September 14, 2024

Donald Trump Signed Executive Order To Pull Feds Out Of K-12 Education – Promise To Return School Control To State And Local Officials

President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to start pulling the federal government out of K-12 education, following through on a campaign promise to return school control to state and local officials. The order, dubbed the “Education Federalism Executive Order,” will launch a 300-day review of Obama-era regulations and guidance for school districts and directs […]

Bill Gates Admits His Common Core Experiment Is A Failure

After spending $400 million on forcing schools around the country to adopt Common Core, Bill Gates has finally admitted that the controversial teaching method is a failure, and significantly less effective than traditional teaching methods. Parents and teachers across the nation have been urging schools to dump the toxic Common Core curriculum, arguing that it […]

UN Unveils Board Game to Brainwash Children

The dictators club more commonly known as the United Nations has a new “board game” aimed at brainwashing your children into believing in total global government, among other evils. By the UN’s own admission, the scheme is intended to enlist youth from all over the world in imposing the so-called Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) on […]

The Case for Engaging the Real Enemy

  In the wake of the Parkland shooting, there have been reactionary steps erroneously taken in Florida. The following bills should be rejected: Senate Proposed Bill 7022 – Firearm Safety (this bill should be called the “Furthering Disarmament Bill”) Senate Proposed Bill 7024 – Public Records (it should be called the “Silencing The Truth Bill”) […]

One Texas School District Is Already Arming Its Teachers, And The Signs Posted Outside The Schools Say It All

A Texas school district isn’t waiting around for lawmakers to make up their minds on whether arming teachers is a good idea–they’ve already decided that it is. Callisburg Independent School District in Callisburg, Texas, began their “guardian” program a few years ago, which allows teachers to volunteer to carry concealed firearms on school grounds. Superintendent […]

It’s Too Late – Broward County School Board Beginning to Admit Their Mistakes?…

As expected – buried deep inside a Miami Herald article about the Parkland school shooter, Nikolas Cruz, and a school board questioning their progressive policies, we find the following: […]  Absent Cruz’s school records, it is hard to say precisely when Cruz’s behavior became an acute problem for teachers and administrators. Disciplinary reports obtained by […]

Soros-Linked Organizers of “Women’s March” Selected Anti-Trump Kids to Be Face of Parkland Tragedy – And Excluded Pro-Trump Kids

Following the recent Parkland shooting, a number of “movements” and activist groups popped up, and the standout similarity across all of them is that they’re fronted by teenagers. NOTE: at the request of the parent, we are keeping some information anonymous at this time. This afternoon, the Gateway Pundit received a tip from a father […]

Florida’s ‘Teacher Of The Year’ Bluntly Explains Why School Violence Is Out Of Control

Kelly Guthrie Raley has been teaching for 20 years and currently educates kids at Eustis Middle School in Lake County, Florida. Just last month she was named the 2017-2018 Teacher of the Year. The day after the horrific shooting that took place at Marjorie Stoneman Douglas High School in Parkland, Florida, she posted a rant […]

Obama’s Progressive Socialist Attempt to Destroy Private College Education in America

America doesn’t have an unemployment problem – it has an education and skilled worker problem.  Right now, there are millions of available jobs all around the country with top companies offering good pay and benefits. However, the problem for these potential employers is a lack of skilled or properly educated workers. This is a massive […]

Common Core: U.S. Behind 35 Countries in Math

5 Years Into Common Core, 15-Year-Olds Behind 35 Countries in Math Students in the United States have fallen behind kids in many other countries, according to the two largest international benchmarking tests in math, science, and reading. Five years into the implementation of the Common Core State Standards Initiative (commonly known as “Common Core”), 15-year-old kids in […]

Millennials A Product Of Communist Educational System

In an earlier article entitled Parents Gave Up Rights to Educate, I noted all the chaos we are experiencing is the result of the Harvard/Unitarian/Progressive enlightened snobs way back at the turn of the 19th Century attempting to bring communism to the U.S. which would require getting control of education away from the Calvinists Christian […]

America Is Getting Bamboozled With Betsy Devos! She Is All In On The True Agenda: Cradle To Grave Workforces Of Tomorrow

It’s real easy to play Monday morning quarterback after your team just took a huge hit. Donald Trump promised (and fooled) many citizens into thinking he could get rid of Common Core. So much so that his pick for Secretary of Education is now backtracking on her years of actions financially supporting Common Core. She […]

Trump Team Touts “National Standards” After Opposing Common Core

While some of Donald Trump’s appointments so far have been celebrated by his supporters, the president-elect’s nominee for U.S. education secretary, Betsy DeVos (shown), has raised serious concerns, even among Trump’s most loyal backers. From concerns about her involvement with pro-Common Core organizations and establishment figures, to growing doubts about whether President-elect Trump’s administration intends […]

Indoctrinating the Young in Hate Factories

Our education system has created a multitude of young, inexperienced, poorly educated, indoctrinated minds, speaking as with authority…scary! If you want to learn to hate America, your nearest public school or college is waiting for you. If it is a university you want to attend, don’t worry about the cost, the government (taxpayers) will pick […]


The 2016 Florida Primary is tomorrow, August 30th. Read this article before voting! The campaign has been intense in many races. Thank you for sharing our voter guides! They are making a difference in the races and the media is talking about them: Anti-Common Core Group Rates Primary Candidates on Commitment to Abolishing Common Core by […]

TAKE ACTION! August Election Critical for Florida Kids

There’s a lot of focus on the November election. But the future of Florida’s kids will be directly influenced by an election on August 30th. Only YOU can protect your children’s or grandchildren’s future. Public education (AKA “Government Schools”) is a disaster. The U.S. has slipped from the top 10 internationally to the mid 30’s […]

Parents Are Furious — Not Fearful — About Data-Mining

A recent column by Brenda Leong of the Brookings Institution condescendingly intones that parents are clueless and fearful about the glories of womb-to-tomb data-collection for our children, including social-emotional (psychological) data. Here is an excerpt: The role of technology within schools expanded at an unprecedented rate, general awareness of consumer data security and breaches increased, and […]


Latest Press Release – FSCCC Joins Nationwide Coalition Against Mindset Profiling in the NAEP! Liberty Counsel, an international legal, media and policy organization with an emphasis on religious liberties protected by the First Amendment, sent a letter to several congressional committees regarding the very problematic and illegal plan of the National Assessment Governing Board to assess mindsets and […]

Transgender Stingray in Disney’s ‘Finding Dory’

The Cultural Marxists are coming after children… The sequel to the 2003 smash hit Finding Nemo has already fueled speculation that it will be the first Disney film to feature a lesbian couple, but Degeneres, who voices the titular blue fang fish, told USA Today in an interview that the film will feature a “trans […]

UN Adopts “Education” Plan to Indoctrinate Children in Globalism

A United Nations summit in Korea this week adopted a global “action plan” demanding a planetary “education” regime to transform children around the world into social-justice warriors and sustainability-minded “global citizens.” Among other elements, that means the UN-directed global education must promote “integrated development” of the “whole person,” including the formation of their ethics, values, […]


Bankrupt the bullies.  When you issue an invitation to predators to walk into women’s private dressing rooms and restrooms, don’t be surprised when they accept. Less than three weeks after Target’s open door policy, a man walked into the ladies changing room in Frisco, Texas with his camera phone and video-recorded an underage girl trying […]

Steve King Calls For “CIVIL DISOBEDIENCE” On Obama Restroom Guidance

Republican Rep. Steve King of Iowa on Tuesday called for civil disobedience in response to the Obama administration’s guidance to public schools that they cannot discriminate against transgender students in settings like restrooms and locker rooms. “We should call for civil disobedience here,” King told Simon Conway of Iowa radio station WHO. “And there’s no […]

Why smart kids shouldn’t use laptops in class

For the past 15 years, educators have debated, exhaustively, the perils of laptops in the lecture hall. Professors complain that laptops are distraction machines; defenders say that boring classes are to blame — students have always doodled or daydreamed, so what’s the difference that they’re browsing Facebook instead? The remarkable thing about all the fuss […]

Frustrated, talented teachers leave Florida classrooms in droves

Noah David Lein has always loved teaching. And if you believe the state of Florida, the honors English teacher at Winter Springs High School is precisely the kind of instructor we want in our classrooms. He sparks kids’ curiosity and was among only 4 percent of the region’s teachers to receive the “Best and Brightest” […]


Lawmakers in Oklahoma, alarmed by the chaos that’s been generated from President Obama’s pressure on schools to open bathrooms to both sexes – else face loss of federal funding – have introduced a bill that declares the matter an “emergency” and allows the state’s attorney general to provide legal representation for those who come under […]


On Monday, AFA notified families of President Obama’s directive for local school districts to implement his radical agenda that allows boys to use girl’s restrooms and locker rooms. This proposal endangers our children and undermines parental rights. By allowing kids access to facilities of the opposite sex we are fostering a confusing and unhealthy environment […]

Facts about Transgender directive

Under the guidance, schools are told that they must treat transgender students according to their chosen gender identity as soon as a parent or guardian notifies the district that that identity “differs from previous representations or records.” There is no obligation for a student to present a specific medical diagnosis or identification documents that reflect […]

Obama’s ‘Transgender’ Plan: Exclude Parents, Let Officials Handle Childrens’ Sexual Problems

President Barack Obama’s new transgender plan for K-12 schools recommends parents be secretly excluded from any decisive role when their children experiment with sexual “gender identities” as male or female. The exclusion of parents from their children’s life-and-death, prosperity-or-suicide, teenage development is explicitly approved by Obama’s Democratic Party aides in a nine-page, May 13 legal […]

Hillary Clinton Birthed Common Core.

5.11.16 — Today Joy Pullman of The Federalist has published a well-researched article entitled “How Common Core Fulfills Hillary Clinton’s Education Dreams.” It might be interesting for the public to compare Joy’s article with what I remember from my real-life experiences as a classroom teacher who spent years battling Hillary Clinton’s plan to take over […]

ALERT: Obama Administration Directive Issued To Schools On Transgender Bathroom Access

WASHINGTON (AP) — Public schools must permit transgender students to use bathrooms and locker rooms consistent with their gender identity, according to an Obama administration directive issued amid a court fight between the federal government and North Carolina. The guidance from leaders at the departments of Education and Justice says public schools are obligated to […]
