May 7, 2024

Analysis: Migrants Costing U.S. Taxpayers Billions for Free, Uninsured Healthcare

Illegal immigrants are costing American taxpayers billions of dollars just to cover their medical care, with politicians and healthcare workers from around the U.S. sounding the alarm on the overwhelming debt. As millions of migrants pour through the U.S.-Mexico border, they’re taking up space in emergency rooms, intensive care units (ICUs), and racking up exorbitant

Democrats’ Kavanaugh Obsession Costing Them Dearly.

After a grueling and vicious battle, Judge Kavanaugh has rightfully been confirmed to the Supreme Court.  Despite the fact that Kavanaugh is exceptionally qualified and possesses the perfect temperament to sit on our nation’s highest court, Democrats cry foul and make various arguments about why Kavanaugh should not be on the bench.  While some Democrats believe that […]

Muslim beheader of Lee Rigby is transferred from prison to ‘gentler’ Broadmoor Hospital costing taxpayers $310,000-a-year because he refuses medical treatment

At a cost of $311,000 per year — because he refused to take medication. Why treat him with kid gloves? He should be executed for treason. Fury as one of Lee Rigby’s killers is transferred from Category A prison to ‘gentler’ Broadmoor Hospital costing taxpayers £250,000-a-year because he refuses medical treatment. Michael Adebowale, 25, understood […]
