July 27, 2024

Twas the Season: Retail Sales Surge Higher Than Expected, Threatening to Ignite Inflation

American shoppers eagerly reached for their wallets and credit cards in December to spend far more than expected, figures from the Department of Commerce indicated Wednesday. Retail sales in the U.S. rose 0.6 percent compared with the previous month, far above the 0.2 percent forecast. Compared with a year ago, sales were up 5.6 percent.

No Landing: GDP Soars 3.3%, Much Higher Than Expected

The economy grew at a much faster pace than expected in the final months of 2src23, the Bureau of Economic Analysis said Thursday, boosted by robust consumer spending and ballooning government budgets. Gross domestic product, the government’s broadest scorecard for the economy, rose at an inflation-adjusted 3.3 percent annual pace in the fourth quarter. Economists

Hamas-Israel war reveals the world’s oldest hatred in American higher education

NEWYou can now listen to Fox News articles! The war that Hamas launched against Israel has unleashed other outbreaks of antisemitism around the world. We’ve observed large-scale celebrations of the murder of Israeli citizens, with crowds chanting “gas the Jews,” and even governments, such as Iran, celebrating this slaughter in the name of Islam. One […]

‘The Stakes Could Not Have Been Higher’: Biden Celebrates Bipartisan Passage Of Debt Ceiling Raise

President Joe Biden delivered remarks Friday night in celebration of the bipartisan passage of a bill raising the debt ceiling, saying “the stakes could not have been higher.” The president and House Speaker Kevin McCarthy were deliberating a bipartisan solution to raising the debt ceiling for weeks before potential default on June 5, with the

Billionaires Line Up Behind Biden for 2024: ‘Stakes Are Higher than Ever’

Billionaires across big business sectors like finance, tech, and media are gearing up to throw millions at President Joe Biden’s reelection bid in 2src24. After Biden announced his reelection bid last week, left-wing billionaires immediately started plotting to get behind the 8src-year-old in the 2src24 presidential election. According to interviews and sources who spoke to

California’s Dem Senate hopefuls vie for higher ground over Silicon Valley Bank debacle

Rep. Katie Porter leaned on those bonafides to spotlight a bipartisan 2src18 bill that, she argues, carved up landmark Wall Street reforms that were put in place after the last global financial crisis. | Apu Gomes/Getty Images The Democrats vying in California’s already-heated 2src24 Senate contest don’t disagree much on the response to Silicon Valley

Inflation Surges Higher in Importance for Black and Hispanic Americans

Inflation is increasingly important to a broadening super-majority of Americans even as the Federal Reserve’s efforts to slow down price hikes have driven up interest rates at the fastest pace in decades. Seventy-four percent of American adults rate the inflation issue as “very important,” according to a recent poll from the Economist and YouGov. The poll

Fmr. Obama Treasury Counselor Rattner: We’ll Have ‘Higher Rates for the Foreseeable Future,’ Inflation Isn’t Declining Due to Stimulus

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “Morning Joe,” Steve Rattner, who served as counselor to the Treasury Secretary in the Obama administration, predicted higher interest rates “for the foreseeable future,” and said that inflation isn’t declining in part due to people still spending the large amounts of stimulus they got during the pandemic. Rattner also stated that

Jobless Claims Unexpectedly Climb Higher to 373,000

MANDEL NGAN/AFP via Getty Images New claims for unemployment benefits rose last week, the Department of Labor said Thursday. Initial jobless claims climbed to 373,000 for the week ended July 3. Economists polled by Econoday had estimated 353,000 new claims after last week’s initial estimate of 364,000. The prior week’s claims were revised up to…

Iowa Democrat Cindy Axne ‘Eyeing a Run’ for Higher Office

Iowa Democrat Rep. Cindy Axne is “eyeing a run” for higher office and has confirmed that her first choice is to challenge incumbent Iowa Republican Sen. Chuck Grassley. Axne is a Democrat Congresswoman from the Third Congressional District in Iowa. She is the only Democrat who is a part of the congressional delegation from Iowa. The Storm Laske…

EVEN AFTER LIBERAL MEDIA HELL WEEK => President Trump’s Approval HIGHER THAN OBAMA at Same Time in His Presidency.

Despite the brutal anti-Trump hysterics over the past five days this week including charges against his former campaign manager and personal attorney President Trump’s approval rating continues to hold. President Trump’s approval rating is currently at 46% on Rasmussen Reports. Media darling Barack Obama had an approval rating of 45% on August 24, 2010. President […]

Trump’s Numbers Are Higher Than Ever — Even Though The Press Is Just As Vicious.

Trump Numbers Still Climbing Despite Continuous Negative Coverage President Donald Trump’s poll numbers have been steadily climbing, despite overwhelmingly negative press coverage. According to a Real Clear Politics average of polls, the president’s approval rating has been slowly ticking upward since mid-December, climbing from 37 percent to nearly 43 percent by late April. During that […]

YOU GO, GIRL! Ingraham’s Audience 20% Higher Than Before Boycott.

Revenge is sweet. The advertiser boycott campaign launched on March 29 against Fox News host Laura Ingraham by leftists following her tweet about Parkland high school anti-gun activist David Hogg has had a paradoxical result: since April 9, her show has averaged roughly 2.7 million, 20% higher than the week, March 26-29, prior to the […]

PRESIDENT TRUMP Scores 51% Approval Rating — 4 Points Higher Than Obama at Same Time in 2010.

PRESIDENT TRUMP HOLDS 51% APPROVAL RATING– Despite constant attacks by the liberal media President Trump now holds a 51% approval rating according to the latest Rasmussen poll. A recent study found that 90% of the left-wing media coverage of President Trump was negative in 2017. Barack Obama had a 47% approval rating on April 16, […]

Dow soars 230 points higher to record as Street cheers Senate passing tax bill.

Drew Angerer | Getty Images News | Getty Images Traders work on the floor of the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE) at the closing bell, November 30, 2017 in New York City Senate Republicans managed to narrowly pass a bill to revamp the country’s tax system on Saturday. The Dow and S&P 500 both hit […]

After 7 Months of Non-Stop Media Attacks Trump STILL has Higher Approval Rating than Hillary Clinton

More bad news for Hillary Clinton. Hillary Clinton is launching a book on the memoir of her experience as the Democratic Party’s nominee for president. In November 2016 Hillary got shellacked by Donald Trump in the US election by 77 electoral votes – 304 to 227. As Hillary Clinton readies herself for her much hyped book tour a new […]

Islamic Terrorist Threat From Canada Higher Than That Coming From Mexico

Montana ranchers who live and work within feet of the longest international border on earth, the Canada-US border, had it right in November of 2015: the unsecured border the U.S. shares with Canada should be a bigger worry than the Mexican one. …“In Montana, which shares a 500-mile (800-km) border with Canada, border agents and […]

Trump Asking Evangelical Leaders for Appointment Recommendations at Higher Level Than Previous Presidents, Richard Land Says

Signaling his apparent commitment to the evangelical community, President-elect Donald Trump will be keeping his Evangelical Advisory Board and has been soliciting their recommendations as he forms his administration. (Photo: REUTERS/MIKE SEGAR)President-elect Donald Trump prays with pastors during a campaign visit to the International Church of Las Vegas and the International Christian Academy in Las Vegas, Nevada, […]

Cuban-Americans Voted for Trump at Higher Rate than ‘White’ Americans

While “White” American voters supported Trump at a rate of 56%, Cuban American voters went for the Republican candidate at a rate of 58%–or perhaps even higher. Gosh? What could possibly account for such deplorable behavior? Well, if the quip “you had to be there” applies anywhere, it’s in explaining the voting habits of Americans […]

After Pushing for Higher Minimum Wage in Oregon, Dem Lawmakers Admit They Made a Mistake

It’s only been three months since Oregon Gov. Kate Brown signed a minimum wage bill into law and Democrats already seem to be regretting the measure they pushed so hard to get passed. But before the ink was even dry, Democrats, who control the state House, Senate and governor’s office, announced they wanted to change the […]
