at the center of a smear campaign – and it may have to do with why his internet was recently cut off. According to the far-left Daily Kos, the Ecuador Embassy in London where Julian Assange […]

Is this why Trump refuses to say in advance he will accept the election results? => WIKILEAKS: Podesta Says It’s OK for Illegals to Vote With Driver’s License….

WIKILEAKS: Podesta Says It’s OK for Illegals to Vote With Driver’s License…. In the latest Wikileaks Podesta documents John Podesta actually says it is OK for illegals to vote if they have a driver’s license. Trump says the system is rigged. Then we see this email the next day. John Podesta: I think Teddy’s idea […]

GAG ORDER: Wikileaks reveals WHO is trying to SILENCE Assange…

Wikileaks has been attempting to make good on one of President Barack Obama’s campaign promises: providing the transparency into the administration — as well as the administration who plans to succeed it — they have worked so hard to obfuscate. The organization has been releasing a steady stream of emails damaging to Hillary Clinton, President […]

Crowder Video: Top 10 Democrat-Crushing WikiLeaks Facts You Should Know

Conservative commentator and lovable prankster Steven Crowder, just released an informative video (below) unpacking a top ten list of things the Dems hope the voting public won’t Google search about — because God knows the mainstream media isn’t going to report on it. Crowder’s list below: Hillary wants open borders. The Iran deal was awful […]
