July 26, 2024

Analysis: Migrants Costing U.S. Taxpayers Billions for Free, Uninsured Healthcare

Illegal immigrants are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars just to cover their medical care, with politicians and healthcare workers from around the U.S. sounding the alarm on the overwhelming debt. As millions of migrants pour through the U.S.-Mexico border, they’re taking up space in emergency rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), and racking up exorbitant

Chicago Mayor Brandon Johnson Applauds $51M for Migrants Against Objections from Taxpayers

Chicago, Illinois, Mayor Brandon Johnson (D) is celebrating the City Council’s approval to spend $51 million on newly arrived border crossers and illegal aliens — against objections from local taxpayers who said their needs are being put last in favor of foreign nationals. On Wednesday evening, the Democrat-controlled Chicago City Council voted 34-13 to spend

Virginia board member brags about using taxpayers’ $3B for ‘Muslim power,’ pushing Palestine agenda in schools

EXCLUSIVE – A controversial Fairfax, Virginia, school board member, Abrar Omeish, who previously refused to vote on a motion that would commemorate Sept. 11 victims, shared plans to use $3 billion available in the district’s budget for a Palestinian agenda before she was elected, according to a video reviewed by Fox News Digital.  In addition […]

Driver’s Licenses for Illegal Aliens to Cost Massachusetts Taxpayers $28M

Providing thousands of eligible illegal aliens with driver’s licenses is set to cost Massachusetts taxpayers some $28 million, Gov. Maura Healey (D) reveals. Last year, Massachusetts joined a swath of other states after voters approved a new law that will make driver’s licenses available to potentially 85,000 illegal aliens living across the state. Everton Candido, a

Illegal Immigration Costs American Taxpayers Billions Every Year

Illegal immigration costs American taxpayers and hospitals billions of dollars in medical costs every year, the Federation for American Immigration Reform pointed out.  Last year, when over 98,000 illegal aliens were encountered in the Yuma, Arizona, border sector, the local hospital found itself providing $26 million in uncompensated care to illegal migrants. CEO of Yuma

Buttigieg: My Private Flights Save Taxpayers Money, We Do Consider the Environment

On Thursday’s broadcast of the Fox News Channel’s “Special Report,” Transportation Secretary Pete Buttigieg defended his air travel on private government jets despite the climate impact of doing so by arguing that doing so saves taxpayers money and this fact makes it different from former HHS Secretary Tom Price’s actions. Host Bret Baier asked, [relevant exchange

Taxpayers Will Now Pay for Transgender Veterans’ ‘Gender Reassignment’ Surgery 

President Joe Biden’s Veteran Affairs Secretary Denis McDonough said the federal government now is in the business of helping veterans undergo surgery to alter their biological sex. McDonough said in prepared remarks that the Department of Veteran Affairs will move to make “gender reassignment” surgery available to veterans. This is in stark contrast to the…

Mike Rowe Scolds Democrats: Profoundly Unfair to Make ‘Taxpayers Pay the Tuition of Those Who Wish to Attend a University’

MANDEL NGAN/AFP/GettyImages Author and Dirty Jobs host Mike Rowe said it is profoundly unfair for Democrats to make “taxpayers pay the tuition of those who wish to attend a university.” The TV host’s comments were in response to a question from a fan who said HBO’s Real Time With Bill Maher host Bill Maher’s recent…

The Final Air Force One Budget is Here and Trump Just Saved Taxpayers a Ton of Money.

The United States government has reached a final deal with Boeing to build two brand new Air Force One airplanes. In 2016 shortly after winning the White House, President Trump publicly berated the company for what he believed was overcharging taxpayers. He also threatened to cancel the order. Boeing is building a brand new 747 […]

Report: Mueller’s Probe Has Cost Taxpayers $17 Million, With Over $4 Million Paid to His Staff.

A Justice Department report released on Thursday details how Robert Mueller’s Russia collusion probe accumulated nearly $17 million in expenses less than a year after his official appointment as special counsel. The report, which covers Mueller’s investigation from October of last year through the end of March 2018, shows that the special counsel’s office (SCO) […]

Minnesota taxpayers involuntarily funding $100 million in cash to jihadists?

Our friend John Hinderaker of Powerline and the Center for the American Experiment asks, “Is this the worst scandal in Minnesota history?” KMSP Television, the Fox affiliate in the Twin Cities, has been carrying out a five-month-long investigation of the phenomenon of carry-on luggage stuffed with cash – a million dollars at a time – […]

Study: Each Resettled Refugee Costs Taxpayers $15,900 a Year.

The Federation for American Immigration Reform (FAIR), a pro-American immigration think tank, issued a study Monday showing a strikingly high price tag for resettling refugees in the United States. When they combined resettlement costs with Medicaid, Food Stamps, public education, public housing, and a bevy of other government programs and benefits, the study’s authors, Matthew […]

Taxpayers Could See Benefits From GOP Tax Bill as Early as February.

Taxpayers could see the benefits from Republicans’ tax reform as early as February, one tax expert says. “Certainly early next year, February probably, businesses will start deducting less from employees’ paychecks, and so there you will see a benefit, you will have higher take-home income when your employer is sending less of your money to […]

Study reveals how much Trump has saved taxpayers in just 3 months, and it’s BLOWING MINDS…

Shortly after Donald Trump won the 2016 election, markets started an historic rally. Of course, the surge in economic optimism was for good reason. On the campaign trail, Trump promised vital economic changes like tax and regulatory reform. Not only that, as one of the most successful businessmen in the world, Trump understood exactly what […]

Muslim beheader of Lee Rigby is transferred from prison to ‘gentler’ Broadmoor Hospital costing taxpayers $310,000-a-year because he refuses medical treatment

At a cost of $311,000 per year — because he refused to take medication. Why treat him with kid gloves? He should be executed for treason. Fury as one of Lee Rigby’s killers is transferred from Category A prison to ‘gentler’ Broadmoor Hospital costing taxpayers ÂŁ250,000-a-year because he refuses medical treatment. Michael Adebowale, 25, understood […]

Taxpayers Shouldn’t Fund Abortion, Make the Hyde Amendment Permanent

In our Declaration of Independence, the Founders declared that everyone is endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, including and especially life. Science has revealed and affirmed the notion that an unborn child is human life with unique DNA. For more and more Americans, this fact of life is becoming more clear with each […]

GOP Senators To Kerry: Taxpayers Deserve The Truth About The Iran Ransom–I Mean, The Cash Transfer

Sorry, President Obama—the $400 million cash payment you gave to Iran isn’t going away, despite your amazing rhetorical skills that are known to have solved all of the world’s problems (I’m kidding of course). Last week, the president answered questions about he payments, where he said it wasn’t a secret, it was due to a […]

Honduran Woman Flies to US to Have Zika Baby – Her Anchor Baby Will Cost Taxpayers at Least $1 Million

It’s a good thing we don’t have any national debt. Pregnant Honduran mother flew to the US to have her Zika baby. Her anchor baby will cost US taxpayers at least $1 million to treat. Honduran woman flies to New Jersey to give birth to Zika baby. Her anchor baby will cost AT LEAST $1million […]

German Dentists: Treating Refugee Teeth Will Cost Taxpayers BILLIONS

That mass migration is adding enormous pressure to public services has been confirmed by German dental professionals, who have warned the teeth of many immigrants are so bad they require significant work, which will cost the tax payer billions of Euros. Describing the teeth of migrants who are coming to German dentists for work as […]


Florida Citizens Alliance has been working diligently on both a comprehensive bill to restore local K-12 education control and a focused curriculum bill to fix the loopholes in SB 864, passed in 2014 as FS 1006.283. We are very pleased to report that Senator Alan Hays and Representative Ray Pilon are championing companion bills to […]

CBO: Repealing Obamacare mandate would save taxpayers $305B

Congressional budget minders say repealing Obamacare’s “individual mandate” would save taxpayers more than $305 billion and increase the number of uninsured Americans by 14 million over the next decade. The mandate requires people to obtain adequate health insurance or pay a tax penalty, unless they qualify for a financial exemption or other carve-outs spelled out […]

Huma planned party for Clinton pal on taxpayers’ dime

WASHINGTON — She wasn’t exactly helping her boss broker Mideast peace, but somebody’s got to pick out color schemes. Longtime Hillary Clinton aide Huma Abedin took on some unusual duties while working for the then-secretary of state in 2012 — apparently including arranging an event honoring famed designer Oscar de la Renta at the Clinton […]
