July 27, 2024

Argentina Socialists Weaponize Taylor Swift Against Conservative Presidential Frontrunner

American pop star Taylor Swift has inadvertently become part of Argentina’s upcoming November 19 presidential runoff election as leftist fans of the superstar launched a campaign urging fellow “ Swifties” not to vote for libertarian economist Javier Milei. Argentina’s electorate will head to the polls on Sunday, November 19, to choose between outsider candidate Milei

How 57,000 Communists and Socialists are Taking over the Democratic Party – VIDEO

The Epoch Times has made this video of my recent expose of the Communist/Socialist plan to massively infiltrate the Democratic Party.   Source: Trevor Loudon

Up and Coming Socialists Don’t Even Know what Socialism Is

“There is no such thing as a free lunch, someone has to pay for it.” The American socialist politicians are promising their voting constituents Free Stuff through such figures as Bernie Sanders, the politician from Vermont whose economic fortunes have improved drastically since he ran for president, and the socialist Cortez from the Bronx who, […]

What, Us Socialists? Dems Try To Deny What Their Party Is Fast Becoming

Political Parties: Democrats have been very busy lately trying to tell the public that theirs is not an extremist socialist party. But the public sees through the smoke screen. Just a third now see the Democratic Party as mainstream. This month, the NBC/Wall Street Journal poll asked if the public believed that Democratic candidates for […]

What You Need To Know About The Democratic Socialists Of America.

Thirteen socialists walk into a West Virginia bar. It’s a Saturday evening in early July, and the North Central West Virginia chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America is getting together at a brewery outside of Rivesville. Everyone here has their own stories for how they came to socialism. For chapter co-founder Kelley Rose, a […]

Socialists Unite! Bolshevik Bernie And Ocasio-Cortez Campaign Together In Kansas.

Just as I predicted, Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, fresh off her win in New York against Democratic incumbent Rep. Joseph Crowley, has hit the campaign trail with big name leftists. This time it’s in Kansas with Bolshevik Bernie Sanders. It’s a socialist dream come true. Ocasio-Cortez may not be able to tell you the difference between socialists […]

Two Democratic Socialists of America Marxists Win Montana State House Primaries.

Billings Montana Chapter of the Democratic Socialists of America congratulate Marxist candidates who won primaries Two Democratic Socialists of America Marxists have won state representative Democratic primaries in Billings Montana by posing as Democrats. Do democrats in Montana realize that Marxists posing as democrats just won the Democratic primaries? From Helena, Montana DSA’s Facebook page: So […]

How Millennial Socialists Endanger America.

Millennials, those born between 1982 and 2004, are the largest age cohort in American history, and according to a recent poll, most of them (44%) prefer socialism to capitalism (42%).  An earlier 2015 poll found an even larger number of Millennials (53%) with a “favorable opinion” of socialism.  Inference: America is in trouble. Maybe Donald […]

NRA’s LaPierre Warns That Socialists Are Smearing Gun Rights Advocates

“Socialism is a movement that loves a smear,” Wayne LaPierre, the CEO of the National Rifle Association (NRA), told the Conservative Political Action Conference (CPAC) on Thursday. “Racists, misogynists, sexists, xenophobe and more. These are the weapons and vitriol these character assassinations permanently hand on their targets because socialism feeds off manipulated victims.” The NRA […]

Red Democrats: Meet the Communists and Socialists on the Dems Platform Drafting Committee

Several communists and radical anti-American socialists now serve on the influential Democratic Party Platform Drafting Committee. None of them covertly infiltrated their way onto this important body. All were appointed at the request of Bernie Sanders, Hillary Clinton or at the discretion of DNC chair Debbie Wasserman Schultz. Many of those appointed have been involved […]

The Four Types of Socialists

With the rise of socialist candidates in the New Hampshire voting, it’s probably useful to look at what types of people feel comfortable with socialism. There are 4 main types of people who believe in the false promises of socialism: 1) Politicians, like Bernie, and bureaucrats who think they can spend other peoples money better […]

Bernie Sanders is a Communist Part 1: The Democratic Socialists of America Connection

Democratic US Presidential hopeful Bernie Sanders is a pro- totalitarian communist. Everybody knows that Sanders, the grandfatherly Independent Senator from Vermont is a “democratic socialist.” He’s made no secret of it over the years, proudly proclaiming to anyone who will listen. To most people it’s no big deal: “at least he’s honest,” they’ll chuckle. Most […]

Who are the Democratic Socialists of America?

Democratic Socialists of America wish Karl Marx a “Happy Birthday” “It is absolutely true that taxes would have to go up…” National Director of the Democratic Socialists of America (DSA) Maria Svart, 2015 “Our goal as socialists is to abolish private ownership of the means of production.” – DSA National Political Committee Member David Green, 2007 […]

Why SOCIALISTS Shouldn’t Cite Sweden as Success

Bernie Sanders reverted to this article of faith when challenged over his socialism at last week’s Democratic debate. He invited America to sit at the knee of Scandinavia. “I think we should look to countries like Denmark, like Sweden and Norway,” he said, “and learn from what they have accomplished for their working people.” There […]

The ‘Differences’ between Democrats and Socialists

What does it mean that when twice asked to distinguish between socialists and Democrats, Florida representative Debbie Wasserman Schultz, the chairwoman of the Democrat National Committee, could not or would not answer? Although Wasserman Schultz is not the brightest bulb in the House of Representatives, her inability or unwillingness to specify the differences between Democrats […]


Recently a historic event took place at the Vatican: a meeting between the communist dictator Raul Castro and Pope Francis. We know that the Pope played an important role in the restoration of relations between the U.S. and Cuba. The Vatican coordinated secret meetings between representatives of the two countries for 18 months before president […]
