July 27, 2024

White House: PPI Inflation Hitting 11-Month High ‘Tempers’ Worries, ‘Inflation Has Been Coming Down’

On Thursday’s broadcast of Bloomberg’s “Balance of Power,” White House Council of Economic Advisers member Heather Boushey stated that the March PPI inflation data, which showed the highest level in almost a year, “tempers” worries in the wake of the CPI report and argued that “We continue to see this economy delivering for the American

Breitbart Business Digest: Powell Speaks and States the Obvious—No Rate Cuts Are Coming

Powell’s Progress Jerome Powell spoke today from our nation’s capital and indicated what we all know to be true: The Fed has no business cutting rates at this time. “The recent data have clearly not given us greater confidence and instead indicate that it is likely to take longer than expected to achieve that confidence,”

Where’s the funding coming from to remove Trump from state ballots?

Finally, we still haven’t answered the initial query – who is funding John Anthony Castro’s legal challenges to the candidacy of Donald J. Trump? Got any ideas? John Anthony Castro, of whom almost nobody has previously heard, has made it his mission to challenge Trump’s name appearing on the ballot in 17 states. According to […]

Sen Joni Ernst wants remote government workers investigated: ‘We’re coming after them’

Sen. Joni Ernst, R-Iowa, is urging the Inspector General to launch a federal investigation into whether some government agencies are overpaying remote workers who receive a Washington D.C. salary but live in a lower cost of living state — a problem she says was exacerbated by the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote work spread rapidly as a […]

Over-the-Counter Birth Control Pills Coming to a Store Near You in 2024

Women nationwide will no longer need a doctor’s prescription for birth control pills — by next year, they will be able to pick them up off the shelves at any drug store. On Thursday the Food Drug and Administration (FDA) approved the hormonal birth control pill Opill for over-the-counter (OTC) sale, the New York Times

Why the coming weeks will test the McConnell-McCarthy relationship

GOP leaders Kevin McCarthy and Mitch McConnell speak to reporters following a meeting with President Joe Biden and Democratic congressional leaders at the White House on May 12, 2src21. | AFP via Getty Images As the House returns next week, the relationship between Speaker Kevin McCarthy and Senate Minority Leader Mitch McConnell could face its

‘They’re Coming After You’: Trump Makes First Public Speech Since Indictment, Pledges To ‘Evict’ Joe Biden

Former President Donald Trump made his first public speech Saturday since his indictment, where he persistently ripped on Special Counsel Jack Smith, the Department of Justice and the FBI and pledged to oust President Joe Biden in 2024. Trump announced Thursday he’d been informed of the indictment that was released Friday, unveiling 31 counts of

Hickenlooper: ‘Many’ Migrant Child Labor Issues ‘Reflect a High Volume’ of Kids Coming, We’ve Had Border ‘Problems’ for ‘Couple of Years’

On Thursday’s broadcast of MSNBC’s “José Díaz-Balart Reports,” Sen. John Hickenlooper (D-CO) stated that the federal government losing track of migrant children who were exploited for child labor is an issue where there is “a lot of confusion and there’s been massive change over the last couple of years coming out of the pandemic, coming

This credit card can hear what you are saying and it’s coming to a wallet near you

Every year I attend the Consumer Electronics Show in Las Vegas to see the latest tech and gadgets we need to watch out for – in both good and bad ways.  CLICK TO GET KURT’S CYBERGUY NEWSLETTER WITH QUICK TIPS, TECH REVIEWS, SECURITY ALERTS AND EASY HOW-TO’S TO MAKE YOU SMARTER  One that particularly caught […]

Pinkerton: The Greens Aren’t Just Coming for Your Gas-Powered Car—They’re Coming for All Cars

Greens (and Reds) Don’t Like Cars, Period Late last month, Joe Biden was mocked for posting a photo of himself in an electric vehicle (a GMC Hummer) that costs $110,000 and up. And for touting a $7,500 federal tax credit that doesn’t apply to vehicles that cost over $80,000. In other words, the 46th president was ripped

Bipartisan band of brothers: The West Point grads coming to Congress

But their bond was sealed during three years in the same close-knit group of roughly 1srcsrc students at West Point, then further reinforced by the run-in at their 2src19 reunion in New York. Incredibly, another graduate of their class will also be roaming the Capitol halls next year: Rep.-elect Wesley Hunt (R-Texas) will join James

Fiscal winter is coming: Lawmakers’ 5 chilly hills to climb

House Minority Leader Kevin McCarthy, who could face a tricky path to the speakership next year if Republicans eke out a majority, will be working with slim margins and a group of conservative bomb-throwers who could wield a tremendous amount of leverage. Meanwhile, in the Senate, both parties will be forced to tackle those huge

The Surprise Disaster Joe Biden Doesn’t See Coming

The following is sponsored content by Stansberry Research. Joe Biden went public recently saying we will not have a recession. To be exact, the president said, “I don’t think there will be a recession. If it is, it’ll be a very slight recession. That is, we’ll move down slightly.” Of course, Fed Chair Jerome Powell

Buckle up, Congress: A ‘very lame’ lame duck is coming after the election

There’s the funding deadline on Dec. 16 and the annual must-pass defense bill, which will suck up lots of oxygen. Congress delayed several other tough issues, from same-sex marriage to energy permitting to preventing another Jan. 6 riot, into the post-election session. And hanging over it all is the closely contested midterms. If Democrats lose…

Dem Rep. Titus on CBO Estimates Inflation Act Won’t Impact Inflation Much in Next Year: ‘Inflation Is Already Coming Down’ 

On Saturday’s “CNN Newsroom,” Rep. Dina Titus (D-NV) responded to an estimate by the Congressional Budget Office (CBO) that the Inflation Reduction Act won’t have much of an impact on inflation this year or next year by saying that many economists say “inflation is already coming down. Gas prices are coming down. So, I believe…

Communism is Coming… We Must Stop It!

Special presentation from Frank deVarona [iframe src=”https://rumble.com/embed/vemhj5/?pub=4″ width=”100%” height=”500″] Frank de Varona is an educator, historian, journalist, and internationally known expert on politics, economics, foreign affairs and national security issues. He was born in Cuba and, at the age of 17, he participated on the Bay of Pigs invasion in an effort to eradicate communism […]

Michael Cohen: Indictments Coming ‘Within the Next 30 to 60 Days’ in Trump Criminal Probe

Donald Trump’s former personal lawyer Michael Cohen predicted Friday on “The Raw Story Podcast” that indictments will be issued against senior leaders of the Trump Organization “within the next 30 to 60 days.” Cohen said, “I do truly believe that the wheels of justice turn slowly, but they are turning. I believe Trump, for the…

Calling All Patriots: Which New Member Of Congress Will Most Likely Shape The GOP In Coming Years?

April 27, 2021 10:55 PM ET Calling all Patriots! We want to hear from YOU to help shape our coverage. Our Patriots are the most loyal readers of the Daily Caller, and we want to make sure we’re getting feedback about what we can do better, and what stories you’d like to see us cover.…

Former Police Lt. Warns ‘Public Safety Crisis’ Coming as Officers Begin Exodus from Law Enforcement

Appearing Monday on the Fox News Channel, former Las Vegas Police Lt. Randy Sutton warned that a “public safety crisis” is coming as police officers leave the force in record numbers across the United States. A transcript is as follows:  HARRIS FAULKNER: A retired NYPD sergeant warned this morning on the impact of anti-police sentiment. Here’s…

Mayor Bill de Blasio Warns NYC May Face ‘Full Shutdown’ in Coming Weeks

New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Monday the city may soon face additional restrictions and could go back to a total shutdown. “There’s the potential of having to do a full pause, a full shutdown, in the coming weeks, because we can’t let this kind of momentum go,” he said during an interview…

Up and Coming Socialists Don’t Even Know what Socialism Is

“There is no such thing as a free lunch, someone has to pay for it.” The American socialist politicians are promising their voting constituents Free Stuff through such figures as Bernie Sanders, the politician from Vermont whose economic fortunes have improved drastically since he ran for president, and the socialist Cortez from the Bronx who, […]

President Trump: Countries That Have Treated Us Unfairly on Trade for Years Are Coming to Washington to Negotiate.

President Trump is meeting with several international leaders this week to negotiate better trade deals for the United States. Countries that have treated us unfairly on trade for years are all coming to Washington to negotiate. This should have taken place many years ago but,as the saying goes, better late than never! — Donald J. […]

They’re Coming For Them: One-Third Of Democrats Want To Repeal Second Amendment.

Another day, another poll, and yet another example that the Left wants to repeal the Second Amendment. The anti-gun Left has tried to bury this aspect of the discussion. They say they don’t want to confiscate guns; all they want is so-called common sense gun reforms, like expanded background checks (i.e. the foundation for a […]

WSJ: There’s Mounting Evidence of 2016 Election Meddling Coming From the FBI.

There is something rotten at the Federal Bureau of Investigation. I mean all of this is just absurd. We have two FBI agents texting one another, one of which is having an extramarital affair with the other, cryptically talking about “insurance” against a Trump presidency. That text between these two agents was delivered on August […]

BREAKING: Al Franken To Resign ‘In Coming Weeks’; Immediately Pivots To Blame Trump.

Sen. Al Franken (D-MN) announced on Thursday morning on the Senate floor that he will be resigning from the Senate “in the coming weeks.” Franken said that some of the allegations were “simply not true” and that he remembered others “very differently.” Franken’s resignation was first reported by CNN shortly before Franken’s speech. On Wednesday […]

Islamic Terrorist Threat From Canada Higher Than That Coming From Mexico

Montana ranchers who live and work within feet of the longest international border on earth, the Canada-US border, had it right in November of 2015: the unsecured border the U.S. shares with Canada should be a bigger worry than the Mexican one. …“In Montana, which shares a 500-mile (800-km) border with Canada, border agents and […]

The Coming Financial Backlash For Silicon Valley – Facebook and Twitter Read This

Silicon Valley has a problem, a very big problem. And it’s not rooted in just the geographic location. Everything (and I do mean everything) that was once assumed “a given” or, “totally worth it” or, the more memorable “it’s different this time” rationales as it pertained to startups, social media, valuations, user metrics, IPOs, unicorns, […]

WikiLeaks: Hillary Clinton Said Jordan ‘Can’t Possibly Vet All Those Refugees’ from Syria; ‘Jihadists Are Coming in Along with Legitimate Refugees’

The WikiLeaks document dump of Hillary Clinton’s paid speeches revealed the Democratic nominee told a private group in 2013 that the country of Jordan “can’t possibly vet all those [Syrian] refugees … so they don’t know if … jihadists are coming in along with legitimate refugees.” Clinton’s remarks, made in an October 28, 2013, speech to […]

BREAKING: Dash Cam Video Shows Keith Scott Getting Out of Car, Coming at Officers, With GUN IN HAND

Charlotte police reportedly have video of Keith Scott exiting his car, moving toward police officers, with a gun in his hand. And now race protesters are beating cops, tackling reporters, rioting and looting stores. Including the Hornets team store at the arena. BREAKING: Hornets confirm that the team store at the arena is being looted […]

Another Lawsuit Is Coming After Obama’s Sexual Assault Policies

The country’s biggest advocate for civil liberties on U.S. campuses has filed a lawsuit that could blow up a key plank in the Obama administration’s campaign against college sexual assaults. The Foundation for Individual Rights in Education (FIRE) is backing a lawsuit by John Doe, an anonymous former University of Virginia (UVA) law student who in […]
