July 26, 2024

U.N. Issues ‘Urgent’ Call for $294 Million to Fund Gaza Strip Aid

The United Nations on Thursday rushed to issue an emergency appeal for $294 million to address “the most urgent needs” in the Gaza Strip as Israel fights for its very life against Hamas terrorists who call the region home. AFP reports the funds would be used to help more than 1.2 million people, the U.N.

This 26-year-old federal fund evolved to fight the ‘digital divide.’ Now a court might throw it out.

The Universal Service Fund — a federal subsidy pool collected monthly from American telephone customers — faces the biggest crisis of its existence. | Spencer Platt/Getty Images Over the past 26 years, the Universal Service Fund — a federal subsidy pool collected monthly from American telephone customers — has spent close to $9 billion a

Sen Rick Scott details bill to fund armed officers in US schools

Florida Senator Rick Scott introduced legislation on Tuesday that would reroute the billions of dollars earmarked for the Internal Revenue Service in Biden’s Inflation Reduction Act to hire armed officers at schools across the country. The School Guardian Act would create a block grant program administered by the Justice Department which would give K-12 schools […]

Atlanta City Council Votes to Fund Controversial ‘Cop City’ Project

Atlanta City Council members voted early Tuesday morning to fund a controversial police training facility, breaking with hundreds of community members who spoke against the facility throughout the overnight council meeting.Council members voted 11-4 to fund the project, following more than 14 hours of comments from hundreds of speakers. The funding vote represented one of

Tokyo unveils egg-freezing fund for women, fears historic low birth rate has Japan ‘on the brink’ of crisis

Tokyo will start to subsidize egg freezing for women residents in a bid to reverse a catastrophically low birth rate in Japan. “We recognize that the falling birthrate is a critical situation,” said Yoshihiko Isozaki, a deputy chief cabinet secretary, in a briefing Tuesday. “My understanding is that various factors are intricately intertwined, preventing individuals […]

Unbelievable! Biden Administration Still Denies Wuhan Lab Leak—Continues To Fund Gain Of Function Research

The Biden administration continues to stupefy American taxpayers. They do absolutely nothing to make us as a nation feel secure. Their most recent admission, which is as usual is being under covered by the media, is seriously jaw dropping.Despite overwhelming evidence, this administration will still not admit what we all know. SARS-CoV-2, the coronavirus, originated […]

Biden Administration Launches Multimillion-Dollar ‘Climate Gender Equity Fund’ to Address Inequalities

President Joe Biden announced the launch of his multimillion-dollar “Climate Gender Equity Fund” to address purported inequalities women face in climate finance at the United Nations COP 27 climate conference in Egypt on Friday. The Climate Gender Equity Fund will “leverage private sector contributions to help provide women climate leaders with technical skills, networks, and capital to

Senate moves forward to fund government despite snags over Manchin’s energy plan

That vote to advance the stopgap, likely to occur on Tuesday or Wednesday, would require 6src senators. The New York Democrat is determined to attach the energy permitting provisions to the funding patch, stemming from a deal with Democratic Sen. Joe Manchin that cemented the West Virginia centrist’s support for the party’s health care, tax

Soros, Rockefeller Org, Biden Admin Fund ‘Opposition Media’ Org Launch in Hungary: Reports

The Open Society Foundation, Rockefeller Foundation, and Biden administration are funding an “opposition media” organisation setting up an office in Hungary, reports have claimed. Internews, an organisation that aims to support “independent media” in various countries, is said to be setting up a branch in Hungary using funding granted to it by the Biden administration.

Mace: Congress Won’t Fund a Border Wall, But Will Fund Fencing to Keep People Out of Capitol

During an interview released on Wednesday’s “Fox News Rundown” podcast, Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC) criticized the “hypocrisy” of members of Congress opposing funding a wall on the border, but supporting “fencing and keeping people out of our Capitol.” Mace said, “[H]ere we have a Congress that doesn’t want to fund a border wall at our…

Exclusive — House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy Introducing Bill to Fully Fund Border Wall, Making Midterm Immigration Referendum.

House Majority Leader Kevin McCarthy will introduce a bill this week that will fully fund President Donald Trump’s planned wall along the U.S. border with Mexico, thereby setting the midterm elections up as a referendum on immigration policy, Breitbart News has learned exclusively. Outgoing Speaker Paul Ryan hinted at a post-election border wall funding fight […]

Dave Brat: $850B Spending Bill ‘Good for the Swamp,’ Fails to Fund Wall.

Rep. Dave Brat (R-VA) says the more than $850 billion funding package that increases military spending is “good for the swamp” while failing to fund President Trump’s key campaign promise: A border wall on the United States-Mexico border. As President Trump signals that he will sign the $852 billion funding package, which expands spending for […]

NFL teams up with George Soros to fund leftist causes

The NFL has agreed to funnel millions of dollars to social justice groups tied to leftist billionaire George Soros. ESPN reported that a seven-year, $89 million deal with the Players Coalition will call for NFL owners to send tens of millions of dollars to the Dream Corps, a leftist advocacy group led by former Obama […]

FLASHBACK => WIKILEAKS: Google-Alphabet Chair Eric Schmidt Offered to “Fund, Advise, Recruit” for Hillary.

Google openly supported Barack Obama in 2012 and Hillary Clinton in the 2016 elections. Google CEO Eric Schmidt and other Google top executives and engineers visited the Obama white house 430 times. Researchers as SourceFed found that Google was actively altering search recommendations in favor of Hillary Clinton’s campaign. Google also offered to fund advise and recruit […]

Facebook to Fund News Programming, Including CNN’s Anderson Cooper.

Facebook will launch a set of “fully funded” news shows on their platform, including a twice-weekly show from far-left news outlet Mic, and a “nightly show hosted by CNN’s Anderson Cooper,” in an effort to crackdown on “fake news.” According to the Wrap, the shows will accompany the launch of Facebook Watch, and “despite being […]

U.S. Captures $7B of $110B Laundered Across Border Every Year… Would Fund Wall in 4

Senator Bill Cassidy: Build the Wall — and Make the Cartels Pay for It Senator Bill Cassidy (R-LA) says we should fund a U.S.-Mexico border wall using money confiscated from Mexican cartels. “The cartels move about 110 billion dollars a year from the United States to Mexico,” the Louisiana senator explained to Breitbart News Sunday host […]

Outrageous! Paul Ryan’s $1.3 Trillion Spending Bill Funds Planned Parenthood, Sanctuary Cities – Won’t Fund Trump Wall.

Speaker Paul Ryan is set to pass the largest spending bill in US history next to Barack Obama’s trillion dollar failed stimulus. President Trump spoke on Monday about the importance of the border wall with Mexico to enhance national security and battle the opioid crisis in America. But once again it is unlikely that funding […]

Soros, Pelosi Meeting To Fund And Plot Democratic ‘Resistance’

George Soros and Nancy Pelosi will address the leaders of the Democratic “resistance” on Friday as they join a three-day conference cloaked in secrecy. Documents obtained by the Washington Free Beacon show how Soros will be meeting with House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi and scores of rich liberals to plot the future of the opposition To President […]

Trump slams Democrats as ‘disgrace’ for helping to fund dossier

President Donald Trump lashed out at Democrats on Wednesday after a lawyers for Hillary Clinton’s campaign and the Democratic National Committee acknowledged helping fund the infamous dossier of alleged links between the Trump campaign and Russia. “I think it’s a disgrace,” Trump said. “It’s a very sad commentary on politics in this country.” On Tuesday, […]

REPORT: Crooked Cop Robert Mueller Invested In Hedge Fund Linked To Russia

As the Russian interference probe drags on, a new report places Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s investments under a microscope. According to 2017 SEC Fillings, Mueller is invested in a hedge fund betting against Gazprom, the state-owned energy giant in Russia. Offended America reports: Mueller has been an investor in Mellon Optima L/S Strategy Fund, LLC for many years, […]

EXPOSED: Hillary Clinton Moved 800K From Her Campaign To Help Fund ANTIFA

Hillary, who long during the campaign trail condemned “dark-money” Super-PACs, has funneled over 800K from her Campaign over to one of these very same outfits. It has been revealed that the failed presidential candidate’s Super-PAC, “Onward Together”, is heavily backing “resistance” and Alt-Left extremist groups such as ANTIFA. In building investigations, Daily Caller first discovered that […]

Trump Asks Congress For Nearly $8 Billion To Help Fund Harvey Rescue Effort

President Donald Trump asked Congress Friday night for $7.8 billion to help those left in the aftermath of Tropical Storm Harvey, which pelted parts of Texas with near-Biblical amounts of rain. Trump’s request was significantly larger than what many experts had expected, as some Congressional sources believed the administration would ask for at least $5.5 billion. The bulk […]

Ted Cruz Calls for $14 Billion Seized from ‘El Chapo’ to Fund Border Wall.

Senator Ted Cruz (R-TX) introduced a bill calling for the use of $14 billion seized from cartel drug lord Joaquin “El Chapo” Guzman to be used to pay for the President’s border wall between the U.S. and Mexico. “Fourteen billion dollars will go a long way toward building a wall that will keep Americans safe […]

Speaker Paul Ryan Will Fund Planned Parenthood but NOT the Trump Border Wall.

Republican leadership is looking to fund Planned Parenthood in their latest spending bill but not the Trump border wall. Could these lawmakers be any more out of touch with their base? CNS News reported: When Donald Trump stood in the lobby of Trump Tower on June 16, 2015 and announced he was running for president, […]

Records: Soros Fund Execs Funded Paul Ryan, Marco Rubio, Jeb Bush, John McCain, John Kasich, Lindsey Graham in 2016

Employees of a hedge fund founded by the king of the Institutional Left, billionaire and Democratic Party mega-donor George Soros, donated tens of thousands of dollars to top Republicans who fought against President Donald Trump in 2016, donation records compiled by the Center for Responsive Politics show. Soros Fund Management, a former hedge fund that […]

George Soros, Big Banks And Google Fund Anti-Trump Resistance Group

The liberal think tank Center for American Progress (CAP), now fashioning itself as a powerful anti-Trump force, is funded by George Soros, big banks and several large corporations. CAP, founded in 2003 by former Hillary Clinton campaign chair John Podesta, has long been a prominent liberal think tank in Washington. Now, they look to be […]

Report: Justice Department Extorts Companies to Fund Left-Wing Activists

A new report from the Government Accountability Institute (GAI) concludes that the Obama administration’s Department of Justice has been extorting fines from major banks, which are then used to fund leftist groups that push the Democratic vote. The report notes that while community organizing groups have been using aggressive, “terrorist” tactics for decades to force banks to provide funding […]

Here Are All The Companies That Directly Fund Planned Parenthood

Planned Parenthood, the abortion mill responsible for murdering roughly 320,000 babies annually, is massively political and deeply corrupt. And, unfortunately, many American companies, which pro-lifers may patronize unwittingly, directly fund them and thus enable their destruction. Let’s start with Planned Parenthood’s influence in the 2016 presidential election: The lucrative “non-profit” has unsurprisingly backed Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton this election cycle, aligning themselves with […]

Wikileaks => Hillary Admits Saudi Arabia and Qatar Fund ISIS – But Took Their Money Anyway

Hillary Clinton admitted in 2014 that Saudi Arabia and Qatar were funding ISIS. But she took their money anyway. The document was released by Wikileaks on Monday. The Daily Caller reported: Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton sent an email to her campaign chairman John Podesta in 2014, who was then-counselor to President Barack Obama, that […]

Taxpayers Shouldn’t Fund Abortion, Make the Hyde Amendment Permanent

In our Declaration of Independence, the Founders declared that everyone is endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including and especially life. Science has revealed and affirmed the notion that an unborn child is human life with unique DNA. For more and more Americans, this fact of life is becoming more clear with each […]
