July 26, 2024

Hamas-Israel war reveals the world’s oldest hatred in American higher education

NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The war that Hamas launched against Israel has unleashed other outbreaks of antisemitism around the world. We’ve observed large-scale celebrations of the murder of Israeli citizens, with crowds chanting “gas the Jews,” and even governments, such as Iran, celebrating this slaughter in the name of Islam. One […]

Alaska Board of Education Votes to Protect Girls’ High School Sports

The board of education in Alaska voted late last week to approve a proposal barring trans-identifying males from competing on girls’ high school sports teams. The proposal states that “if a separate high school athletics team is established for female students, participation shall be limited to females who were assigned females at birth.” If Republican

Education Secretary Cardona rips ‘misbehaving’ parents ‘acting like they know what’s right for kids’

Secretary of Education Miguel Cardona said on Friday that he does not “respect” people who are “misbehaving in public and acting like they know what’s right for kids.” Cardona gave a video interview with the Associated Press discussing the state of education in the U.S., including the recent Supreme Court decisions on race-based admissions and […]

GOP Rep. Donalds blames DeSantis campaign for dustup over controversial Florida education standards

Rep. Byron Donalds (R-Fla.), an ally of former President Donald Trump who has endorsed him over Gov. Ron DeSantis, praised the standards as “good, robust & accurate” in a tweet Wednesday. | Francis Chung/POLITICO Rep. Byron Donalds pushed back against Gov. Ron DeSantis Friday for conflating the lawmaker’s criticism of Florida’s controversial new education standards

California Rep in heavily Asian-American district fights against Chinese Communist influence in education

EXCLUSIVE — A Republican whose California House district contains a significant proportion of Asian-Americans says her constituents need no reminding of the threat of the Chinese Communist Party, which in part motivates her work to insist universities receiving foreign funds should register as foreign agents for allowing the CCP and other hostile actors to amass […]

Minnesota’s New ‘LGBT Education Specialist’ Thinks Teachers Should ‘Explain Nonbinary Identities’ To Preschoolers

Jason Bucklin, a recently-hired LGBTQ education specialist for the Minnesota Department of Education, called for teachers to discuss nonbinary identities with preschoolers in an unearthed 2019 public lecture. Bucklin, who is involved in LGBT activism, called for children to learn about sexual orientation and nonbinary identities as young as pre-school and recommended projects for older

Jewish group takes on NYC teachers union in special education funding spat

The Orthodox Union is fighting back against the teachers’ union with a six-figure ad buy urging the City Council to approve offering religious and other private schools up to two-year, interest-free loans — over the objection of the powerful UFT. The ads will post on Facebook and YouTube and micro-target other websites in the districts […]

Education Secretary Cardona takes veiled dig at DeSantis, GOP leaders: ‘Ban assault weapons, not books’

In a recent interview with Reuters, U.S. Department of Education Secretary Miguel Cardona appeared to take some political snipes at Republicans in local governments, saying they should prioritize banning assault rifles and not books if they care about their children. He also slammed conservatives pushing to ban Critical Race Theory (CRT) in public school curricula, […]

Watch: Betsy DeVos Doubles Down on ‘Eliminating’ Education Department, Slams Administrative State

WASHINGTON, District of Columbia — Former Education Secretary Betsy DeVos reiterated her call to eliminate the Department of Education while calling out entrenched federal bureaucrats, the “vast majority” of whom, she said, are “actually working against you.” “I think anyone who is serious about getting after the size and scale of the federal government has…

DeSantis Critical Race Theory Ban Being Torpedoed By Florida Deep State Education Bureaucracy

Our friends Keith Flaugh and Pastor Rick Stevens, Managing Directors of the Florida Citizens Alliance, alerted us that the amazing and bold leadership that Governor Ron DeSantis and Republican Richard Corcoran, Florida’s Commissioner of Education, have provided by banning the teaching of critical race theory in Florida’s public schools is being undercut by the Leftwing […]

Education Secretary Miguel Cardona Allows Illegal Aliens Access to Pandemic Relief Funds

President Joe Biden’s Education Secretary Miguel Cardona announced Tuesday he has reversed a Trump administration ban on eligibility for coronavirus relief grants to illegal aliens and international college students. “The pandemic didn’t discriminate 
 and we want to make sure that all students have an opportunity to have access to funds to help them get…

Joe Biden’s ‘War on Women’: Education Department Denies Request to Affirm Title IX Male/Female Sex

The Biden Department of Education has denied a request by a feminist organization to affirm that Title IX regulations will be enforced based on a definition of “sex” as male/female biological sex, and not what individuals believe to be their sex, or, gender identity. In February, Women’s Liberation Front (WoLF) petitioned the education department’s Office…

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos Resigns: ‘Impressionable Children Are Watching All This’

Education Secretary Betsy DeVos resigned Thursday, citing the president’s role in inspiring his supporters to riot in the Capitol on Wednesday. “Impressionable children are watching all this, and they are learning from us,” DeVos wrote in her resignation letter sent to the president on Thursday night. The news was first reported by the Wall Street…

Here’s What Happened to the Special Education Teacher Who Tweeted About ‘Killing Kavanaugh’

The Minnesota Special Education teacher, Sam Ness, who tweeted about wanting someone to kill Supreme Court Justice Brett Kavanaugh has voluntarily resigned, the Minneapolis Star Tribune reported. Here are the series of Ness’ tweets about Kavanaugh, which launched the investigation According to a press release from Intermediate School District 917, the district immediately put Ness […]

Fake Crimes, Laptops, Insurance Policies, And Evil

Enough of the BS! The line in the sand has been drawn. You can either be a Democrat or an American, but you can no longer be both. And, there will come a time, sooner than you think, when you will have to choose. Choose wisely. Just as the infamous line from Forest Gump advised […]

Trump Approval Rises Due to Hispanic Support

After spending weeks dragging Trump through the mud and accusing him of locking Latino babies in cages, his support hit a new high… due to Hispanic support. In other news, the media literally knows nothing. Pollsters and reporters are jumping out of Manhattan office buildings as the world no longer makes sense to them. President […]

Education, Military Service, Marriage Among Drivers of Black Men’s Success

Participation in institutions such as the U.S. military, churches, and marriage are all strongly related to black men’s chances of reaching the middle class, according to a new report released Tuesday by the American Enterprise Institute. “Black Men Making It in America: The Engines of Economic Success for Black Men in America” explores the effects […]

Prager U Video: Dangerous People Are Teaching Your Kids

Dangerous people are filling the heads of young people with dangerous nonsense. Who are these people? They are what Jordan Peterson calls “the post-modernists:” neo-Marxist professors who dominate our colleges and universities. And here’s the worst part: we are financing these nihilists with tax dollars, alumni gifts and tuition payments. Time to wise up. ï»ż […]

Donald Trump Signed Executive Order To Pull Feds Out Of K-12 Education – Promise To Return School Control To State And Local Officials

President Trump signed an executive order Wednesday to start pulling the federal government out of K-12 education, following through on a campaign promise to return school control to state and local officials. The order, dubbed the “Education Federalism Executive Order,” will launch a 300-day review of Obama-era regulations and guidance for school districts and directs […]

Bill Gates Admits His Common Core Experiment Is A Failure

After spending $400 million on forcing schools around the country to adopt Common Core, Bill Gates has finally admitted that the controversial teaching method is a failure, and significantly less effective than traditional teaching methods. Parents and teachers across the nation have been urging schools to dump the toxic Common Core curriculum, arguing that it […]

President Trump Recaps The 2018 State of Our Union

President Donald J Trump has released the following video as a recap of the 2018 State of Our Union. Our union is strong because of the people within it. ï»żï»ż

New Marijuana Policy Triggers Bipartisan Love for 10th Amendment

Almost immediately after announcing a change in policy that could lead to a federal crackdown on marijuana users and sellers even in states where pot prohibition has been ended, U.S. Attorney General Jeff Sessions sparked a bipartisan outcry. Perhaps more importantly, he also prompted renewed bipartisan support for one of the U.S. Constitution’s most ignored […]

How Schools Use “Character Education” to Brainwash Our Kids and Undermine American Values

Across America, “character education” programs mandated by law in K-12 schools are undermining the deepest threads of American culture and transforming its values. What is “character education?” According to Character.org, character education is an initiative to “help young people become responsible, caring, and contributing citizens.” Many of the character traits taught in our public schools […]

Obama’s Progressive Socialist Attempt to Destroy Private College Education in America

America doesn’t have an unemployment problem – it has an education and skilled worker problem.  Right now, there are millions of available jobs all around the country with top companies offering good pay and benefits. However, the problem for these potential employers is a lack of skilled or properly educated workers. This is a massive […]

The New Fifth Column

The fallout from Obama policies and hirings, which only expanded the growing liberalism under previous administrations, is at the center of mounting assaults against the American people that the federal government was created to defend. The worst of it? The attacks stem from inside our borders rather than outside, but they began as an unimpeded […]

5 Great Reforms Betsy DeVos Will Bring to the Department of Education

On Tuesday, Vice President Mike Pence broke a tie in the U.S. Senate to confirm President Donald Trump’s nominee to head the Department of Education, Betsy DeVos. Liberals have launched numerous attacks on DeVos, even protesting her nomination with a 24-hour “speechibuster” reminiscent of Ted Cruz’s anti-Obamacare message in 2013. Liberal attacks have branded her an […]

Senate Confirms DeVos As Education Secretary After Pence Casts Tie-Breaking Vote

WASHINGTON — Vice President Mike Pence cast the first tie-breaking vote ever for a Cabinet-level nominee Tuesday for Education Secretary Betsy DeVos, confirming her as the next education secretary. The vote came after Democrats held the floor for more than 24 hours of debate criticizing DeVos over her qualifications for the job. Two Republicans, Lisa […]

Senate Committee Approves DeVos for Education Secretary

The Senate Committee on Health, Education, Labor and Pensions approved Betsy DeVos for Education Secretary Tuesday morning, advancing her nomination to the full Senate for a final confirmation vote. DeVos, one of President Trump’s more controversial Cabinet picks, was confirmed along party lines, 12-11. Democrats have hammered the Michigan billionaire for her lack of experience […]

An Execrable Coup—An Exhilarating Counter-Coup

In 2009, America experienced a genuine coup d’état, exquisitely formulated and flawlessly executed after decades of planning by the socialists, communists, and jihadists among us who loathe America and have wished for nothing less than transforming our great country into a mecca of far-left, anti-American policies, punctuated by preposterous liberal constructs like political correctness and […]

TRUMP Takes UNPRECEDENTED ACTION To End Obama’s Corrupt Globalist Agenda

The Obama regime will go down as a corrupt failure. The end of the line for a failed globalist agenda. And his end will mark the rise of a restored America. So at least he did (unintentionally) one good thing. But it won’t be easy for Donald Trump. Washington has corruption and bribery entrenched inside […]
