July 26, 2024

Transgender Author Who Signed New York Times Protest Letter Threatened to Slit J.K. Rowling’s Throat

A transgender author who signed the recent petition protesting the New York Times‘ reporting on the debate over transgender children recently threatened to slit the throat of Harry Potter novelist J.K. Rowling. Gretchen Felker-Martin — who is identifies as a “trans dyke” and writes horror fiction — lashed out at J.K. Rowling as well as

Trump Signed Multiple Drug-Pricing Reforms In 2020. Here’s How They Moved The Needle

Throughout his term, President Donald Trump has signed a series of health care executive orders attempting to accomplish goals long sought by members of both parties. In 2020 alone, Trump has signed orders mandating drug price transparency, allowing Americans to purchase and re-import drugs from Canada and mandating Medicare drug purchases match the lowest comparable…

REPORT: President Trump to Declassify June 2017 Carter Page FISA Renewal App Signed By Rod Rosenstein.

Look for President Trump to declassify the June 2017 Carter Page FISA renewal this month, says investigative reporter, Paul Sperry. Deputy Attorney General Rod Rosenstein and then-Deputy Director of the FBI Andrew McCabe both signed off on the June 2017 Carter Page FISA renewal–things could get interesting! Screenshot of Rosenstein’s signature on June 2017 FISA renewal […]

Full Text: Document Signed by President Donald Trump and Kim Jong-un at Singapore Summit.

The following is the full text of the document signed by President Donald Trump and North Korean leader Kim Jong-un on Tuesday in Singapore, as retrieved from a photograph of the document as Trump held it up for the cameras, and cross-checked against a copy of the text as provided by the White House to reporters. Joint […]

Donald Trump Signed Executive Order To Pull Feds Out Of K-12 Education – Promise To Return School Control To State And Local Officials

President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to start pulling the federal government out of K-12 education, following through on a campaign promise to return school control to state and local officials. The order, dubbed the “Education Federalism Executive Order,” will launch a 300-day review of Obama-era regulations and guidance for school districts and directs […]

WOW! Hannity Reveals Mueller’s Right Hand Man Signed Plea Deal In Clinton-Uranium One Case (VIDEO)

Fox News host Sean Hannity isn’t letting Special Counsel Robert Mueller’s indictment of former Trump campaign chair Paul Manafort distract from the real scandal– The Clinton-Uranium One deal. Hannity teased he would expose Mueller in tonight’s monologue. “I have a powerful monologue that you don’t want to miss… We will expose Robert Mueller’s corrupt special […]

Trump signed three executive actions to restore “law and order”

  Trump signs executive actions aimed at crime crackdown President Trump signed three executive actions Thursday morning to further his “law and order” agenda, including orders to crack down on international crime and crimes against law enforcement. “I’m signing three executive actions today designed to restore safety in America,” Trump said in the Oval Office […]

Iran Scandal Deepens: US Signed Secret Deal Lifting Sanctions THE SAME DAY Hostages Released Photo of Saagar Enjeti

The Obama administration secretly helped lift UN sanctions on two Iranian banks, on the exact same day four American hostages were released, The Wall Street Journal reports. The sanctions revelation, coupled with a now revealed 400 million dollar payment to Iran that day, further contradict the original administration narrative that credited “strong American diplomacy.” The sanctions […]

The Sacrifices Made by the Men Who Signed the Declaration

When reading the Declaration of Independence, it is easy to focus only on the sweeping language of the second paragraph and skip over the names and mutual pledge of the signers at its conclusion. Though the principles enunciated in its opening paragraphs, such as the self-evident truth that all men are created equal, provide the […]

Tom Cotton: Without releasing Iran side deal documents, Obama is in violation of the law he just signed

Rob told you earlier that the Obama Administration admits what everyone could plainly see about why the Iran nuclear deal wasn’t treated as a treaty. Because the Constitution requires treaties to be ratified by the Senate, and Obama and Kerry know there’s no chance of that happening with this turkey. That’s obviously a blatant disregarding […]
